📅 01/10/2019
🚀 20 days until launch
🔥 9 day streak
🤑 0 usd
📈 0 customers
⌚️ 8 hours spent
💻 19 files changed, 1037 insertions(+), 170 deletions(-)
🏁 Today's goals: Edit existing logins, hopefully generate strong passwords, and some ui improvements
2:44 PM
Still working but wanted to get started on the post a little earlier. Mentally prepping for post-work PRODUCTIVITY.
5:23 PM
Fixed a bug where the name field wasn't saved on new login creation. Also changed the tableview in storyboard to multi-selection. Little changes can make a huge difference in the experience.
11:29 PM
Watched netflix, thought of a cool new way to write these daily posts, messed around with the ui for a while, but couldn't come up with anything cool like 1password 7. Got the edit button working though, probably a total of 30 minutes done today haha. What is it consistency beats fits of inspiration?
The code starts to look the same after a while, I think I'm getting the hang of swift and macos dev.
@IBAction func editButtonClicked(_ sender: NSButton) {
let storyboard = NSStoryboard(name: NSStoryboard.Name("Main"), bundle: Bundle.main)
let vc = storyboard.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "AddLoginViewController") as! AddLoginViewController
vc.login = login
let parentVC = self.parent as! PasswordListViewController
for sView in parentVC.containerView!.subviews {
vc.view.frame = parentVC.containerView!.bounds
Keep moving forward.
Top comments (2)
I don't know why but a simple native app to me looks so much more usable and approachable than most web-apps out there.
Yeah, for some weird reason this thing is turning out to be easier to make over the same app for the web.
I don't have to worry about race conditions (for the most part) with the database, xss, csrf, css weirdness, javascript, deployment… the list is getting longer each day