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Almatin Siswanto

A full-stack software developer when I got stuck in front of my computer.


Software Developer Freelancer

How to Create a Read-Only User in PostgreSQL

How to Create a Read-Only User in PostgreSQL

Comments 3
1 min read

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How to resolve Docker Compose Warning WARN[0000] Found orphan containers

How to resolve Docker Compose Warning WARN[0000] Found orphan containers

2 min read
How To Add States Functionality Inside Flutter showDialog() Function

How To Add States Functionality Inside Flutter showDialog() Function

3 min read
Add Visual Studio Code to your OSX zsh PATH

Add Visual Studio Code to your OSX zsh PATH

1 min read
Add DS-U02P Webcam to Debian 12

Add DS-U02P Webcam to Debian 12

1 min read
Install NerdFont (or any fonts) using the command line in Debian (or other Linux)

Install NerdFont (or any fonts) using the command line in Debian (or other Linux)

1 min read
Deploy MongoDB Replica Set on K8s

Deploy MongoDB Replica Set on K8s

3 min read
Deploy Go Application using Docker Compose Replicas and Nginx

Deploy Go Application using Docker Compose Replicas and Nginx

Comments 2
2 min read
Deloy SocketIO Server Using Docker and Nginx Load Balancer (+SSL)

Deloy SocketIO Server Using Docker and Nginx Load Balancer (+SSL)

5 min read