DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v45 staff on October 16, 2019

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

Hello! I'm a FE Developer living in Montevideo, I also love art and music. In my free time when not working or being a dad I play guitar and sing, I'm about to release my first album.

jacqueskevin34 profile image

Good luck with it! Remember that if you fight for your dreams, everything will come true in the way you fight for achieve your goals.

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

Thanks man! Your last name is Hernández? Do you speak spanish? Or just your parents?

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jacqueskevin34 profile image

I'm Salvadorian. I speak Spanish as mother tongue.

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marwaeltayeb profile image
Marwa Eltayeb


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lay615 profile image

Hi how are you

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zenrie8 profile image


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lay615 profile image

Hi how are u

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vrymarovich profile image


fredrix16 profile image


palakbaghla profile image


rajeshisnepali profile image
Rajesh Chaudhary🇳🇵


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jacqueskevin34 profile image

Hello man. How are you? Where are you from?

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rajeshisnepali profile image
Rajesh Chaudhary🇳🇵

I'm good. I'm from Nepal. and How are you?

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jacqueskevin34 profile image

Wow! I'm fine. It's incredible how this platform allows us to meet new people.
Are you mobile or web developer? Do you speak any other language different to English and Nepali?

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rajeshisnepali profile image
Rajesh Chaudhary🇳🇵

I'm currently working as a web developer. I can speak to few languages English,Nepali & Hindi.

t511 profile image
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t511 profile image
luidgi971 profile image


wajidalishah333 profile image

Today's struggle is tomorrow's comfort

shristi26281534 profile image

Thanks for the Article.Rock Pop, you can find me on Spotify, tell me what you think! Lyrics are in spanish haha I promise I don't say anything bad there! html tutorial | css tutorial

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luisepdreams16 profile image


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eltonpinto156 profile image


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nasimuddin profile image
Nasim Uddin


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abhi1398 profile image


juggernott81 profile image


sukritisingh profile image

Well said.

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udaram profile image


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sukritisingh profile image


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udaram profile image

I'm also the ml enthusiast as you are. Good to see you here !!
I have not done any project on nlp or speech recognition I'm interested in some projects on these.
Could you please give me idea or resources from where I can start learning about nlp and speech recognition.
I have good idea about ml/deep learning.

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udaram profile image

One more thing
I do have developer skills I have many times face problem of deploying project using UI could you please give idea about this.
Which UI framework should I have to learn?
Your guidance will be helpful to me 😊😊
If you don't have much your valuable suggestions are most welcome.
Hope !!!!

fredrix16 profile image

Thx for the motivation

zaynaib profile image
Zaynaib (Ola) Giwa

Thanks for the kind words. Really needed this today.

edpereztweets profile image
Edgardo Perez

So much truth here!

diglopes profile image
Diego Lopes

Your name is really hard for me to pronounce haha

migueln88354646 profile image
Miguel Noriega

Yep, some days you're great and others you're not jaja, the good thing is that they're temporary!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Good luck with the album!

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

thank you ben!

charliefog1974 profile image
Vince Lollino

What genre of music to you mostly play?

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

Mostly Rock Pop, it has a few bits of blues, a bit of swing a bit of funk. From song to song, it's in spanish but I have some non-spanish speaking friends that like it. You can find it on spotify, if you like it give it a follow :D

kostandy profile image

Wish you save your motivation and reach to your goals and dreams 💪

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang


adikwok profile image


husnainakbar profile image

waiting for your album.

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

Thank you man! Hope you like it when it's out!

eshack94 profile image
Elijah Shackelford

Fellow music lover and producer here. Welcome!

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

Thanks man! What music do you produce?

randheerrrk profile image
Randheer Ramesh K

Hey Yalung, great to know you love music. Do you play guitar?

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

Hello randheer, I do, and I also sing.

jarodpeachey profile image
Jarod Peachey

Sweet! What kind of guitar do you play? What guitars do you have? I play too and it's always cool to find someone else who codes a plays guitar!

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

Hi Jarod! I have 3 guitars, unfortunately I have only one with me, when I moved from Venezuela I had to choose, so I chose a G&L S-500, it was a no brainer it is the best I have lol, it's a strat guitar, I don't know if you know the brand, it is a guitar that Leo Fender designed.

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

What about you?

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jarodpeachey profile image
Jarod Peachey

I have a Taylor 214ce Koa Deluxe. I've had it for around 5 years, and it's an awesome guitar.

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yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

Indeed it is

persadian profile image

Good luck with the album!

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

Hi persadian, thank you! It will be out november the 1rst, can't wait.

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persadian profile image

that's cool, drop me a link when it does, ould love to hear it:)

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yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

I will

fredrix16 profile image


vmsilvamolina profile image
Victor Silva

Hey! Hello! I'm from Montevideo too!

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

Nice! Welcome :D

luismartinezs profile image
Luis Martinez Suarez

Hello Yalung!

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang


fonsecajoao profile image
Joao Fonseca

Good luck with your first album, feel free to share your music

ctadelajose profile image

Wow apart from programming, other thing I love doing is playing the drum set. Cool to know you love music too

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

thats nice!

tanvir_aunjum profile image
Tanvir Aunjum

Good luck with it!

uehondor profile image
Uyi Ehondor • Edited

Hello and welcome. I’ve also just joined. Good luck with the album.

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

I'm new here too, thank you Uyi.

mosesonyango profile image


poddarkhushbu07 profile image

Good Luck!!

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang


safejourneyart profile image


stryyder profile image

Congrats on releasing your first album! That's cool!

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

Thank u!

aman__tyagi profile image
Aman tyagi

Hey Yalung Tang! I feel good to hear about your upcoming album.
Let me know when it goes live😊😊

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

November 1st! It will be on spotify, itunes and all that, not a great launch just what I can.

praveenpluscode profile image
Praveen Sirimalla

All the best for your album.

I'm new to FE dev. Just began to learn html, css and js. Any suggestions from you will help me a lot in this journey. Thank you.

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

hey, thank you, just research about the frontend developer career path over the internet, if you have any questions let me know

sriten profile image


syedzubairahmed001 profile image
Syed Zubair Ahmed

Yoo good luck bro

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

thanks man

yoavshafir profile image
Yoav Shafir

Hello and good luck.
What type of music are you doing?

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

pop rock!

mariocorzo profile image
Mario Corzo

Hello neighbor, here from Argentina!!

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

Mario! Greetings from el paisito.

luchiago profile image
Lucas Hiago

Good luck with your album man.

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

Thank you Lucas

iamahsanmani profile image
Ahsan Ullah

Good luck with the album!

vikilinho profile image
Victor Ayodeji Ogundola

It's great to have you here Tang.

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

Thanks Victor

elayomohammed profile image

Hello welcome and pleased to meet you.

diglopes profile image
Diego Lopes

I used to sing on a rock band when I was younger, I never released an album but I feel really happy that this is happening to you! 😁

techiechap profile image
Ashish D


yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang


ivolnei profile image
Ivolnei R. Silva


mvtenorio profile image
Marcus Tenório

Hi Yalung! What kind of music do you play?

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

Rock Pop, you can find me on Spotify, tell me what you think! Lyrics are in spanish haha I promise I don't say anything bad there!

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mvtenorio profile image
Marcus Tenório

I speak portuguese so I understand some spanish :). I like your songs! Good luck with the album release!

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yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

Thank you Marcus! What a great Welcome, good community you guys have over here. I always read here about tech, I might publish something soon, I've learned a thing or two at Globant.

kholidasad profile image


vijoin profile image
Victor Inojosa • Edited

It's nice to find out that the first comment I see is from people in Montevideo! and also a fellow citizen! :-)

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

Que paso mi pana? I mean, hello Victor, how ya' doin'?

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vijoin profile image
Victor Inojosa

Todo bien o qué? Cómo están los toques en MVD?

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yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

Todo fino. El 7 de noviembre es el showcase del disco en bar tazu bro! Es al lado de bluzz live.

dfdx2 profile image

Where is Montevideo?

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vijoin profile image
Victor Inojosa

Capital of Uruguay

shoesheill profile image
Sushil Shrestha

Hello, a developer and a music artist might be a better combo.

adjoaedwin_74 profile image
Adjoa Ackomah Edwin

Good luck with the album!!

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

Thank you so much!

jslvtr profile image
Jose Salvatierra

Awesome! Good luck with the album! I wish I could convince myself to keep playing music as well :D

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

It's not an easy struggle I know, I always want to quit, like 3 times a week, but you only need one gig, 3 or 5 friends to show up their faces to see you play and then you feel great again. Of course, it is like that because I see it like a hobbie, even though some great stuff have been achieved.

mhtaleb profile image
Taleb Mohammed Housseyn

good luck for the album :)

sombochea profile image
Sambo Chea


trapov profile image
dmitry af


raman_andryianau profile image
Raman CreativeIT

Hey there! I'm a front-end developer with a 9-year experience in building React and JS applications. I'm also an active open-source contributor. Nice to meet you!

raja1908 profile image
Rohan Kansara


mirandascreech profile image

Same here first album monday

snkiiyuru profile image

Hi there!

jclozanoc profile image
Juan Carlos Lozano

Awesome, kudos to you

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

Thank you Juan Carlos!

abhinavcreator profile image


donsetis profile image

Dyson dope my man keep on

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi Ed! Welcome to DEV :) Interesting that like both JavaScript and C! Do you like backend, or frontend more?

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Interesting! Yes, I definitely understand the feeling of "home" in a programming language - that's a great way to put it! :)

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Sloan, the sloth mascot
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chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Yes, there's definitely something to be said about that. I did the SICP videos (the original ones are on youtube!) early in my career - and that was really helpful in seeing that there are other types of programming paradigms, other than OO :)

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edreeseg profile image
Ed Reeseg

I'll have to check them out! Thank you very much for the recommendation.

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shristi26281534 profile image
Shristi • Edited
abraaohonorio profile image
Abraão Állysson dos Santos Honório

Hello @chrisachard , i'm like backend. At the time of my college, i did a lot of write code with used C and C ++ 0/

babaalaja profile image

How do you manage to keep up with learning diverse languages and their differing conventions (JS [React , Express], C, Python). For most people including me this poses a huge challenge. How do you do this

edreeseg profile image
Ed Reeseg

First and foremost, I think the most important thing is making sure you feel very confident in your "native" programming language before branching out. My first real language was JavaScript, and when I first began to learn almost a decade ago, I really failed to teach myself well because, as soon as I saw good things being said about languages like Python or Ruby, I switched and tried to learn them as well. This lead to me getting details about the languages and syntax mixed up, which caused a lot of frustration.

When I picked JavaScript up from scratch again, I devoted myself entirely to that language, and knowing that I was at a professional level. Once I felt confident I understood JS enough that I could come back to it after branching out, I began to learn C. My logic with this was, C looks different enough that there's no way I could ever really mix up C code and JS code. I don't think moving on to a lower-level language next was really necessary, but in my case it probably helped me separate the two in my mind.

I also picked up Python shortly thereafter for my education, and I found that Python has little things about the language that differentiate it from JS, and help me remember the different (e.g. no declaration keywords, no curly braces, different function keyword).

The biggest thing is honestly just practice. Building things and completing challenges using the languages you're learning, which force you to abide by its rules and remember its syntax. I find that learning in-situ like that is much more effective.

hefnawi profile image
Ahmed Hefnawi • Edited

Hello Ed,

I am new to the community but I have been developing for a while (5+ years) I mainly do Python stuff but occasionally tackle C or C++ stuff.

It's great that you have understanding of both JavaScript and C which I do not see occasionally, or perhaps I don't meet enough people =D

Nice to meet you any way!


praveenpluscode profile image
Praveen Sirimalla

Hi, it's really nice to see you here. My dream is to become a fullstack dev. And I just began learning html, css and js. For frontend.

And choose to be selftaught

Is there Anything to say for me as I'm just starting to learn.

Thank you.


edreeseg profile image
Ed Reeseg • Edited

I would say the biggest thing starting out is trying not to get discouraged as things start to get tougher. It can be very easy to get frustrated and hopeless when you start to encounter situations where you just have no idea what to do, or can't figure out why your code isn't working. This is normal, and it happens to everyone at one point or another.

Even industry figureheads like Dan Abramov don't know everything, and you will inevitably run into situations where you are delving into unfamiliar territory, and it feels like you'll never find the answer. This is normal, and with time (and repetition) these things you're having trouble with will only help expand your repertoire as you move toward certain mastery. You just need to persevere.

The other thing I'll mention is, make sure you're always building. It can be tempting (and I still fall prey to this, at times) to just focus strictly on learning materials like online courses, textbooks, lecture or tutorial videos, etc. It feels like you're making progress, and you're learning. But the way you will master those skills is by actually applying them. So even if it's something small, go and build some project using the new thing you've learned. Always be practically applying what you're learning, rather than just "learning" it and assuming it will stay in your head.

To avoid burnout, it might be worth looking into the Pomodoro Technique. It helps make sure you're getting proper breaks, and not forgetting to relax and reflect on what you've learned as you go along. Here's a helpful timer for this purpose.

If you have any questions you need help with, or you want to chat at any point, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

Hey! I also do React/Redux, learning some Express right now.

luisrivas profile image
Luis Rivas

Hello! Welcome

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yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

Thank u!

edreeseg profile image
Ed Reeseg

Awesome! Let me know if you ever want to chat or go over anything. I'm on a computer about 95% of the time.

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yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

Thank you!

iamahsanmani profile image
Ahsan Ullah

Hi Ed!

dfdx2 profile image

Hi Ed!

doranmartinez profile image
Doran Martinez

Dope! I've done multiple front end/ back end stuff too and I lie on the similar interests as you! Welcome to Dev!

edreeseg profile image
Ed Reeseg

Thanks for the warm welcome! Nice to meet you :) Let me know if you ever wanna chat about anything.

drpratik profile image
Pratik Dhore

Hey there, actually i have started working in react!

ryan_ai profile image
Ryan M

I am still trying to figure out how to use vue or react with python as a backend.

_lexedwards profile image
Alex Edwards

Awesome, I've been learning React and all the extras, how're you finding the Context API and Hooks?

maxmonteil profile image
Maximilien Monteil

That's a very diverse stack, I feel like it's always smart to work with very different tools.

What kind of stuff do you build with python and c?

i2amadeveloper profile image
Front-End Developer for Hire

I'm very interested in knowing JavaScript inside and out - still learning, never stop.

zwang1225 profile image
Zeyu Wang

Hey Ed, react here as well.

edreeseg profile image
Ed Reeseg

Awesome! Anything in particular you've been working on here lately?

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zwang1225 profile image
Zeyu Wang

Not really, literally just got here, trying to learn, making friends. And see what other FE devs are doing.

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edreeseg profile image
Ed Reeseg

Sounds great! Feel free to reach out to me anytime, I'd be happy to chat about anything, maybe we can swap some knowledge.

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zwang1225 profile image
Zeyu Wang

Thats awesome, and you too. My field is like react and node, pretty much javascript type of guy, trying to go non-class on react now. Willing to chat about anything about frontend or generally web development!
Maybe music as well lol!

adjoaedwin_74 profile image
Adjoa Ackomah Edwin

Hi, everyone! I'm Adjoa, a software developer from Ghana. I am currently trying to be useful at Agrocenta. I love reading and writing.

I joined based on a tweet by Eve Porcello and she convinced me that I am going to be meeting the most honest and friendliest people here!

I am so excited to be here and I am also a Scout. I also love IMAGINE DRAGONS !

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

I love Imagine Dragons too!

Welcome to DEV :)

dfdx2 profile image

Hi Chris

adjoaedwin_74 profile image
Adjoa Ackomah Edwin

Thank you chris. I love your react course on twitter.

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shubham34934 profile image
Shubham Shudhanshu


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shubham34934 profile image
Shubham Shudhanshu


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shubham34934 profile image
Shubham Shudhanshu


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shubham34934 profile image
Shubham Shudhanshu


yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

First things first
I'ma say all the words inside my head
I'm fired up and tired of the way that things have been, oh ooh
The way that things have been, oh ooh
Second thing second
Welcome to!

adjoaedwin_74 profile image
Adjoa Ackomah Edwin

Oh you've made me a , you've made me a believer, believer!

A Believer !!

nlamprok profile image

Hello Adjoa!

Welcome mate :)

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

Welcome! :D

adjoaedwin_74 profile image
Adjoa Ackomah Edwin

Thank you, A

suchetapatil007 profile image
Sucheta Patil

Hi, I'm a software test engineer. I'm trying to switch into the role of software developer so I've picked Python and been learning it for past month or so. When I'm not in front of a computer, you'll find me on my bike.

raph941 profile image
Raphael Ehindero • Edited

great, i started with python a while back too, and it's been great.
how has the learning process been for you

suchetapatil007 profile image
Sucheta Patil

It has been exciting. I mean I've done some basic programming in c, c# in college but Python is something else. I've used 'Automate The Boring Stuff with Python' initially. Currently working on a project for a friend. It's like learn and implement which I'd say is the best way to learn.

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raph941 profile image
Raphael Ehindero

true. I started with so much youtube tutorials but found out later i wasn't really understand deep enough, until i started building some projects.
am guessing your on the web development part of python

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suchetapatil007 profile image
Sucheta Patil

Yeah, right now I am doing web development. But I want to explore things before I stick to one track. What are you working on if you don't mind me asking

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Sloan, the sloth mascot
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suchetapatil007 profile image
Sucheta Patil

Wow, that's intense. Well, I have this photographer friend. So I'm building a portfolio sort of webapp for her. It is still in very initial phase of development. Previously I've done basic projects like to-do app

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raph941 profile image
Raphael Ehindero

nice, what framework are you working with

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suchetapatil007 profile image
Sucheta Patil

I'm working with Django. How long have you been learning/working with Python.

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raph941 profile image
Raphael Ehindero

getting to a year now i guess. you?

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suchetapatil007 profile image
Sucheta Patil

On and off 6 months

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raph941 profile image
Raphael Ehindero

LoL why On and Off

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suchetapatil007 profile image
Sucheta Patil

My job sometimes doesn't give me the time to do anything else.

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dreadsteel99 profile image

Hi! I just started learning in python. Any suggestions for resources. What all types of projects can i try doing.

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suchetapatil007 profile image
Sucheta Patil

You might wanna start with 'Automate The boring stuff with Python'. I'd say it's one of the best book for python. You can buy it or it's available for free on also keep practicing on platforms like hackerrank, codewars. For projects, you might want to start small like to-do app or a portfolio website. I know a lot of people do the same projects but you've got to start somewhere and I read somewhere if you want to understand how the wheel works then sometimes you gotta reinvent it. Don't worry about anything else other than learning for now.

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dreadsteel99 profile image
DreadSteel99 • Edited


chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV! Good luck on your career switch :)

suchetapatil007 profile image
Sucheta Patil


ryan_ai profile image
Ryan M

I am curious about being a software test engineer, what tools do you use? How do you do it? What is the most challenging part of the job?

suchetapatil007 profile image
Sucheta Patil

Sorry for replying so late. So job of a software test engineer basically entails following things:

  • writing test scenarios and test cases
  • testing your application using these test cases
  • logging incidents/bugs
  • testing these bugs once they are fixed
  • writing automation scripts
  • and so on Whatever I mentioned above is a very basic outline of the job profile and there are so many other things in this field. I've used tools like Tosca, Postman, WcfStorm, Fiddler, Uranium, etc. You should at least know basic sql so you don't have to run to your dev each time you need to perform some database testing. The most challenging thing I believe is getting the job done in such a short time period. Most of the time what happens is there's a tight schedule. You are supposed to get 2-3 days for testing the application but instead you get 1 or half day as development gets stretched/there's some technical issue/some unidentified requirements. So you have to keep your brain as caffeinated as possible and be a ninja. Hope this clarifies your idea about software testing.
charliefog1974 profile image
Vince Lollino

I'm Vinnie. I'm a recovering sales/customer service rep trying to right my ways by breaking into web dev. I'm currently in an agile full-stack web and mobile hybrid boot camp. I'm about three weeks in - two nights a week for four hours - and I feel like my head is about to explode. I found this through a free online JS tutorial that uses Scrimba. I'm trying to find as many resources as I can to help me understand what is being taught. I'm an avid fisherman. I play the guitar. I have a logical mind and this development stuff just seems to "make sense" to me - sometimes :(

elienvissers profile image

Hi Vince and Welcome! I also just joined this community and I too got into coding through a bootcamp! The bootcamp will be hard, but also try to enjoy it and embrace the learning curve! I look back to my bootcamp with so much joy, it really started my love for coding. Best of luck!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hey Vince!

Welcome to DEV. Hope ya dig the site. :-)

jslvtr profile image
Jose Salvatierra

Hey Vinnie! Best of luck with the bootcamp, I'm sure you can do it. Back at university we were told that programming takes on average 8 months to "click"--not sure how true it is, but nonetheless glad it's making sense :D

marwaeltayeb profile image
Marwa Eltayeb


samuelfaure profile image
Samuel-Zacharie FAURE

Good luck and welcome !

ryan_ai profile image
Ryan M

I have done sales and customer rep work also in the past. Sales is usually pretty fun and customer service is awesome if you work for a good company.

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

I've learned a lot here! But never had the chance to join, you will like this page so much!

gracesros profile image

Hey Im Grace, I'm actually a designer but I have to pass some programming classes to graduate so here I'm haha so I'm bad at this but I try, now about me, I enjoy drawing and love cute animals, this place seems very friendly so color me surprised, I had no idea a site like this existed but it feels very welcoming <3

olliebrown profile image
Seth Berrier

Welcome! I teach game design and we get a lot of art and design students coming over to programming because it's required. Most grit their teeth and bear it and a few get bit by the programming bug and become 'tech artists'! All survive!

We're mostly friendly. I think you're in the right place for help and warm fuzzy feelings about programming!

gracesros profile image

Thanks a lot

juggernott81 profile image

as a (self-diagnosed) asperger's case, i'm totally about structure and logic. people like me NEED people like you who can add beauty or style with a bit of markup. - all that to say, "glad you are a part of this".

gracesros profile image

Awww thank you, yeah programmers and designers are the perfect opposites, when we work together was can make great things

calebbf profile image

Hi Grace! What are you learning in your programming class?

I also had to take a programming class for my undergrad (minor in electronic music), and I remember it being fun at first, then really hard all of a sudden. What helped me was having a music friend who was a CS major explain things, lol.

I guess that's what this is kind of like? (I'm new here too)

gracesros profile image

Android studio, I had web programming too but that one was "easy", HTML and CSS are designer friendly.

lol the "We are going to learn how to make apps!" was pretty cool but the more we advance the harder it gets haha, sadly the other majors with programming dont take AS so they can't solve specific questions.

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calebbf profile image

I hear you. Well, best of luck! I don't think I'll be much help either, unfortunately, but hopefully you find some folks here who will be :)

dreadsteel99 profile image

Which programming class did you have?

foresthoffman profile image
Forest Hoffman

Welcome! 👋

Everyone's at different stages of their learning journey. It's perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed or super critical of your own work when starting out. I'm sure you'll kick butt in your courses. :)

Good luck and have fun!

jaxatto profile image
Jax 🦄🏳️‍🌈✨

Hi Grace! I mostly do design myself, too. I just joined as well, this community is really cool!

uhlomuhlo profile image

Hello, I am a human and I don't know what this site is about just yet! I think it's something like medium but only for developers?

If you - yes you - are reading this and have a pet or know someone who has a pet, please say hi from me.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hi there!

I have a pet! And if you read until the end of this comment, I'll let ya meet him.

So, I'd say DEV is indeed kinda like Medium but for devs. But there's more to it for sure...

Here's a really awesome post that explains a lot about what DEV is and some of the basics:

And here's my cat Kiernan:


Technically I have 2 other cats, but I can't just go throwing out pics of all 3 cats at once — gotta leave something to keep'em coming back.

lautarolobo profile image
Lautaro Lobo

Hi! I have 2 1/2 pets... 2 cats and a dog which we raised but now she's the beloved dog of all neighbors around town xD

And yeah it's like Medium for devs but free, open-source, and more newbie-friendly. It's a lovely community, as you'll notice! 😃

nandalenore profile image
Fernanda Alvim

Hello from me and Logan (my cat) :)

rjchirinos profile image
Raúl Chirinos • Edited

Me and my parrot say Hi

palakbaghla profile image


a01371852 profile image
Emmanuel Hernández Olvera

My 4 dogs say thank you. Well, not literally. But they're certainly glad haha

basem98 profile image
Basem Mostafa Mahmoud • Edited

P.S: This hi is from a fellow human (aka me) and his cat!

mfrashad profile image
Muhammad Fathy Rashad

Hi guys, I'm Rashad, an 18 years old developer. I've always wanted to start blogging to improve my technical writing skills. And here I am, finally decided to start with CTF (Capture The Flag) writeup. And maybe moving on to tutorials and other stuff in the future.

Excited to be part of the community!

mfrashad profile image
Muhammad Fathy Rashad

Just posted my first post! Feel free to check it out and leave a feedback!

saurabhdaware profile image
Saurabh Daware 🌻

Hi Rashad, welcome to DEV! and I read your article, great job 🌻

fullofquarks profile image
Nicholas Smith

Hello 👋

New to the community and a new DEV. Full-stack developer based in Dallas, trying to learn the Angular ropes and .NET idiosyncrasies (needed spell check for that one). Looking to become a better and more security focused DEV.

Also, made my first ever pull request to an open source project. Although it was incredibly small and of low-impact, I felt like I had entered into a new chapter.

juggernott81 profile image

wish you luck. stick to it.

separaterecords profile image

Hello! Congrats on the first PR, that's fantastic - any contribution to OSS is welcome! 😄

How long have you been interested in development?

binyamin profile image
Binyamin Green

Hi Nicholas! I love open-source. What repo did you contribute to?

fullofquarks profile image
Nicholas Smith

Hey! I contributed to Gitea, a self hosted git front end

anaknickerbocker profile image
Ana Knickerbocker • Edited

Hello! I’m a full-stack engineer, and I specialize in API development, web scraping, and data science. I’m interested in cyber security and machine learning. I’m also passionate about getting women into tech careers.

I joined this community because there is really good content here, and I’m interested in starting to blog.

How do you go about determining what topics to write about? Are there too many beginner posts out there already?

sebbestune profile image
Sebastian Lindgren

Very interesting topics you're specializing in. I think they are very useful for getting money generating private ideas going. I also get a good vibe from this community, albeit I've only been here one day.

Good luck with everything! And I think you can just go ahead and write about whatever you like, if some area is saturated just give your spin to it. Specialize the topic a bit so people will find their way to your articles.

eshack94 profile image
Elijah Shackelford • Edited

Hi all. I'm a software developer from North Carolina. Happy to be part of the community. Hoping to learn some new things during my time here!

Other things I like to do while not programming or learning include audio production, playing drums, checking out local restaurants and breweries, and adventuring outdoors.

adamreid profile image
Adam Reid

Hi Elijah! I'm new here as well. Your last name caught my eye, it's really close to Michael Shackleford (Wizard of Odds). In any case, welcome, and nice to meet you!

creikey profile image
Cameron Reikes


charlie37 profile image
Arnaud Trouvé • Edited

Bonjour ! I'm a Full-Stack Developer living in France :) Currently I have more a role of Scrum Master. I've worked with JavaScript, Python, C++ and Java.
I started my career almost 10 years ago developing pipeline tools for the VFX & animation industry. I then moved to the Web world, keeping an eye on projects involving film & media. I am a true film buff :)
I'm happy to join your community !

pypaut profile image

Sounds awesome. I'd love to read about your experience in the animation world.

harittweets profile image
Harit Himanshu

Lovely! What animation tools do you think are affordable for developers to learn and try out? Also, if there are open-source options, please tell us about them

kweentheepica profile image

Hi! I'm a twitch streamer and wanna be content creator, and a write a blog and maintain my own website. I love video games, and I'm a mom of six. I really wanna learn to code html, and I'd love to build apps and other things of the sort.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV! This is a great place to hang out to learn about all things coding... good luck on your journey!

nityeshaga profile image
Nityesh Agarwal

Hello! I'm a developer from India. I love building things and writing articles to help others with what I have learned during the process. You can find me on Medium.

I like to teach, I think. And that is why I am about to launch my first serious venture into helping self-learners with programming - Build To Learn.

I love startups and the open-thinking culture that they help promote.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Awesome! Excited to see what you post here :) Welcome to DEV!

saurabhdaware profile image
Saurabh Daware 🌻

Hi Nityesh, Welcome to DEV! and do post about Build to Learn here.

I love startups too I interned at one startup and loved the experience

Best of luck with your journey :D

tuwang profile image

Hello DEVs ;) I have been here for over a week.
I found my way here through podcast, and loved it. I used to love writing, but didn’t have the right channel(I know, excuses 😄). DEV helps to fulfill that: a young community, a tech focused group, and nobody knows me so I can post my small tech-related thoughts freely.

Fun fact abt myself: I started a YouTube channel this year and started posting song covers on it. Unfortunately no one cares about my songs but most clicks are for my “how to learn python in 10 minutes” video. I learned that to grow awareness on social media, the content cannot be selfish but need to bring value the audience 😏

uhlomuhlo profile image

Hellooo! Your youtube channel sounds interesting! Can you provide a link?

timouellette profile image
Tim Ouellette

Just joined the community, really looking forward to learning and interacting with others. I'm a 53 year old husband and father of six and have just started participating in my first online coding bootcamp. I'm interested primarily in web development but would like to delve into software programming at some point in the future. I'm starting somewhat late in life but am really enjoying the journey. I hope to be able to do some freelancing after about a year of concentrated learning and practicing.

devdrake0 profile image

Welcome to the community! It's never too late to learn, so well done on starting.

adamreid profile image
Adam Reid

Nice! Best of luck to you Tim. I'm a father of (soon-to-be) five, I'll trade you programming tips if you can trade me some parenting tips!

timouellette profile image
Tim Ouellette

Sounds good Adam, good luck with your five!

meritinfosweb profile image

Hello Co devs. My name is Michael Erastus and a Php Developer. I love programming even though am a student of Soil Science. In my free time you find me programming or learning. Currently am working on two projects and also learning Javascript.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome Michael! Mixing programming with other fields (soil science) is a great way to get further in a career :) Most jobs could be made easier with a little code. Good luck!

meritinfosweb profile image

Thanks Chris. Yeah and am working on something that could make my final year project easier.

maxmonteil profile image
Maximilien Monteil

Hey! I'm fullstack dev currently living in Beirut. I'm working on an app called Mylo (, feedback super appreciated) and finishing the last year of my Computer Science Bs. When i'm not coding I like to skate, cook (fermentation ftw), and more. So glad to have finally joined after all the stalking haha

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hello and welcome! I checked out Mylo, but it asks you to register your email before even telling you what it does - I suspect you'll get more people registering if you have a marketing page of some sort at least telling me why I should register :)

Good luck finishing your last year of CS!

maxmonteil profile image
Maximilien Monteil

Hey! Thanks for checking it out, you're absolutely right. I think I did things a bit backwards and I'm now working on creating a landing page. Any recommendations?

I want it to load fast so I'd either use a static generator or even just pure html/css.

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chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Yeah, making it load fast is a good goal - If you're used to pure html/css then I would start there, because learning a static site generator will take time away from you actually building the page :)

Then later (once the first page is done), you can always use that same html/css in any static site generator if you plan on making a larger marketing site.

If you want info about content, here's a super long post that I like about how to write good landing pages:

Good luck!

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maxmonteil profile image
Maximilien Monteil

Awesome, thanks for the resource!

The app itself is already built with vue so I don'tind using something like gridsome. So many options 🤷🏾‍♂️

azapisotskyi profile image
Andriy Zapisotskyi

Hey everyone!
I'm new to community.
I'm Andriy with Mailtrap – we help to inspect and debug emails before they will be sent to real customers. Ping me if you need any advice on SMTP or other email-related topics ;)

harittweets profile image
Harit Himanshu

Welcome here. Yes, what you do is extremely important work

azapisotskyi profile image
Andriy Zapisotskyi

Harit, thanks so much for your warm words. We at Mailtrap really appreciate this❤️

breb96 profile image
Breanna Bush

Hey Andriy! Welcome :)

dwarrowdam profile image

Hey there! I'm a creator and tech nerd, mom, and cat servant. I absolutely love open source, the community, and learning everything I can about it. I'm interested in learning to code and getting into social/humanitarian efforts.

I also make dice and d&d stuff out of resin. :D

adamreid profile image
Adam Reid

Welcome! And nice! Just D20's or all kinds?

dwarrowdam profile image

Thank you! All kinds! I'm experimenting right now and eventually want to invest in a SLA 3D printer so I can make more custom things.

vijoin profile image
Victor Inojosa

Hi Everyone! My name is Victor. I'm from Venezuela, living in Montevideo, Uruguay for about 7 months now. I've been involved with technology from quite a bit of time, but I've been dedicating to development for about 5 years, mostly with the Open source ERP "Odoo", made with Python. Right now I'm looking forward to improve as a Python developer, focusing on Flask and data engineering skills. I'm kinda re-defining my career path to become a top Python developer, so it would be nice to hear from you about your experiences and advice. Thanks to all.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi Victor! What do you think about Flask? I've used it just a little bit (I'm not normally a python programmer), but how does it compare to say, Django?

vijoin profile image
Victor Inojosa • Edited

Well... the main difference is that Flask is a microframework and Django is a "Batteries Included" framework.

This means that Django comes with a lot of stuffs ready to use like ORM, DB Migration, DB Drivers Modules, Forms, Users, Backend interface, middleware handle and all you could need to start your big project quickly.

In the other side, Flask is very simple by default... it just handle requests and responses and use Jinja2 to return templates as html (same as Django). But, Flask provides a lot of modules easy to install and put together. So it's perfect for small focused projects.

That's why Django is meant for big projects with typical CRUD, users, modules, model relations, etc; and Flask is perfect for small projects like API REST, data analysis or similar.

But in favor of Flask, you can use it for big projects.... but if you need Django for a small project it could be a nightmare.

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chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Ahh, that makes sense - a lot like express.js is a micro framework and rails is a "batteries included" framework. Thanks!

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vijoin profile image
Victor Inojosa

You're welcome!

mossgoblin profile image
Angel Slavchev

I'm a gamedev wannabe (but of course!) and I just started delving into the field, after years of delaying and finding other stuff to do.

I'm currently working on finally finding development related work. I am long way from actually fulfilling projects, but I'm a patient person :)

geeksesi profile image
Mohammad Javad Ghasemy

also i try to be a game developer.
and i want to find or make a group to make some fun in free time :)
if you want we can speak more about it. :)

mossgoblin profile image
Angel Slavchev

Sure, I'd love to give it a try. No promises, as I have never worked outside of my own schedule, but I'll take it seriously and at least it will be fun :)

uchemukolo profile image
Uche Mukolo

I am a Software Developer from Lagos, Nigeria. I love music and my dream is to travel the world. Looking forward to learning from this amazing community

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Awesome - welcome! When you travel - where do you want to go first?

uchemukolo profile image
Uche Mukolo

Thanks Chris! Philippines or Thailand

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chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Both great choices :) Good luck in your future travels!

gracrys profile image

Hello, i have gotten good comments about, and i made this account because i wanted to folllow some people here, i came mostly for concrete things, Well, im an artist, and a FP entusiast, at the moment working with reasonML, greetings!👋

vaclavzeman profile image
Václav Zeman

Hi, glad to see some ReasonML fan! Have you done any serious project in it or just hobby ones?

adamnaamani profile image
Adam N.

Greetings, all! Coming to you by way of Vancouver, BC. I've gotten so much value from this forum, thought I'd drop in, introduce myself, and contribute in any possible. I've spent most of my career thus far at the intersection of Real Estate and Technology as a founder / full-stack developer / designer / writer, and am always finding new ways to hone my craft. Currently working remotely for a company in the same vertical, primarily with Ruby on Rails and ReactJS. Look forward to connecting with the community!

jess profile image
Jess Lee

We're also a RoR shop!

adamnaamani profile image
Adam N.

In good company! 🤙

maruthimohanr profile image
Maruthi Mohan

Hi All! I am a Software Developer working primarily on Front-end. I am excited to join the DEV community and I have been reading the posts for a while now. I find them really useful at work. I would love to write such articles about something that I like. I wanted to start on a platform that is freely accessible by everyone and I think this is the right choice. Cheers everyone!!

bendkaye profile image

Currently a construction day laborer, teaching myself Full Stack in the evenings.

I'm having a great time learning 😁 and hoping to change my career.

Anyone have any advice? Currently exploring CSS

adamreid profile image
Adam Reid

Dude - working full time and studying at night is no joke. Good on you for doing that.. it takes a strong commitment and dedication to take that on. Keep it up!

I think the best advice was already given: anything you're stuck on, check google. There's almost always someone who has been stuck before and has found a solution (usually posted somewhere on Stack Overflow). The other advice - just try something! Make a web page. Make a whole site. Make a blog. Make a web app. Programming is an art, go make something, and hopefully have fun and learn something along the way!

geeksesi profile image
Mohammad Javad Ghasemy

Css and Html are very easy.
just imagine something and try to make it by google.
don't lost your time in basics of html and css. just try to make something.
after a little time you can be a good front end developer with JS. :)

bendkaye profile image


mhawksey profile image
Martin Hawksey

Hello - I'm Martin Hawksey, based near Edinburgh in Scotland. I spend most of my time tinkering with Google Apps Script and supporting the Google Apps Script community. I'm here to see how DEV can support fellow Apps Scripters...

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Would you believe I traveled near you, not to appreciate the Scottish history and culture, but solely to visit some Irish Wolfhound puppies? I promise to do better next time!

Welcome to the community, Martin!

buginit profile image
buginit • Edited

Hi, I'm a web developer living in New Delhi and I like to know new things about coding, I was browsing about javascript and I found this amazing dev community so I decided to join it. And I hope that I'm gonna love this.

rahulgj profile image
Rahul Patel

Hello fellas.
I came to know this place via chrome suggestions. I am python learner and know most of basic concepts (MITx, and Harwardx). I think I am intermediate now. I come from biology background but I know nothing about data science. I code as hobby.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome Rahul! Combing two disciplines (like biology and data science) is a great advantage! What are the next few things you're trying to learn?

rahulgj profile image
Rahul Patel • Edited

I left biology discipline 6 years ago. I am in legal now. I don't use python for profession but as hobby. So my relationship with python is selfless.😀

eldhoabe profile image
Eldho Abe

Hi, I'm dotnet developer living in kuwait.
I have seen an article about kubernetes in stackoverflow which redirected to dev community page. I found lot of information over the community which helps me so jumped into the join page.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Glad you could join - welcome! This is a great community; everyone has been friendly and it's a great place to learn!

theorible profile image

Hi there, I'm a PhD student in Steganography, I try to learn about machine learning for personal curiosity on my spare time. I have already wrote some articles about my field of research but its very academic writing :

I'll try to start blogging maybe.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome Théo! If you're interested in blogging, DEV is a great place to start :) The community is friendly, and you can start with just a small post!

khevmo profile image
Kevin Moore

Hello, I am a System Migration Analyst living in Independence, MO. I mostly just love learning new things and making things from what I learn. I have a life long love of LEGO building, but I wouldn't consider myself a Master Builder. I am more of a following the directions kind of guy. Right now I am working my way through a few HTML Classes after wrapping up a few classes in Markdown. I don't really have the ultimate goal like getting a job in coding, but more of working knowledge of coding. I was drawn into while researching articles on Atom and Sublime. After reading a few articles, became a part of my regular browsing. Anyway, it's great to be part of the community!


nathandewitte profile image
Nathan De Witte

Hi, I'm a frontend developer currently working/living in Ghent - Belgium,
working on some Vue projects.
In two weeks I'm moving to Amsterdam and start coding in Svelte!

New city, new job, new language (code), new adventures! 🦄

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi Nathan! Welcome to DEV :) I've always wanted to visit both Belgium and Amsterdam :) good luck on the move and new job!

jakeerc profile image

I am from Bangalore ,India . I am interested in MERN stack and Data Science .
I am always eager to write a blog/blog post but not yet started one.
Inshallah I may start one here in Dev.

jclozanoc profile image
Juan Carlos Lozano • Edited

Hello, im a fullstack dev with a strong tendency towards data; living in Mexico City and splitting my time between coding and a 2 yr old little princess

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV! I may have a chance to visit Mexico City next year - any tips?

jclozanoc profile image
Juan Carlos Lozano

Great to hear you may be visiting. For culture there are a lot of grand buildings that have become museums (like the Anthropology Museum), Ruins and archaeological sites like Teotihuacan outside the city and the Major Temple in downtown . For food you can go to restaurant Azul (historico, condesa, etc.) for gourmet, Casa de Toño if you want to go for real traditional Mexican (though they may not speak english so consider that). For night life there is plenty in downtown.

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chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Awesome, thanks! I'll put all of those in a doc to reference :)

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jclozanoc profile image
Juan Carlos Lozano

When you do come send me a PM, there are some seasonal stuff i can recommend ;)

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chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard


arifbayirli profile image
Arif Bayırlı

Hi dev community! I'm Arif, graduate student in physics, working on computational problems. I've been recently highly involved with software dev, mainly modelling particle physics related problems with machine learning and testing and validating them in the production environment (i.e the detector).

I'm trying to get into a mindset of 'developer' rather than 'script programmer' in my analysis and my side-projects; so I though this platform would be a perfect place to meet people and learn from their experiences and share mine as well!

yaats profile image
Billy Trang

Hello everyone, my name is Billy I'm 24, I live in France but I'm currently in Canada doing a coding bootcamp, and hope to find a way to live in this country. I love watching tennis even if I don't play and like everything kind of music!

subhadeepdeyashi profile image
Subhadeep Deyashi

I'm currently a under-graduate student and an enthusiastic programmer. I love competitive coding and take part in those regularly. I'm absolutely new to the community and overly excited.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Interesting - what type of competitive coding do you do? Is there an organization that does that, or how is that run?

Welcome to DEV!

subhadeepdeyashi profile image
Subhadeep Deyashi • Edited

Taking part in Codechef monthly contests and practicing in Hackerrrank or Hackerearth.

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chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

I hadn't heard of Codechef before - I'll check them out :) Thanks!

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subhadeepdeyashi profile image
Subhadeep Deyashi

Its very good. Do check it out.

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laureenann profile image

This sounds interesting and reminds me of high school math team competitions. Much of the time we were guessing at the answers, but usually learned about something new.

fallengravity profile image
Ethan van Ballegooyen • Edited

Hey! My name is Ethan, I'm 19 years old & I'm from South Africa. I got into coding a year back - starting off with HTML & CSS, I'm nowhere near a "Developer" but I certainly like learning & I've been having a bunch of fun with my open-source contributions!

You'd think that means I'm studying coding - well here's a surprise - I'm busy with a degree in Radio & Media.

Thanks for having me, glad to be a part of the community!

tjsoftware profile image

My son wrote his first sentence all by himself today, so I told him that he made me so happy I would have a good day today. First thing that happened was my coworker showed me this site. I have been in need of a good source for up to date code discussions.

acoh3n profile image

Welcome aboard! great to have you here.

jacqueskevin34 profile image

Hello everyone. I'm glad to be logged in this website. I'm an Android developer student. Actually, learning Kotlin and Java. I love operating systems and programming languages. I'm fascinated with write code clean and useful for everyone, the languages are my passion, if you want to have a conversation with me about whatever you want, you can text me in Spanish and English.
Have a nice day/night!

micaelalex profile image
Micael Pereira


jacqueskevin34 profile image

Thank you folk!

sharebootstrap profile image

Well Hello there ! Frontdev from europe here.I love designing things..and I tolerate building them.I'm not the greatest designer, coder, speaker, or anything else. But I think the things I make are pretty decent,and I enjoy in creating them.That's all for now

gatoomega profile image
Miguel Diaz

Hi all!

Similarly to the latest post I can see in this thread, I am also have music as a hobby (currently doing some Symphonic Metal, though). Currently working as a tech lead at Codescrum, which is a software development company I founded with my brother. Mainly familiar with Ruby/Rails webdev.

calebbf profile image

Hi! I'm here because I've been meanderingly teaching myself programming for a couple of years, and now have some more free time to dedicate to it. Right now, I'm interested in Javascript and webdev.

In the past, I've done some cool music projects using Max/MSP and Pearl. Mostly experimental electro-acoustic or generative music :)

Looking to the future, I'd like to develop the knowledge and skill to build my ideas and better understand how the software and technology we use works.

jhjacobs profile image


Hey how r ya

I am a recently laid off software engineer who near the end of my last gig became very interested in development operations. Hoping this is a place where I can gain further programming and development operations knowledge.

ineam profile image
Amine M

Hiya nice people here, sweet greetings from Algeria, I'm a system engineer trying to code, mainly Angular apps with some GCP services, and here to share with you my experiments and tricks :D
Also music, birds breeding, fishing, and sports ...

audreyhal profile image
Chioma Halim

Hello Everyone👋.
My name is Audrey, a software developer from Nigeria. I work with JavaScript frameworks like React, Vue, Express, Three and I also write some Elixir. I recently took an interest in writing. I look forward to meeting new people here 😊. Please feel free to reach out.

mosslee19 profile image
MossLee19 • Edited

Hi, I'm a BE developer living in Limpopo but want to explore learn Front-end also. I usually love to play mind games such as Sudoku, chess etc. Which increases my problem solving skills, so now as I'm still a student at the same time doing some outside project (mobile apps) I hope to meet other developers from different countries all over the world and share brilliant ideas😉😉. By the I'm not talkative😀

clavinjune profile image
Clavin June

Hi! I'm a SWE intern, currently handling Dropwizard & ReactJS on my job and learning GO on my free time now.

fullofquarks profile image
Nicholas Smith

Welcome! I've wanted to learn Go for some time now. Hopefully I get the chance!

clavinjune profile image
Clavin June

If there's a will, there's a way!

nrollet profile image

I'm an IT manager for a chartered acountants company. I'm doing sysadmin (linux and windows), tech support and Python dev. The last part is certainly the one I'm enjoying more.
Python is mainly used to automate stuff accountants are too expensive to be paid for.
I'm French.

nathani0130 profile image
Nathani.ajay kumar

May I inquire about the tools that you have created for the Chartered Accountants company?

nrollet profile image

mostly transforming any type of data (xl, txt, pdf) into accounts entries. XL report generator, sql integration.

lauralyeinc profile image
Laura Theimer

Hey I'm Laura, started my code adventure back in July with Lambda School. I love it all! The networking the classes my TL's, it's perfect for me as a newbie, but I won't say it's easy either. As a complete newbie, I am always reading and studying documentations and other people's code. My plan is to make a blog about starting from the ground up and write about struggles and issues I have learning the materials and how I use what I learn everyday. I'm also a stay at home mom, it can be hard switching "brains" to coding, to reading story time and back to coding.

zaynaib profile image
Zaynaib (Ola) Giwa

Hi everyone! I am finally taking the plunge from Medium to I am a full stack developer currently searching for a new gig. Fun fact: I just watched Eddie Murphy's Dolemite movie on Netflix and it was pretty good.

garrettomoore profile image
Garrett Moore

Hello everyone! I'm Garrett, and I'm a junior developer in Seattle, WA. When I'm not writing code, you can typically find me playing music, or hanging around record/book/coffee shops. I primarily work in front-end with React, but always wanting to learn new things!

rkoushik10 profile image

Hi guys, I am Koushik from Bangalore. I am a backend developer working with microservices. I know Java, Spring boot, sql and nosql. Was reading an article on groovy that motivate me to joined here. In free time do travel and learn about our Indian culture.

llew42 profile image
Justin Llewellyn

Hi everyone, went to a bootcamp after years in marketing. It left a lot to be desired because it was multi stack and very basic. Worked an apprenticeship immediately where I felt way in over my head.

Because of my background I love research and understanding the foundation of things. That's where I feel like I missed a lot not pursuing a CS degree. Here to learn from the community and of course appreciate any recommendations for books and programming principles to have in-depth understanding. I know there's a lot, which is why I love the field -knowing I'll never stop learning.

geoffreyarthaud profile image
Geoffrey Arthaud

Hello ! I'm a Agile & DevOps Practice leader, at the Ministry of Ecology, living in Aix-en-Provence, France. I also contribute to OpenClassrooms platform as a Java mentor and Java course creator. I've just started breakdance, but I'm 37 and it's quite challenging !

samuelfaure profile image
Samuel-Zacharie FAURE • Edited

Hello DEV community ! I'm an ex-food scientist and now Fullstack webdev. I studied in school 42 in Paris. I've been working 3 years for the French governement in their Digital Transformation program.

I do some Rails and Vue.js, I love electronic music, videogames, arduinos, computer-generated art, and writing.

jayp profile image
Jay A. Patel

I am Jay - I live in San Francisco Bay area.

I am a backend developer working on Midtype along with my friend Neel.

We started Midtype to help builders iterate on web apps quickly. We think that building web apps from scratch is way too time consuming. There's too many services to glue together. We wanted an augmentable backend that came with everything a web app needs: authentication, payments, access control, price segmentation, easy integrations, and more. So we built Midtype, the fastest way for anyone to get their web app up and running.

Hoping to connect with web app builders looking to iterate faster.

radascuta profile image

Hye, all. I am trying to get a company off the ground with a co-founder. I will have to pick up the rains for the tech part, and train myself in lots of things. Nothing complicated that we want to start with, but looking for good advice.

beniregev profile image
Binyamin Regev • Edited

Hi, I am Benny (aka Ben), I speak over 30 languages (programming). I am a software engineer, hobbyist, a geek, a techie. Started in Java back in 1997, been a Backend developer for about 10 years and 2 years ago started as a FED (Front End Developer) - I guess it makes me a Full Stack.

acoh3n profile image

Welcome! Your background is very interesting. Can't wait to read your first article.

almutasim_90 profile image
Almutasim Almazidi

Hi, I am a new member here. I LOVE ❤ this forum and it has a lot of useful posts. I hope to get benefits from it. I pationate abour programming and I hope to provide something helpfull to my organization and other people

tomlienard profile image
Tom Lienard

Hello, i’m a french 17 years old Java and Web front/backend developer. Love especially Laravel ❤️. My english is sometimes terrible - french peoples are knows to be bad in english and it’s the true. I love creating things that peoples are going to use, and hope discovering a lot of new things and peoples!

geeksesi profile image
Mohammad Javad Ghasemy

welcome Tom.

pawamoy profile image
Timothée Mazzucotelli

Hello :) Someone told about on HackerNews so here I am, trying things out. This seems like a really nice place :p Maybe I'll make friends with people sharing the same interests :D? Anyway, glad to join this community!

neithanmo profile image
Natanael Mojica

Hello! This is Neithan, An enthusiastic open-source developer who loves coding in Rust, C and C++(but Rust is my favorite language), Also I am a pianist and music composer from Panamá, living now in Costa Rica.

vasilijkolomiets profile image
Василь • Edited

I'm old dog from Ukraine.
Just interesting.
I ever like discover 'the process inner constructions'...
But never can sell it... As business consultant.
Now I flow to Data Analise with Python/Pandas/ML/...
And think - is any another "old dog" who starts in 55 years old to do loving things?

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome :)

nlamprok profile image

Heeeello lovely people of dev community. I've been reading posts in this blog for a while and I must say it's probably the number one community for dev news and content in general. That's why I decided to actually create an account 🤣

I'm a software engineer based in Athens, Greece currently working in the amazing Plum app. Being really interested in the Fintech interested lately.

I'm mainly doing FE and some Python backend at the same time. I love movies and hanging out with friends. Typical Greek I guess :D

So yeah! Happy to meet you all!

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Howdy! I agree, DEV is a great place, and great for creating content! Good luck on your app, and I look forward to seeing your posts!

turningpro profile image

Hey there,
I am learning how to code to be functional enough to write my own APIs, store information in a DB and expose it on the web or for internal use. Most of it is for marketing, ecommerce and business development purposes. Sounds simple enough?

I decided to work with #python and #mongodb. In details I like to learn more about #scrapy, and how to use it to import data from the web, .csv files, json feeds, google sheets into my own database for further use.

jrpacheco profile image
Júnior Pacheco

Hi DEV's!
I'm Software Engennier, have experience in .NET, C#, Web Development, SOA, WEB API and entusiat with FLUTTER.
I living in Lisbon-PT and worker in a big insurance company.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV! I haven't used flutter yet - how is the dev experience?

jrpacheco profile image
Júnior Pacheco

Thank you!
For me, is a playground. Very easy to learn and coding.
I can create screens very rapid e write code dart easy because have experience with C#. Syntax is very similar.
I confess i need more time to devote myself.
I already have some things done for me. :)

Thread Thread
chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Yeah, that makes sense - I love how some technologies just "click" and you can get a whole bunch done :) It feels like a super power!

hushensavani profile image
Hushen Savani

Having 8+ years of experience in Software Architecture Design, Development and Delivery along with Requirement Gathering from Clients.

Have worked on various development technologies, such as Java, Spring Boot, Node.js, Python, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Microservices Architecture with Netflix Eureka etc.

Also, have worked on various DevOps technologies such as Jenkins, Docker, AWS ECS etc.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great to have you Hushen

ff4f01 profile image
Bohyun Jung

Wow. This community looks amazing. Hi, I'm a Gopher/Pythonista in South Korea. Hacktoberfest brought me here, and I think I began to like contributing to open source projects and talk with people like you!

mvtenorio profile image
Marcus Tenório

Hi! I am fullstack developer based in Santa Catarina, Brazil. Worked with PHP for several years but have recently switched to Python. I am interested in learning more about Python, Flask and tech in general. I also want to get better at living a healthier life and having a good work-life balance.

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Welcome, Marcus!

artyomgazizyanov profile image
Artemiy Gazizyanov

Hello! I'm a Developer Evangelist at Aspose.
I came here to improve myself, become more active as a person and to start writnig blogs about technologies and other stuff.
About me: I love music and cinematography.
In my free time I play musical instruments as guitar or piano, love to sing, but to protect surrounding people I prefer to do it in shower or with my friends :)

crazybat profile image
Marco Battilana 🍁

Hi! I've been web spinnin' since '97. I'm passionate about accessibility (#a11y), chocolate & the Vancouver Canucks. I'm a proud Canadian who likes to help others 🍁 Currently looking for work. Nice to be here :D

akashjeedigunta_92 profile image

Hey All, I am a Full stack JS developer living in Cumberland, RI. I love to travel, listen to music and manage to play drums decently.

I am looking forward to learn more about Web development, connect with other devs, get inspired and share my 2 cents in future.

yorchi profile image
Jorge Andrade

Hi! I'm a Sr. Software Developer from Mérida, México! currently working with RoR and Laravel + VueJs. I'm a Pokemon and Monster Hunter Saga fan.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV @yorchi !

yorchi profile image
Jorge Andrade

thank you @nickytonline !

mirlu_exe profile image
Mirlu ★ 🇻🇪

Hello! I'm a programmer and concept artist from Venezuela. I work on making games, currently i'm working on @CatarsisTheGame (follow our progress on Twitter!)

Im a big horror fan and I like learning a lot ✨ nice to meet you all 😊

geeksesi profile image
Mohammad Javad Ghasemy

also i try to learn new things in game and test something about online game.
i was see a little of your game in twitter. that's cool :)

darunada profile image
Lea Fairbanks

Hi there, I am a full stack developer in Salt Lake City, UT. I've been enjoying and learning from so many posts for quite a while, so I just signed up with the aspiration of contributing something! I mostly use Java, PHP, and TS/JS professionally, but I've recently been stoked about Rust/Webasm. Nice to be here!

yoavshafir profile image
Yoav Shafir

Hi all! I'm Yoav a Senior JS Full Stack, working for the Financial Times, living in London for the last 2 years with my wife and 2 kids.
Looking to explore new opportunities, contribute and learn new things.
I'll see you around.

alexsandrotc profile image
Alexsandro Teixiera

Hello, My name is Alexsandro.
I'm is a web developer in a logistics company, I develop applications and solutions for logistics and communication with clients using miscellaneous technology, but the main is C#, ASPNET.
Also starting to apply techniques of DevOps and continuous integration.

I apologize for the errors, because not have command of English. I am an intermediary in English

uehondor profile image
Uyi Ehondor

Hello devs! This is my first post.

I’m a principal software engineer working in the games industry. I love watching movies and playing video games. I’m particularly a fan of God of War and Horizon Zero Dawn - check them out!

I have a young family, and we’re very privileged to be part of a larger Christian family.

Great to be onboard. I learned about the platform from reading a post by Yan Cui: A good read, not just for junior devs.

uehondor profile image
Uyi Ehondor

In my spare time, I read/develop/experiment with all things Cloud/Serverless.

redhoodjt1988 profile image
Jonathan Reeves

Hello! I'm a Software Engineer living in Texas. Python is my preferred language but I currently work with TypeScript, React, and GraphQL. I am currently working on a Udemy course where I teach the basics of Python as well as some awesome retro games with Pygame, a Python game engine used for creating 2D games.

jslvtr profile image
Jose Salvatierra

Hello! I'm Jose, a software developer turned online teacher. I help students learn mostly Python; and I do some front-end development on the side. We're about to release a course on a largely undocumented core library, Tkinter 😱

Excited to write and be a part of the community!

gabriellydeandrade profile image
Gabrielly de Andrade

Hi everyone! I'm a developer that started my career last year programming with Python. I live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and I am here to learn with you guys and share knowledge too.

I do volunteer work in diversity technology groups such as women in tech ( and afro in tech ( And I strongly believe in community power, because we can build something very huge together developing others and ourselves.

It's a pleasure to be part os this!

jfernandogg profile image
Juan Fernando Gallego Gomez

I'm young among old programmers ;) , started to program in C in 1996, and then have learned other languages. Currently learning M.L. and Angular.
Starting to think if I should move to a management position or another career change.

kaikeru profile image
Kyle Wagner

Hi, I'm Kyle. I'm a Lead SRE working in the finance industry. I love to automate everything and play around in Linux.

I decided to join because of the post that DEV hired a new lead SRE and Molly and I have very similar careers paths. It seemed like a sign I should join up.

notnasiul profile image
Luis Antón

Hi! I just stumbled upon this community by chance and it certainly looks interesting! I'm a videogame developer who has been creating games for more than 10 years, both for fun and as a freelancer, offering videogame design & development as a service. Also dad of two kids, avid reader and drawing aficionado! See you around!

ankitbeniwal profile image
Ankit Beniwal

Hi everybody,

This is Ankit Beniwal from India. I am a student pursuing MCA. Although My all-time favorite is Web Development but my interests keep changing. Currently I am interested in JavaFX and the related cool stuff of Desktop Application Development using Java.

Here is my first attempt at it :

And this gave way to my new hobby of showcasing what I develop via Youtube.

I am here to learn from you all. My Twitter Handle is : @codewithAnkit.


gbsolomon1 profile image

Hi everyone. I'm a beginner web developer located in Nigeria and I just started coding after completing high school recently. I'm currently learning JavaScript and I have a basic grasp on HTML and CSS. I joined the DEV community so I can meet other people like me and also learn from experienced developers. Thanks for having me :-)

chrislivadas profile image

Hey folks. I've often come to to keep up with developments esp. with regards to making decisions surround the latest tech. But I didn't think of joining -- until now, that is. Glad to be on board and hopefully keep learning as well as helping out in some small way. Cheers.

injechta profile image

Hi guys, im learnin Symfony php html css mysql js for my webdev diploma, i try to participate to this hacktoberfest, a little bit late but its ok :) Greetings from France guys, and keep helping and coding, long life to the open source

hsohaib07 profile image

Hey! I am Sohaib Hassan. I live in Lahore and work at Software Company as Software Developer. I love book reading and literature. In my spare time I play cricket,chess and tennisball. My core expertise are Nodejs, React, SQL, MongoDB

mechamogeo profile image
Geovani Perez França

Hi i'm a Development Analyst Junior and I am working with webrtc connections to make videoconference most easy to use for enterprises, i working at NetGlobe in Campinas and I have some hobbies and bla bla bla, just I'm here ksks :D Thankx

iberodiego profile image
Diego Martin

Hi All, I'm Diego, a software engineer based in Spain. I work 100% remote. I enjoy software development mostly with .NET technologies, DDD, CQRS, Event Sourcing and event driven Architectures. I am now getting started in Big Data world mainly with Azure products.
I decided to join the community due to the interesting articles I've often read over here :)

emilepw profile image
Emile Paffard-Wray

Hi! I'm Emile, a fullstack developer (mostly JS). I'm hoping the DEV community will expose me to lots of things that I should probably know more about.

Recently I've been trying to improve my understanding of CS (I don't have a CS degree), learn more about open source, and in service of the latter have recently begun interviewing open source maintainers about their experiences (

r3d profile image

Hello !
I'm Nicolas, 19 y.o. Computer Science/Computer Engineering Student at INSA Lyon, France.
I'm here because of the mail I received after submitting four PRs on GitHub to complete the HacktoberFest challenge.

tavofuentes profile image
Octavio Fuentes

Hello everyone! I'm a FE dev from Tijuana, MX, currently living in Mexico City. I arrived here ( following a post on "Node JS under the hood" from some twitter feed, since I'm trying to pump up my Node knowledge, and now I'm hooked with all the awesome content from the community. I'm currently one of the lucky few (I think...) working with Svelte on a regular basis, since the company I work for adopted it early. Also, I enjoy camping, biking and skateboarding in my free time. :)

dnicolef profile image

Hi, I am Diamond Fields for DC. I am currently an IT Support Engineer. In the future I would love to become a Frontend Developer. I have been coding for a year now learning HTML & CSS. I am now learning JavaScript which is a lot hard then HTML & CSS. I also have two daughters 7 years old and 1 year old. I like to watch movies and play games.

reginareynolds profile image

Hi there! Before today, I had read some articles on the site, but I didn't have an account. I decided to create one today because I completed the #hacktober challenge and found out that users that completed it get a sweet digital badge on their profile, and I'm nothing if not a fan of sweet, sweet digital badges. This past year, I've gotten into web development. I've still got a lot to learn, but seeing just how much I learned this year makes me very excited for what next year will bring. :)

adamreid profile image
Adam Reid

Hi! Figured I'd give this thing a shot! I'm a computer scientist / data analyst / business owner / former punk rocker / dad from New Jersey. I'm into big data analytics, huge fan of python, data science in general, and randomness. I'm not really sure where I want to go with this but I'm enjoying the ride so far, looking to hopefully interact with some other devs and see what else I can learn and contribute along the way. Thanks for reading and hope you have an awesome day!

sorensj profile image
Søren Sjøstrøm

Hello! I have a small start-up company that works with online installation and configuration of software under Linux. Since I don't have any employees yet, I have many caps on: Developer, IT Administrator, etc.

For the time being, I am working hard to learn some web development. I have worked with Drupal before, so I have a fair amount of PHP knowledge. Through Drupal I have worked with Bootstrap and Twig. In addition, I can read and make minor corrections in HTML and CSS. But there is clearly room for improvement here.

j1omega profile image

Hello there my name is Judith Omega from Kampala Uganda, I am learning how to code. It's super touch though I love what am doing. I need help with directions, like a road map and where to get react and Django resources

crazyskateface profile image

Hello, I'm a Full Stack Dev from Cincinnati, OH. I like to party. Also, I'm having a great time learning React! Some of my other interests include indie game dev-ing, playing video games, Magic: The Gathering, skating, parkour, drumming, binging Netflix, and weightlifting. I like high energy music whether its metal or dubstep but small acoustic shows can be pretty awesome too. I was very close to being in a touring band but then college was a thing and web dev took over my life...for the better. OH, and 3D modeling is another old passion I had. All of the things.

yashasvirp profile image

Hello everyone, beginner(more of a theoretical knowledge and unfortunately, relatively less practical experience) in programming, a newbie to software development and corporate and realtime programming. Interested in research and Artificial Intelligence. Love to learn new stuff, and apply them realtime. And would definitely use some guidance!! Glad to be in the right place, hope this is the right time as well!!

orlamadden profile image
Orla Madden

Hi guys, my name is Orla and I'm a Graphic Designer from Dublin, Ireland! I'm relatively new to the dev community. I am undertaking a
Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp with the Code Institute, where I hope to add some development skills to my existing design skills :)

I enjoy reading, walking, running, playing the guitar and playing video games (go Nintendo!).

This is my first step in what hopes to be a lifetime of getting involved with the wonderful dev community :)

abraaohonorio profile image
Abraão Állysson dos Santos Honório

Hello 0/! I'm a Software Engineer, living in Brazil. I like to contribute with world and dream make a good mark in the world. I have been participating in opensource projects for a while and technical communities, I also participate in an NGO and in the beneficent actions of my Church. I like to enjoy with my family and friends and to play sports, especially running and swimming but as a Brazilian I like to play football. And I always try to study topics related to Leadership, Startup, Public economics, Investments, Marketing, Money supply and Business management

aminubishir profile image
Aminu Bishir

Hi there!
I'm a software dev & a lifelong learner from the core northwestern Nigeria. I develop for Android, Windows Desktop App and also the Web.
Coding, reading, writing and sports are my core hobbies.

tristandl profile image
Tristan Ludowyk

Heya, I'm in Melbourne Australia and by day I lead a team of native mobile devs & designers doing a lot of Bluetooth and connected device work. My night I'm playing producing music, hanging with my 14yo stepdaughter and by weekend you'll either find me sailing or with a craft beer in my hand (and sometimes both 🙌)

andrecarvalho84 profile image

Hi! My name is André Carvalho, I'm a 35 years old dude from Brazil! Right now I'm cross carrering to web development. I worked for 8 years in my state's Secretary of Education, mainly administrating Moodles and other educational plataforms. Doing this time I've acquired some dev skills (PHP, Javascript, CSS, Sass, Git, SQL, PostgreSQL mainly) and I'm quiting education to work full-time with web development. Hope you can help me in this journey!

baktaym profile image

Hello, a digital producer / creative coder from Budapest here. Nowadays I'm learning data visualization with p5 and w3, but p5 seems to be a long term interest as it has so many fantastic libraries with almost endless opportunities.

brooklynp profile image

Hi guys! I,ve been learning web development over the past few months using angular with the hopes to become a junior Dev one day and has been really useful in giving me project ideas to help me learn so I thought I might aswell make an account! 😎

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Great, glad you joined! Welcome to this side of DEV :)

jmickey profile image
Josh Michielsen • Edited

Hey! Platform software engineer living in Cambridge, UK and working in London. I'm originally from Perth, Western Australia and moved to the UK about 1 year ago. I'm a hobbyist photographer and cyclist, and avid animal lover. I have a 6 year old Shiba Inu that means the world to me.

a3n3d3i profile image

Hi there!
I am a wanna-be Full Stack Developer fresh out of school (Finland) with a big desire to learn as many things as possible related to Python and Javascript and their respective frameworks. Still have an eye on Machine Learning and Computer Vision as a nice thing to have in my skillset.
Love to watch animations and shows in general, play pool and old school 2d games (MAME).
I also love to talk to different people/developers about their personal opinion on soft and hard skills :)

mhtaleb profile image
Taleb Mohammed Housseyn

Ok in short I m 28 years old self learning JEE/ Angular full stack
I m here thanks to sof because I had a question about electron on jhipster angular generated front :)
wishing to help and get help thanks

jamesho42877483 profile image

Here is the powerful security solution - Premium ransomware, malware, spyware, phishing, and antivirus solutions for your computers, mobile devices, and tablets. follow simple steps to install if you have any issue regarding how to install and activate it visit our website or contact us for our toll-free number +1 888-623-3555. ~

thisiszvkh profile image
Zakiah Ismail

Hi everyone! I am Zakiah, a junior software engineer living in Malaysia. Where is Malaysia? It's between Singapore and Thailand :D

I like traveling! I studied in the US for my degree... I was able to travel every semester break. Now that I have started working, there are so many things I need to think about before travelling: money, money, time, and money. Ahh, I miss being a student!

I work in an OS validation team. I use Python daily at work. I like solving problems aka debugging. I'm here to learn from all of you and I hope I can contribute back to the community as well! I am specifically looking for ways to implement a strong and effective code review culture.

luchiago profile image
Lucas Hiago

Well, I'm a backend web developer located in Teresina, Piaui, Brazil. I like to listen to music and watch movies. I found this place with recommendations from friends and I hope everyone here is friendly and we have great conversations about the programming world.

jerp86 profile image
José Eduardo Rodrigues Pinto

Fala Dev! Sou desenvolvedor novato, estudo na #Rocketseat a stack Node.js, ReactJS e React Native.
A cada dia de estudo me encanto mais pelo mundo dev!

Hoje trabalho na TI como Analista de Sistemas ERP Totvs RM, com banco de dados Oracle.

Speak Dev! I'm a novice developer, studying at #Rocketseat stack Node.js, ReactJS and React Native.
Each day of study I am enchanted by the dev world!
Today I work at IT as a Systems Analyst ERP Totvs RM, with Oracle database.

enricozappa profile image
Enrico Zappalà

Hi guys!
I'm a Junior Front-End from Catania (Sicily). I registered on May but, reading some article this morning, I really decided to start discovering this amazing community today.

I'm here to meet new people, to follow articles and tutorials (JS especially), to talk about everything, and maybe to find a new job out of Italy(?).

I love hiking, landscape photography, indie videogames and I play bass guitar.

I'll see you around!

samuelmugi profile image

FULLSTACK Developer with a growing focus in ICT specialization in understanding consumer wants and needs and giving them instinctive experiences on solutions that solve their problems or improve their experiences in ICT.
Loves travelling, driving and big fan of music. Apart time DJ.

vsinghrehal_123 profile image
Varinder Singh Rehal ⚛️

Hello everyone, I'm a FE Developer living in Milan,Italy. I recently moved to Milan from London. I want to become a Full Stack Developer. I love travelling. I am new in the Tech Industry. I am learning more to land my first job as a FE Developer. thanks!

munnabhakta profile image
𝕄𝕦𝕟𝕟𝕒 𝔹𝕙𝕒𝕜𝕥𝕒

Hi , everyone! I am a software developer from India. I am good at programming skills but not with writing and speaking skills. I am trying to improve since long time but not able to improve till now. Can anyone suggest?

I love to write small program for complex problem.

oliwebdev profile image
Olivier Lepage

Bonjour! I used to be a mobile developer at a startup company in Montréal, Canada. I recently quit my job to become a freelance web developer. I have absolutely no idea how this will turn out, but i'm pretty hyped to follow this wild dream of travelling the world, meet inspiring people and work in a field i'm passionate about. ✌️

hefnawi profile image
Ahmed Hefnawi

Hello =) I love making things hardware and software, building things from vintage/ancient components and documenting it on my weblog.

I ended up here after finishing 4+ PRs during Hacktoberfest and wanted to join this brilliant community =D

johnolushola profile image
Olushola Temiloluwa

Hey! I'm a backend engineer in Lagos. I love music, travelling and working out. I am currently working my way to being a fullstack engineer.

I followed a link on twitter to an article here and then explored so I decided to join, I could a learn a lot here.

lauhakari profile image
Mikko Lauhakari

Hello 👋

d0r6y profile image

Hello! I'm a newbie college student living in Korea!
I love DEV's site style?!. (somehow retro feeling..)

Currently, I'm interested in Web Developement, especially in REACT Library, and also about machine Learning.

I hope everybody in this site can earn a lot of useful things from each other, and also i could give some information that i can afford.

I'm not good at English, so my comment may seem a little bit weird..
but anyway thank you!

j0hnys profile image

Hi everyone. I gotta say, up until now I like the first account setup!

I am a Full Stack Software Engineer and Team Lead from Greece. PHP/Laravel/Vue is my main stack, CI/CD to AWS.

I am mostly here to explore ideas about software architecture and design. I first saw from reddit and I liked the mobile webapp implementation and snapiness!

I program recreationally also, I dance and exercise.

joshuaburkholder profile image
Joshua Burkholder

Hi everyone! I'm a software developer in Indianapolis who enjoys all kinds of JavaScript, but works mostly in Angular.

I'm most interested in developing technology that helps people work together and/or fosters appreciation for art/artists (and that includes developers!).

andresp76529535 profile image

I'm Andres, from Colombia located in North America.
I love to code (Python, Golang & C/C++)
Super interested in DevOps (Docker, KVM, Apache2, IoT)
Anthropology is my hobby!
And, big believer of hard-cover books

dantongodoy profile image
Danton de Godoy Petri Lima • Edited

I am a front-end developer with over 4 years of experience in delivering quality web products which aggregates value and ensure the best experience to our users.
I live in São Paulo, Brazil, have a beuatiful family and love to play volleyball and video games on my free time.

balmabrian profile image
Brian Haro

Hello! I am a student at sac state. I am just working on bettering my knowledge in my major which is Computer Science. I will def be reading more posts on things like java, python, and JS. Hit me up if you have a 3D printing question.

jarodpeachey profile image
Jarod Peachey

Hello! I'm Jarod Peachey. I'm a web developer with a LOT of passion for creating new things, using new languages and trying (you guessed it) new things. I code mainly in React, and Gatbsy is taking up too much of my time right now 😂

One of my all-time favorite hobbies is playing guitar. I've been playing since I was 8, and now I create fingerstyle guitar covers of popular songs (Ed Sheeran, Maroon 5, Alan Walker). I'm actually working on a fingerstyle christmas album 🎄.

_lexedwards profile image
Alex Edwards

I'm Alex. I've been self-taught tinkering for a while now, got serious about a year ago whilst on a (completely different) job in China to learn standards and the modern ecosystem. I quit my job back in September to learn full time and get into the career that I'm really passionate about! I'm been learning a bit extra outside of development, mainly UX, so I can understand the design decisions, but I'm really looking to get into a job where I can work with a team and learn constantly

lperanni profile image
Luciano Peranni

Hello People!
I am a Web Developer Intern living in Split, Croatia. Just got my first internship as a Javascript Developer and loving it. Took me a while to really get into coding (Wasn't a good student for the first 3 years) but now i'm loving it (Not necessarily JS programming tho but you take what you can get in terms of jobs around here). Besides that, i love Music Production and Board Games and tried to dabble in board game design for a while.

yumauri profile image
Victor Didenko

Hello, fellas! I'm JS (mainly) developer from Saint Petersburg, and I didn't know about this website and why I need it (and this I don't know for now as well :) until I pushed my 4th PR within Hacktoberfest, and there were some sentences about this website in a letter, so I reckon why not to register? Can someone describe this website to me in a few words? Is this like twitter or reddit for developers?

matchboxhero10 profile image
Steven Roberts

Hey, I'm a frontend developer and designer currently heading up UX for Asemblr.

I specialise in CSS, write articles and speak and conferences.

I've joined so I can post articles I've written for web designer mag over the last few years as well as some new ones.

robkedzior profile image
Robert Kedzior

Hi! I am currently a full-stack dev living in Poland. Working with C# and JS/ReactJS. I'm into all sorts of sports (football - the european one, mostly I guess :)) and physical activity. I love music (can't work without it :D ). Working on some side projects that will help me learn React Native and NodeJS.

brehen profile image
Marius Kluften

Hi there! I'm a FE Developer based in Oslo, Norway! 👋 Found this page through a Svelte google search, which landed me on a article that got me excited for the framework.
During my spare time, I enjoy dabbling with technologies I don't employ at my current workplace, while finding plenty of time to play some games and DM in a regular D&D group.

hoangleitvn profile image
Hoang Le

Hello, my name is Hoang Le, I am Co-Founder and CTO at InnomizeTech, an Offshore development, IT consulting company. My aim is to build a professional team with passion, enthusiasm, and talent that can help bring more value to our customers, help them moving fast and right direction.

blainesensei profile image

I am beginner trying to climb the ropes all the while pursuing a degree in computer science! I'd love any resources on learning how to build an interactive websites from scratch as they have been an inspiration to me and have acted as the sore motivation to try to grow. Websites like activetheory and greeeg still make my jaw drop.

marijntijhuis profile image
Marijn Tijhuis

Hi there! told me to introduce myself so here i am.

I'm a front-end webdeveloper from The Netherlands, passionate about usability, simplicity and accessibility. I also do a bit of webdesign and some back-end development.

I have read some interesting articles on in the past, and was back once again, so i thought: why not join this community?

rhondanovah profile image
Rhonda Novah

Hi all. New here. Developer living in New York. Primarily FE but also focused On UX. I love to build and create as well as travel. Mom of 1. Not afraid to admit I'm still learning and trying to brush up on some of my coding skills. Nice to meet you all.

jh_dev profile image
John Hanbury

Hi Everyone!

I'm a Full Stack .NET developer from Ireland.
I mainly work with .NET and Azure but in my free time, I like to play around with Javascript and Python.
Hoping to learn some new things and get involved in the community.

Aside from coding, I'm interested in snowboarding (even though Ireland has no snow 🙄) and most sports.

If anyone wants to talk any of the above feel free to get in touch 👍

atessutoprak profile image
Hakan Yildiz • Edited

Hi! This is Hakan, a new graduate of Flatiron School Software Engineering and Re:coded Web Development Bootcamp from Turkey. Mostly interested in Front-End Web Development and Game Development with Unity3D. npm start.... Happy Hacking!

jaxatto profile image
Jax 🦄🏳️‍🌈✨

Hey friends! I'm a UX Designer/Developer/Unicorn from Austin. TX. I like to think I specialize in design systems, responsive design, cross organization collaboration, and developer advocacy.

Something about me... I learned CSS on Neopets when I was 9 years old!

I like to play video games, hang out with my little fam, and go out for brunch. My favorite place to go for brunch right now is Snooze.

I'm currently seeking new job opportunities, holler at me. :)

hilda04 profile image

Hie:) I am an aspiring software developer (I say that because I'm fresh out of uni and realizing I still have lots to learn), I play hockey and love music, I recently discovered H.E.R, don't say I never put ya'll on.

heyitsvayzen profile image

Hi there! My name is Jeremy, I'm a junior developer living in France.

I started to learn code with Python, php and C.
I learned to love Javascript with Vuejs and I am still learning the Symfony framework.

I love to automate things, learning new things related to Devops like Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD and everything else around this topic.

In my free time, I write songs, play board games and read a lot about Tech.

I hope to learn more here !

lanejames35 profile image
Bucky Lane

Hello 👋
Data analyst working in health promotion in the Toronto area. I'm getting into front-end development to improve knowledge translation of health data. Cycling is my biggest hobby and occupies most of my spare time. Looking forward to learning form you all. Cheers everyone!

jonatha59091937 profile image

Hello!I am a computer science student and also likes watching movies and documentaries I am in Ghana and lives in Kumasi from west Africa
Thank you.

bertilmuth profile image
Bertil Muth

Welcome to!

jonatha59091937 profile image

Thanks bro

eastuto profile image
Eugene of Astuto 🤔

Hi friends. Just introducing myself I'm a tech lead from Sydney, Aus. Into esports (fmr esports manager at Blizzard Ent Sydney), fitness and learning new tech. Currently putting out some tutorial vids on youtube about building enterprise web apps with ReasonML, ReasonReact and Next.js

nandalenore profile image
Fernanda Alvim

Hello all! I'm a Brazilian living in Luxembourg and I'm attending a Full Stack Web development bootcamp :) I have no background in tech whatsoever (I'm graduated in fine arts) so I'm looking for more resources and I'd like to get to know some people as well! I like painting, coffee, cats, craft beer, hiking and I'm watching Breaking Bad for the third time now.

zwang1225 profile image
Zeyu Wang

Hey im a front end dev in Toronto(really just following the latest post here). I am a react guy. Find this community really coooool. Like the site a lot, the design, and it's super smooth tho. I'm looking for knowledge and friends, gonna be staying here a lot. I spend 2/3 day time in front of computer, 1/6 in gym, and 1/6 in mineCraft (dont know why it has to be camel case)

duncanfaulkner profile image
Duncan Faulkner

Hi, I'm a web developer living in Norfolk, UK. I've been developing software applications for nearly 20 years, in various languages, from VB6, .Net and C#, web forms, MVC, and for the last 4 - 5 years as an Angular developer for a satellite communications company.

vaclavzeman profile image
Václav Zeman

Hi there! I'm a JavaScript Engineer from Czech Republic and I've just published my first article here. My writing needs to improve a lot so I would love some feedback!

ak127a profile image

Hello there people!!!!!
I am Akshat Khandelwal from India.
I have experience in Android App Development , C , Java , HTML , CSS , SASS , A little bit of Node with Express , JavaScript(LOVE).
I am currently learning React and I think I might look onto some ui/ux design course since I am pretty bad at designing.
Any recommendations??

hendrasadewa profile image
¡ ؛ǝɹɐɥ ! • Edited

Hello developers, I'm hendra (or call me 'hare'), working as Front-end Developer, specialized in javascript and react, currently living + work in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Honestly I was a silent reader in for a year, but now I'm trying to encourage myself to interact with others in this platform.

eamtalu profile image
G. S. Amin Talukder

Hello ! I am a passionate developer, loves software development using java/python/vue and data engineering techniques using latest hadoop ecosystem. I am learning and working on kafka/spark for developing new data pipeline to process streams. I hope this community will help me to grow and I wish to contribute the best way I can.

iamandyagbaraku profile image
Andy Agbaraku

Hello! I'm a Software Developer living in Nigeria, I love art and good music. In my free time when not working or being a dad I dance and sing, I'm currently exploring Vue.js. I am also a blockchain enthusiasts..

rahul240499 profile image
Rahulkumar Jha

Hello Guys, I am here to be a part of this beautiful open-source community. I will try my best by sharing the things which I know and learn from you people because I believe OpenSource is all about learning, sharing & contributing towards society.

tmtasim profile image
Taner Tasim

Hello everyone :) I am Taner, an Elixir Developer with Java background. I am interested in everything computer science related. In my free time I am mostly in the nature (hiking, fishing ...). I have joined the community to follow mostly articles on DevOps since I am just entering this area :)

princealarming profile image

Hi all,

I've been here a week or so. I believe I posted but, to make sure, here goes, again.

I'm basically a beginner to coding. However, in the 90's I did make 6 simple websites that I created and maintained(used, back then, HTML3, some JS(1-1.2), a touch of CSS(1), Java(applets mostly)and the defunct Jscript(not sure what ver.)). I updated my HTML knowledge am updating and expanding my CSS & eventually my JS knowledge. I'm aspiring to be a Full Stack Dev.

A little about me when I'm not knee deep learning coding. I've DJed(online only), I have dabbled with playing the guitar and love to game online(prefer MMORPGs - Specifically, the dungeon and dragons type).

Hack at it,
Prince Alarming

janeskim profile image

Hey everyone! My name is Jane and I'm a software developer living in Chicago, IL. I've primarily worked with Javascript, Ruby and Python and I'm currently interested in learning Go and GraphQL. I'm also hoping to dip my toe into blogging and open source. Looking forward to learning from y'all!

aanchalogy profile image
Aanchal Sharma

Hello developers,
Glad to be part of this community. I recently submitted 4 PRs during Hacktoberfest and got to know about this amazing team of awesome developers. Would love to learn more and grow with you all. I like writing on technical stuff and even indulge in blogging.

hacktoberfest2019 #developers

wcanirinka profile image

Hi, I am Wilfried from Burundi. I am currently enrolled in Microverse Program for software developers. I am here to be able to interact with other devs and probably at one point work with others on different projects

byarustev profile image
Byarugaba Stephen

Hi there! I am a Frontend engineer living in Kampala, Uganda. I am passionate about building world-class solutions. In my free time, I talk about business, personal improvement and playing with my young brothers.

spacexar20 profile image

Hello everyone I am new here. My name is Erik and I am a front end developer. also just started my career. I forgot which exact post was in which I got to know about but it seems that this is a welcoming community for new software developers

mrmalhotra profile image

HI Developers,

I am Deepak Kumar working as a software developer, settled in New Delhi, India. I was reading a post that taught me about how to make your life a lot easier by skipping the chaining usine new feature of JS. I hope I will share a lot here and will grab a lot!! Happy coding!!

sivalabs profile image
K. Siva Prasad Reddy

My name is Siva. I am primarily a backend developer (Java, Kotlin, SpringBoot etc) with decent knowledge on frontend technologies(ES6, ReactJS, VueJS). I have been blogging on for few years and I am joining because of the vibrant dev community around here.

sitomani profile image
Aleksi Sitomaniemi

Hello All. Joined thru suggestion from #hacktoberfest - never been to DEV site before, looks very nice at the first glance.

Having been programming since my single-digit years, I've always found it interesting to build things with code. My go-to languages today are Swift, python and node.js. I like chiptune music and vintage Commodore stuff (C64, Amiga).

gayugayumba profile image

Hi Friends ,

Great opportunities for

Fullstackdeveloper @ #IITM #Chennai #Guidanz

You can find a list of our customers on our website.
BI Connector (

3-5 years















React Js /




Salary : Best as per industry standards


You will be working in our office in IIT Madras Research Park in Chennai, India.

To apply, please email us at, attaching a current resume in HTML, Word, Plain Text or PDF format.

Please help with some great references

adityapadhikbl profile image
Aditya Padhi

Hello Devs,

I am Aditya. I am working as Front-End Engineer at ServiceNow. During my free time I love watching funny videos of dogs, learn something new etc. As of now I am learning Javascript, Rust, Data Structures and Algorithms. Looking forward to work and collaborate with you all.

asafuli profile image
Gentlio Turtlio

Hi Amigos,

Excited to join the community.
I am newly FE Developer starting my way in this world.
I am also a dad of two beautiful kids and Guitar player who wishes to someday get a bit more serious im that area as well 😊

deanagan profile image

Hey there, I'm a game programmer based in Sydney, Australia looking to make it to the world of full stack web development. I currently write in C++,C# and Python but learning more about web development on my spare time.

paultnylund profile image
Paul Nylund

Hello all! I'm a Norwegian/Californian front-end developer and interaction designer. I usually work with React, and have some experience with Unity and embedded systems. Currently at in Oslo, Norway :)

thatafro profile image
Méhluli Hikwa

Hello World!
Im a Digital Designer | Filmmaker | FrontEnd WordPress Developer
What brought me here is the great content related to the web and all the ever evolving tech around it.
Fun fact: I am a hobbyist beekeeper.

archersmith10 profile image
archer smith

I am epson connect printer setup utility support tech experts and we are involved in providing help related to printers as they comprise a number of technical components and programming software so this can really get technical problem so call us at +1-888-633-7151 or visit us.

rjchirinos profile image
Raúl Chirinos

Hi, I'm a full stack developer living in Venezuela, I'm also studying last year of mechanical engineering. I would love to work as freelancer in the meantime and move to another country with more job opportunities.

alexsandrotc profile image
Alexsandro Teixiera

Hello, My name is Alexsandro.
I'm is a web developer in a logistics company, I develop applications and solutions for logistics and communication with clients using miscellaneous technology, but the main is C#, ASPNET.
Also starting to apply techniques of DevOps and continuous integration.

I apologize for the errors, because not have command of English. I am an intermediary in English

alexsandrotc profile image
Alexsandro Teixiera

Hello, My name is Alexsandro.
I'm is a web developer in a logistics company, I develop applications and solutions for logistics and communication with clients using miscellaneous technology, but the main is C#, ASPNET.
Also starting to apply techniques of DevOps and Continuous Integration.

I apologize for the errors, because not have command of English. I am an intermediary in English.

amitc1308 profile image

Heyya Guys !! I am a FrontEnd Developer based in India and have been on this career path of 16 months now. I am always up to learn new things.
Also i make sketchs sometimes when i am free or have some good ideas in my head.
Apart from that i am PC Gaming enthusiast with a large Appetite.

vladimirkitty profile image
Max White • Edited

Olla I am Max, a Front End Developer, based in South Africa. Im a mother of two, love all things black and a tad obsessed with hello Kitty.

I found DEV whilst looking through some new research and leaning materials to advance what knowledge I have of the digital space languages.

Excited to see what available on here.

I am currently venturing out into AI Programming - which is different from the normal code-to-code daily life I live.

ayushparui profile image
Ayush Parui

hello my name is Ayush I'm ethusiast about learning programming languages and I'm 16 yrs old.

geeksesi profile image
Mohammad Javad Ghasemy

welcome to dev.
here we can help you to start your way :)

marcobomfim profile image
Marco Aurélio Bomfim

What's up folks! I'm Marco. I'm a development lover, and I also love anything tech related. Some other things that always catch my eye are social and/or environmental causes. I mainly code in JavaScript, and love trying to visually display math on code with tools like p5. Hope to have a nice time being a part of the community, and that I may be of help as well!

jpsam7 profile image
John Peter

Hi, I'm John Peter from Chennai, India currently living in Bangalore. I am working as a Senior Software engineer at Myntra and I basically handle full stack Javascript development and Go development here.

Would love hearing from you all. Thanks.

separaterecords profile image

Hi all!
Not a professional dev, though definitely a passionate one. I started this accidental journey in December of 2016, when some friends wanted a Discord bot. Since then I've worked on my own projects almost every day, but only recently got the courage to publish any of them after making strides with my mental health!

I love working in Python, but I've got varying degrees of experience in a few other languages (including JS, C#, and for some reason AHK). At this point I'm finding any excuse to write new things in Rust!

Can't wait to get to know this community, you all seem wonderful :)

davidcabal profile image
David Cabal

Hi all, I'm a software engineer living in Nashville, TN. Been a lurker on this site for a long while and figured it was about time I joined.

Currently a NodeJS dev by day but worked in Java/Angular/React/etc in the past. Really enjoy tinkering with PWA's and Capacitor in my down time.

I'm a husband and father of 2 so what little free time I do get usually finds me back coding on a side project, trying to automate stuff with Raspberry Pi's, or pretending I'm not an adult and rocking some video games.

sonermezgitci profile image

Hi Guys ;
I am about starting programming in Flatiron School. I have no base about programming or etc. You can recommend me any source about Ruby or relative guide for starting this kind of program. I would be really appreciated it.
Thank you

mr_bertoli profile image
Andrea Bertoli

Hi everyone! I'm a front end developer living in Italy. I also work on back ends with Go (not a pro yet), beautiful language by the way. I love JS/TS and I mainly use React&Redux.

Just released my first post: 😁

lareman profile image

Oh boy,

I just needed a quick auth and now I'm here. I just wanted to comment on Telerik's post: "Creating a Reusable, JavaScript-Free Blazor Modal" which is exactly what I was looking for. I actually took some significant time off to learn C#, .Net Core MVC/API, and EF Core but immediately became enamored with the potential of Blazor. To me, that's the glue that will bring everything together. Telerik's post helps with creating my first RLC (or RCL :)). Pleasure to introduce myself here.


mosesonyango profile image

Hello!i`m moses a cyber security student at kabarak university Nakuru,am here because i love to code and learning new things pertaining technology,hope i am in the right platform

tanvir_aunjum profile image
Tanvir Aunjum

Hello! I am an Instant Game Developer. Works in in Bangladesh. I have 2+ years experience on software industry. 6 months experience on game industry. My dream is to have my own game engine.

faysalnfaysal profile image
Faysal Iqbal • Edited

Greetings everyone,
Before telling what and who brought me here, let me introduce myself to you.
I am Faisal Iqbal from Lahore, Pakistan, UX/UI Designer, I am in the business since 2004. My career evolved from the self-taught graphics designer to UX Designer and heading towards the full-stack designer which required extensive hands-on experience on HTML, CSS and javascript. I was curious about how people write such a lengthy code, do they have such amazing mentors or its a grit/passion.

I am always a learner, currently, I am doing exercises on (learning javascript basics) writing small code of HTML & CSS on
One good day I was reading a blog of "Florin Pop" regarding resources for newbies that brought me here and I am loving it. Thank you florin pop.

I am working as a UI/UX Designer with a startup and small team, after work I used to practice HTML, CSS & javascript. New tips, resources, exercises and mentorship will help to achieve my goals.

Thank you for such an amazing community and Florin Pop to introduce me this place.

Take care

mwood23 profile image
Marcus Wood

👋Hey everyone, I'm a developer based out of Richmond VA. I'm a proud bootcamp grad that now runs a small product company. I want to help people find success in becoming a developer and learn about new web tech.

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
julietaflux profile image
Julieta Flux

I there! I'm a dev from Buenos Aires and my major motivation here is to write about OOP Design Patterns and .NET tips as the come to mind. My hobbies include chilling with my cats (I have 3) and playing with some generative art (mostly JS + webGL + OpenGL but also Hydra makes me tick lately).

¡I hope we can share this endless learning path!

reach2sanket profile image
Sanket Bhosale

Hello I am fullstack developer student who is exploring many technologies. A bit confused but still hope I will get something right. I love literature and art and movies. I hope this community will guide me and help me to learn and grow to be a good valuable developer.

chiragshahklc profile image
Chirag Shah

Hello everyone. I am SharePoint and NodeJs (React and Vue) developer. I love to cook and read books. I also enjoy watching anime. I am passionate about one PC game - League of Legends.
Programming is fun and life and I hope I will learn a lot over here. I already saw few awesome posts over here.

theearthshaker profile image
Hans Limiki

Hi! Hans here, I'm a mobile application developer from Indonesia. Hoping to learn more about Kotlin, Swift, and RoR. It's fun to learn new stuff :)

I'm also used to be an avid gamer, but not so much these days. cant seem to find a game that can hold my interest long enough. I also play guitar.

I also hope I'm able to contribute to something.

kephasoft profile image

Hello everyone. I was just looking for a site to grow my developing skills and landed here. A bit about myself, I am a full stack .Net developer. I love tinkering with code. Currently diving into Python.

bkains profile image

Hi everyone! I am a software developer for D2L in KW Ontario. Currently I work in .NET and Node.js but I am passionate about Linux and operating system development. In my free time I play bass for a band called Vintage Flight, practicing Street Fighter, and am working to contribute more to open source.

austinug8 profile image
Amalaha Ugochukwu

My name is AMALAHA, UGOCHUKWU. I reside in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
I studied Electrical and Electronics Engineering from University of Port Harcourt.
I am a graduate with training and job experience in automated electro mechanical systems.
A tech enthusiasts, learning and aspiring to be a full stack software developer.

Currently learning JS

alejandro_sierra profile image
Alejandro Sierra

Hi, I am a front end developer from Columbia South Carolina. Im excited to start posting and showing some of the stuff i have been working on. I am an avid runner and enjoy playing guitar in my free time.

toshi0383 profile image
Toshihiro Suzuki

Hi from Tokyo! I came here because I saw a lot of great posts in this site. I’m a iOS developer during daytime, GTSport driver at night, and a father in weekends. Also love to build and customize keyboards. Currently using 40% keyboard called Zinc. Happy building!

shoruh profile image

Hi! I'm a frontend developer living in Dushanbe(yeah, it's too far), I'm in wheelchair but I enjoy every moment in my life. I also love hip-hop and reading books about politic, history, economy etc.

itsjzt profile image
Saurabh Sharma

Welcome kouroosh

sirbruno profile image
bruno pereira

Hi everyone!!

I'm just a guy who started learning web development as a hobby, then stopped and became interested in music, then gave up on all of his dreams and became a front end developer because life isn't like on TV and i don't want to live on the streets.

alantelles profile image
Alan Telles

Hello, world! I'm Alan Telles, from Nova Iguaçu, a city at the downtown region of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. My favourite languages are Pascal/Lazarus and Python. I dream of develop a project that many people use and my next try is the UltraGen template engine that you can check on my GitHub. I'm here to learn and stay up to date with IT things. Greetings!

gadrawingz profile image
Gad Iradufasha

Hello world developers, My name is Gad Iradufasha I am Web developer and Programmer. I came here from GitHub to collaborate with other Coders/ Developers across the world. My Languages: CSS, Javascript, Php, Java and Ruby & rails, I'm now learning Go Lang.

My Interests: Playing basketball, Rap battling and (Freestyles), Additionally I am Visual artist in DNA.

daxjcastro profile image
Dax Castro

Hi all, I am a digital media specialist, Adobe Community Professional and an accessibility advocate. I specialize in Word, PPT and InDesign to PDF accessibility. I am also a whitewater rafting nut and amateur blacksmith.

tomhallam profile image

Hi all! I'm Tom and I'm a software engineer based in the UK. I recently left a role working on Dyson's Connected Home platform to go freelance and see more of the world! We're off to New Zealand in November. We cannot wait! :D

I'm mostly concentrating on Node.js, Docker, CI/CD w/ CloudFormation and CodePipeline, and React Native at the moment. I'm really enjoying being able to work across the whole stack again.

I am looking forward to honing my writing skills by sharing some of my knowledge with you guys, and of course learning as much as I can from you too!

cartersteinhoff profile image
Carter Steinhoff

Hi, I’m a full stack JavaScript developer living in Seattle. My hobbies right now revolve completely around code, and I’ve totally immersed myself in it as of late.

Excited to be a part of this community!

jitendermittal8698 profile image

Hey all I'm Jitender Mittal and I'm a passionate programmer. I am Here to explore Open Source Community or better I say Open World Of Programmers :)

I would like to tell that i have read so many great articles of DEV community that i couldn't stop myself to join and shout a BIG THANKS to all the programmers who devote there time to write such great articles. Kudos to all!

dracivik profile image
Viktor Stojanov

Hello everyone!
I a self-taught developer working on increasing my skills so I can start applying to front-end jobs. I live in North Macedonia and I came here after successfully completing the Hacktoberfest challenge.

mdfazal profile image
MD Fazal Mustafa

Hello! I am a Front-end web developer, Android & XR developer in making. I love to read(kind of the reason to join and listen to music. I am open to all ideas and am a 2nd year undergrad student.

marystovall profile image
Mary Stovall


Today I read the fab post about contributing to the Open Source community and here I am!

I started learning Python and SQL about a year ago to level up my data analysis skills.

Nice to meet you all!

alamoshim profile image
wasim alam

I'm wasim from india, i always wanted to learn programming because i love this things since my childhood but as I'm growing up I've observed there's no such education is provided, i don't know what i need to learn? i want to start from basic and hope you guys will help me.

whatsapp - +91 7274864074

India is still backward in the field of programming and all. plz help me..i request entire community

toopieelf profile image

Hey guys, I am a newbie in programming! I know I am late to the party, but I I know its an awesome thing to do. I do java and android development. Any ideas on how to navigate these water would be much appreciated. Thanks for having me in this awesome community

toddberlin profile image
Todd Berlin

Hi from Brisbane, Australia. I work in Marketing Automation at the moment and get to do a little bit of frontend stuff in my job, which is great. I'm working through the freeCodeCamp curriculum in my spare time as well.

parttimelarry profile image

Hello there, I am a Software Engineer @ Glu Mobile living in San Francisco, California. We make casual lifestyle games like Design Home, Covet Fashion, Diner Dash, and Kim Kardashian: Hollywood.

I'm looking to create more content outside of work (writing, screencasts, open source) and learn and share with other developers. This seems like a great place to do it. Feel free to follow me on twitter @parttimelarry , just getting started there.

Outside of software, I like to listen to and see a lot of live music (rock, hip hop, jazz) and comedy, go on trips with my wife and dog, and walk around the city and its various neighborhoods.

jonniola profile image
Jon Niola

Been meaning to sign up for a while but kept getting side-tracked with dumb things lol.

I love the idea of a social community of/for/by fellow developers and looking forward to meeting some new folks.

daisydevelops profile image
Daisy Develops


I'm Daisy and I love to write JavaScript. I've been getting a lot of articles from DEV in my news feed, so I figured I should come check the place out. Hopefully, I will be able to contribute some educational/insightful/meaningful articles in the future!

elienvissers profile image


I am an architect (the kind that designs buildings) that got into coding while inbetween jobs. I'm currently still working full-time in the construction sector. Web development with JavaScript is my 'first love' and I enjoy developing my own mobile application in react-native. I'm currently learning data science skills and java programming while studying part time at college!

I found my way here after completing the Hacktoberfest challenge :) Excited to keep on learning!

taohuh profile image

Hi guys, My name is TAO from Thailand. I'm a newbie of frontend, and want to learn more javascript please let's me know about web world ;-)

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome TAO! What's the next thing you're trying to learn?

enfors profile image
Christer Enfors

Hello! I'm a developer living in Sweden. I've worked with many languages over the years, but now I focus mainly on Python. I like to develop chatbots and virtual assistants among many things, and Linux is my preferred platform.

krysal profile image
Krystle Salazar • Edited

Hello! My name is Krystle Salazar, I'm from Venezuela 🇻🇪 :)
I was creating my account to get my badge of Hacktoberfest 😝 hahaha
I'm not used to writing in a blog 😅 But probably I'll start one soon since I'm already here!

igalklebanov profile image
Igal Klebanov

Hey everyone!

I'm a frontend (angular) + backend (nodejs + aws lambda) developer (2 years) from Israel. Into functional programming and simplicity. Favorite editor: vs code. Very passionate about what I do.

Got introduced to this site by google's search app recommendations feed a while back. Find the articles very helpful and read here almost every day. Maybe will write my own one day.

yadmit profile image

Hi there! I am a full stack developer with 2+ years of experience. I specialize in python and c++ programming languages. I have been following this channel from months now and i have seen some great posts and i feel its a great platform to share and learn. And to answer the question of "WHY i am here ", we all have so far realized that whenever we start to learn something new there is a lot of content, but when we reach a certain level of expertise most of the content seems to be redundant and then there comes a gap where half of the content becomes too easy and then some goes over the head like you missed something in between . So the aim here will be to start and participate in meaningful discussions, sharing content which helped me overcome some of the problems i faced and obviously to learn from the experts here.

educr6 profile image

Hello! Im a backend developer and engineering student from the Dominican Republic. I love reading about cloud native applications, architectures and a bit of devops. Currently thinking about which weapon to use as my main tool: Python , Node.js , Go or .NET CORE.

In my free time I play basketball ( Im 6'3" :D ) and watch a lot of drama/thriller films.

ryry_02 profile image
Ryan (he/him) • Edited

Hello I'm Ryan! I'm a software developer from England, currently working as a Java developer but doing lots of Python in my spare time. Interested in neural networks and text generators specifically - maybe what I'll do my first blog post about.

Other than software and data I love running, baking and my cat!

Have a nice day! :D

krakjoe profile image
Joe Watkins • Edited

Trigger warning: The following text contains mention of PHP, those of you with an aversion to hearing anything about PHP should stamp on your screen now :D

Hi, I'm a PHP guy ... I work on the language itself, and on some popular extensions, and am a release manager for 7.1.

PHP has warts, many of them, some of them hairy ... 25 years old for a language is pretty old, so warts, I can forgive.

Nobody loves warts ...

PHP has an open, vibrant, and thriving ecosystem, where nobody has a monopoly on correctness, where innovation and creativity are the order of the day.

This is what keeps me around the project ...

nasimuddin profile image
Nasim Uddin

Hello, I am trying to be a good Full Stack developer. Learning new stuff daily. I am pretty interested in Competitive Programming. Studying B.S.C in Computer Engineering. I am also interested in Quantum Computing although I am not good at Math😌

raph941 profile image
Raphael Ehindero

Hello everyone
am Raphael am new to this community but am loving the warmness of the people here. Am a fullstack Dev currently using Python (Django), i love meeting new people and love music and also reading

mrrwmix profile image
Matthew Winemiller

Hello! I am a recent coding bootcamp graduate and a Hacktoberfest 2019 participant. I'm currently learning Vue through a Udemy course. I joined this community to learn more about web development, and for a friendly place to ask/answer questions.

abdulmtambuu profile image
AbdulMtambuu • Edited

Hello, am Abdul from Tanzania, East Africa,am a software developer at a begging level striving to learn both front end and back end technologies, I look forward to learn much from you.
Being here it feels "no worries",(hakuna matata) in my mother tongue "Swahili". Peace to all of you.

damienblack006 profile image

Hi guys I'm a web developer living in India. Apart from coding and studying I play guitar and watch anime. My goal is to become a successful web developer. I like to listen to heavy metal and rock n roll most of my time.

migfabio profile image
Fabio Mignogna

Ciao! I am a Mobile Developer, Italian, living and working in Dublin (Ireland). I love (well, I always try to) delivering exceptional products and I will share in this community what I've learned about TDD, Design Patterns, Architecture, etc.
Hope this would help other developers and also I can hear and learn for others which is the most important thing for me!

jayp profile image
Jay A. Patel


I am Jay - I live in San Francisco Bay area.

I am a backend developer working on Midtype along with my friend Neel.

We started Midtype to help builders iterate on web apps quickly. We think that building web apps from scratch is way too time consuming. There's too many services to glue together. We wanted an augmentable backend that came with everything a web app needs: authentication, payments, access control, price segmentation, easy integrations, and more. So we built Midtype, the fastest way for anyone to get their web app up and running.

Hoping to connect with web app builders looking to iterate faster.

olliebrown profile image
Seth Berrier

Greetings! I'm a programmer and teacher in the midwest United States. I cut my teeth on C++ from the command line in Solaris. I've got decent skills in Java, JS (ES6/ESNext), PHP, Python, node.js, react and many more. I teach game design and am proficient in Unity, Unreal, and Phaser.js. I have a PhD in CS and do occasional research in computer graphics with a focus in image based rendering and photogrammetry (by my primary workload is teaching).

I came to dev because of hacktoberfest! Just finished my four pull requests (all to the Phaser.js code base) and stopped by here to see what's next.

I am also a big advocate of community theater and perform regularly on our local stage. I've directed and run lights and sound for live shows before and I've served on our local theater guild's board. I also have a bachelor's degree in music and sing in a 12 voice early music choir based out of Eau Claire, WI.

I'm a dad too, with two elementary aged kids both with special needs (#exhausting).

briannissley profile image
Brian Nissley • Edited

Hi, world.

I'm a developer with the heart of an artist. I'm fairly new to web development, but I've been a logic addict for all 37 years of my life. I have to know how things work, and I have to have full control over my systems. Where others rely on frameworks, I rely only on convention and logic. Object Oriented programming is my passion.

For CSS, I use the BEM convention (Block, Element, Modifier), which is a concrete application of Object-Oriented CSS.

For JS, I use a convention of my own creation, which I call "Civilized JS". It's a concrete application of Object-Oriented JS, and it's my hope that someday, it'll help put an end to web frameworks as we know them.

Frameworks exist because people can profit from them. They want you in their ecosystem. Most people won't waste their time pitching an idea that they can't profit from, so the result is that the best stuff gets the least exposure. I refuse to tolerate it, and so should you.

Strict conventions are timeless, and they become part of the landscape for a reason. You can't profit from logic and convention, but you can use them to solve ALL of your web development problems. If you believe this, then your life will improve.

I just want everybody to be happy and sane :)

Thanks for reading, and thanks for having me!

chegior profile image
Chedro Cardenas

Hola ! Im from Peru, currently living in Salt Lake City, chasing my old dream to be part of the IT community, I’m so excited to be part of this forum and also have the opportunity to share and learn from all of you guys, so thank you in advance and ready to share!!

dalisalvador profile image
Dali Salvador

Hi there! I'm an Electronic Engineer who said "f***ck this job" and from now on (as from december to be exact) I'll be doing what I love, and work as a React/Node Dev!!

It's never too late for a good "f*ck this".

pierreamari profile image
Pierre Amari

Hello !
I'm Pierre, french but i'm actually in the Philipinnes for few months and i'm still on my learning journey to become a frontend developer ReactJS!
I already learned HTML CSS and the fundamentals of JS (also DOM and Events) and i'm actually learning ES6 before starting React !

I'm a self-taught, passionate and hungry to learn new things in the Web Development area!

Also, i'd like to learn machine learning and data science because it sounds incredible!
But i have to do things slowly so maybe in few months/years ahah

Nice to meet you all and if some Filipino dev are here, i would like to meet you and talk around a coffee if possible ! :)

gbsolomon1 profile image

Hi everyone. I tried posting this yesterday but I don't think it went through. I'm a beginner web developer located in Nigeria and I just started coding after completing high school recently. I'm currently learning JavaScript and I have a basic grasp on HTML and CSS. I joined the DEV community so I can meet other people like me and also learn from experienced developers. Thanks for having me :-)

rainydevbs profile image
Ben Shuck

Hey! Been working in software development for close to two years. At work I specialize in full stack C# .NET with a semi-recent move to Angular for the front end. Wanting to start playing with Blazor and Xamarin on my own time in the coming months.

I'm very interested in architecture, design patterns and writing clean code so my future self and co-workers actually enjoy reading my code. I've really enjoyed learning about delegates and generics lately as well.

I joined to try my hand at creating content, and seems to be the perfect place to do so. I look forward learning with everyone here!

kevinlg profile image
Kevin LE GOFF • Edited

I am a mobile developer currently working on iOS but I have dealt with Android and the web in the past.
I am interested in everything when it comes to IT and always eager to learn or play with new techs.
When I am not typing on a keyboard I enjoy spending time with family and friends.
I am a casual runner and cyclist (soon to become casual triathlete).

christianrondeau profile image
Christian Rondeau • Edited

Hi! I'm Christian Rondeau, CTO at Mediaclip in Montreal, Canada, where we build fun and unusual software with unique scalability challenges. I'm looking to start sharing some of our experiences with software (typescript, c#, Azure) and humans (Scrum, core protocols).

kodemaan profile image
kodemaan • Edited

Hello! I'm a fullstack developer specializing in react frontend with node backend. Also looking to learn more about cloud computing. In my spare time I play video games and spend time with my 2 year old son and family :)

nyolivia26 profile image
N. Olivia

Hello.. I'm a yet to be programmer. I study Software engineering. I'm a passionate of security, hacking and AI.
What brought me here is a friend's WhatsApp post sharing this link. I've found it very interesting so, I signed in.

aalukis1 profile image

Hello there, I'm Aliyu from Nigeria And I'm new here... A beginner with Python Web development (Flask). I feel like learning every Programming language out there. Will love to know how you senior Devs dealt with this kind of feeling during your days as beginners

finnporter profile image
Finn Porter

Hi everyone, I'm a .NET dev from Edinburgh, although I'm originally from Vienna.

I love coding obviously but when I'm not you can either find me doing something with the dog (walking, teaching tricks, teaching useful stuff,...) or fixing something around the house and garden. That's me in a - very tiny - nutshell.

czep profile image
Scott Czepiel

Hi devs! I'm a data scientist and spend most of my time on the back end. I'm learning (or relearning) javascript because I want to make awesome visualizations, make data analysis accessible, and build front end tools for data analysts. I am very excited about React!

hamidaspnet profile image

I am very confused…
They are really going to change a very basic and fundamental concept of OOP!!!!
Why should an interface has default implementation for method?????
In OOP an interface is a contract for class that assigns structure of it.
In fact because of this reason that interface doesn’t have implementation, classes can implement(inherit) from multiple interfaces.
This is very mess....
With this feature SOLID principles are going to die and Abstract class will be inefficient....

marlonsmacedo profile image
Marlon Macedo

Hello! I'm a Support Coordinator living in Rio de janeiro, Brazil. I am entering the development world using the python language. I'm a soccer fan of Vasco da Gama and as a hobby i play some instruments (guitar, bass)

mgill25 profile image
Manish Gill

Hello, I'm a Data Engineer living and working in Berlin. I do Data & Platform related thingies at work, and Rust/Distributed Systems in my free time. Recently been working on a chip8 emulator written in Rust. I hope to do more interesting things in data storage/streaming systems.

Happy to be part of Dev!

donghwanshin profile image
Donghwan Shin

Hi all, I am a research associate at University of Luxembourg, and I am doing research on software testing, with a focus on log-based analysis, software mutation testing, and cost-effective testing for DNNs. I like this place that I can indirectly experience many "live" problems in practice. Looking forward to finding exciting problems both for practitioners and researchers. ;)

simo20199 profile image

I am beginning my career as a full-stack web developer I have experience working with HTML, CSS & Javascript which compliments my Rails experience. I have good knowledge and experience in Marketing, I worked with different companies in different fields, I am able to work well in a team and individually. My experience training under pressure means I can meet deadlines every time.

cuacua profile image
Cuadros Nicolas

Hi everyone ! I'm a computer science student in France (currently in my last year).

I have been reading articles from for more than a year now. I don't really know why but I never created an account but it seems that today is the day that I finally take the step.

I really love programming since I'm like 13 years old and I mostly doing stuff in Python. I have already worked next to my studies for some companies, built a software in C#, some VBA macros for Microsoft Visio and also a small mobile application using react native.

I discovered when I was looking for a developers community to gather tips for frameworks or languages and also to stay tuned with the newest technologies.
But what I found here was more than what I excepted, with articles about motivation and interviews. It was a real pleasure to read articles here and maybe I will give it a try to write my own ones.

Recently I have build a small package in python to transform function in command line script using the inspect module. If you think it worth an article tell me !

GitHub logo CuadrosNicolas / Python-Command-Function

This project aims to build an easy to use package allowing to use a python function directly as a command line script using the argparse module.

Python Command Function


This project aims to build an easy to use package allowing to use a python function directly as a command line script using the argparse module.

When building a software, deep learning algorithm or even simple script; most of the time you will end up with one function that do all the job. But when you want to try or use it quickly you will have to use the python in command line or just edit your script each time you want to change your parameters. The best actual way for now is to use the argparse module to wrap your function with a command line interface but you will have to update it each type you change your function.

The point is that function is already what you want to call, and has already all the informations that you put in the argparse, so why…

lfcars profile image

Hi! I'm Filipe, I'm a creative and out-of-the-box Portuguese Electronics Engineer (I can prove that since I am an inventor and have a granted US patent under my name! :)). I'm working hard to fulfill my long-time dream of programming my own innovative app ideas. To achieve that, I'm studying dart and flutter and I already made my first apps.
If you would like to have your ideas creatively coded, feel free to hire me :) Since I still haven't achieved the Coding God status I aspire, it will be a very small investment and I'll be eternally grateful to you for having kickstarted my programming career!
Muito obrigado!! (That's Portuguese for "Thank you very much!")

ramanujd profile image

Hey, I think DEV will save my time searching over right technology trends on twitter.
I am java technology enthusiast. I like things that helps rapid enterprise application development. Things like java reflection and byte code manipulation are my favorite part of codebase.

praveenpluscode profile image
Praveen Sirimalla

Hi, I'm praveen who's wanting to be a self taught programmer
Which led me here. In this journey I choose to be a full stack web developer as self taught which I already mentioned.

And my plans are

I found a roadmap for frontend and backend at site


There is nothing to worry about resources there is already have abundant information available on the web.

So, in this journey I hope this will guide me and help me wherever or whenever stuck in between.

Final words.

I've failed many time trying to be a programmer but never failed in trying again, Thank you.

sebbestune profile image
Sebastian Lindgren

Hello there!

I am a computer scientist and enthusiast in most things related to code and programming tech. I orignially come from Sweden but I am now living in Finland. Quite often I am working on a hobby project of some sort, and otherwise I spend much of my time just living my life. I am quite interested in C and most of C-like programming, data visualization, Linux and Vim, web development (right now getting into Vue), interesting hobby projects, simple game development and the like.

leptoquark1 profile image

I'm afraid that anxiousness and true confidently about myself and my future are sometimes just a few moments apart.

Some motivating and encouraging articles brought me to and I'm excited to meet the people behind.

feministclickback profile image

Hello! I started out consulting feminist websites on how to reach a wider audience mainly through SEO and I'm a co-founder of Now I'm moving more towards web development and I'm mainly interested in static site generators, Sass, and security/privacy at the moment. Still a lot to learn!

mezzolite profile image
Mez Charney

Hello! I'm a software engineering student at Flatiron School. I don't have a lot of coding experience, but I'm learning fast and hope to spend the rest of my life doing so. Previously, I worked in ops, helping small businesses and startups build stable foundations for their businesses. It was a fascinating career, but I've always wanted to learn how to build things too. I decided to take the plunge and started the bootcamp 3 weeks ago. It's been an amazing experience. I look forward to becoming part of this interesting, diverse community, and working alongside other innovators and creators.

raman_andryianau profile image
Raman CreativeIT

Hey there! Nice to meet you!

I'm a full-stack JavaScript developer with 9-year experience and CEO at CreativeIT, a software house in Belarus. Being an active contributor to open source, I also have a lot of experience with React, Angular, Node.js, React Native, and other technologies.

Here I'm going to create my blog and share experience. I will be glad to discuss technical issues and exchange ideas with you. I hope I'll be welcomed here! :)

yzaguirre profile image

I was reading Ali Spittel's book "What I Wish I Knew Before I Learned to Code" when I stumbled upon a chapter mentioning Currently learning react-native for iOS and Android.

I'm into linux server administration, digital privacy concerns, and work as a software developer in Guatemala.

abayomijohn273 profile image
Abayomi Olatunji

Glad to be here.
I'm Abayomi, a Javascript Developer currently working on React/ReactNative.
I love coding, jogging and some other fitness exercise, good music
I hope to learn alot here

micku profile image
Michele Gargiulo

Hi DEV community! 👋
I'm Michele from Milan 🇮🇹.

I do a lot of development and some devops. Mainly working with Python and Node, but sometimes I do some frontend stuff. Dream to work in the gaming industry.

Today I stumbled on this comment (obviously I was searching for the great post):

Hey! I've noticed that in this post you use "guys" as a reference to the entire community, which is not made up of only guys but a variety of community members.

I'm running an experiment and hope you'll participate. Would you consider changing "guys" to a more inclusive term? If you're open to that, please let me know when you've changed it and I'll delete this comment.

For more information and some alternate suggestions, see

Thanks for considering!

The subsequent conversation was interesting, and decided to look what's behind this website.

I then registered an account and followed some links. Reading these posts made me want to actively participate, so I'm here writing this too long intro :)

In my free time I like to paint miniatures, play videogames and enjoy free time my wife and my little dog.

munguriek profile image
Otim Benjamin Munguriek

Hahahaaaaa ha! Well am new around these parts and curiosity got me here....just tryna learn new stuff...hoping to become everything mobile one in like a super mobile developer that will be adopted by future robots and a legal advisor to the skynet council

danielgospodinow profile image
Daniel Gospodinow

Hi guys! I'm Daniel, 22, Bulgarian, software engineer at Bosch and student at Sofia University, here in my home country.

I love coding, reading and writing articles, building up IoT projects for my personal car, and cats ... especially cats! :D

amaurygomez profile image
Amaury Gomez

Hello Devs! My name is Amaury Gomez, I'm Full Stack Software Developer from the Dominican Republic, I want to know new people, and be a citizen of the world. Some of my interests here improve my knowledge in React, .Net, Js, Developers culture and whatever makes me value and grow up more.

omotolavic profile image
Victor Omotola Lawal

Hello amazing folks, I'm an energetic and enthusiastic aspiring web developer. I look forward to connecting with great minds here.
Thank you.

annabelleuxui profile image

Hi everyone! I'm learning UX design and I'm super hyped about it, but I'm quite rusty at code. I was brought here when I was searching through tech news articles and Hacktoberfest, and now I figured I'd make a post! Woo!

randellbrianknight profile image
Randell Brian Knight

Hello everyone! I'm trying to learn Python in my spare time. I work full time in a different field and hope to gain certifications to change career paths. My wife keeps a lot of my free time busy doing ballroom dancing, which is a good way to stay in shape. Randy

filibtester profile image

Hello, I am a Python programmer. I live in Italy. I studied several books on Machine Learning, using packages like scikit-learn, keras. I would like to become a quicker programmer and get more familiarity. I am a physicist. I hope you can help be to become a better programmer!

friedt profile image

Hello, i'm a FE developer living in Netherlands. What brought me here was a thread about the changes Vue is up to since i used it and now(end 2019) there is a lot unclear about how to use it in the future....

raysaltrelli profile image
Ray Saltrelli

Hi, Devs! I'm a software architect at TCGplayer where I work from home in Rochester, NY. I'm a husband, father of one, and avid gamer. Currently playing Magic: the Gathering (Commander and Arena), Keyforge, Skyrim (Nintendo Switch) and Overwatch (on and off, PS4). My current big project is to establish a culture of learning at TCGplayer. We're wrapping up National Cybersecurity Awareness Month—where the OWASP Top 10, .NET Project and Juice Shop were a big hit—and I'd like to parlay that momentum into exploring DevOps culture in Nov and other topics in the future. So I'm always on the lookout for good learning materials for my colleagues.

andreybulgakow profile image

Hello everyone!

I'm an android developer from Germany and I just freaking want to become a better developer than I was so far. It's just about time to grow for me and I think that this place is beside slack, reddit and twitter a right place to gather some useful information.

I'm very glad and looking forward to talk to you guys! :)

drpenetrator profile image

I will do my homework. U guide me.

Q. I want to track data between tencent server and its game client PUBG mobile. I want to know where is which weapon is located. For that i have to read data transferred/transfering between server and client. And also want to modify it for my advantage. How can i do it.

michelazzo profile image
Cristiano Santos • Edited

Couldn't resist the cute gif about sour eyes and had to try the night theme :) Currently living in Amsterdam, I've been doing software for more than 15 years, love Java, Python, DevOps, AWS and helping people. At your service.

anamkha05104238 profile image
Ai objectives

worldwide.Technology, especially artificial intelligence
has made our lives really easy. From the general apps to
Alexa in our houses technology has seeped in even without
us realizing when this happened. Here is a quick view of
future where AI will have significant role in each phase
of our life.

somesh101 profile image
Somesh Kumar

this place looks great for some constructive engagement.

About me: I am a Data analyst, Automation Engineer and now got a chance to dive into machine learning and modelling.
And Yeah I am working at (Girnarsoft pvt ltd).

lamroger profile image
Roger Lam

Hey, I'm Roger, a software developer located in Baltimore. I work at and I'm helping healthcare providers get reimbursed more for providing better care.

Interested in backend, infra, and helping others!

I'm blogging more now and aim to do smaller, more frequent posts of things I learn daily.

faziki profile image
Pieter Uys

Hello from South Africa! I'm a student of code and honing my skills, love learning new skills and improving on them. Currently spending most of my time on FreeCodeCamp and thinking of projects that I can create with my current skill set Otherwise than that I love music, coffee (Coffee snob here) and anything tropical.

babaalaja profile image

I am Oluwafemi Matthew, a fullstack Javascript developer based in Lagos, Nigeria.
On what brought me here,.... the amount of insights the articles shared here give to me was the key thing that lured me here.

I am constantly learning to become a better developer and business owner.

Fun Fact:I love to eat a lot .... a mean a whole lot

robertwhess profile image
Robert Warren Hess

I'm the COO of Incentive. We have developed the embeddable messaging and collaboration framework (=(https:/// and I'm here to learn more about how frameworks are used.

In my spare time, I race bicycles (in the velodrome) and my Mazda Miata NC in autocross and track time trial events.

ajimpathan profile image
Ajim Pathan • Edited

Hello everyone! I'm a B.Tech CSE student from Maharashtra, India. I like to contribute to community of developers. Currently, looking for submitting Hacktoberfest PRs. Your help regarding this would be very handy for me.

mudezzhabib017 profile image
Mohamud Sharif

Hey I'm Mohamud , CS student learning JS and ReactJS , interested in Full stack web development

miguelpragier profile image
Miguel Pragier


I'm currently choosing some technologies to finish my carreer ( as coder ) in 5 or 6 years, and decided to do it with GO and C.
But I'm studying vueJS and the next is Kotlin, only to be valuated as a freelancer :-)

Have a nice week!

aortomus profile image

Overwhelmed but excited. Always wondered what makes computers tick and ended up here.

j0hnb0yle profile image

Hey Everyone! I'm BizOps manager in tech, and I'm trying to learn how to code. Dad, sports lover, media junkie, and I love to keep active.

nntin profile image

First time participating at Hacktoberfest. Wanted to participate last year but I somehow missed it.

shriaas2898 profile image
Aastha Shrivastava

Hi! I am a python developer interested in web development and data science. Currently, a student looking for freelancing opportunities

binyamin profile image
Binyamin Green

What's up guys? I'm a student developer from Baltimore MD. Looking forward to writing and reading some great posts.

missthinkbig profile image
Nikola 🇦🇺 🇸🇰 • Edited


pypaut profile image
Geoffrey • Edited


My name is Geoffrey, and I'm a French IT student. There are so many different topics I could be passioned about, that choosing only one for a lifetime would only be such a waste. I've also been interested in blogging, and I think is an awesome platform, and that there are many uplifting and personal development related content around here. I look forward to post my first article!

jorgeluisvlogs profile image
Jorge Luis

Hello! Im a student FS developer fluent in Spanish living in Chicago, coffee and music enthusiast. When im not working I like to stream live on Twitch.

bertilmuth profile image
Bertil Muth

Hi, and welcome!

mutedmotions profile image
Abisola M

Hello! I am a FE Developer living in Nigeria. I love art and music. Delighted to join this awesome community

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV! Glad you could join :) What type of art and music do you like?

hirohaji profile image
Hiroshi Haji

Hi! I'm from Brazil, working in web dev with Javascript. Looking for more thing to learn and work on.

vanteew29 profile image


brandykip profile image

Hello I'm Brandykip

yhoung24909577 profile image
obiabo Immanuel

Hello am Emmanuel a front end developer from Nigeria

jbgandrade profile image
Jimmy Berny

Hi everyone! I am from Mexico, I hope learn a lot from you, excuse my English, is not my first language and always open to improve this.

micaelalex profile image
Micael Pereira

Hi! I'm a Computer Enginneer Student from Portugal. Love Cybersecurity. In my free time I usually read.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome Micael! What has been the best book you've read so far this year?

vaclavpavek profile image
Václav Pávek • Edited

Hello, I'm a freelance PHP developer and web applications developer. I prefer to program information systems to improve the functioning and efficiency of companies. And my English is not the best, but hopefully it will improve here. Have a nice day everyone ;-)

lukesilva profile image
👨‍💻 Lucas Silva • Edited

Hi! I'm a mobile developer living in Brazil. Love nature, music and games. Hope we can exchange some experience =D

harveyhalwin profile image
Heinek Halwin

Hi, I'm heinek and I'm a python Developer. I currently work with Django as a full stack developer.

nicolabertelli profile image

Hi, I'm Nicola and I live in Brescia in Italy. I have a small company that allowed me to learn how to program robots. I love home automation and I am a self-taught in Python

webbdays profile image

Its great opportunity.

dmknght profile image
dmknght • Edited

Hi everyone! I am a new developer of The website make me introduce myself in here

aishtron7 profile image
Aishwary Shukla

Hello everybody! I just completed hactoberfest & I got a mail from them that I should checkout "dev". So I'm new here & I don't know whats waiting for me here😁 And ya I'm an Indian student doing CS engineering😊 Cheers to a bright future!

tianadroid profile image

Hi everyone, i'm a software developer and a mechanical engineering student. I love coding cos it's so much fun

pracoon profile image
Prasham Ashesh vs Medium vs LinkedIn
which one is a better blogging platform and why?

normanisrad profile image
norman (he/him)

Hello! I'm a high school freshman, teaching myself each day how to program things. When I'm not coding or at school, I make memes and hang with my friends. :)

huynhicode profile image
Steph Huynh

Hi, I'm Steph! I am a web developer and designer. I helped organize a Hacktoberfest weekend event this past weekend. It was a blast! My motto for the past seven months has been, "Just do it". (Yes, I stole this from Nike.) Or, I guess a longer version of my motto would be: "I may not know how to do all the things that I have been doing, but I wanted to do them, so I did." Happy to join this community!

eares profile image

Hi people ! I am frontend developer in Istanbul. I running out from Medium and found here myself. So I love here. Good luck everyone !

ashma_z profile image
Ashma Zaheer

I am a BSC CSE student at TU Delft in the Netherlands. My journey in programming just began and so I started using gitHub, which brought me to the Hacktoberfest, which in turn brought me here! In my free time, I like to play video games and read books. Really excited to see all these new communities.

ryan_ai profile image
Ryan M

I am learning about AI. I want to make tools to analyze satellite data.

frontman14 profile image

Hi i am learning webdev at the moment and joined that community in hopes to learn more and hoping to find a job in this field one day.

lpkvn profile image

Hey! I'm a full-stack JS Developer from Ukraine. I love to learn new things about programming and I want to contribute to open source.

yessermiranda13 profile image

Hello, I like to continue learning, I did not know the platform, I will be searching how I can contribute or make inquiries

patferraggi profile image
Patricio Ferraggi

Hello, my name is Patricio Ferraggi I am a self-taught developer from Argentina currently living in Belgium. I am passionate about improving my technical skills and helping others do the same.

arnette110 profile image

Hello! I'm just starting my development journey. I enjoy painting and drawing as well as golfing, snowboarding and travelling.

venkatgopal14 profile image
Venkat Gopal

My name is venkat and I am passion about my career and I want to learn new things ....

giselyalves13 profile image
Gisely Alves Brandão

Hi, people! I'm a developer in São Paulo, Brasil. I'm studying data science now. I decided to write, in Portuguese, about what I've been learning in a effort to democratize the knowledge in that area. I started writing on medium and I'll start writing here too because I really like the community atmosphere Dev has.

marwaeltayeb profile image
Marwa Eltayeb • Edited

I need to know what is new about android

wesjordan profile image
Wesley Jordan

Hi! I'm a full stack developer in Utah doing mostly contact work from consulting agencies.

itzsrv profile image
Saurav Singh

I am struggling on my way to be a good developer. Hopefully someday I will be there and then when I look back, I will appreciate the journey and will proudly say that I have been down this road that ultimately lead me where I am today.

julietaflux profile image
Julieta Flux

Hi there! I'm a dev from Buenos Aires, my major motivation here is to write about OOP Design Patterns and .NET tips as they come to mind. My hobbies include chilling with my cats (I have 3) and playing with generative art (mostly JS + webGL + OpenGL, but also Hydra makes me tick lately).

Hope we can share this endless learnig path!

seven profile image
Caleb O.

Hello all, I'm a junior front-end developer

developerkumar profile image

I am Full Stack Developer living in India.

btmash profile image
Ashok Modi

Hi everyone,

My name is Ashok and I'm a software engineer at In my day job, I primarily work with PHP. But I love technology and am learning Golang, VueJS, and Docker in my spare time.

dsbarnes profile image

Hi all - big thread by now.
I javascript.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hello Martin! Good luck on your computer science course :)

kingjrn profile image

Hi everyone I'm new and just started programming(python). I am interested in blockchain technology and programming.
Am a cinematographer and motion graphics Designer.

magiknono profile image

Hello, i was a support guy who turn into adminsys & dev fullstack.
Now, i'm freelance and have a lot to share & read in tech with people on this dev community.

konfhub profile image

Hello, I am from KonfHub team. Thrilled to be part of this community!

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV!

citadelaster profile image

Hello! My name is Nikola and I am journalist, writer and copyiwriter and I have extensive experience in working with the media...I look forward to new experiences (leraning never stops 😉🙃🙂)

prity20 profile image

Hey I m new here

veeru004 profile image

Hi , hello. I'm veeresh

benrcopilot profile image
Ben Ross

Hi, I'm an Agile coach with an AI team and I'm looking to integrate systems so that everyone can work in their preferred space, yet the systems talk to one another. Currently we're leaving JIRA for Github and integrating that with Productboard and Zendesk or Freshdesk so we can efficiently manage the entire lifecycle of delivering Value.

basem98 profile image
Basem Mostafa Mahmoud

Hello, guys! I am a junior MEAN stack developer from Egypt. I have not had my first dev job yet, but I am on my way. I am doing this (the whole programming thing) for the hell of it. This is my most favourite hobby & craft and my life-long dream. I am Glad to become a part of your lovely community!

abdelbakirashad profile image
Abdelbaki Rashad

Hi the world Dev I am very happy to join you

lmhoftun profile image

I'm from Norway. Just trying to pick up coding as a hobby again after 20 years of absence.
Has been a lot of changes since last time :-)

faisalz90 profile image


chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi! 👋

jenkens profile image
Jen Kennedy

Hi everyone! I'm currently enrolled in Flatiron School and hoping to graduate in January 2020. In my free time I enjoy playing board games or watching anime

josephtan profile image
Joseph Tan

Hey all,

Joseph here a FE Engineer / Fullstack Developer joining the DEV community to expand my knowledge and social networks.

mseidl profile image
Martin Seidl

Ahoy mateys. I'm from Germany and a software engineer at SUSE Linux. I'm a 26~ year Linux veteran.

j0uni profile image
Jouni Männistö

I'm Jouni from Helsinki, Finland. I'm very interested in web components and LitElement. And I've been very lucky to have a possibility to learn and use all that (relatively new) stuff at my work.

Mostly I'm here for seeking information - well, who isn't... :)

So thank you all for your time and effort to share your knowledge!

includeavaneesh profile image

Hey guys! I am a college student, and I am currently learning python and c. I already have a knowledge about c++. I want to develop software for aircrafts.

qainsights profile image
NaveenKumar Namachivayam ⚡

Hi, I am performance test engineer living in Ohio. Looking forward to share and learn.

rashidatjay profile image
Rashidat Jimoh

Hi, I'm rashidat. Currently learning python.I am a law student with a passion for coding.

laideyygee profile image
Grace Okhakumhe

Hello! I'm a front-end developer living in Nigeria. In my free time, I read and listen to music. I also love to sing.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV Grace! 👋

vakulachetty profile image
Vakula Chetty C

Hello! I'm new to this community. Looking forward to explore more and have a great time here.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome everybody!

Don't be afraid to explore the site and leave your first few comments.

Check out the discuss tag for plenty of opportunities to comment...


What color should the bike shed be?
tushargoyal02 profile image
Tushar Goyal

Great to see such enthusiast people right here. Hope we will have a good time ahead.

immortalt profile image

Hello!I'm a fullstack developer living in Hangzhou China.
I like golang, python3, es6 and typescript!

ryan_ai profile image
Ryan M

Nihao, I also enjoy python3

immortalt profile image

Thank you!

constantinosgeorgiou profile image
Constantinos Georgiou

Hey everyone!!! I'm a Computer science student in Athens 🇬🇷️ Interested in open source projects and meeting people 🌮️🌮️🌮️

xavee14 profile image
Ejiro Gabriel

Hi, i am Xavee. a Front-end beginner.

jainrahul0311 profile image

Hello Rahul here

iamjacksid profile image

I'm as green as they come, but I hope to learn as much as possible from all the experienced veterans on here.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV! This is a great place to hang out and learn :) What are you hoping to learn about?

algr_lemat profile image
houssam DZ


rajdeep_thakare profile image
Rajdeep Thakare

Hi there

pbthakurr profile image
Prathamesh Thakur

hello.. !!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Hey Martin, welcome to DEV!

100nandoo profile image
Fernando F. H.

Hi glad to join

kuleleking profile image
John Emmanuel

Hi fellow world changers.
Python greenhorn here. Any pythonistas in the house, just holler.

adamreid profile image
Adam Reid

Nice! I imagine you'll have some fun opportunities ahead of you by joining chemistry and CS. Good luck in your CS course!

mirandascreech profile image

Great app

akank5ha profile image
Akanksha Raghav

Hello I am a Web developer (in progress),and a VUI devloper have many skills on Google assistant and Alexa, interested in learning how to contribute in Open Source.

websplee profile image

There is power in association :).

I am here to learn and share

trynocry profile image

Hello Developers! I am Abhay Tiwari . I am interested in sharing things that I love and I think will be useful to someone.

metamoni profile image
Monica Mateiu • Edited

Ohai, I'm Monica, a (very) junior software engineer currently living in Edinburgh. I used to be a journalist and copywriter. It's been a year since I changed careers, so it's all new to me and I'm loving it.

ivanvddev profile image

Hi guys, I'm from Serbia. Interested in continuing building career with Vue and Laravel and stuff related. Sorry for my english I'll be better 😬. Hope to get some friends, support and I'll give my best in order to help the others 😁

tobiasgde profile image
Tobias G

Hey my Name is Tobias, I'm a 16 years old student and learning developer living in Cologne 👋

sriharansri profile image

Hey guys, this is Sriharan, from Chennai, India. Software developer at Freshworks. ML DS enthusiast. Love to code. Crazy on bikes and cars.

techtalkblockchain profile image
Ponfa Michael Joseph • Edited

Ponfa Michael Joseph With GitHub account techtalkblockchain Hacktober fest Showed me the way to DEV Thanks

tooevangelist profile image
Olle Pridiuksson • Edited

Let's see how it works... Hello.

I am new here. I am currently designing and building developer relations programs for two companies with ambitious open source products that are soon to be launched.

I'll share some of the thoughts and challenges around that under #devrel hashtag.

In the short while I am focused on the first 5-15 minutes experience at a GitHub page. Probably will result in a blogpost as well.

Umm...I am based in Stockholm and Vilnius (1000 km or 70 minutes apart)

bmweygant profile image
Brandon Weygant

What's up, everyone? Am I going to be disappointed in this site if I'm hoping to find a less toxic platform than twitter?

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington • Edited

Hey Brandon!

We certainly hope you won't be disappointed. We definitely work hard to provide a welcoming place for devs of all backgrounds.

You can check out the Code of Conduct here - and if you see any posts/comments/folks that seem to be out of line, please report'em here -

Anyway, hope you dig it here!

husnainakbar profile image

The community is full of professionals who want to support each other and so I.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome! DEV is a great and yes - super supportive :) I love this community and how friendly everyone is!

mayconbalves profile image
Maycon Alves

Hello everybody. I FE develop. I living in Brazil, i love rock n roll and i love many movies, actually i work at javascript using react and graphql

ovidiumarc profile image
Ovidiu Marc

Hey everyone! Glad to join the community.

_anup_shrestha_ profile image

Hello! I am an aspiring web designer living in Nepal. I am starting my bachelor and I basically know medium level web designing and development and hope to be kind of high level in a few months

chadmccullough profile image
Chad McCullough🚴‍♂️

Hello! I've been working in the Linux and Open Source field for 25+ years. About 15 years ago, I decided to go out on my own and freelance. It has really slowed down so I decided to start looking for employment with a company in my field about 2 years ago. Sadly, that hasn't worked out like I had hoped. Because of this, I've decided to start working in the direction of becoming a web developer. I do a lot of work with WordPress but I've wanted to learn more about development. At 52 years old, I know it will be a struggle changing careers but I'm pretty excited to get started.

angelmtrz profile image
Angel Marthans Ruiz

Hi, I'm a web developer enthusiast... always learning while coding... #php #js #nodejs #angular #laravel #mongodb

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome! DEV is a great place to hang out and learn :)

chill_whisper profile image
Chill Whisper

Hello, I'm Marian, I have 26 and most of the time I work with PHP(Laravel most of time), and javascript(Vue and jquery as the framework), so I can say I'm a web developer when I have time I work with Python for personal issues. I'm proud I made my first mobile so, I think i intend to become more than a web developer.

shivambachhety profile image
Shivam Bachhety

Just Completed my 4 PR's, love to be a part of the community here

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Nice work! Glad you could participate :) Welcome to DEV!

adamnaamani profile image
Adam N. • Edited


jaytru1995 profile image
Oghenekparobo Onosemuode

I learn and execute quickly.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Awesome :) Good luck on your coding journey, and welcome to DEV!

palakkalsi profile image
Palak Kalsi

Hi! I am an intermediate level Java programmer living in India. I am starting with Competitive Programming.

shepherd_06 profile image

hacktoberfest email brought me here.

ypk profile image

Hi 👋

I'm a self-taught developer with half-baked skills. What once was my hobby is now my bread and butter; and its not fun anymore!.

So, I decided to give this site a go. To bring back the fun and joy back to my hobby.

See you guys around.


fitnesswithhd profile image
HD - The Fitness Chasmish

Hey this is Hdee(HD/Dhivya), I am a React Developer @ Microsoft & been doing this for over 4 years. I am a fitness freak, you can ask me anything related or around fitness. I got to know about this platform from the recent React India Conference that was held in Goa, India. excited to get more info on recent technologies and also contribute in whatever little way I can !

ambrwlsn profile image

Hey everyone, was brought here by some links on Twitter ;) I was impressed with the content and learned a lot only a few posts in! I'm 2 years into my dev career and interested in a lot of things web-related. Here to learn, post and share ideas :) A fun fact about me is that I want to sky dive one day ;)

sivankarthick profile image
Karthick Sivan • Edited

how to make route with via lat,lng's in google maps react any options

idahopotato1 profile image

I am so glad to discover this place. Great articles and ideas all around. I am positive I will be a frequent here.

acyt2011 profile image
prueba agencia

Hellow from SPAIN

kamranf35792861 profile image
Kamran Fazal

I am Kamran Fazal, living in Thailand. It's nice to be a part of
Love coding, and always eager to learn something new.

eliawk profile image
Elia Pellegrino

Hello, I am a web developer based in Turin (Italy) and a musician too. Here you can listen to my latest album

arslank38373801 profile image

hello im a cms expert[wordpress,squarespace,wix etc] want to learn development and quit my job and start freelancing ( begineer freelancer ) .I know my english is so bad bitter truth

leepaulsmith profile image
Lee Smith • Edited

Hi, I'm Lee from England. I run and own Currently interested in Blazor & Core 3+

emmytechglobal profile image
Emmytech Global Integrated

Hi everyone,
Shortest python learning period with conscientiousness is how many months?

wademartin profile image

Hi, I'm wade from Australia. Recent book-camp graduate - (full stack node, ruby, react, svelte). Currently playing with front-endy type stuff and learning lots. On the hunt for my first Web Dev job.

saipasha profile image
Isabella Onate

Hello everyone! Web developer based at the moment in Mexico City. Passionate about coding and design mainly. Freelancing and looking to learn more from this awesome community.

humblefool96 profile image
Anil Gupta

Hi I am Full Stack Developer living in Bangalore, looking forward to learn from this amazing community and give back my bit to this community.

ionicisere profile image
Bradley Schofield

Hey there 👋, I'm an learning JavaScript developer who enjoys making projects which normally get open sourced in my GitHub

eldare profile image
Eldar E.

Why am I here? Well, looks like an interesting community of developers I can share my knowledge with and continue to learn new and exciting stuff about Mobile and Backend.

Cheers! 🎈

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

thank u

superjohnellee profile image
John Ellee Robado

Hello! I'm a R&D Officer living in PH. Loves programming

fthis3074641 profile image
Ftalem | Fthi

Hi, Its me Fthi from

nobodylabs profile image
nobody labs

Hi I'm an iOS Engineer whit great passion about iPhone and iPad applications. ❤️

breb96 profile image
Breanna Bush

Hello! I came across this website searching for inspiration for my projects. I'm looking forward to learning more so that I can become a better developer.

wagnerluis1982 profile image
Wagner Macedo

Hello, I'm from Brazil. I love programming, also do it in my free time, in addition to read good novels and watch interesting movies or TV series.

doranmartinez profile image
Doran Martinez • Edited

Hello Everyone! I am a recent Math/CS grad looking for a developer positions within the Bay Area. I'm interested in Machine Learning and looking to do more mathematical programming. See you around!

shivampanwar365 profile image

Hi,to all
I am in love with javascript want to master this language.please suggest me how i can productively work on my skills.i am working with this around 6 months

geeksesi profile image
Mohammad Javad Ghasemy

Hello, i'm young newbie backEnd developer, living in iran, also love game develop and try to make a online game.
also i try to learn arabic :D has anyon to be friend with me ? :D

jhonjhonsito737 profile image
Jhon Bravo

Hola, soy estudiante de ingeniería y soy de Perú me encantaría aprender y preguntar en esta gran comunidad.

lorio profile image

Hi I'm learning Gatsby React and Grid layout right now in Dev.

rafaeldev profile image
Rafael Gomes

Hello peaplo!
I'm Software Engineer at GetNinjas, São Paulo - Brazil.

After some years work with software, today I'm focused in solve user problem with dumbest way :) - BDUF no more (I think so...)

dimafedorov9 profile image
Dmitry Fedorov

Hey! I'm new here, just came here from GitHub because I've completed the Hacktoberfest (:

kawanjaberi profile image
kawan jaberi

I'm Kurdish from f**king Iran

rossrawlins profile image
Ross Rawlins

I love your animations, they can be used to really improve a users experience. For me I always struggling with getting the timings right.

obuenavidez profile image
Oscar D Buenavidez Jr.

Hi All

m4rcelo4uquer profile image
Marcelo Auquer

Hello! If everything goes well, I am getting a Systems Engineering degree next month! I want to develop software for a living. I am from Argentina but planning to live in Madrid, Spain, next year.

twoddang profile image

Hi,there! I'm a junior developer focusing on javascript. I'm from South Korea and want to be a full stack developer and found my own startups.
Nice to meet you!!

bekervincent2 profile image

I'm beker,how to put badge

mmvillar profile image

Hello, I am Millena. I work with Computational Fluid Dynamics,and when I not being mom I am looking for a memory leak in a extensive code. Because of that I am here, begging for help!!

gogross profile image
Zeal Murapa

All developers lover Art

camkidman profile image
Cameron Kidman

Hi! This seems like a really cool platform. I've been working for small startups for the last five years and one day hope to run my own SaaS business.

respawnmonkey profile image

Ola, am a junior developer from Lusaka, Zambia currently diving right into the roots of JS and Css. Iam a gamer by day, computer hardware technician by afternoon and developer at night till morning. 😅

tengal profile image

I wish to learn coding and programming for ML.

babgee profile image
Jeremiah George

Hello DEVians 😀. I am a software DEVian and I love you all

jonathasconceicao profile image
Jonathas Conceição

Hello! I'm a Software Developer from Brasil, I'm currently working with Rust for Embed Systems. Just got to DEV from the Hacktoberfest page. :)

toegram profile image
Tony Turetsky


whartonweb profile image


robkim55 profile image

Hello I am new and want to learn Python and Go. How is everybody. Nice to be here.

hrishikeshrai2 profile image
Hrishi kesh rai

HI I am full stack developer and a college student. I love creating UI design when I'm free and I love JavaScript 💕 .

jessicawanjiku profile image

Hae. Am Jessica and am Android developer. Am looking to share my journey as an Android developer and learn from those who have been coding for longer than I.

km1t0 profile image

Hi! I'm a Web Developer by day, Poet by night. For now I am freelancing to help fund my startup called DevPanda and also looking for some advice or tricks of the trade :)

palash_26 profile image
Milagro !!

Happy to join this commmunity

itstiwadara profile image
TiwaDara ™. #Faaji Out Now • Edited

Hi, everyone! I'm Tiwa, a software developer from Nigeria. I also Produce and Sing

I joined out of curiosity and I almost didn't want to introduce myself :-D

kafui4k profile image
Kafui Alordo

Hello, am obsessed about contributing my efforts to refactoring my community through code. Mostly am a loner and read book if am not coding.

mazzseven profile image

I'm a long-time Javascript developer, now starting to learn Elixir.
Is there someone else doing the transition from Javascript to Elixir?

riyanriyans profile image
Riyan Setiawan

Hellaw, My name is riyan. I'm newbies in programming. i want learn new things about technology. I hope can help each other. help me growing up and sorry my english so bad huhu

yashcode17 profile image
yashasvi • Edited

Hii! I'm a BE Developer living in India, I also love art and music. In my free time when not working, I love play guitar and sing...

mubashirali77 profile image

Hello! I'm Mubashir Ali

ghostgto profile image
Gustavo Tejeda

Hi! Everyone my name is Gustavo Tejeda I'm from the Dominican Republic, I'm FE Developer, I love to play Basketball and play Drums too.

dsystem profile image

Hello, let's try!

shyju profile image
Shyju Kanaprath • Edited

Learner, beginer coder. Want to be part of some useful open source project.

fredpeal profile image
Frederick Peñalo

Hi !!
I'm backend developer, from Dominican Republic, actually work with PHP, Laravel and Phalcon. I want learn Go languague and English languague(Yes, i dont speak english , but but here we are)

adityagattu profile image

Happy to join the community.Completing the 4 pullrequests quests brought me here...

sdsdj profile image
sdsdj • Edited

Hello to all

fip3torrejon profile image
Felipe Aníbal Torrejón Traslaviña

Hello everyone! I just needed to feel part of something big about development. I think I've found the place.

adikwok profile image
adikwok • Edited

hello world.
i am adi kwok, 46 yo, male.
jakarta, indonesia
i learn coding for better living

danielbranco profile image
Daniel Branco

Hello, Portuguese guy living in Belgium, navigating through code to get a carer instead of a "job". Love personal finance and outdoor sports.

risalfajar profile image
Risal Fajar Amiyardi

Hello, I'm CS student from Indonesia. I'm trying to learn Game and Android App Programming (I've not decided which I like the most). Hope I can learn lots of things here, and improve my English too!

austinug8 profile image
Amalaha Ugochukwu

I will appreciate any resource materials and recommendations on JS that speed up my learning process. Thank you!!!

epson12332 profile image
Charle Chang

Hi! I'm Charles from Taiwan. I'm a cybersecurity newbie. Recently, I love in reversing and pwning.

odc0d3r profile image

Hi am Omar From Alexandria Egypt
self tutor.. Gamer.. stands for open-source.. doing dev for fun..
didn't have income from it yet..
but i am sure that it will happen one day :D..

a2batic profile image
Kanika Murarka

Hi, just completed hacktoberfest. It's always great to contribute when you get appreciated for your work. I love opensource and passionate about JavaScript.

sombochea profile image
Sambo Chea

Hi, I'm a Software Engineer & Architect from CUBETIQ Solution, Phnom Penh Cambodia. I'm happy that join DEV Community.

hmax profile image
Henri-Maxime Ducoulombier

Hey all, H-Max here, working mostly with Python, MongoDB, PHP and JS. I'm here to learn new things and read about all the interesting things people share.

ryan_ai profile image
Ryan M

do you have any experience with wordpress?

hamzaabdullahiy profile image

It's great to be here and i honestly love it.

destech profile image

yo people i am Desmond a network security and cloud infrastructure engineer who loves playing with python

sulmanweb profile image
Sulman Baig

Hello! I am Web Developer work in Ruby on Rails, VueJS, NodeJS. These days I am learning NodeJS and ReactJS.

tabsyy profile image
Betsy Nelson

My name is Betsy. I'm a traveler working remote first. Currently in Munich Germany. On the side, I write about expat life, traveling, and working in tech. Happy to be here!

hiteshkhurana87 profile image
Hitesh Khurana

Good Luck for album. :)

bitdev-7 profile image

Hello guys! I am a fullstack developer in china.
I have encountered a problem when running ios on React Native.
"Unrecognized font family 'Lato'"
Help me!

r0b profile image
Robert Osborne

Hello! I’m a Software Engineer in Portland OR!
I came here because I was tired of mediums platform! Hope to share and learn with all of you. 🙂

blanka4321 profile image
Lester Dale

Hey guys I am really into JS at the moment but would love to know lots more, I love the 80s and Liverpool FC

zeroplus profile image
Sina Piruzmandan

Hello my name is sina piruzmandan
I love web both front and backend
Php,js,jquery,vue and ...

francismtambo profile image

I am Francis. I am a technology enthusiast and a student of web and software development. I look forward to learning and finding pair programming partners on this forum.

ivolnei profile image
Ivolnei R. Silva

Hello world!?

ghiaelcid profile image
GhiaElcid • Edited

hello everyone.
from PH.
an ios and web dev.
looking to learn pwa.


balveersinghyt profile image
Balveer Singh

Hello, I am Balveer Singh pursuing in CSE. I take the challenge to code every day one program in Java. My goal is to complete 100 programs.

tushar_bagul profile image

Hello everyone, how are you all? I'm enthusiastic for learning Machine learning and AI.

juanicolas profile image

Hello, Im a FE Developer as well as many here, living in Buenos Aires.
Hope to find more argentinian people to talk with and share advices about new tech coming up.

alok89 profile image
Alok Singh

I am a Test Automation Developer who loves writing code to test the software.

j3rrykh4n profile image
Jerry Khan

HELLO Guyz 😍 i am jerry khan.
Newbe python programming learner.
Hope soon i can do something with you guyz

eegii97 profile image

Good luck

sayanta2702 profile image
Sayanta Bhattacharje

Hello awsom people,I am a computer science student trying to go with the flow and also working so that someday I could do what i love

dfdx2 profile image

Hello all

donkovah profile image
Oluwasegun Victor Kesington

Hello, I am a software engineer living in Nigeria. I love chess and football. I'd love to get to know new people and read up interesting articles.

osahady profile image
Osa Hady

Hello there,
I am now learning laravel and wordpress development

geeksesi profile image
Mohammad Javad Ghasemy • Edited

welcome to dev.
i try to learn arabic :D i can help you in wordpress and php and u help me in arabic :D ( it's just for fun )
nice to meet you :)
i did follow you twitter :)

shankarramesh16 profile image
Shankara Narayanan

Hello, i am Shankar, Java backend developer. Living in Singapore. I am here to learn about technology tricks and tips

alaindufour75 profile image


I'm french and il like to develop NE

p7x profile image
Prashant Tripathi • Edited

Hi! I'm a Computer Science student looking for some interesting stuff to learn, and some awesome people to meet! ^_^

shrey9496_ profile image
Shrey Sharma

Hello ! I'm a college graduate and currently looking for a job in front-end as a React developer.

m4ch1n profile image
Gerardo Siordia

Hello! Just another web developer passing by, I'm starting to work in full with aws technologies, but I've been a php / laravel developer for some time now.

janganswiper profile image
swiper jangan mencuri

hiyaa :)
nice to meet you . . .

toddberlin profile image
Todd Berlin

Hi from Brisbane, Australia. I currently work in Marketing Automation and get to do some front end stuff in my job, which is great. I'm also working through the freeCodeCamp curriculum as well.

bobmasajjage profile image
Bob Masajjage

I'm thrilled to be here!. To be able to share with y'all nerds. I'm always looking for new things to learn.

mac2912 profile image
Marcelo Costa

I am not a dinosaur, but I have 25 years of experience in systems development and I am learning more and more each day. I love the challenges of programming and learning new languages.

masuwandi profile image

Hello! I'm a beginner in Javascript, learning to become a web developer, living in Indonesia. I'm excited to learn from this community.

I love playing dota2 and learn programming in my free time.

jeffld profile image
Jeff Darling

The first time you explore new technology, remember that you don't have all the answers.

badhansen profile image
Badhan Sen

Hello! I am from Bangladesh. Hope I will find some awesome people here.

sathishmani01 profile image
Sathish Mani

Hi all, I am a Fullstack Dev , I live in India

wajidalishah333 profile image

My research area is Artificial intelligence i.e. Machine Learning

blgguy profile image
Aminu M. Bulangu

Hi guys, just jump to the community, a passionate web developer moving into machine learning with PHP.

shreshtapv profile image

Hi, I'm shreshta ! Fellow developer from India

vatthanachaiw profile image
Vatthanachai Wongprasert

Hi All, I'm a newbie developer, nice to meet you. :)

jalukaba_x profile image
Jalu Kaba X

Hi all. Nice to see great stuffs for me to learn.

sameervk10 profile image
Sameer Kesava • Edited


pranavdhawan profile image
Pranav Dhawan


i2amadeveloper profile image
Front-End Developer for Hire

Hi all, just joining another community, hopefully I'll be able to contribute and put in what I get out of the DEV community.

alejandrods profile image
Alejandro Diaz Santos

Hi! I'm Alex, I'm aeronautical engineer but I have focused my career on Machine Learning :)

theresaakpan profile image
Theresa Akpan

Hello, I am new to coding. I am currently learning Javascript and I would appreciate some tips on how the language works.

justin-jang profile image

Hello This is test!!!

tardisgallifrey profile image

Just an old BASIC and C guy trying to learn new things. Interested in Perl, Python, and SQL. Saw DEV on Google from an article on VIM. Nice article and thought this might be a good fit.

zwemunhtun profile image
Zwe Mun Htun

Hello, I am Zwe from Myanmar, working as android developer. Nice to meet you all.

semantiking profile image
izundu kingsley emeka

Thanks for having me here, just searching the net on object destructuring and i got here! so excited

siddhar09597917 profile image
Siddhartha pal


I am Siddhartha and I am a digital a marketer and also YouTuber

haoyunb profile image
Haoyun Bai

I lobe Ariana grande

yuanvirna profile image

Hello! I'm a basic FE engineer living in Indonesia. I just graduated from high school.

edubskiy profile image
Evgeniy Dubskiy • Edited

Dev. Engineer, working on SPA applications iOS/Android/Web // React, Flutter, Node.js, Kotlin


zakariaoothmane profile image
Othmane Zakaria


jaythakur profile image

Hello All,

I am React Js fresher developer. I am stuck in one task. I want to create form based on nested object. and have many condition field dependencies. how can i do this?

billgreatness profile image
Bill Greatness

Hello... I'm a passionate web developer living in Ghana. Love to teach and aims to get the little kids in Africa learn how to develop applications with whatever they have at their disposal

idohou profile image
idowu Tola

a code-newbie challenging myself to be a front end developer in the next ** two ***months*

aire_star profile image
Esther Ejiofor • Edited

Hi, I'm an Optometrist in Nigeria. A friend recently introduced me to the idea of software development and i love it. So, i work by day and learn Coding by night

rob_louw profile image
Robin Louw

Hello! I'm an HTML email developer and designer from Cape Town. Interested to see what the DEV community is up to.

rajeshisnepali profile image
Rajesh Chaudhary🇳🇵

Hello World.

randheerrrk profile image
Randheer Ramesh K

Hello guy's. I'm Randheer from Kerala,India. Iam a computer science engineering student. I do interested in Android and iOS development and i also love to play football.

vikilinho profile image
Victor Ayodeji Ogundola

Hello! My name is Victor. I am and Android Developer. I have been reading a lot of fresh articles on this site, so I decided to join.

thiagomacterce1 profile image
Thiago Terceiro

Hi man, good luck.

shauryadeveloper profile image
Shaurya Singh

Hello,I am an Android Developer living in Greater Noida.I love to play basketball and singing.
And I love to make new friends (die hard Friends)

romanbytes profile image
Jacob Roman

Hello! I am front-end dev that is passionate about clean UI and making the web accessible. In my free time I am a husband, father, and video gaming nerd.

hazim profile image
Hazim Sami

Hi all 👋

Recently started my journey to learn web dev. It sure does look challenging but fun 😊

Hope to learn for all the wonderful minds here.


creater77 profile image
Vadym Opalenyk

Hello guys, I learn languages such as java javascript and with but now I want to immerse myself more in javascript to write projects

geeksesi profile image
Mohammad Javad Ghasemy

gnu/linux is life don't avoid it :D
Hi, welcome to dev.

danaustinweb profile image
Daniel Austin

Hello, am Daniel..

Interested in Robotic, Communication texhnologies and advanced Web Development projects...

aligumustosun profile image
Ali Gümüş Tosun

Hello :) I'm a software developer from Istanbul. I like learning new languages and make comedy skits in my free time.

willikay11 profile image
William Kamuyu

Hi! I'm a frontend developer from Nairobi, Kenya. I love clean, usable apps from web to mobile. Enjoy learning new stuff. Big fun of cars.

ryancwynar profile image

Hey folks. I am one of you folks.

sorindezzy profile image
Raita Dezideriu

Hello I’m here to listen to you

simonedemuro profile image

Hello, Google news brought me here, I joined mainly because I wanted to click on the unicorn under an article.
So here I am, greetings to every passionate developer here!

burhantaha profile image
burhanuddin taha

HI i am technology enthusiasts, passionate about coding beside love to play and watch football, any day any time ready for Cafe.

kramsasong profile image
Song Kramsa

Hello there nice to be here

cmasdev profile image
Christian Amado

Hi there, happy to join to DEV community. Best regards to all of you.

abraaohonorio profile image
Abraão Állysson dos Santos Honório

Hello Guys, I'm a backend Developer living in Brazil . 83/5000
I'm interested in learning and sharing about .Net, GO, python, Devops, and computer science

rajpraneeth profile image

Hello! I'm intrested to learn coding and development.

creikey profile image
Cameron Reikes

Hello! I'm a lower end developer interested in full stack development and game development.

johny4437 profile image
Johny Anastacio

Hello I am a new programmer I am from Brazil, I love play Guitar and I am a Mathemathician too, I fell in love for JavaScript.

estherokafor_ profile image
Esther 👑

i am an aspiring frontend developer. started coding about two months ago. i hope my being here will accelerate my learning and also open up new opportunities for me.

gola_anjali profile image
Anjali G

Hi Everyone,
I am a SWE who typed their introduction multiple times before posting this. I just found I am not sure what is next but I am browsing around trying to figure that out :)

simiyu01 profile image

Hello good people. I'm a developer from Nairobi, Kenya. I am a pianist, guitarist and actor part time. Well, I love learning.

vojdel profile image
Jose D. Vasquez

Hello! I am a computer engineering student, and I would like to learn a lot from this page.

rinatsafin profile image
Rinat Safin

Hello, I'm a FE developer from Ukraine! ;-)
Great work guys!

nageri profile image

Hello, I'm NAGERI ONA from Kampala, tech enthusiast and I'm learning to program in Python and JavaScript

leviathanaxeislit profile image
Chandra Prakash

Hello all fellow devs,

I currently learning dart and kotlin,
and interested in learning new stuff

geeksesi profile image
Mohammad Javad Ghasemy

it's good introduce,
also i try to be a game developer (but server side much more)
i look for some one to test and make some fun in free time.
if you want we can speak more about it :)

shafran123 profile image
Shafran Naizer

Hello Im Shafran From Sri Lanka. Mobile Developer

geeksesi profile image
Mohammad Javad Ghasemy

hasn't problem i just want to find some friends :)
i just follow you on github :)
you have very good activity.

nonkung51 profile image
Nonthakon Jitchiranant

Hello everyone! My name is Nonthakon I'm just logged in here into this website. And it was amazing. I am fan of React, React Native and Express. hope we can exchange some knowledge together someday!

om1621 profile image
Onkar Telange • Edited

Hi, I am a front-end developer living in Allahabad. I am interested in learning back-end. loves to listen music, and takes photos of other people.

jesmikky profile image
I am Kachi💧 • Edited

I am Michael Kachi, a PHP dev

matforc profile image
Matteo Forcellini

Hi everyone, thanks for let me join you, I’m a web designer & developer freelance, I’m very curious person, and always want learn new stuff.

satyamshivhare profile image

Did anyone got an email about t shirts and stickers in their emai.? I am very excited as it is my first hactoberfest.☺️☺️☺️☺️🤩🤩

twikirizeo profile image
Twikirize Obed

Hello everyone, I am Obed from Uganda, Africa, I am enthusiastic about programming, coding and have begun to learn, and hope to get a lot of help from you guys. Be blessed.

hd4ng profile image
Huy Dang

Hi I am Huy. I am Vietnamese. I just move to US and live here. Right now I am looking for a job as a frontend developer.

tbddevelop profile image
Terry Burns-Dyson

Hey all,

I did not know this place existed. I've been living under a rock! Thankyou to NinjaBunny9000 for directing me here. I'm a C# dev, I stream, and I love what I do.

yusencode profile image
Yusén Manchego

Hello! I'm a Fullstack Javascript Developer living in Arequipa, Perú, I like listening music. In my free time when not working I like travelling and take many photos

damilolarandolph profile image
Damilola Randolph

Hello everyone, name is Benson.I am Nigerian currently in Ghana studying computer science and found this place on my never-ending quest for knowledge !

dharmeshnirmal profile image

Hello All,
I am a Software Product Architect, Here I am for deep discussion on software design and development.
Love to all !

snkiiyuru profile image

Hey, am also a front end dev. Living in Nairobi, Kenya. Glad o finally join a community of like-minded individuals

niteshparmar1 profile image

Hello, I'm Nitesh Parmar , I love to learn programming lang, and right now I'm beginner of dart programming language.

mickias_m profile image
Mickias M

Software Engineer and technology enthusiast pursuing masters degree in CS. Always on the lookout to learn new things and improve myself.

srsh profile image
Soroosh Ghaffari

There are so many comments that I don't dare to scroll.
Might keep me awake all night.

Hi by the way. This is Soroosh.

shadow261196 profile image
David Charo

Python developer

francispham profile image
Francis Pham

Hi, I am a frontend learner/dev from Vancouver BC

adelajaricketts profile image
Adelaja Ricketts • Edited

Hello am a Software Engineer, I love to learn from others, love to work on project with other developers and engineers .

anischihi profile image

Hi I am a software dev and I already like this app!!

sebastian4256 profile image


giselyalves13 profile image
Gisely Alves Brandão

Hi, people! I'm a developer in São Paulo, Brasil. Now I'm studying data science. I decided to write, in Portuguese, about what I learned to try to democratize the knowledge in that area.

gabrielwebb profile image
Gabriel Webb

Hello everyone! I’m a web designer. I’ve being building for the web for a couple years now. I’m really loving Svelte and Modern CSS

letsfoss profile image
Let's FOSS • Edited

Hi There, This is Official Account of a Linux blog. Managed by @mcnaveen

Writes about Linux, Open-Source & How-to Articles.

codemaster12 profile image

Hi! I like piña coladas...

Psych, I'm not 21 yet.

codemaster12 profile image

Replying to myself is sad.

omotolavic profile image
Victor Omotola Lawal

Hello amazing folks, I'm new here as an aspiring web developer. I look forward to connecting with awesome minds. Thanks

omotolavic profile image
Victor Omotola Lawal

Hello amazing folks, I'm a young and vibrant aspiring web developer. I look forward to connecting with awesome minds.

lambar1 profile image

Hello! I am Omer.
Pleased to be here.
I am learning to code and in beginner level :)

3vl11 profile image

Servus ✌😌

munnabhakta profile image
𝕄𝕦𝕟𝕟𝕒 𝔹𝕙𝕒𝕜𝕥𝕒

Hello! i'm coder living in India. i love to write small program for complex problem.

kshitijk83 profile image
Kshitiz Kumar

Hey folks! I am a MERN developer with innate passion in JavaScript, have read YDKJS series of javascript and love reactjs and wants to clear gsoc for now

mubashirali77 profile image

Assalam o Alikum to everyone

spstr profile image

Hi everyone! :)

luisrivas profile image
Luis Rivas

Hi there, I'm Front-end Developer, I like to help other developers. I also love to play piano

dit2518 profile image
kasidit bualoeng

Hello, call me Sub. I leave in Boston MA.

firdoussross profile image
Firdouss Ross (videographer/editor)

Hello, I’m a frontend developer from Malaysia. I love video production and filmmaking

thiagomcmauro profile image
Thiago McMauro • Edited

Hello folks! I'm SMT engineer living in Ireland. I have some background in Desing, but my main goal is to develop/code my projects in my free time.

anusha5695 profile image

I have finally completed 8 PRs for HACKTOBERFEST in a day. Yes I'm a first-timer :)

mariocorzo profile image
Mario Corzo

Hi from Argentina!, I'm a unity and flutter developer, and i have some experience with android.

manu293 profile image

Just another kid, working on react, redux and graphql. If you have any interesting projects your working on and need another hand opt me in.

justine_eri profile image
Justine Eri

Hello, greetings from HK!

thiagomcmauro profile image
Thiago McMauro

Hello folks. I'm an SMT engineer living in Ireland 🇮🇪. I have some background in Design but my goals are to develop/code my projects

xdkevz profile image
Kevin Ruiz

Hello! I'm currently an CIS student in Canada and aspiring to be a Web developer. I'm graduating soon and as I prepare for it, I found DEV to be a great source of information and motivation. 🙏

gontadu profile image
Eshwar Andhavarapu

Hello all!
I'm an engineer. Not software. But I'd like to build software. Have some Python and Heroku experience. Looking to Branch out to Golang. And learn docker too.

akhilmohanan profile image

Hey, I'm an FE Javascript developer from Kerala, India. I love to learn more about new technologies and love to discuss what I know with others.

balajir profile image
Balaji Rajendran

Hello everyone,

I'm here to share & gain anything related with FrontEnd and Mobile developments...

kelvingl profile image
Kelvin Gluszszak Lopes

Hello :)

akonde profile image

i need full explanation between node.js, npm,terminal, or there relationship please don't mind me am a new babie developer

hkhuraldev profile image
Harkamal Khural

Hello Ya'll 😃 I am a software developer from Atlanta who used to work on Ruby primarily but just jumped ship into ReactJS full time. Want to learn more and share what I know.

kingrootid profile image

Hello i'm from indonesia

ashishra0 profile image
Ashish Rao

Hello world😁 I am fresh out of college software engineer. I like to write quality software.
I'm a passionate about football and if you are in Bangalore India hit me up on twitter to get some coffee!

djpremier profile image
Diefferson Koderer Môro

Hi! I'm a Full Stack Overflow living in Brazil.

albalaudev profile image
Laura Albarracin

Thank you, first excuse my English ... I am learned too! I am a php and js developer and I want to know about slack MEAN. I am a mom, pastry teacher and in free time I like to paint and write.

haoyunb profile image
Haoyun Bai

I hope I’ll do well

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

Hello Jared! It all depends where do you currently live. Feel free to reach out so we can talk about things you can think of in terms of relocation. Happy coding!

karademada profile image
Christophe Lazantsy

Hello All, i was searching some infos about how to diseable a event when you closed your browser window.

nkechi10 profile image
Nkechinyere Nwaohiri

Hi, I am Nkechinyere, Frontend a developer, here meet with other developers around the here

xkonti profile image

Hey! I'm a .NET and Js/Ts developer :) I come here as a frequent reader with intention of writing some basic tutorials related to Quasar Framework.

valexr profile image
Alexander Volkov


kostandy profile image

Hi, guys! 👋🏻
I'm a FE Dev living in Dnipro
Love to develop myself and improve self-productivity, self-efficiency and skills

vvcpri profile image


suberbower profile image

Came across several articles on and now im hooked :p

thephpx profile image
faisal ahmed

I am Faisal from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Currently working as a full-stack web application developer.

neofito007 profile image
David Sanchez

Hi All,

This is David Sanchez recently joined and look forward to share and learn new things with Technology

puzzleland profile image

Hello everybody, my name is Elodie and I'm a junior Vue.js developer, looking forward to join the community and learn more about Vue :)

audreyobordelo profile image

Hi, I’m samo. Webdev student at Ironhack Paris. Interested in JS, gamedev and API.
Have a great day people. 👾

hunter_abir profile image

Hello there I am totes new here, I want to learn code. I wish I could get help from this community

iamahsanmani profile image
Ahsan Ullah

Hello! My name is Ahsan Mani, I'm a freelancer and Recently i found platform for Dev and i was in hurry to join this platform.

joneskeslee profile image

I'm just a computer engineering student that actually knows nothing, I need help, thank you

haoyunb profile image
Haoyun Bai

Hey I’m me

johnpc123 profile image
John Costello

Okay, I'm intrigued. But, what were the terms and conditions? ... surprising not egregious! I'm still suspicious, but just maybe this is where my people have been hiding.

scorpion136 profile image


vadhiraju profile image

I am a developer with less experience in coding trying to learn how to write clean code, willing to update my tech stack as well.

onlineq1 profile image

Hi, I am looking forward to interact and hire software engineers who are passionate about developing testing tools and frameworks. Fee free to reach out.

bavon101 profile image

Hi! I'm Bavon, a computer science student, first love is programming 😂,
I joined the community to aid in points of difficulty, and to be aided too and learn from the community 😁

diehard88 profile image


solbg profile image
Ivan Petkov • Edited

Graduated dev never used the skill. Now I want to start back up and start coding.

marisusis profile image
Maris Usis


lysander profile image

A newbie to become a real expert.

bhasha03 profile image
Bhavani Shankar

Hi I'm a junior data analyst — Python.
💙♥️💛. 🙂

benoitprigent profile image

Helloooo 🙌

kp_io_ profile image

Hello, I am a Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence student from London.
I currently build mobile apps and look to build robots and much more in the future.

thearchgriffin profile image
Francois Buys

Hi! I'm a web developer living in South Africa. I love all things tech, especially anything that connects tech to the physical world.

thevetdoctor profile image

This is Oba. From Nigeria. Full stack developer(JS, PHP, Python). Lifelong learner. Versatile and passionate to add value to your projects. Buzz me for volunteer projects.

fredrix16 profile image

I’m fredrix please help me get some vc

bunnyshah1996 profile image
Bhavik Shah

Hello bro !! How are you ?

raashidyaqoob profile image
raashid yaqoob

Hello there! I am a front end developer living in India. I play cricket and football during leisure time

muzzammil01 profile image


protagonist51 profile image

Got into this when I swiped right on my phone to check the news feed. Feeling amazed to see an ocean of content on JavaScript, Angular and much more :)

sdn_laiho profile image
Soumyajit Debnath


namusanga profile image

Hello,I'm a Unity Programmer love developing game experiences and et cetera

rashidyaqoob profile image
rashidyaqoob • Edited

Hello there! I am learning front end development. I live in India.I play cricket and football during leisure time.

gauransh_juneja profile image
Gauransh Juneja

Hello! I am a front end developer (intermediate) and i also love music and finance . I love reading about business

sivachankar profile image
Anandraj Sivachankar

Hello thanks for a wonderful welcome

deroldo profile image
João Vitor Bragion Deroldo de Oliveira • Edited

Heya, i'm front-end dev, JS Lover, hope i can share my knowledge with the community, have an awesome week !!

My website:

ps. Im from Brazil.

arreyjoel profile image

Hello checking out how to better my dreams and came across the letter written to Junior dev that's how I got here

pythondrive profile image

Hi, my name is Josh. I am a beginner just enjoying the process looking to become a professional someday. I will be in your care guyz :)

shmink profile image
Tom Nicklin

Came here as I was googling how to use the Azure Functions v3-preview.

koossaayy profile image

Hello, I'm Koussay from Tunisia, Web Developer, but still learning Laravel, along with Vue.
Currently studying master's degree in data science.
I produced also some EDM songs.

mirandascreech profile image

Good work

hays profile image
Hays Stanford

Hello! I'm a React Native developer in Austin, TX!I love music & coding (obviously). I frequently post tutorials on how to code:

juggernott81 profile image

self taught (self teaching) C#/.NET guy trying to break into the industry

lewdis profile image

Hi! I'm a currently unemployed python developer from the UK that seems to spend most of his time web scraping and making bots.

krishonnet profile image
Krishnamoorthy R

MiddlewRe mq admin

oarabilemwiya profile image

My name is Oarabile Mwiya from Botswana , Gaborone am hungry for tech thus exploration brought me to these stage and i wish everyone a fruitful journey in collaboration.

paakways profile image
Samuel Boateng

Hello guys! Glad to b part of this great community

nittak5 profile image


santosh_mahto profile image
santosh mahto

Hello, I am software developer who works on web engines, app frameworks, embedded device. I am also a happy husband and dad and always love to spend time with them.

mettukiran070 profile image

I'm Java developer.

fabiopuissant profile image
Fabio Puissant

Hello, I'm a student undergraduate living in Belgium.
I study Computer Science. I love to code an learn new technologies. I'm proficient in Java, C#.
At the moment I'm learning Vuejs and Angular.

mbertsch3 profile image
Marci Bertsch

Hi all! I'm a developer from Ohio, just looking around.

elayomohammed profile image

Hello here, i got here through a post about the recent react conference. I Elayo from Nigeria, i'm a full developing developer. I am interested in JavaScript.

thinhphan profile image
Vincent Phan

Hello everyone. 👋👋👋

This is the first time I come here. Nice to meet you guys.

fxalgrain profile image

Hello everyone,

Hoping everyone is enjoying on great dev

FX, from France

taj_magsi profile image
Taj Magsi

Hello! I'm web developer from balochistan , I also enjoy playing poker in when not working .

abdrcao profile image
Antonio Belo

Hai! I dont know How to say something great to all of you in this group. But, well, Im from indonesia, acctualy live at east nusa tenggara.

vrymarovich profile image

Hello! I'm a web developer, living in Moscow, Russia. I use Javascript for work and my own projects. When I'm not at work I am trying to build my electric longboard to get to work faster.

varenaggarwal profile image
Varen • Edited

Hi everyone! Excited to be part of this beautiful community.

adinalini profile image
Aditya Nalini

Hello fellow Devs, aspiring game dev here :D Any @gamedev who wants to share how they started?

jawron profile image
Lapos Alexandru Gabriel

Hello, i m new here and hope to read all your guides and opinions and ofc excel at my programming newly career.

namtranhoai profile image

Hello! I'm a software developer, web developer in Vietnam. Now i have been move to Saskatoon and looking for a job here.

terkura profile image

I am here because of the obvious.... To know what I don't know, to grow the little I know, and to share what I've acquired..

sivakon profile image

Hi, I am a data scientist from Tokyo, Japan. I love Tea, Tsukemen and Programming. I joined just to meet like-minded people.

vijendran profile image

Helloo! Newbie to the community, Trying to be a Full stack developer, Awesome to be a part of dev, Hoping to learn more :)

c4r4x35 profile image
Srinivas Kandukuri

Hello!, I am full stack developer (MEAN), more into node js, started exploring python now a days, always passionate about devOps.

usamaraudo profile image
Usama Raudo

Hello All,

I am a freelance digital marketer, who loves to play with content along with on-page and off-page SEO tactics.

yalungtang profile image
Yalung Tang

thanks man! I appreciate it!

sanchezdav profile image
David Sanchez

Hi everyone! I'm a Software Engineer at (We are not a beer company :P but we drink a lot of beer) and I live in Guadalajara, Mexico, I love Ruby/Rails and I'll be dad in a few months lml

muhamma79747818 profile image


wailwinphyo profile image
wai lwin phyo

Hello, I am software developer from Myanmar. I am new to this community and I am trying to write my own technical blogs. I want to learn how to prepare and how to write technical blogs. Thanks

eagle732 profile image
hritik kumar

I am final year student and want to explore open source community. Also, I want to enhance my Javascript skill and full stack development.
Fun fact:I am guitar newbie and currently learning it.

jeromebrownweb profile image
Jerome Brown

Hi Everyone, I'm a UI Designer and Front end guy in Leicester UK. I love food, boxing and anime.

Hoping to make some great connections.

ysterbal profile image

Hi there, I have developing software and architecting solutions for ages and love learning and sharing my experiences.

mkdz_online profile image
Mukudzei Makepeace Mangena • Edited

El3ctrifi3d Being/Human @s3lf_Balance. I like "coding"

laracode1234 profile image
prince khan

hi every one my name is Ajib ullah from pakistan my language is urdu

rahuldkjain profile image
Rahul Jain

Hello all, I am a frontend developer. Hacktoberfest's open-source contributions brought me here. I write code like I make sandwich.

sriten profile image

It's good to be here! Hopefully, there's a lot we can share in the space

psalguerodev profile image
Patrick Salguero

Hi, I'm Software Engineer. I from Peru.
I like the research of new technologies like NestJs, Angular, Spring among others.

Thanks for all you input.

abdullahqutb profile image
Sayed Abdullah Qutb

Hello everyone, am Sayed Abdullah, junior Computer Engineering student.

ctadelajose profile image

Good evening DevPros. Am Tosin. A Nigerian

levisr93 profile image

Hi devs my name is Levi, I am from Brazil.
I am currently studying Nodejs, React and react native and other technologies around these. I hope to meet good people and learn a lot here.

abbeymaniak profile image
Abiodun Paul Ogunnaike

My names is Paul, a php developer still looking to grow, to meet people and get a job

kashinath92 profile image


zuhairnaqi profile image
Zuhair Naqi

Hello, I'm a javascript developer.

nigussemani profile image

I am a lead software developer. I love to work on challenging algorithms.

pediomo profile image
Peculiar Ediomo-Abasi

Hello! I'm Peculiar. I live in Nigeria. When I'm not working, I'm sketching, engaging communities or eating, lol.

akonde profile image

your video on node was so cool
thanks for the free video.

jordanusa01 profile image

Hello, I am Jordan from Los Angeles. I love to travel, reading books and listening to music. I am working as executive.

abhi1398 profile image

Hello, I am Abhishek from India

quantum profile image
Quantum J.L. Bass

👊🖖👋🤙how's it :D

damanhoury70 profile image

Hi how are you

_ogbuti_ profile image

I am an android developer who can script in python. I am looking for a career in machine learning and artificial intelligence. Hope to find someone that can help me out

krzysztofszewczyk profile image

Hi! I'm programming esoteric languages in my spare time and C part-time. I like composing tracker music and taking on "impossible" challenges ;).

bolaji4 profile image

My names are Olaniran Bolaji a Python programmer. Am happy to be here

quiaff profile image
Nayiby Rojas

Hello my name is Nayiby, I am in Argentina my main goal is become in software developer and my expectection here is find the community helps with comments and advices about how can I achieve my goal

szantaitibor profile image
Tibor Szantai

Hello, I'm Tibor from CodersRank - good to be here. :)

kafui4k profile image
Kafui Alordo

Hi, am obsessed about contributing my quota to refactoring my community through code.

jinoantony profile image
Jino Antony

Hello, I am a Backend engineer from Kerala, India. I love Javascript and Laravel. I usually read a lot of blogs from this site. I want to be a part of this awesome community.

phok7 profile image

Hello I'm a fullstack web developer and I want to learn of this community and will try to be usefull too. Greetings from Spain!

creativecrib profile image

Hi everyone, I'm a web developer from Malaysia looking to learn from one another here.

sagar027 profile image

Hello. I am Cloud Architect based in Mumbai. I am here to learn latest programming trends and to contribute to others' learning.
Excited to be part of this community!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV! 👋

oshan2csd profile image

Hi everyone, glad to be a part of this. I love .net and SQL. Always try to learn new technologies. Currently my focus is on #react.

Dad of a cute boy. Love to play chess.

lablnet profile image
Muhammad Umer Farooq

Hello everybody, this is Muhammad Umer Farooq, i love to programming and problem solving...

engai69 profile image
Erick Atkinson


kautuk98 profile image

Hello, my name is kumar Kautuk and i am a Computer science Engineering student in india. It's mt first time on an open source platform.

yota981 profile image

Thanks for community.

damanhoury70 profile image

Hello my name ayman I live in Doha I work as ict teacher l interested in reading and writing l love history I wrote a book in Egyptian historic also l love coding

stryyder profile image

Hacktoberfest brought me here - I feel like I've stumbled into a rabbit hole. But instead of weird cats with way too many teeth, I found cool websites that are easy on the eyes.

ihackpy profile image
himanshu awasthi

Hi ! ALL,
I'm Himanshu Awasthi & looking forward for good tech discussion & I love to talk about Python & Data Science :)

akssay profile image
Akssay Kamath

Hi, I am Akshay. I am new to this field, software developer. I find this exciting and want to learn more...

fajarmf10 profile image
Fajar Maulana Firdaus

Hi, just got a new job as a Full Stack Developer living in Jakarta. I love playing musical instruments, as I was playing as the drummer on my hiatus-band called Unifive.

samizad profile image
Sami Zad

Hi.I'm a dreamer and FE Developer.

emekka profile image

Hi everyone, New to coding, currently doing Js. Have plan of testing all other aspects

nirmalpatel008 profile image
Nirmal Chhodvadiya

hello there.finally completed 4 PRs and 1 bonus PR for HactoberFEST and now waiting for 6 days to get approval.

khypersoul profile image

hello i am hypersoul( yeah probably just because i feel that way) . i need to do something (just by saying)

aginjith profile image

What is there to tell you guys when you know nothing much about anything.hav some good times

ziv profile image

Ziv from Israel..
Really tall guy who live to run and code..
If you are in Israel and looking for a running partner, I'm here:)

123rishu profile image
Rishabh sharma


mixailo11 profile image
Mihailo Sladoje

Hi. Im Mihailo from Bosnia, living in Serbia. I just started learning programming as i had free time and will. Html and css so far..

kingmazela profile image

Hi Devs. I am a software developer, into web development and mobile/computer applications.

parteh profile image

Hi everyone, I am Hassan and I am an absolute beginner to web development. Just want to know what was your experience as a beginner
Oh by the way I love 💙 music too.

beginnercoder17 profile image


mananbedi2908 profile image

Hello! I am a Computer Science Student. I currently do web development. I am an open source and machine learning enthusiast

shelley89679445 profile image
Shelley Morris

Best of luck Dev team.

skyandsand profile image
Chris C

Welcome Shelley

dreadsteel99 profile image

Hello, I'm a 2nd year grad student. Presently learning Core java and python. Trying to pursue a goal in Machine Learning. Hope to make lot new friends here

kinyaanjui profile image
Kinyanjui Macharia

I read an interesting article tgat was encouraging me not to give up with development

anasszr profile image

Hi i'm a new dev thanx for having me :)

bjornor profile image


I am a person. I have interests in things and stuff. I also like to code.

avieinstein profile image
Avinash Kumar

Just a beginner hope i will be helped and treated as one of u

davemin profile image
Davide Minardi

HI ALL!!!!

signedgerald profile image

Hello everyone, I just got my first job as a software engineer intern at a bank in Australia. I'm super excited to start, but I have a few months before it begins!

greenais profile image

Hey, react-native dev with opacity background here.

smorwadkar profile image

I am backend developer.Have sound knowledge of Java,Spring stack,Relational and NoSQL databases.

oibind profile image
Aoibhinn Nic Aoidh • Edited

Hello! I am a AI student in Northern Irleand.

raja1908 profile image
Rohan Kansara


agbenigaagboola profile image
Agbeniga Agboola • Edited

Hi everyone, I am happy to be part of this community, am really passionate about learning and I hope this community can give me all the motivation I need to charge forward.

ogenrwotaaron profile image
Ogenrwot Aaron

Hello, am Aaron Ogenrwot from Gulu(Uganda) a Computer Science student and a developer currently learning MERN stack

ragilr_ profile image

hi ! Im' a mobile apps developer from indonesia, i also love music and games, I hope I can get to know you guys

daftarpulsa profile image
daftar pulsa

im new here.
im from indonesia.

rezald_codetmen profile image

Hey, I am just person who loves to learn code in my free time 😁

cryptonews_4u profile image
Crypto News

hi, how are you?

erikhp profile image
ErikHP • Edited

Hi, my name is Erik. I live in San Francisco. I was coding on and off. Now I'm focusing to learn Python.

anoopkumarprasad profile image
Anoop Kumar Prasad

Hello World :-)

sobirjonovs profile image
Sanjarbek Sobirjonov

Hi there, I'm a younger junior developer in the IT world. I think you appreciate me and will add in your team.:)

arjunsna profile image

Looking forward!!! :)

devint profile image
Quétier Laurent

junior dev since more ten years, I want have more skill to work in company or free-lance.
I try to reconvert from restaurant manager...

khigor777 profile image

Hi, I'm a backend developer, working on Golang stack.

thelogicwarlock profile image
Kaemon Lovendahl

Good morning. I'm a front end developer focusing in React/JS. Glad to be here!

rayeen13 profile image

Assalamu 'Alaikum

rafalszrajnert profile image
Rafał Szrajnert

HI :)

njugunapm233 profile image

What the best way to learn fullstack web development from scratch faster?

palakbaghla profile image

Hi, I am Palak. I am a newbie here. I got to know about it after completing the Hacktober Challenge. I am a cyber security enthusiast.

skylullom profile image
Matteo Lullo


mehrdad1998 profile image

hi Thank you

luismartinezs profile image
Luis Martinez Suarez

Hello, I am a Frontend Developer working in the Netherlands (although I am Spanish). I am learning new stuff every day.

webjoyable profile image


atolkachev profile image

Hello! I'm Software Developer from Moscow, Russia. In my free time I play football(European, not American) and like to watch NHL and NBA.

cwahlfeldt profile image
Chris Wahlfeldt

Yo, Im a web developer from Champaign IL USA. When I'm not working im most likely hangin out with my wife and kids. I also love to game (when i get time) and play music.

eliasreis54 profile image
Elias Reis

Hey! I'm new here!

charlesndarau profile image
Charles Ndarau

Hello. I am a IT Infrastructure Designer. Interested in Software Engineering.

lysander profile image

A newbie to a real expert

sonermezgitci profile image

Hi Guys . I am about starting programming bootcamp in Flatiron school. If you post me what ever I need to read about programming and Ruby, i would be very appreciated.

safejourneyart profile image

Top of the morning to you!
I am a teeny tiny little JSer in Japan. I will present what JavaScript can create. If JavaScript, your beautiful ideas would make real.
Safe journey!

shafiqruslan95 profile image

Hello! I'm currently an a Frontend Developer that using React Js right now. My new crush right now is Flutter :p

smeadows69 profile image
sophie meadows

This said I could get Tiktok likes

amoakocancode profile image

Hi everyone ✋🏾

ravishan16 profile image
Pragmatic Programmer

dev, jack of trades

roggc profile image
roggc • Edited

Hello. I am a react developer (or try to 😏). I like articles, so I decided to make one with my own progress. That's it. See you 🤓

mdbahmad profile image
Muhammad Ahmad

Muhammad Ahmad from Maiduguri, Nigeria, I am passionate about programming especially using python, html, CSS, Linux, like to help others.
Love Arabic calligraphy and tinkering with gadgets.

tanvir_aunjum profile image
Tanvir Aunjum

Hello! I am an Instant Game Developer. Has passed experience on software development too. Dream to have my own game engine oneday InsshhaAllah.

horman69 profile image

Hi, my name is Ruslana from Moscow, who is engaged in psychology, draws and tries to make the world a better place.

pixiee1411 profile image
™ بنبو/ GS7Market

Hello, friends, I'm Abdullah from Saudi Arabia.

milan1750 profile image
milan1750 • Edited

Hi Everyone ! Im a PHP Developer living in Kathmandu, Nepal.

osobe1 profile image

Hi, I am new to IT. I am a Accounting Professional looking to become AWS Solutions Architect certified and DevOps.

tiendungtcu profile image

Hello! I'm coding with React, React Naitive, Java, Nodejs. I love programming and want to be rich

wsabol profile image
Will Sabol

Hello! I'm a full stack developer in the Austin TX area. I also love music and staying active. I play the drums around town. I am a father of 3 daughters. And I'm excited to join this community!

ghernandez_a profile image
galo hernandez

I learned Flutter but now I am in React Mode. It seems a very very long road. But I will!!

dancankngetich profile image

Hi, thank you DEV for this great platform.I'm a beginner in web development and hopefully I'll learn much from this amazing community.

kooperkodes profile image
Khalif Cooper

Hello, I am a software developer currently residing in Atlanta, Georgia. I am passionate about learning, writing, running and theater arts!

sashuu6 profile image
Sashwat K

Hello, I am Sashwat K from Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.
Checkout my GitHub profile

alexisfinn profile image

Hello. I'm a web developer and have been since 2012.
I mainly do PHP, Symfony, Javascript and CSS (the usual suspects).
So anyway hello everybody.

ridoansaleh profile image

Hello, my name is Ridoan. A frontend developer from Batam City, Indonesia. Still learning webpack ..

maksumrifai profile image
Maksum Rifai

Hello, I'm a web developer from Indonesia..

shweta_k_ profile image

Hi all. I have arrived here from a twitter post. And I am figuring out what is going on. Work in software. Like technology, reading, painting and cooking. :-)

salmaniqbal92 profile image
salman iqbal

Hi, I'm .net developer, enhancing my skills over python for machine learning and on frontend technologies. I came to know about this place through hacktoberfest 2019

collynce profile image


debbysa profile image
Deby Silvia Agnes

Hello, I'm BE Developer living in Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. I also crew member of Facebook Developer Circle Malang, Indonesia

laureenann profile image

I'm taking intro to HTML/CSS and JavaScript at my local library - and exploring online to see how development works.

surlescocottes profile image

From French Air Force to Keyboard, webdev is an happy world !

a01371852 profile image
Emmanuel Hernández Olvera

Hello! I'm a Computer Science student living in Mexico City. I was googling an HTML problem yesterday and the post was so helpful that I decided to join the community!

aai_chi_gaadi profile image
Percy Zingade

Learning how to write test cases for angular 8. Works in Bangalore!

ghady_daou profile image

Ghady Daou from Lebanon
i study computer science in lebanese University

spacexar20 profile image

hey everyone, my name is erik I am a front end developer and I just started my career.

omkar76 profile image

Hello 🤓
I'm new here 🙌
I'm learning C++ and love it!

robinrs profile image

Hey, I'm Robin.
I started developing software really early because I liked Computers and automating things back then.

I hope to get to know some of you and learn something new.

Best wishes Robin.

romanpodymov profile image
Roman Podymov

Hello. My name is Roman. I am iOS developer.

arham_abiyan profile image
Arham Awal Abiyan

hello, I'm a Software Engineer living in Indonesia, loves to read book and learning a new things in my free time.

rocklee444 profile image

Hello! I'm new to this community and I am still studying, so, I hope to be helpful some time in the future!

xeoth profile image
xeoth • Edited

fosefx profile image
Max Baumann • Edited


crashoverloaded profile image
Priyank Agarwal

Hello Everyone!!
I'm Priyank,Machine learning enthusiast and a python developer ,Love to Automate things with Python and In Deep Love with Food & Coffee!!!

johandalabacka profile image
Johan Dahl

Hello. My name is Johan (John in swedish). I work as a systems programmer and scrum master at Lund University. I like programming, music, movies, red wine and tries to sing in a choir.

freestxler profile image
Nomi • Edited

I'm Sitecore and commerce developer with experience of 6 years. I want to learn more so I help others. I'm a technical lead who wants to do more of architecture work

persadian profile image
persadian • Edited

Hi, I'm a Software Engineer

barisere profile image
Barisere Jonathan

Hello,, I'm new here.
I am a programmer currently living in Nigeria.
In my day job, I program in Go and JS/TS. I look forward to having a good time with the community here.

btmash profile image
Ashok Modi

Hi Barisere,

Welcome to DEV. I program in PHP in my day job but am learning Go and VueJS on the side. Nice to meet a likeminded person :)

shourya_17 profile image


abhibhaw profile image
Abhibhaw Asthana

Hey, this is Abhibhaw Kumar Asthana, first year U.G. student at National Institute of Technology Rourkela.
I also like blogging at
Visit :

isahilbharti profile image
Sahil Bharti

Hi All, I am new

sharonchemurgor profile image

Hello , am from Kenya beginner in UI/UX design a university student in Kabarak University Kenya,and exited to learn more from the community, thank you

paulndambo profile image
Paul ndambo

hello am paul an IT student from Nairobi,am happy to be in this cool tech community

sanfernoronha profile image
Sanfer Noronha

Hello World! Greetings from Mumbai. I am a Computer Engineering student. Would appreciate guidance in starting to learn App Development and Machine Learning. Do reply your suggestions. Thanks a ton!

malekadair profile image

Hey everyone! I heard about through my software bootcamp that I'm enrolled in. Great to be part of it.

iaamirqureshi46 profile image
Aamir Qureshi (عامر قریشی)

Hi, I am a Software Engineer from Pakistan, with great passion of making things works. Currently using Angular 8 and wants to learn more about this technology from others developers' experiences.

venkatraman9214 profile image
Venkatraman B

Give me tips to get better at code writing in python and c. I shall always be your friend theretofore :)

preveenraj profile image
Preveen Raj

Wow... I am being welcomed to a wonderful community.
Hope I would get an awesome experience by declaring, defining and running myself through these threads.
and.. yeah. am a full stack developer!