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Cover image for Jan. 24, 2020: What did you learn this week?
Nick Taylor
Nick Taylor

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Jan. 24, 2020: What did you learn this week?

It's that time of the week again. So wonderful devs, what did you learn this week? It could be programming tips, career advice etc.

It’s time to get your learn on

Feel free to comment with what you learnt and/or reference your TIL post to give it some more exposure.


Summarize a concept that is new to you.

And remember, if something you learnt was a big win for you, then you know where to drop it as well.πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸΎπŸ‘‡πŸΏ

Someone feeling like "Yaaas!"

Latest comments (42)

mnepita profile image
Martin Nepita

Hello there! this week has been all about getting my hand dirty with nodeJS + Express JS.

For node I have been learning about Node Modules, NPM, etc.

On the express side I was able to to create my first server... Trying to understand router/routes, Middle wares, CRUD operations.

The back-end is really exciting :D !!

ndy40 profile image

I learned about how much faith my team mates have in my technical abilities. While I just feel like an ordinary Joe. So now I am pumped up to be better.

axelledrouge profile image

Last week (because sorry I'm late) I learned GraphQL :) and what a fantastic discovery and feeling !

cricarba profile image
Cristian Carvajal πŸ‘½ • Edited

I learned about Jupyter Notebooks, Cloud architecture and Python language.

I'm following this path in pluralsigth

carolstran profile image
Carolyn Stransky

I learned what an API gateway is after my boss did a demo using Kong! Thinking about writing something about it now... πŸ€”πŸ€¨πŸ§

czep profile image
Scott Czepiel

This week I learned that there's a difference between ROWS BETWEEN and RANGE BETWEEN in the partition clause of window functions in SQL. And different engines have different levels of support for the two.

mariewie profile image

I learnt that you can name loops and blocks in JavaScript and how to tackle bugs that don't throw any errors to the console.

james1515 profile image
James Ortiz

Mainly I have been learning about Node.js, and creating basic RESTful Web Services

darkes profile image
Victor Darkes

An in-depth read through of official Kotlin coroutines guide.

ucavalcante profile image
Ulisses Cavalcante

I learned what is Angular Universal maybe next week i try use that.

nineismine profile image

I have been splitting my attention between getting started with azure and getting better at automated testing.

harrison_codes profile image
Harrison Reid

This week I've been learning how to use Konva, which is proving to be a really nifty library for interacting with the <canvas />. Has been especially nice paired with react-konva.

Building something with this that I should have available soon!

lamda_calculas profile image
Sagnik Chatterjee

I learnt about the network library in Java and how to do socket programming and writing your own server and client.

dasdaniel profile image
Daniel P πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ • Edited

I learned that if you inline

apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y ...

in your docker build script, you may miss these errors

E: Release file for ... is not valid yet (invalid for another 22h 2min 28s). Updates for this repository will not be applied.

Which leads to other potential other issues.

So from now on, I'll put them on a separate lines.

apt-get update -y
apt-get install -y ...
richardeschloss profile image
Richard Schloss

I learned how to combine markdown and Vue markup together into my storybooking module nuxt-stories. You can check it out here! The same markdown component can easily be reused anywhere in the Nuxt app. This means your stories or your vue templates can be written like this:

  * Here is story 1
  * Here is story 2
  * This is the logo component:

  A table would be here:
  | Header 1 | Header 2 |
  | --- | --- |
  | Data1 | Data 2 |

The markdown will be compiled into beautiful mark*up*. And the <logo> will be a fully functioning Vue component! The markdown renderer is extensible and in my demo, you'll see the bootstrap table-striped being used, but never in my template do I have to write class="table table-striped". So, this makes it far easier now to write notes, gameplans, stories, whatever!

Only caveat: while it can be re-used in a Nuxt app, since the HTML is being re-compiled, Vue will complain that "server-side rendering doesn't match...". That just means <markdown> needs to be wrapped in a <client-only> tag.

aschmelyun profile image
Andrew Schmelyun

How to use Composer/npm with Docker finally clicked and it's like my whole world just got shook, lol.