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What's your go-to stack these days?

Ben Halpern on June 18, 2020

Maybe certain projects need a specialty tool in your toolbelt— but for your typical work, if you were to start a new project today, what would you reach for in order to deliver on time and on budget?

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

Rust + Typescript.

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

probably also worth mentioning, that Rust bindgen will generate ts typings so its perfect for some blazing wasm code if you so wish.

mrjjwright profile image
John Wright

I am intrigued what you love about that combo?

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀 • Edited

At first it was because I wanted to try all the new hotness, but this is all quite old now so I guess I liked what both languages did for their respective areas. I like rusts no nonsense approach in that it's pretty hard to write bad code and it's pretty hard to write code from a beginners stand point, you really have to keep trying and failing and being repeatedly beaten over the head from the compiler until you end up with idomatic rust. On the other hand we have typescript, this is as flexible as you want, obviously I aspire to write strongly typed strict JavaScript but I tend to get a little lapse in my discipline over on this side, I get that freedom of prototyping speed that I don't in rust and I guess that's a nice pairing, now if I where a 10x I know this combination would lead to some incredibly resilient software.

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mrjjwright profile image
John Wright

That's fascinating. What do you mean by "now if I where a 10x I know this..."?

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adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

I believe that at the end of the century the use of words and general educated opinion will have altered so much that one will be able to speak of machines thinking without expecting to be contradicted.

Alan Turing

What a quote! Because it's true, I'm a lazy developer, I like my computer to help me to code at every stage. A 10x developer is a joke about the mythical inhuman skills of a developer that is superior to all other developers. I suppose I'm saying, if I weren't the human behind the machine this stack would meet the perfect criteria for excellent software, Microsoft seem to agree with me, for their software is being reengineered in rust, and the invented typescript and this new language which we don't know a lot about yet other than it's likely typescript like but will be used in the same space as rust, zig, d and other c alternatives.

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mrjjwright profile image
John Wright

I love that

kayis profile image

Any library recommendations?

I read Actix was good, but now has maintainer problems.

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀 • Edited

It did have maintainer issues in the past, but has a new maintainer. You can also try Rocket which is about on par, but I dont know if its as fast.

madza profile image
Madza • Edited

Results of StackOverFlow's survey on most loved languages in 2020 might agree with you :)

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀 • Edited

9 out of 10 DEV devs might agree with me haha 😂

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

What's your Rust library/framework set look like?

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀 • Edited

So on the Rust side.

Actix Web although I tried Rocket which was also great, I wanted to use http2 on what is reportedly the fastest web server around. the reason being the stack I am developing is ESModule based so I am trying to move away from a bundler and get as many small requests as I can. the experience feels like 2005 but with Typescript powers, Its liberating!

For the front end, it has to be XState and lit-hml / lit-element. so enjoyable.

The intro to this project can be found here. Rust has been decided after this post was created. I am working hard on a full shop to showdev, its going really well and probably will be done next month.

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kayis profile image

This sounds really interesting!

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gablaroche profile image
Gabriel Laroche

This is really cool, I've been chewing at rust for web development, but I'm wondering how/where you can host a rust web server?

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adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

I'm likely to spin up a AWS lightsail or something small to install rust. I think that'll do for early days.

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kayis profile image

Lambda also has a Rust runtime.

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terkwood profile image
Felix Terkhorn

🔬 On my list of stuff to tinker with! 🔬

theycallmemac profile image
James McDermott

I'm a big fan of what folks have dubbed the GoLD stack:

  • Go, the language
  • Lambda, your compute power
  • DynamoDB, a database that scales really well

Who doesn't love a little bit of serverless :D

madza profile image

It almost feels like they purposely picked Lambda and DynamoDB for working with Go, just so the stack would sound that well xddd

theycallmemac profile image
James McDermott

Lol yeah

Step one is always have a kick-ass name! :D

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madza profile image

Hahah, I'm currently working on a MERN stack, I'm thinking to switch out React to Vue just so I could be the mighty VENoM dev xddd

katafrakt profile image
Paweł Świątkowski

I don't, I guess ;) We used lambda since quite early days but in almost every case we regretted it in the end. It always turned out that Kubernetes with some application processing (eg. Sidekiq) scales better, performs better and we have better insight into what's going on if something goes wrong.

theycallmemac profile image
James McDermott

Hahah yes, definitely there are draw backs when it comes to serverless, I think it's all about the project at the end of the day.

Your final point is the most important to me, transparency is actually key for when (not if) something goes wrong :)

daveparr profile image
Dave Parr

What's your experience with Dynamo DB? As far as I've heard it it's great for record based transactions, but tricky for aggregate analytics work. (Disclaimer: I've barely even read the docs :p)

elasticrash profile image
Stefanos Kouroupis

Dynamo DB is great nowadays....a year ago was the worst thing I could have used ....I've never written so much code for such a small project (extremely high traffic) to handle just throttling strategies. Then one day we turned on "on demand" and never cared for that service ever again

theycallmemac profile image
James McDermott

I have never used it personally for analytics, but I have heard using it in tandem with Amazon Athena is great for that kind of stuff!

I like DynamoDB a lot, though I have heard it's not great if you have a data set which is growing rapidly.

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daveparr profile image
Dave Parr

I have used Athena with an S3 data store. That worked well for that particular job :)

hexrcs profile image
hexrcs • Edited

This is my current go-to stack:

  • TypeScript
  • React/Next.js
  • Urql/Apollo (GraphQL client)
  • PostgreSQL (Database)
  • Nexus (GraphQL framework)
  • Prisma (Database client)

Full disclosure I'm working on an internal app for Prisma, but it's sooo nice to have VS Code write half of my code for me thanks to type-safety and intellisense. Types defined in the database schema flow all the way to React components on the frontend. 💯💯💯

Wrote an intro to this stack last week :D

kailyons profile image

It really depends what I am doing, but for quick prototyping (which is a common thing I do):

  • VSCode
  • Python/JavaScript
  • NodeJS (if running JS)
  • Firefox (if needed)
matthewbdaly profile image
Matthew Daly

Generally Laravel on the back end, with React on the front end.

I'd prefer to use Postgres rather than MySQL or MariaDB, but it tends not to be possible because the PHP community is very MySQL-focused. I also tend to use Redis as my cache and queue backend.

nickyoung profile image
Nick Young

I have been really interested in getting deeper into Laravel. I heard that it meshes really well with Vue (which I already know) so it intrigued me more. I am also about to learn React. Have you tried using Laravel with both Vue and React and if so, what is your reasoning for your preference being React?

matthewbdaly profile image
Matthew Daly

The default front-end toolset for Laravel uses Vue, so it's quicker to get working with Vue in Laravel than any other front end framework.

I have tried Vue a couple of times, and the issues I have with it are as follows:

  • Vue has a lot of special syntax for templating, while React is basically just Javascript and HTML with a handful of minor changes to attribute names so they don't conflict with Javascript reserved words, making it easier to remember
  • I've always had a strong affinity for Javascript, and React embraces the functional nature of Javascript to a much greater extent than Vue, particularly since the advent of the hooks API. A component is effectively just a Javascript function that returns HTML.
  • React is conceptually simpler. There's no two-way binding - instead you just pass props down from one component to another (or using context to share data with multiple components within a tree), making it fairly straightforward to understand what's going on
  • It feels more natural to make your components more granular in React than in Vue, and thus they are potentially easier to maintain
  • Vue feels less philosophically consistent than React to me. As noted above, React has an emphasis on functional programming, as opposed to OOP, and sticks pretty rigorously to it (they notably removed mixins because they caused certain problems, and encouraged the use of higher order components in their stead), while Vue is more forgiving.

I will concede that React is harder for front-end developers who don't necessarily know Javascript all that well to pick up, though.

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nickyoung profile image
Nick Young

Wow, awesome reply. Thank you for taking the time to respond :)

ekafyi profile image
Eka • Edited

I just want to add that Laravel comes with its webpack-based build tool:

The default installation is configured for Vue, but you can change it to React easily:

As it's really just webpack, you can even use Svelte with relatively simple setup. Basically you can bring any major UI/frontend stack that you are most comfortable with to use with Laravel.

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matthewbdaly profile image
Matthew Daly

Mix can also be used outside the context of Laravel. I use it on a legacy Zend 1 project I maintain where I've been using React for new front-end work.

The only thing that required more work is versioning - I had to roll my own solution for that.

madza profile image

Laravel and Vue are awesome, plus both come with some of the best docs around.. So it's a win-win if you need to look-up smth ;)

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nickyoung profile image
Nick Young

Very true, the Vue documentation is really thorough and I have noticed the same with my experience with Laravel so far :) Always a huge plus when getting into something new!

jonathanyeong profile image
Jonathan Yeong

If I were aiming to deliver a project on time, I'd choose what I know: Ruby + Rails + Postgres + Vanilla JS (I don't know much about Front-end development >.<).

If I was wanting to try something new then it would be: Elixir + Phoenix + Go + Postgres/Mongo + VueJS.

kayis profile image

Google Docs, Markdown, and VSCode.

(sorry, I'm a blogger by trade 🙃)

loftwah profile image
Dean W Lofts

Over engineering something isn't something to brag about, your stack is perfect for blogging.

terkwood profile image
Felix Terkhorn

This is my favorite response

g_abud profile image
Gabriel Abud • Edited

Python, FastAPI, Typescript, React, and PostgreSQL

Something like this:

omarkhatib profile image

thanks , I was looking to use fastapi for my new project . You assemble all what I need in one place.

cjbrooks12 profile image
Casey Brooks

I'm pretty-well bought into Kotlin at this point across the whole stack. I love using Ktor for server-side apps, I'm primarily an Android dev where Kotlin has its greatest usage right now, and the fact that I can write Kotlin instead of JS just makes me giddy. Especially using this all together with MPP, sharing data models and logic is just wonderful and such a pleasant development experience.

danieljsummers profile image
Daniel J. Summers

I'm in the midst of learning Kotlin. I introduced it at work, and it's pretty much just a way for me to get some functional programming in our Java 6 EE-targeted application.

Do you have (or know of) any open-source examples with Kotlin across the whole stack? My "learning" part is writing an application which, for now, uses Angular on the front end.

And, for data access, do you use Exposed, Hibernate/JPA, roll your own, or something else?

damcosset profile image
Damien Cosset

React for the front-end, with Typescript. I can't say I have a go to technology for the back-end. But Java Spring Boot was fun, Loopback 4 was okay. I'll probably choose a Node.js base technology for the back.

VsCode for the editor, Chrome for the browser. And these days it's mostly RATM for the music.

joaozitopolo profile image
Joao Polo

try Strapi (for nodejs)... I used Spring Boot for a time, but I think java is so bored. Loopback 4 have a good model also, but Strapi has a visual model editor... and, when you change some model, all rest api and graphql api are updated automatically.

alkafaiz profile image
Faiz Alkautsar

true, strapi is helping a lot with front-end focused developer like me 😊 cut down development time quite significantly

sergiodxa profile image
Sergio Daniel Xalambrí
matt profile image
Matt seymour • Edited

Python with django if its a large monolith app.

Go or Node for all other project and apps.

Vue on the frontend in almost all cases (unless its just static html, but even than vue can be embedded easily if something a little more exotic is required).

I make us of the entire jetbrains suite of dev tools (big fan).

mellen profile image
Matt Ellen-Tsivintzeli

For the work I'm getting paid to do, from bottom to top:

  • Microchip firmware (MPLab X),
  • VxWorks (Wind River)
  • ASP.Net MVC
  • Signal R
  • Vue

Our products are heavily regulated hardware, and supported for the foreseeable. There isn't really a "quickly knock up a prototype in docker" situation.

If I could chose, I would switch out the Microsoft stack for Django on Linux, as I find that easier to work with, but it's not too bad.

franksierra profile image
Frank Sierra

Mostly PHP + Laravel

alexandrudanpop profile image
Alexandru-Dan Pop • Edited

If the application is very frontend focused with a simple backend model I would go with Serverless technologies first, as it would dramatically speed up time to market:

  • React or Svelte with
  • AWS amplify or
  • Firebase

If I need to build something with a complex backend I would go with a Typescript Node backend and pull out other technologies like Rust or F# for things that need more perf.

val_baca profile image
Valentin Baca • Edited

I've put the following in categories in ranked order for what's most familiar, safe, and known to me down to what I'd like to use and learn and isn't "just hype" to me.

Front-end Web:

  1. JS, jQuery, & Sass
  2. TS, React
  3. Svelte


  1. native
  2. React Native

Backend Service (My current "shop" is very Java-heavy):

  1. Java+Spring
  2. Scala+Play
  3. Go


  1. Python
  2. Go


  1. DynamoDB
  2. RDS (only if I have to)

So putting it all together, my most likely, realistic stack I'd build today would be:

  • Front end: React & React Native
  • Service: Java & Scala (for tight deadline) or Go (if I could learn on the job)
  • DB: DynamoDB

As far as other tools, theres are "givens" for me: git, JetBrains IDEs, VS Code, AWS (Fargate, S3, SNS, SQS, Athena, Data Lake, etc.)

katafrakt profile image
Paweł Świątkowski

My go-to stack is to not have a go-to stack, but choose the the tools fitting the job. Of course, choices are somehow limited. Trying to write it down:

  • For mostly-CRUD but dynamic web app: Rails + Vue + PostgreSQL
  • For general-purpose dynamic web app: Phoenix + Vue + PostgreSQL
  • For mostly static thingy probably Gridsome + API with something lightweight, such as Hanami::API maybe. Or better, my own API framework built on top of dry-rb and Hanami
gollyjer profile image
Jeremy Gollehon • Edited

We're a two person shop developing mobile products with the goal of doing big things on a small budget. Ideally we get where we're going without the need to raise capital too early.

With this in mind we choose open source, community driven tools that provide high developer leverage.

  • apps
    • React Native via Expo written in Typescript
  • backend data
    • postgrSQL database + Hasura GraphQL.
  • backend business logic
    • Node + Express
  • hosting
    • Heroku with the move to AWS when a project gains traction.
mrjjwright profile image
John Wright • Edited

git for content, postgrest for api/db, sinuous for html/signaling/frontend, immer for immutability on frontend, goober for css primitives, esbuild for stinking fast builds, typescript to think, firebase for easy cloud stuff without think like good auth, users, and file storage.

colathro profile image
Colton Lathrop

I've been super into:

  • ASP.Net Core
  • React
  • Cosmos DB (Azure's DocumentDB)
  • Azure App Service Hosting/Scaling
  • SignalR for realtime work
  • Azure Storage

Everything Azure just works perfectly, and I appreciate I get over $150.00 per month for personal projects to learn all this cool stuff 😎

yawnxyz profile image
Jan Z

Sapper/Svelte for front end and "micro back end"! Otherwise it's a lot of Nuxt and Express for larger projects, since Sapper is still very much in beta still. But Sapper is SO much more productive for me than Nuxt, which is even more productive for me than React...

For CMS and/or data storage, I've either been using Airtable or Fauna for small projects

pedro_dgcouto profile image
Pedro Couto

Almost for any project I've been using Quasar Framework for frontend development (apps, websites, etc).

For hosting and authentication usually I'll go with Firebase.

If I need a more intense backend, I start with Mojolicious. For database, it depends on the usecase... Or PostgreSQL or SQLite.

If I need a server, usually go with a Ubuntu VPS on DigitalOcean with the latest LTS version.

_ronini profile image
Ronnie Villarini

Gridsome or Nuxt, Apollo for bigger apps with complex GQL APIs.

I usually prefer to remain Serverless with lambdas but if I'm handling a back end as well, it'll definitely be node until Deno is production ready. MySQL for my DB needs.

codingmindfully profile image
Daragh Byrne

After a long route through C, .NET, Java, PHP and their associated back end infrastructures, I've landed in the Python world, having tried Flask and Django in recent months. Quite nice. I'll do my next personal project using Django, to bed in the knowledge. I know React best (with Typescript) and it would be my FE go-to, but I'd like to try Vue in anger.

I'm relatively framework agnostic out of necessity, I work as a consultant and the ability to learn and adapt and recognise and apply patterns is generally more useful than specifics for me.

codingmindfully profile image
Daragh Byrne

i.e the decision has often been made for me :)

smaddikonda profile image
Sai Maddikonda

For simple JAM stack projects:
Gatsby + Netlify (hosting, identity, functions) + Airtable.

For light-weight full-stack projects:
MEAN (MongoDB + Express + Angular + Node) stack.

For more robust full-stack projects/microservices:
Angular + SpringBoot + Relational DB (MySQL / PostgreSQL) + Docker.

twigman08 profile image
Chad Smith

Right now it is pretty much a .NET Core back end with a Vue frontend.

Though I did just start a personal project that uses Node on the back end and Vue on the frontend. Mostly because I wanted to get better at Node.

I do plan on taking a look at other backend solutions soon. Just to get some more ideas, but right now I really love .NET Core.

mrispoli24 profile image
Mike Rispoli • Edited

For serverless things, websites, prototypes, web apps, time sensitive stuff:

  • Next.js (react)
  • typescript
  • jest
  • tachyons (sometimes tailwind if I have a tougher design)
  • faunadb
  • jest

For web apps, monoliths, things that need extensive databases and models, more security and control, or apps I won't be maintaining often:

  • Ruby
  • Roda
  • Sequel ORM
  • tachyons still
  • stimulus or vanilla or preact depending upon frontend complexity
  • MiniTest
  • Postgres

API Only:

  • Ruby / Roda (if I'm working with sql databases)
  • Node + typescript (if I'm working with NoSql ie Fauna or Mongo)
  • Go (still not super comfortable with it but getting there to replace node and typescript)

In general I'm most comfortable with Javascript, however the build processes and configuration issues can be a nightmare. Working with sequel based databases with Ruby is leaps and bounds ahead of Javascript so I stick to that but have moved away from rails in favor of Roda and the Sequel ORM these days.

I enjoy the security of typescript especially when working with lots of external data sources. It can make your head spin trying to remember the data structures of a headless CMS, plus a database, plus a myriad of other services so typescript helps there. However, I find that typescript / javascript apps are best if you are working on them every day. If you build something then come back a few months later you may spend the next day debugging the build (babel, webpack, typescript...), the ecosystem in JS is really what gets me down.

Recently I'm getting more into Go for back end work for first class types support and a nice simple language with amazing speed. That being said the front end tooling and templating stuff that Go offers is a little lackluster so if working on a monolith I'd say Go may not be the best pick and is more of an amazing API language.

msfjarvis profile image
Harsh Shandilya • Edited

In Android I'd go with writing the app in Kotlin, using Dagger Hilt for Dependency Injection and using Jetpack + Material Components for building the UI.

For cross-platform CLI stuff, Rust and its huge crate ecosystem is my new love.

jlmodell profile image

Lately, backend has been go+fiber with mongodb or mariadb & react on the front end.

I am a lot happier with go vs node vs python.

On my list of things to tinker with are nextjs and rust on the backend.

charlexmachina profile image
Carlos Eduardo Pérez Villanueva

In regards to web development, although I work with ASP.NET MVC at my daytime job, if it was a personal project or freelancing stuff, I would go with Node, MySQL, Express and EJS pages. I work quite fast with it and fits me like a glove.

briankephart profile image
Brian Kephart


calvintwr profile image
calvintwr • Edited

May be a little dated but still quite reliable:
Node+Express with TypeScript, process managed by PM2 in cluster mode.
VueJS for the frontend

Can always look to the future to have the node parts switched out for Deno.

brpaz profile image
Bruno Paz

Golang for APIs, utility scripts and command line tools.

Symfony for more "monolith" projects. (also Interested in Nest.js on this category).

Frontend: Vue/Nuxt/Tailwind.

Static sites / landing pages: Gridsome/Hugo.

Datasores: Postgres, FaunaDB.

Cache: Redis

CI: Github Actions / Giltab

Hosting & Infrastructure: DigitalOcean, Google Cloud Run and Netlify.

Domains / DNS: Namechep and Cloudflare.

Cloud Storage: Google cloud Storage.

Headless CMS: Strapi or Directus

I think I can build almost anything with this ;)

sainig profile image
Gaurav Saini

For small and quick setups, POCs I use

  • NodeJS + Express (backend)
  • RxJS + vanilla JS (frontend)
  • Parcel

Sometimes I throw in Typescript as well when I have good planning in advance. 😅
I started it out as an one time thing, but immediately fell in love with the simplicity and elegance with which you can do things in RxJS.
Been thinking of giving RxJS a try on the backend also.

thejoezack profile image
Joe Zack • Edited

I GROK websites

Okta (ok, so I needed auth and wanted to make the acronym work)
Kotlin (with Spring)

I didn't include any databases in the acronym, as I kinda treat them like managed services now anyway.

I created a basic skeleton on github, but I actually named it "KROG" because I didn't see "GROK" at the time :P

jz222 profile image
Timo Zimmermann

Recently, I've found myself using a couple of Google Cloud Functions to complement the actual backend. For small and simple projects I usually stick to Node. For greater projects, however, I prefer Go.

In the frontend, I use React for web apps and Svelte or Sapper for websites.

zhaluza profile image
Zac Haluza

My extremely original setup 🙄

  • React on the frontend, usually with a custom Webpack config (might move to Parcel)
  • Sass for styling
  • Node (Express) on the backend
  • PostgreSQL or MongoDB for storing data when necessary
barelyhuman profile image

Nostly next.js , handles both backend and frontend code.
Knex.js for Query building and postgres for DB.

That’s the base stack right now.

Once I’m done with test cases for routex, I’ll start using it for the api’s and knex and react/preact for the frontend side of things.

ad0791 profile image
Alexandro Disla

For econometrics, data analytics:
R with the Rstudio ide
Python with jupyterlab

For Web services:
Nodejs / express / mongo (just baby steps)
Django ( i am not even born yet)
No frontend framework yet. 😔

stereoplegic profile image
Mike Bybee • Edited

Something I'm still figuring out an acronym for, but let's go with something broad: RNS (React Native Serverless). Quick, flexible, scalable, without dev team fragmenting, minimizing vendor lock-in as much as possible/convenient, and in line with my aversion to needlessly complicating things.

By React Native, I mean as a unified codebase for mobile, web, and desktop (the latter two thanks to React Native Web and the last thanks to Electron at least until there's a viable out of tree RN solution for Linux). By serverless I mean multi-cloud FaaS, DBaaS, and usually Firebase Auth.

itsjzt profile image
Saurabh Sharma

Node js + Typescript + Prisma + React + GraphQL

fluffynuts profile image
Davyd McColl

dotnet core + Vue with TypeScript.

elasticrash profile image
Stefanos Kouroupis

Personal projects Rust/Postgres/RabbitMq
Work Lambdas in .net core, SQS and Aurora serverless

jcs224 profile image
Joe Sweeney
  • Laravel
  • MySQL
  • Bootstrap CSS
  • Vue
  • InertiaJS
  • ParcelJS
mikgross profile image

Where is the love for Angular :(

I usually use: Angular for front + Node or Go for back.

brogrammerben profile image

Everyone runs for the newest thing as soon as it hits the shelf.

sdil profile image
Fadhil Yaacob

Python Monolith (Preferred): Django + VueJS (NuxtJS)
Python Microservice: Flask / FastAPI + VueJS (NuxtJS) + Kubernetes

zoltanhalasz profile image
Zoltan Halasz Core with Razor pages and ms sql database. Some libraries to deal with Excel files.

jesssalvadorca2 profile image

My to-go tools:

  • React
  • .net core web API
  • mongodb
  • SQL server db
lawrence_eagles profile image
Lawrence Eagles • Edited


fluffy profile image

Python/Flask for the backend, plain ol' HTML (with progressive enhancement only) for the frontend. Scaling horizontally like it's 1999.

chiubaca profile image
Alex Chiu • Edited

Im really jamming this stack right now, Vue , Netlify (for serverless functions & hosting) firebase (for DB & Auth).

pun intended

hendrikfoo profile image
Hendrik Richert • Edited

Angular+NestJS in a monorepo orchestrated by Nx. I actually just wrote a dev-post about it 😅

codr profile image
Ilya Nevolin

Python, JS+Node, Nginx, no frameworks except jquery

alkafaiz profile image
Faiz Alkautsar

why are only a few going for Gatsby, it's great tho. my go-to stack would be React+Firebase. I'm not really into backend development, so I prefer to go serverless with Firebase.

jwesorick profile image
Jake Wesorick

Cannot beat Rails+React for bigger stuff. Jamstack/Gatsby for smaller stuff.

blaisep profile image
Blaise Pabon

Surprised no one mentioned OpenFaaS....

harshitkumar31 profile image
Harshit Kumar

MERN - because it's so easy to bootstrap 😉

joaozitopolo profile image
Joao Polo

Back End with nodejs + strapi + mysql
Front End with ReactJS + typescript
App with React-Native + typescript

nishantwrp profile image
Nishant Mittal

Django for backend, vue for front end (gridsome or nuxt) mostly.

jrc86 profile image

I prefer .Net Core, Mssql and ef and angular but I actually started a Blazor project (serverside) not long ago and I kind of like it.

sam_ferree profile image
Sam Ferree

Sass -> Angular -> .Net Core -> RavenDb

sergix profile image
Peyton McGinnis

Vue (Nuxt) + AWS + MondoDB + Netlify

pffigueiredo profile image
Pedro Figueiredo

Strapi + Nuxt.js most likely, at least the it wasn't needed a too complex business logic.

omarkhatib profile image

Hello is fastapi production ready? I take a look and I love it.
I use Django but it miss lot of stuff like pagination.

maxcan profile image

Hasura / Serverless (AWS Lambda / Typescript) / Terraform / React / Apollo.

_hs_ profile image

Let's prototype the way people hate it

mudgen profile image
Nick Mudge

RunCSS, which is a runtime version of TailwindCSS. See here:

nishantwrp profile image
Nishant Mittal

DRF + Vue/Gridsome/Nuxt.

leojpod profile image

elm for the front-end not the slightest hesitation

Backend: maybe Haskell or clojure or maybe roll the dice on yatta

leojpod profile image

and some event-store approache for the backend!

revskill10 profile image
Truong Hoang Dung

Graphql and React.js(Next.js specifically) to solve real world problems.

For hobby projects, i use Rust and Haskell.

spiritupbro profile image

preact and python fosho

drbragg profile image
Drew Bragg

Haven't found a single reason to not use Rails. For the frontend I really like Stimulus but I use a lot of Vue at work.

danieljsummers profile image
Daniel J. Summers


  • Angular front-end
  • F# backend (with Giraffe)
  • PostgreSQL (with EF Core, usually)
iampeters profile image
Peters Chikezie


easrng profile image

I mostly use Node on back and vanilla with no frameworks on front. I'm starting to try Deno, though and it looks nice.

desbest profile image
Adisa Nicholson

MySQL or MariaDB
Javascript with Jquery

snyderling profile image
David Snyder

Either React + firebase or MERN

nikilsriram profile image
Nikil Sriram

VFT (I know its not a thing):


Additional stuff:
Vue router

zilti_500 profile image
Daniel Ziltener

Clojure. All the way down.

rafi993 profile image
Rafi • Edited

It used to be expressjs, react, typescript... but these days it is just rails, postgres probably with react and typescript if it is really needed

rafi993 profile image

The ability to get things up quickly that rails provides is really underrated.

attkinsonjakob profile image
Jakob Attkinson

GQL and React (Gatsby) these days...

javierg profile image
Javier Guerra

Option A) Rails Full stack App with VueJS components here and there for highly interactive requirements.

Option B) Phoenix framework with Phoenix LiveView

jpramirez profile image
Juan Pablo Ramirez

Golang + boltDB or badger-db.
Vuejs for embedded application.

bashirk profile image
Kóredé Bashir

ReactJS, NodeJS, Azure Functions, and CosmosDB 👌🏽

junihh profile image
Junior Hernandez • Edited

Python + CockroachDB + Nuxt.js

ivanbuncic profile image
Ivan Buncic

Drupal large.
Wordpress small.



adrienpoly profile image
Adrien Poly

When I need to be productive
Rails + Stimulus & Vanilla JS + Turbolinks + Heroku + Redis + Postgres

When customer real ask for it and pay the bill on time spent

swarupa567 profile image

VS Code/Jupyter Notebook
Python and
Machine learning

xowap profile image
Rémy 🤖

Usually my projects consist of:

  • An API
    • Django
    • DRF
    • PostgreSQL
  • A front-end
    • Vue
    • Nuxt
vranacse profile image
Vikas Rana

Go lang mostly

mcgurkadam profile image
Adam McGurk

Vanilla TypeScript
Vanilla PHP/MariaDB

therealdakotal profile image
Dakota Lewallen

GRANDStack. Neo4J + React is a major wombo-combo. Personally I've been building it with Next.JS as well so it's all serverside.

hemant profile image
Hemant Joshi

the old but GOLD

martyhimmel profile image
Martin Himmel

PHP/Laravel and JS pay the bills. I'll occasionally use Vue, if the client side interactions are complex enough.

hawicaesar profile image

React + Mobx

aminarria profile image
Amin Arria

Elixir/Phoenix + Postgres

eyewritecode profile image
Thibault • Edited

Rails + Vue

and by this i mean Rails API