DEV Community

How much coffee do you drink?

Ben Halpern on June 09, 2020

awwsmm profile image
Andrew (he/him)

Too much. At least 5-6 cups per day.

steveblue profile image
Stephen Belovarich

You are about spot on for the optimal amount according to John’s Hopkins.

checor profile image
Sergio U

Hello Steve, for a cup you are referring to an American mug? Because my coffee maker says it's 4 cups, but in reality I can only fill two "normal" American mugs.
And I drink those two mugs, or 4 cups daily.

whoisryosuke profile image

What type of coffee do you drink? (Americano, espresso, etc) And how do you take it?

awwsmm profile image
Andrew (he/him)

Americano with one spoon of sugar per 12oz give or take, and milk. About 5 of those per day

codigoisaac profile image
Isaac Muniz


owstin profile image

Glad I'm not the only one

stephanie profile image
Stephanie Handsteiner • Edited

Same, and I get the “How are you even a developer, if you're not drinking coffee?!“ joke all the time.

dpashutskii profile image
Dmitrii Pashutskii

Happy person!

vaibhavkhulbe profile image
Vaibhav Khulbe


sergix profile image
Peyton McGinnis

Depends 🤷‍♂️ Normally 3-4 cups, and sometimes a cappuccino

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Gotta ❤️ that mug! ☕️

nataliedeweerd profile image
𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐝𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐫𝐝

ooh how much did that machine cost!?

sergix profile image
Peyton McGinnis

Can't quite remember, it's a pretty old machine but still works really well. Normally they're around $120-150 though.

cat profile image

One a day usually does it for me. Black. Wooo. Detective Pikachu asking for more coffee

nataliedeweerd profile image
𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐝𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐫𝐝

steveblue profile image
Stephen Belovarich • Edited

A lot of coffee. At least 5 cups daily with 4pm cutoff. Prefer pour over.

The David Lynch House Blend from Allegro is my favorite brew at home right now.

torianne02 profile image
Tori Crawford

2-3 cups a day. I would drink more but it’s too much work to make coffee via French press more than 1x a day. 😂

digitalmcgrath profile image
Christopher McGrath

Usually around 4 - 5 cups a day.

domenicosolazzo profile image
Domenico Solazzo

Too much! 6-7 espresso!

thecodepixi profile image
Emmy | Pixi

Only one cup per day. Sometimes I'll have a tea in the afternoon if I get sleepy, but I'm pretty sensitive to caffeine.

margo_hdb profile image
Margo McCabe • Edited

Used to drink 1-2 cups per day, but with working from home now I usually drink tea so I don't have to brew a whole pot of coffee.

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald • Edited

4-6 cups a day.

But, disclaimer, I have confirmed with my general practitioner that moderate levels of caffeine have little to no effect on me specifically. At most, it nudges my body rhythm in the direction it's already going. More recently, I have also learned that because coffee (specifically coffee, not the caffeine) naturally boosts production of some neurotransmitters I tend to run low on, it does have a mild calming effect; the caffeine counteracts that benefit for most people, but as I said, it doesn't act that way on me.

The smell and taste are relaxing and remind me to focus, which make it excellent for work hours for me. I also enjoy a cup just before bed, as it complements my natural rhythm; nights I have coffee before bed, I fall asleep a little smoother than nights without, but the effect isn't so profound that I really need it, so I forget about it more nights than not!

I also take advantage of my love of coffee by requiring myself to finish drinking my refillable 16 oz bottle of water before I can refill my mug. As a result, my enjoyment of coffee ensures I drink the equivalent of 8-10 glasses of water a day.

I've further confirmed against a tolerance by skipping coffee altogether for days or weeks, and switching to decaf in other trials. Not only did skipping it have no effect on me (apart from losing the few aforementioned mild benefits), I could immediately resume my normal consumption levels after any length of time.

Mind you, I'm talking about regular drip or pour-over coffee, and I like it strong! Concentrated caffeine, such as in Americanos or cappuccinos, does cause a bit of shaking, so I avoid those altogether.

So, all that said, know your own body. Understand how different things affect your function, your mood, your body's rhythm, and your psychology. Also keep your general practitioner in the loop. There is no one size fits all.

P.S. If you drink decaf, look for Swiss water process decaffeinated beans. That process doesn't involve the chemicals that give typical store-bought decaf it's nasty taste. Swiss water process decaf tastes the same as regular coffee. Starbucks uses this process exclusively for its decaf.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Wow, good tip on the decaf. Gonna have to check this out!

sirseanofloxley profile image
Sean Allin Newell

Wow, such discipline! Sometimes I tell myself 'no more coffee until you finish your water', I should stick to that.

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

I'm the only person I know that alternates (in long stretches) between needing 3ish cups of coffee and somehow losing a taste for it for months at a time. I always drink tons of Earl Grey tea though. Like, 6 cups a day 😳. Currently haven't been off the coffee wagon for about a year.

jrop profile image
Jonathan Apodaca

"Tea. Earl Grey. Hot."

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald • Edited

It beats drinking the "brown liquid which is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea," as produced by the Nutrimatic Drinks Dispenser. (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)

jrop profile image
Jonathan Apodaca

As of a few weeks ago, none! Before that: 2-4 cups per day.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

What prompted the change?

How did you go about it?

How are you feeling?

jrop profile image
Jonathan Apodaca

I was feeling increased levels of tiredness, grouchiness, and headaches. I backed off on the coffee about 1/2- to one cup less per day. When I was down to one cup of coffee per day, I switched to green tea and then weaned off of that as well. The whole process took less than a week. I now have much more consistent energy, and I am able to wake up much quicker (and earlier). When I do get tired, and I do, I am trying to shift my mindset to roll with whatever my body is needing, and enjoy the rest.

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Not coffee, but a LOT of Cappuccino


michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

4 cups! Haha, saying this makes me think I should probably dial it back a bit. I'm considering switching out 2 of the cups for decaf.

I go with the French Press... and the strength varies, but typically pretty strong.

jakesweb profile image
Jacob Colborn

As an ex-barista, I drink way more coffee than I am really supposed to. I normally start the day with 1 or 2 cups of black brewed coffee. Then I'll make a latte or cappuccino for myself before lunch. I'll have a cup of tea with lunch. Around 3 or 4, I get a cup of cold brew or hot coffee (depending on the mood I am in). Every once in a while I'll have a cup of coffee before dinner and then a cup of tea after dinner. This has been my usual schedule for about 3 or 4 years now, but I am not sure what negative impacts this may or may not have. The future will tell, I guess.

stereoplegic profile image
Mike Bybee

I bleed brown. Even worse, I'm a coffee dork (roasted and sold my own for a decade). Actually thinking of finally getting around to building that Linux powered coffee roaster I've wanted to build for almost 15 years now.

danrdn profile image
Dan Rowden

Two in the morning before work, one mid-afternoon and sometimes one after dinner!

bertilmuth profile image
Bertil Muth

I didn't count for some time. To better cope with tiredness, I switched to 3 big cups a day.
Then I changed one for decaf. That allowed me to keep the habit, while still reducing caffeine.
Since then, I'm the happy addict I always aspired to be.

dpashutskii profile image
Dmitrii Pashutskii • Edited

Oooh, that's a big problem. I drink coffee every day.
In the good days, it's 1 cup and in bad days it's 2. When I drink two sometimes it affects the sleep and I'm sleepy the next day and I have to drink two again and it's ENDLESS!

Caffeine has really big affect on me though. After just one cup I'm like a superhuman.

iamschulz profile image
Daniel Schulz

Next to none.


brodan profile image

I used to drink 2-3 cups of super strong cold brew at the office pretty much every day, and regardless of how late it was. I got sick last year and took an extended leave and since then I stopped drinking all caffeine and beer. Now I drink like 2 cups of decaf every morning and the placebo effect seems to keep me energized.

Looking back on it I cringe over how much caffeine I consumed and wonder how much damage I did to myself as a result.

katafrakt profile image
Paweł Świątkowski

I used to drink at least 2 (closer to 4) cups a day. Then, one day, I stopped. It's going on for maybe 4 years now and I only drink coffee socially and sometimes when I'm super-tired. I consider it the best health-related decision in my life. Not that drinking coffee is bad per se, but it wasn't doing to much good for me personally.

po5i profile image
Carlos V. • Edited

I started drinking coffee as a habit back in 2015 with 3-5 cups a day. But nowadays I only take one daily.
Sometimes I drink caffeine substitutes such as Guayusa

itsasine profile image
ItsASine (Kayla)

This week: 3 cups a day or so, to help ration out the remaining pop in the fridge
Typically: 1 cup a day and a few cans of pop
In the office: 2 cups a day and a bottle of pop
Ideally: 4 cups a day and no pop, simply to reduce calories and sugar in the day (I drink coffee black)

I don't notice any effects of caffeine on my sleeping/health, but 1. I've always drunk a lot of pop and 2. DNA testing (as much as you're willing to believe the results of that) says I shouldn't be sensitive to caffeine.

whoisryosuke profile image

I limit myself to ~140mg of caffeine a day.

I usually drink a Monster Energy Zero Ultra or a OWYN Protein Cold Brew when I'm feeling actual coffee. It's hard to finish both without getting jittery, so I end up splitting it between breakfast and lunch.

Really miss having a nice espresso though. A nice cappucino or latte beats cold brew any day.

leojpod profile image

Too much, I've cut down a bit but I was drinking 2L a day at some point.

Now I prepare cold coffee in the evening in a French press and drink it cold little by little which somehow helped to reduce my consumption to 1 French press a day instead of 2 so that's progress

(also it might be complete rubbish but it's supposed to be less acidic and better for the tummy, who knows :x)

_garybell profile image
Gary Bell

At the moment being locked at home, only two. They are big cups though. My coffee machine says it's 8 normal cups. Which, at 150ml per cup (roughly) still puts me on a litre of coffee a day.

When in the office, much more coffee. The coffee machine there is much faster than the one I have at home

dominikilnicki profile image
Dominik Ilnicki

2 cups a day

jonesey712 profile image

Typically 1 cup, but with no consistency. I just got a french press, because I've honestly gotten sick of my Keurig (it's good for hot water, but not coffee) and it came with a milk frother! So my coffee intake is going to go up. I've actually gone about 2 months not drinking coffee, but drinking tea sporadically.

paqman85 profile image
Glenn Paquette

I have 4-5 cups in the morning and 2-3 cups between 2-4. I take a water break from lunch to 2 and switch to tea after 4.

So... 8 cups of coffee and 2 of black tea? Problem or superpower? Only time will tell.

miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐

Since we went into lockdown and I finally had to invest in a coffee maker about 4 cups a day, about 10 cups of tea. Give me a coffee shop though and I'd reverse that. I'm also capable of drinking coffee within an hour of bedtime with no ill effects. Too many years of it I guess !

alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro

Enough for my doctor to tell me to stop... Since then, 0 cups a day (not even decaf 😢)

kildareflare profile image
Rich Field

Usually one cup in the morning and switch to tea in the afternoon.
But sometimes I'll have another coffee instead.
I try and have at least one coffee free day per week and also one month a year without coffee.
If at home I use an Aeropress and if out I drink double shot Flat Whites.

daveparr profile image
Dave Parr

When I was in an office up to 4, mostly black americano from a Nespresso. Since covid around 2, from a stove top mocha pot.

That said, it's mostly because my partner has now also got the taste for it, having hated it before, and my mocha pot has about 4 shots in it :p

joehobot profile image
Joe Hobot • Edited

Oddly enough when I was at work I would have about 5-6 cups a day , ever since Covid-19 I am down to maybe 2 cups sometimes even 1. Granted one would think that I would drink more coffee while at home, but I guess not.

I must say that caffeine does not have almost no effect on how I work , I can drink it at 9pm which sometimes I usually do and can go to bed at 10pm, however I did notice that if I have say 1 mountain dew at 9pm it keeps me awake for few hours , I am not sure if its stronger or not.

I drink turkish and americano coffee (drip - breakfast blend)

jacoby profile image
Dave Jacoby

My Coffee Graph

I used to track it, in an attempt to keep it to

  • 2 cups a day
  • before noon
  • on days where I'm coding

But the tools I used to track it were running on hardware I had access to because of my old job, in part because I was also using those tools and techniques for my old job, and I haven't re-established anything for my new job.

For the new job, where I've worked either from home or my local coworking space, I am probably about 4+ cups a day, whenever. Although the few times I've had coffee in the evening, it has been decaf.

nataliedeweerd profile image
𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐝𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐫𝐝

1 coffee, then maybe a Sneak drink or energy drink to complete the day :)

foyzulkarim profile image
Foyzul Karim • Edited

At least 4/5 cups from dawn to early afternoon. I don't drink any tea/coffee after afternoon, because it hampers a good sleep at night.

saracunn profile image
Sara Cunningham

None! I used to drink coffee every day last summer and thought I couldn't live without it but now I barely drink it.

ispandey81 profile image


matluz profile image
Matheus Luz


There is a lot of stereotype about coffee in tech industries, where more coffee == more code, but coffee is something that just doesn't work for me.

metalmikester profile image
Michel Renaud

2/3 of a pot. I guess that's eight cups.

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt

3 - 4 / day

But how much is too much?

ypedroo profile image
Ynoa Pedro

1 a day trying to make 1 in every 2 days

jrking365 profile image
Jean Roger Nigoumi Guiala

was drinking 4 to 5 when I was in the office, but since I have been working from home, I average around 2

jmplourde profile image
Jean-Michel Plourde

1-2 cups in the morning at breakfast. I never drink anything with caffeine after 14:00

pcmagas profile image
Dimitrios Desyllas

Usually one and sometimes 2 cups of Nescafe Frape, the national drink of Modern Greek man!
Sometimes I drink Greek cofee as well.

Though I like the cofee to contain at least 150ml of milk.

lehmannsystems profile image

Usually 2-3 cups a day

theague profile image
Kody James Ague

Apparently too many. Doctor told me to avoid caffeine for a month to see if my HR goes down lol

mendoza profile image
David Mendoza (He/Him) • Edited

min: 2 cups
max: ... em 6 I guess 😂

But I prefer tea if possible (which is hard in offices in my country 😢

tcgumus profile image
Tuna Çağlar Gümüş

1 or none

chrisotto profile image
Chris Otto

One mug of two shots of espresso and black coffee a day. Only need one coffee with that firepower 🔥.

teamroggers profile image
Rogier Nitschelm

Talking about coffee. I often read people turning coffee into code.

Imagine for a moment you could turn code into coffee. Wouldn't that be an impressive trick? 🧙🏽‍♀️.

_hs_ profile image

3-4 cups, and I make sure at least 1 is double espresso especially in the morning

garrettgreen profile image
Garrett Green

most days I have 3, 10oz cups. occasionally four or two but I try not to have any after noon so it depends on the pace of my first cup or two.

damxipo profile image
Damian Cipolat

Two cups per day

maeganwilson_ profile image
Maegan Wilson

When working at the office 2-4. Now that I’m home 1-2. It’s crazy if it’s not always made, then I don’t drink as much.

bernardbaker profile image
Bernard Baker

Zero 🌞. I drink a lot of water though. And bask in the sun for a minute when it's available for a pick me up. Do almonds count. lol 🛀

rcarlson profile image
Robert Carlson

Enough to keep my resting heart rate at 100bpm

peacefullatom profile image
Yuriy Markov

I'm usually drinking 3-4 cups a day. But I believe that I should reduce the amount of coffee I'm drinking :)

barelyhuman profile image

Enough to keep me awake for 20 hours a day

chrsgrrtt profile image
Chris Garrett

Too many.

nickyoung profile image
Nick Young

1-2 larger cups a day, some days 3, and never enough.

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

3-5 i love a good fresh local roast far too much to go a day without.

cjbrooks12 profile image
Casey Brooks

Not enough, today. So tired...

annawijetunga profile image
Anna Wijetunga

I love this question! 1 hot cup in the early morn and 1 cold brew in the late morn :)

visualmov profile image

Usually one cup.

glennmen profile image
Glenn Carremans

Way to much 2-3 big cups a day.
But only at work, when I am at home or even working from home I don't drink coffee or would prefer thee.

pandaquests profile image
Panda Quests


sharadcodes profile image
Sharad Raj (He/Him) • Edited

0 it's hot here in India ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯
Although I prefer cold coffee 😃

ctannerweb profile image
Cory Tanner

One in the morning and one after lunch :) but my cup is a LARGE cup.

oxy_oxide profile image
Hamza Hesham


bowlendev profile image
Ryan Bowlen

I drink about 12 ounces of cold brew a day since we've been working from home. For some reason I tend to have more when drinking hot coffee at the office. 🤷

sandordargo profile image
Sandor Dargo

Not enough since I started to work from home!

dana94 profile image
Dana Ottaviani

I have never drank coffee before. 😅

sergiodxa profile image
Sergio Daniel Xalambrí

Nothing at all

maureento8888 profile image
Maureen T'O

I am consistently either having two espressos at once, during university, and then going cold turkey in the summer! However, either way, I get hyper when I smell coffee, especially cold coffee... ☕️

sirseanofloxley profile image
Sean Allin Newell

At the office, 3-4 cups from the machine (lil plastic cup guys) a day. ☕☕☕☕
At home, 1-2 cups of french press a day. ☕☕

jessesbyers profile image
Jesse Smith Byers

2 cups every day, only early in the morning. My coffee is always cold brewed in a mason jar in the fridge, and I just microwave it for a hot mug.

cescquintero profile image
Francisco Quintero 🇨🇴

Like a half cup per week. Some weeks even none 😅

qainsights profile image
NaveenKumar Namachivayam ⚡


carlesnunez profile image
Carles Núñez

2-3 cups per day

jorgeguevarab profile image
Jorge Guevara

Toooooo much 😂
I’m , just drink two cups daily

camerenisonfire profile image
Cameren Dolecheck

Typically 24-34 grams of coffee beans to 15x that amount water made in a Chemex. That's about 1-2ish cups of coffee.

hugoliconv profile image

one or two cups a day

takakd profile image
Takahiro Kudo • Edited

1-2 cups per day.
I thought I am drinking too much, but dev people are drinking a lot😆

val_baca profile image
Valentin Baca

Usually 2-3 cups. 4 cups on occasion but I try to switch to tea in the afternoon.

ronakjethwa profile image
Ronak Jethwa

Not enough

mateus_vahl profile image
Mateus Vahl

One small cup after lunch...but I drink erva mate all the day 🧉

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️

1... maybe 2 cups a week. I'm British. Tea please

sharmakushal profile image
Kushal sharma

I didn't drink coffee☕ while doing programming, did the programmers society acccept me 😔😔😢

johnadan profile image
John McLem Adan

When I was still working at the office, minimum of 2 cups and maximum of up to 3-4 cups per day. When working from home especially nowadays, only 1-2 cups a day.

chinmayj93 profile image
Chinmay Joshi

2-3 cups a day.

itepifanio profile image
Ítalo Epifânio

I usually drink a cup when wake up and other a couple hours after lunch

bhavaniravi profile image
Bhavani Ravi

2 cups/day

gklijs profile image
Gerard Klijs

About 2 or 3 double espresso's most days.

lleonardogr profile image
Leonardo Gasparini Romão

2 Cups of brazillian strained coffee, One for the Morning, One for the afternoon ^^

hroman_codes profile image
Heriberto Roman

Once or twice a week at best.

amanhimself profile image
Aman Mittal

3 to 4 cups on a regular day.

isajal07 profile image
Sajal Shrestha

Just a single cup to start my day while I turn on my computer screen.

peledzohar profile image
Zohar Peled

Somewhere between 4 to 10, depends on the day and the night before. Still feel more like a sloth than a chipmunk.

krishnakakade profile image
krishna kakade • Edited

I don't drink coffee.but I drink milk once a day and water all time.

aza profile image

Ha! The most favorite topic so far :). At least 2 cups.

andsmile profile image

One cup per week for me is enough :)

darkterminal profile image
Imam Ali Mustofa

Me not too much, just 7 cups/day

chrisczopp profile image

3-4 made with a moka pot

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

5-6 cups of freshly ground espresso.

mvkirk profile image
Mael Vincent

Just one in the morning when I work from home whereas 4 or 5 when I'm at the office. I tried to socialize myself I guess.

amir profile image
Amir Meimari

1~2 cappuccino per day. (single espresso + milk + honey)

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Used to drink about 4-5 but managed to reduce that to 2-3:

  • One in the morning
  • One after lunch
  • One at around 4 or 5PM in case that I need to catch up with work and stay late
jankosutnik profile image
Jan Kosutnik • Edited

It depends, but let’s break it down:
Morning 2-3 cups
Afternoon 2-3 cups.
Type: instant coffee and espresso / macchiato, 50:50

roelofjanelsinga profile image
Roelof Jan Elsinga

Only 2, but they're bigger cups, so perhaps 3-4 small cups?

dotnetdreamer profile image
Idrees Khan

1, in morning only

kerldev profile image
Kyle Jones

2-3 cups a day using one sugar with oat milk. Used to be none but that's gone right out the window now 🤷

link2twenty profile image
Andrew Bone

I've never drank any, the smell always puts me off. Does this mean I can't be a developer anymore?

gablaroche profile image
Gabriel Laroche

Before quarantaine and mandatory wfh, I drank between 2 and 5 cups, it was my way of taking a break and stretch my legs. Now, I only drink 1 cup, sometimes 2

espoir profile image
Espoir Murhabazi

0 litres but up to 3 litres of water per day...

spiritupbro profile image

sorry i drink tea my stomach always cramp when drinking too much coffe and i had diarrhea one time trying to drink a lot of coffe

frankfont profile image
Frank Font

Too much.

jmcp profile image
James McPherson

A double-double espresso every morning. Sometimes another double in the afternoon.

raisaugat profile image
Saugat Rai

I used to drink 3-4 cups per day. But now 2 cup max on weekends only.

gregogun profile image
Greg Ogun

2 cups a day. One first thing in the morning, one before bed... decaf of course. 😅

mellen profile image
Matt Ellen-Tsivintzeli • Edited

Zero. To me coffee tastes like hot dirt.

programazing profile image
Christopher C. Johnson

Depends on the day. I usually make one cup of pour over but somedays I make an entire thermos. Then there are days when I'm all about tea.

dividedbynil profile image
Kane Ong


fluffynuts profile image
Davyd McColl

All the coffee in my cup?

andrewpillar profile image
Andrew Pillar

None, I'm more of a tea person.

jaydray1 profile image
JonMichael Dreher


rbseaver profile image
Rob Seaver

When I'm actually in the office, I can usually down about five or so in the morning. At home, though, my habits are a bit different, so I've been drinking only one or two.

ibrahimshamma99 profile image
Ibrahim Shamma

2 - 3 cups and I only drink when I code

jvarness profile image
Jake Varness

One cuppa per day. Only one. Gotta protect my teeth.