DEV Community

Nick Taylor
Nick Taylor Subscriber

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August 21st, 2020: What did you learn this week?

It's that time of the week again. So wonderful devs, what did you learn this week? It could be programming tips, career advice etc.

![It’s time to get your learn on](

Feel free to comment with what you learnt and/or reference your TIL post to give it some more exposure.


Summarize a concept that is new to you.

And remember, if something you learnt was a big win for you, then you know where to drop it as well.👇👇🏻👇🏼👇🏽👇🏾👇🏿

![Someone feeling like "Yaaas!"](

Photo by Rainier Ridao on Unsplash

Top comments (37)

hemant profile image
Hemant Joshi

I designed Backend in Express and MongoDB

The backend is designed for a E-commerce store, and working on frontend, which will be designed on ReactJs;

Previously I made a full stack e-commerce store in MERN stack but with Redux and a bad css, but this time I am focused on creating a strong backend with validation etc etc...

🙆‍♂️, And hopefull will finish the react part next aur next next weak☺️..

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

That's awesome! 🔥

Yes, that's awesome!

hemant profile image
Hemant Joshi


puranjayyadav profile image

Awsome bro. If u nedd any help u can ask me

hemant profile image
Hemant Joshi

Yo, For sure
Thanks @puranjayyadav

himujjal profile image
Himujjal Upadhyaya

I learnt kind of-Object Oriented Programming in Rust. That was something. In fact I learnt a few more things about the Rust and its patterns while building an interpreter. Damn! That was tough.

September 30th, I am going to release So working quite hard towards it!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Lego astronaut saying awesome!

g33n profile image
Celiz Matias

I designed a workflow to deploy a react native application using github actions and write my first post in :D

And change App Center to github actions because the limitations to run e2e tests and manage the distribution of the binary have many problems for a product that plains publish 2 release by week.

Also I study a lot about metrics, logs and performance monitor to know the health of our application on production.

I hope finish my post about how to deploy a React Native application using github actions this weekend.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio as Gatsby doing a cheers

scroung720 profile image

-Basic use of Inkscape, I am learning it because I want to be specialized in image processing and computer vision and I want to play with open source graphic design programs, to implement newer versions using web technologies especially web assembly.
-Advance selectors on CSS
-Tricks to overwrite !important in CSS

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Jean-Luc Picard from Star Trek TNG saying Well done!

yukimochii profile image
Vivian T.

it might sound silly but it was a huge win for me: I finally managed to start my first docker container and connected it to DBeaver and my Laravel project! :D after sooooooo many tries and conflicts and outdated guides hahahaha
all this pain in a single line:
docker run --name mysql-container -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -e MYSQL_ROOT_HOST=% -d mysql/mysql-server:latest

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Chow Yun-fat giving a thumbs up

ohpea profile image

I've been building gRPC microservices in golang for my raspberry pis.
Learning and understanding what it MEANS that everything is a file in Linux has been awesome and I'm starting to appreciate it.

Golang is really great, channels are cool, and everyone should include arm32 as a target for everything!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Stephen Colbert saying Awesome Sauce

drewclem profile image
Drew Clements

I had my first tango with $emit in Vue this week!

I'd read about it in the docs and seen it mentioned around the twittersphere - but after having use it in a real-world application, I have a much better understanding of what, how, and why it's used.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Hot Rod saying Cool beans!

5abhisheksaxena profile image

Recently, I decided to devote my attention to multiple things at the same time. So, I started off with learning Nodejs and little bit of express. In the midway, worked with a startup on their upcoming android app and lastly ended with a freelancing job as a ui developer. I'd say a pretty productive week.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor


A kangaroo playing an electric guitar

juniordevforlife profile image
Jason F

I learned about the Elevation helpers in Angular Material. I'll be using them in my revamped portfolio (sneak peek).

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Pam from The Office saying Nice!

benibela profile image
Benito van der Zander

Hashmaps are slower than one would think.

I tried to make the map/dictionary in my interpreter faster

So far it was either an unsorted array or linked list of key/value pairs. Basically the worst way to implement a dictionary.

Now I have changed it to using hashmaps. But with the hashmap it is 30 % slower in practice.

amorpheuz profile image
Yash Dave

I did a deep dive into workings of tr and sed commands for my submission related to the GitHub Actions Hackathon! It's a fun one 😜

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor


Hackerman from Kung Fury putting on a Nintendo Power glove

delta456 profile image
Swastik Baranwal

Learned basic TypeScript

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Borat saying Great Success!

mohanghabo profile image

My first React frontend project is done. I'm gonna connect it to my first GraphQL back end project, which I'll start working on today ISA

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

A puppet Yeti clapping their hands saying congratulations

mirdotbhatia profile image
Mir Bhatia

I created and merged my first ever PRs on github!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor


A T-Rex saying Yeah!

rishabk7 profile image
Rishab Kumar • Edited

After 3 AWS certifications, started preparing for the 4th one: AWS SysOps Administrator.
Taking the exam on the 7th of September!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

