It's that time of the week again.
So wonderful devs, what did you learn this week? It could be programming tips, career advice etc.
Feel free to comment with what you learnt and/or reference your TIL post to give it some more exposure.
And remember, if something you learnt was a big win for you, then you know where to drop it as well.👇👇🏻👇🏼👇🏽👇🏾👇🏿

Top comments (28)
I want to be more productive and what I learner in this week was:
Reducers hooks and js
But what I learner from this week is:
Every second is important,if you waste one another will waste you and youwill regret and waste 3rd and simultaneously you will waste full week!
Ps this is me who wasted last 8 days in youtube and catchy things!
But now I have to be productive!
That's all good but don't get stuck into regretting feeling too much, missing life
Okay, telling the truth I have been regretting and wasting my time , now I realise, but hopefull I will get in path back and grind harder!
This is me too: did Java and Perl at Uni, moved on to PHP, C, Haskell and finally settled on JavaScript as the language I really use. I also started learning R recently 😆
I just have to know how stuff works, and I don’t really care if I use it. To be fair though, I think learning C and Haskell made me better at writing in my main language.
Unlike you I’ve never been paid, though, this is all a hobby.
I am still learning Clojure using Clojure for the Brave and True. I found it very interesting since it is one of the functional language that my previous company wants to implement. Another thing is I am doing some exercise using Hackerrank to prepare for interview process.
I started diving into MDX in gatsby. It has came a long ways since I last tried and everything seems to work well out of the box, except images, they took some work to route through gatsby. I think I have it working right by using a custom component.
It is so cool that I can have complex d3 visualizations largely with just a component downloaded from npm.
This week I was working on Streamsets, a dataOps platform, it was required for my work, SO it was kind of learning on the go. Was a good experience, got to know about Elastic search and Kafka as well.
I'm re-learning how to use Ableton Live and have been recording some super weird music. It's been loads of fun.
Niice, been wanting to learn Live myself (got it free from buying a controller) but haven't got the time & energy!
😀 I totally understand. I definitely think it's going to be a gradual process. It's so vast... there's just so much you can do with it!
Learning to write in object oriented way. I started working on flutter
That's awesome! 🔥
I learned how to build, configure and deploy Serverless Functions on Azure.
I finished a short course to learn Affinity Designer (after several years of PS) and it was quite nice, far from being confident yet but i think it is a good start.
I've skilled up in frontend testing, thanks to you! 😁