DEV Community

What's your most re-watchable movie?

Ben Halpern on July 19, 2019

Watercooler time!

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

Right now, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse. Just finished my fourth/fifth watch 😅

Of all time? That's much harder for me to choose... Kung Fu Hustle is definitely very easy to rewatch. Highly recommend if you haven't watched it.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Same! I've seen Spider-verse thrice now since the first time a few weeks ago!

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

I still tear up at the final Peter Parker/ Miles Morales moment 😭

Thread Thread
ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II • Edited

Of all the Spiderman movies, it's the most "mature". So little of that "golly gee I'm new" BS that plagues the other ones ...And they even make a running joke of the whole "how we got here" thing.

And that's without factoring in the absolute artistry of the animation.

jacobmgevans profile image
Jacob Evans

SAME! Me and the GF can't get enough of it!!

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

Twice in the theatres, once, so far, since it came to NetFlix. Also bought it on BD, but have yet to crack the wrapper on it.

kmcginn profile image
Kevin McGinn

This movie is one of the few where if I scroll over it on Netflix, I will always watch the little clip of it that auto-plays. Love love love this movie!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I know that feeling

kenhkelly profile image

Just rewatched Kung Fu Hustle! Shaolin Soccer is pretty good too

rpalo profile image
Ryan Palo

Italian Job! Love me a good heist movie!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Heist movies are amazingly re-watchable. Ocean’s 11 all day.

phallstrom profile image
Philip Hallstrom

If you haven't... watch The Inside Man.

rpalo profile image
Ryan Palo

Oh man that’s another one of my all time favorites. I will watch basically any Denzel movie without getting tired of them.

Thread Thread
phallstrom profile image
Philip Hallstrom

Heh. I'm that way, but with Clive Owen.

cecilelebleu profile image
Cécile Lebleu

I know what I'm watching tonight :D

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

I actually think Fury Road (and Mad Max II) is a better heist/chase movie (though definitely less whimsical).

andrewharpin profile image
Andrew Harpin

Original only, not the dodgy remake

rpalo profile image
Ryan Palo

Respectful disagree. I’ve probably seen the remake at least 10 times, and I liked it quite a bit better. However, I will say that the car chase in the original is spectacular.

skryking profile image
Jason Ormes

Office space whenever my work annoys me.

dvlpr profile image
Travis Werbelow

Such a great movie!

jckuhl profile image
Jonathan Kuhl

PC Load Letter? What the f**k does that even mean?

elmuerte profile image
Michiel Hendriks

It's such a good movie to wind down from work, as it presents you a more relaxed work place. Kind of :)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


peterwitham profile image
Peter Witham

I think still has to be the original Blade Runner (Director's cut).

Every time I watch it I'm in awe at how it really makes you feel like it's a glimpse into a World rather than just a story that comes and goes.

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

Yup. One of the ones on my top-5.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Jurassic Park comes to mind for me. I swear it never gets old.

Iron Man, the first MCU movie, is also incredibly re-watchable. Especially after Endgame made so many callbacks to it towards the end.

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Oh, Ben. I watched this movie on VHS every day after school for years, and two times or more on the weekend. The soundtrack was taken off Spotify, and on the way home from rehearsal this week, I discovered it's been put back up. I've been listening to it nonstop this week.

I don't rewatch it now as much, but I don't know when anything recent will surpass my childhood obsession with it.

dhanushkadev profile image
Dhanushka madushan


jamiekaren profile image
Jamie Ferrugiaro

Ugh. I want to just go back now after Endgame and rewatch every MCU movie in chronological order. Problem is, I have so little time to do that and there are so many hahaha.

dana94 profile image
Dana Ottaviani

I love Jurassic Park. I listen to the theme music on youtube when I work.

faraazahmad profile image
Syed Faraaz Ahmad

Iron Man (1) is still my fav MCU movie

briwa profile image

KungFu Hustle. No matter how many times I've watched it, it's always still funny. But only if you're into cheap slapstick jokes.

Also Christoper Nolan's Batman series. The dark heroic vibe of Batman and the enemies in those movies somehow just sticks, they don't go away after many viewings.

mandarbadve profile image
Mandar Badve

Ip Man

Ip Man

dhanushkadev profile image
Dhanushka madushan

Martial art fan here

molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her)

Wedding Crashers!

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald

"You've Got Mail"

It's not about romance, it's about communication. I watch it several times a year.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Kind of makes me want to re-watch it. Never would have occurred to me.

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald

It's even better if you've read Pride and Prejudice (or watched the version with Colin Firth). There are a number of parallels.

gluseppe profile image
Giuseppe Frau

This is easy: Back To The Future

wuz profile image
Conlin Durbin

Either Scott Pilgrim vs the World or Hackers. Both are masterpieces.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Here's some trivia for you:

Scott Pilgrim is based on the Plumtree song entitled "Scott Pilgrim". Plumtree is an indie rock band from my hometown of Halifax, Nova Scotia.

And not just any indie rock band from Halifax, Nova Scotia, they were my sister's friends! My sister was even their "manager" or something. (Nothing official, just helped out early on, and I might be misremembering)

Anyway, I have never even seen the movie but I very much remember Plumtree as my sister's friends' band.

wuz profile image
Conlin Durbin

Whoa! That is super cool! You should check out the movie - it's really good!

syntaxseed profile image
SyntaxSeed (Sherri W)

The graphic novel series is pretty great too.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor • Edited

Lately, I'd have to say Thor Ragnarok (probably one of the best entrances ever of a super hero and just a hilarious and great action movie), The Lonely Island's Bash Brothers and Kung Fury.

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

Ragnarok is, perhaps, the best of the mainline Avengers movies. Really hoping Taika's second crack at Thor is even better.

jckuhl profile image
Jonathan Kuhl

Ragnarok is definitely the funniest movie in the MCU.

akoncius profile image
Antanas Končius

Kung fury is a masterpiece!

levivm profile image
Levi Velázquez

v for vendetta and pirate of caribbean

andrewharpin profile image
Andrew Harpin

I have loads:

Shawshank redemption
Forest Gump
Blues Brothers
Iron Man
Fifth Element
Pulp fiction
Iron Giant
Despicable me
Toy Story 1,2,3 (4 is utter rubbish, don't watch it!)
The original 3 Star Wars
Star Trek 2: the wrath of khan
Star Trek: First contact
Big hero 6
Lego movie

Not exhaustive but what I can think of off the top of my head

murindwaz profile image
Pascal Maniraho

The Godfather

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Currently rewatching The Hobbit right now. But hmmm... 🤔

As a kid, I watched Hook loads. Robin Williams is awesome and totally re-watchable.

In high school, I definitely used to watch Sleepy Hollow, the Tim Burton version, loads... had that one on DVD and it always stuck with me.

I don't replay movies as much now but was rewatching lots of Atlanta recently until the new Stranger Things season came out! And The Office is like comfort food for re-watching. I know it all so well, but it's still so great.

manindu profile image
Manindu Wijewickrama

Forest Gump. I have watched it so many times. One of the best movies I have ever seen.

cjbrooks12 profile image
Casey Brooks

Anything Tim Burton. My favorites:

  • Corpse Bride
  • Big Fish

Also, anything Christopher Nolan. My favorites here:

  • Inception
  • The Prestige
  • Batman Begins
myterminal profile image
Mohammed Ismail Ansari

Terminator 2: Judgement Day, cause he will probably keep coming back, forever.

kurisutofu profile image

it's hard as I have a few that I can rewatch any time and still enjoying my time ... Depending on the mood: Matrix, Jurassic Park and Back To The Future 3 (yeah, I know it's not the most liked one in the trilogy).

crimsonmed profile image
Médéric Burlet
  • Princess Mononoke (probably watched over 20 times)
  • Cloud Atlas (the makeup work alwasy gets me)
  • Lord Of The Rings (do the marathon once every 2-3 months)
pinotattari profile image
Riccardo Bernardini • Edited

Smetto Quando Voglio (I can quit whenever I want), an Italian movie trilogy about a group of researchers who reinvent themselves as drug dealers. The secondary title was "Meglio ricercati che ricercatori" that means "Better to be wanted (in a bounty sense) than researchers," but in English the world play is lost...

It was not born as a trilogy. The first movie is from 2014 and it was thought as a stand-alone movie. Then, because of the huge success, they shoot other two movies: "Masterclass" and "Ad Honorem"

Also Io c'è, another comedy Italian movie, this time about a bed-and-breakfast owner that invents a new religion for not paying taxes. Too late he will discover that he created a monster... Very funny and subtle too...

BTW, the main character in both movies is played by Edoardo Di Leo

jayroh profile image


100% every day could watch most, of not all of, the Goonies.

As a child who grew up in the 80s that movie is woven into the fabric of my upbringing.

(Fun fact: I've been to the Goonie house in Astoria OR 😁)

sir_wernich profile image
Wernich ️

"just visiting" is fun. my wife and i like to watch that every now and then.

but every december, it's not Christmas without watching "elf". every year. :)

also, we watch all the harry potter movies at the end of the year, but since our son popped out, it's been difficult to get all the movies in over november/december.

rpalo profile image
Ryan Palo

Elf for christmas every year is tradition at our house too. And white Christmas.

tonyorozcor profile image
Tony Orozco • Edited

Michael Bay's The rock, with Sir Sean Connery and Nicolas Cage.

I have never known why, but it's the kind of movie that helps me doing a mental reboot

Edit: I forgot to say Die Hard 1 and 2 (the others are awful).

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Jurassic Park and Twister are always in the lead for number of times watched, thanks to my obsession as a youngster, but more recently I've found myself re-watching:

  • Hacksaw Ridge
  • About Time
  • Forest Gump
  • 50 First Dates
  • Avatar
  • Shawshank Redemption
  • Flight of the Navigator
  • Once
  • Like Water for Chocolate
  • Ever After
  • Most of the MCU movies I'd rewatch, wit Ragnarok and Endgame at the top.

I don't watch movies like most people watch movies, and I'm sure many of you are the same. I'm in awe of the process and the details, from the most technical aspects to plain good acting, like Tom Hanks being able to pull off all that solo work in Castaway.

nataliedeweerd profile image
𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐝𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐫𝐝

At the moment it's The Greatest Showman! 7-8 times now since it was released (saw it twice at the cinema). Got to see Hugh Jackman and Keala Settle live too during his tour!

mehmood168 profile image

For me it's La La Land

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Thinking about it, I'm pretty sure I watched Joe Dirt at least once a night for six months or so, due to it being stuck as the first thing in the queue on an original XBMC and me and my housemates being extremely reluctant to get up and find the remote.

isaacdlyman profile image
Isaac Lyman

I've watched Pacific Rim a buncha times. It's nice because it requires no emotional investment at all. Almost no romance, almost no drama, just big ol' giant robots fighting monster aliens in slow motion for two hours. You don't even have to watch the whole thing, just tune out whenever you've had enough.

3leftturns profile image
Andrew T Johnson

I was raised with this film. I've seen it hundreds of times. It's hilarious.

A new pastor takes the helm at a church only to find his new town in the clutches of organized crime - gambling. Losing his churches emergency fund on a horse race, he enlists the help of the women in his congregation to find the crime bosses and take them down.

ryanhaber profile image
Ryan Haber

War/Period/Drama - Master and Commander.
Comedy - My Cousin Vinny.
War - Blackhawk Down.
Wes Anderson - Grand Budapest Hotel Yes, he deserves his own category.
Crime - Fracture, but it's pretty hard to choose.

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank

Apollo 13. 🌕

jordanbrock profile image
Jordan Brock

If this is on, I can sit down and boom, it's the end of the movie before I even know it. Completely rewatchable at any time.

morales_eze profile image

Mmm...tough one.
Blade Runner, I think.

jeromehardaway profile image
Jerome Hardaway

Captain America : Civil War. Close second is Skyfall.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I loved Civil War and Winter Soldier, both some of my favorite super hero movies.

sarahscode profile image
Sarah Katz

Pitch Perfect. It's just one of those things I can watch no matter what mood I'm in.

Also ... almost any Disney Princess movie, with Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, and Frozen being my favorites.

ohffs profile image

I have a few that I've watched more times than I care to admit...

aschwin profile image
Aschwin Wesselius

From my list one can tell I like heist movies, so name any good ones not on the list.

  • Oceans (all including 8)
  • Entrapment
  • The Italian Job remake
  • Chaos
  • Thomas Crown Affair
  • Swordfish
  • Heat
  • The Score (Edward Norton aces this)
  • The Bourne Identity and sequels

So many more that are worth to mention but then the list becomes endless.

ahferroin7 profile image
Austin S. Hemmelgarn

Going to be one out of left field for most people here, but:


It's a movie based on the novel by the same name by the late British satire author Sir Terry Pratchett. I always liked the story to begin with, and I love how well it was made into a movie (much better than the other two books of his that were made into movies: 'Going Postal' and 'The Color of Magic').

Other's near the top of the list for me:

  • Pom Poko.
  • Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind.
  • BLAME!.
  • The Princess Bride.
  • The live action version of 'The Grinch'.
  • The Lord of the Rings (but not the Hobbit, I really didn't like it all that much as a movie).
terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

Currently I just want to watch Into the Spider-verse on repeat.

Other contenders are:

  • Frozen
  • Ralph breaks the internet
  • Fantastic Beasts & where to find them
  • Beauty & the Beasts

I don't watch a lot of movies, but I will watch the same movie over and over again 😅

thefluxapex profile image
Ian Pride

The original Dune!!! As a fan of the books I wasn't even bothered by the MAJOR changes...

wizkid_alex profile image
Alex Oladele

Spirited Away by far

eerk profile image

Besides The Big Lebowski ?

chintukarthi profile image
Karthikeyan Dhanapal

We're the millers 😬

matborowiak profile image
Mat Borowiak

Probably Pulp Fiction and Big Lebowski.

david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy

Fight Club

boveru profile image

The Bladerunner and Gattaka my favorites

redoxeon profile image
Michael Harding
  • Tron: Legacy (got me into the whole idea of choosing programming as a career)

  • The Lord of the Rings because those movies are incredible

scottishross profile image
Ross Henderson

The lack of Star Wars in this thread is disturbing...

johnnymakestuff profile image
Jonathan P

The Big Lebowski. There's no limit on how many times you can watch that movie. Every scene is gold.

vrocadev profile image

starship troopers!! would you like to know more ;)

unknownfea profile image
Daniel Millier

Fight Club & Donnie Darko!

martyhimmel profile image
Martin Himmel

Lord of the Rings
The Matrix
Ace Ventura
Office Space
The Princess Bride
The Breakfast Club

Too many! I'm sure there are more I can't think of right now. 😁

tkore profile image

Definitely The Matrix, Predestination and Casino.

mccurcio profile image
Matt Curcio

Waking Life by Richard Linklater. Love the animation.

or Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou by Wes Anderson. Love Bill Murray.

wincentbalin profile image
Wincent Balin • Edited

If we go really far back in time, then The Big Sleep from 1946, or maybe The Four Feathers from 1939. More recent films: Croupier and Inside Man, both with Clive Owen.

hackerkid profile image
Vishnu Ks • Edited

The Social Network.

francoq profile image
Franco Quintana

Léon. Luc Besson, Jean Reno and Natalie Portman.

sandordargo profile image
Sandor Dargo

The Godfather and Pulp Fiction.

torianne02 profile image
Tori Crawford

Guilty pleasures:

  1. Sweet Home Alabama
  2. Stuck in Love

Favorite of all time:

  • Cars 2 (I'm a child at ❤️)
thefern profile image
Fernando B 🚀
  • Tears of the Sun
  • The Martian
  • SWAT
  • Die Hard(All) lol
jamiekaren profile image
Jamie Ferrugiaro

Some of these I simply won't admit to. But right now? Definitely Thor Ragnarok.

arswaw profile image
Arswaw • Edited

Alita: Battle Angel is my current favorite.

Alita eating a chocolate bar.

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️

Stranger than Fiction

desi profile image

Wonder Boys. I can never get enough of it even though I know every word.

Relatedly, The Mighty Ducks trilogy. I own it on DVD and it's among my most prized possessions :D

desi profile image

oh gosh, and also - I promise this will be the most obscure response on this thread:

A Very Brady Christmas.

gif of jan brady trying to hand her husband the phone

gif of mike brady carving the thanksgiving turkey with alice and carol

inozex profile image
Tiago Marques

First two Fast and Furious, probably whatched them over 10 times each!

dana94 profile image
Dana Ottaviani

Beauty and the Beast - the animated film. I've always loved watching it since I first saw it as a kid.

punchycodes profile image
Jamie Richardson

Probably The Grinch...the live action one. That movie is so hilarious to me and I quote it at least weekly, if not daily.

nanythery profile image
Nadine M. Thêry

What dreams may come and Inception. I could keep watching them forever!

fyodorio profile image

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

wchr profile image
Wachira • Edited

I still rewatch the silicon valley and mr.robot shows over the weekends.

bauripalash profile image
Palash Bauri 👻

Probably Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse, Avengers : Endgame from Hollywood and 3 idiots , M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story from Bollywood.

xowap profile image
Rémy 🤖

I think I've seen the Matrix at least every 6 months since 1999

nuwannnz profile image
Nuwan Karunarathna

Chernobyl, not a movie though but I literally watched it for like 5 times 😬

angelarae63 profile image
Angela Whisnant

The Quiet Man
Arsenic and Old Lace
Any of the first 3 Harry Potter Movies

bravurabeck profile image

What Dreams May Come.

mysocialprofil2 profile image

Recently I watched "Raiders of the Lost Ark" seventh times and this movie is my most re-watched movie of all times.

treddson profile image
Taylor Short

back to the future && shawshank redemption

areahints profile image

V for Vendetta
Crazy rich asians
Night at the musuem
Captain Marvel
Beasts of no nation.

I could go on

ypedroo profile image
Ynoa Pedro

Spider-verse, any star wars episode, any LoTR, any Harry Potter movie and not proud to share but the awful The Sorcerer's Apprentice idk why i just like it.

teekatwo profile image
Tori Pugh

Oh so many good options. My top favorites, in no particular order. Kingdom of Heaven, King Arthur, Gladiator, Deadpool, and TRON: Legacy. I've a bunch saved on my tivo and watch them all the time.

mcallegari10 profile image
Martín Callegari

Batman, The Dark Knight. One of the best of all time and re-watchable without limit

faraazahmad profile image
Syed Faraaz Ahmad

Weirdly enough, Interstellar or Ready Player One. I've watched both of them twice, yet I don't feel exhausted at the thought of watching them again (That's my personal measure of rewatchability)

begroff profile image
Brett • Edited

StarTrek II: The Wrath of Khan & Wargames

stephanie profile image
Stephanie Handsteiner • Edited

The Dark Knight

I'll also always enjoy Mr. Robot, The Office (or the german adaptation Stromberg), Silicon Valley or The IT Crowd on a rewatch, but these are not movies. 😅

ganonbit profile image
Andrew Reese

Love 80's horror, so gotta be Evil Dead 2 or Return of the Living Dead

dvlpr profile image
Travis Werbelow

The Departed
Four Brothers
Social Network
Thor Ragnarok
Office Space

xeroxism profile image
Alexander Omorokunwa

Lord of The Rings

alhasenzahl profile image
Amanda Hasenzahl

Step Brothers and Bridesmaids. It doesn't matter how many times I watch them, they still make me laugh just as hard as the first time.

jckuhl profile image
Jonathan Kuhl

Blazing Saddles. I laugh every time; especially during the "the Sheriff is a N-dong" scene.

For those who don't know, the movie is a satire of racism and old Western movies

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

Perennially re-watchable:

  • Fifth Element
  • Princess Bride

Recent additions to the list (yet to see how they hold up over, say, a decade):

  • Edge of Tomorrow
  • Spiderverse
preyasprathap profile image
preyas prathap

those who suggested the movies thanks guys ..
now i can watch some good movies

almokhtar profile image
almokhtar bekkour


jesuscrow profile image
Paulius Varna

Harry Otter!

ganeshkumar profile image

Rocky series except for Rocky V

kyleboe profile image
Kyle Boe

For me, The Other Guys. Kind of a sleeper movie from 2010 that is prime quote material. (Also probably helps if you're a fan of Will Ferrell)

jamesdengel profile image
James dengel

Transformers the movie 1984.
Prime dies need I say more.

syntaxseed profile image
SyntaxSeed (Sherri W)

Indiana Jones trilogy.
The Matrix.
What Dreams May Come.
The Cell.

veebuv profile image
Vaibhav Namburi

Definitely "The Intern" and "Iron Man 1" oh and I know not movie but Friends, all day, any day

workingwebsites profile image
Lisa Armstrong • Edited

Casablanca, a true classic.

shiling profile image
Shi Ling

Finding Nemo. At one point, I had almost all the lines memorised. It's just so heartwarming.

svemaraju profile image
Srikanth • Edited

My Cousin Vinny - especially the climax courtroom stuff.
Also Puspaka Vimanam, it's an Indian silent movie that is very entertaining.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Groundhog day.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Also Groundhog day.

bbutlerfrog profile image
Ben Butler

Heathers. At least once a month, more like once every two weeks.

djtai profile image
David Taitingfong

Jurassic Park and Forrest Gump! Two movies that I still can't get enough of to this day.

yo profile image

Chernobyl Miniseries from HBO

fultonbrowne profile image
Fulton Browne

a long time ago in a galaxy far far away...



djoleb profile image
Djordje Bajic

Constantine, V for vendetta and Good Will Hunting.

elmuerte profile image
Michiel Hendriks • Edited

I think Tron. There are so many cool things in the movie, and the story isn't one that gets boring when you know it by heart. It is not a great movie, but it's just a lot of fun to watch.

dalmo profile image
Dalmo Mendonça

The Prestige.

Presumably, there's no fun in watching a magician perform a trick after you know how it's done. Not true here.

baso53 profile image
Sebastijan Grabar

Ocean's 11/12/13. The cast is just so fun to watch that the 2 hours feel like minutes.

gabrieltoma profile image
Gabriel Toma

I'm a classic boy.
"A Bronx Tale" is my all time favorite, think I saw it 10 times already.

dean profile image

I'm so late to this, but Scott Pilgrim vs The World

binkymilk profile image

I will never get tired of watching Pulp Fiction! It might be a weird choice of a movie but aside from the fact that it's a classic, I just really love its screenplay and flow.

gypsydave5 profile image
David Wickes


After twenty five years it's still haunting me.

Also Casablanca.

nickhodges profile image
Nick Hodges

Casablanca. I've seen it at least 50 times.

Close second is The Princess Bride.

mutembeijoe profile image

3 Idiots

denisinvader profile image
Mikhail Panichev

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl. I watch it not often but after watching, I want to rewatch it immediately

phallstrom profile image
Philip Hallstrom

The Usual Suspects. Watch it at least once a year.

lucpattyn profile image
Mukit, Ataul

Now you see me ! Fight Club !

dpashutskii profile image
Dmitrii Pashutskii

I'm the most unre-watchable person, never watch the movie twice.
But if something comes to mind is Back to the Future. I watched it many times when I was a child.
And if it counts - Friends show :)

mvoloskov profile image
Miloslav 🏳️‍🌈 🦋 Voloskov

White Bird in a Blizzard.

The first time I watched it I was literally speechless.

andreanidouglas profile image
Douglas R Andreani

Robocop the original one 1987 i think

sapien profile image
Prateek Thapa
  • Life is beautiful.
  • The Lord of the Rings.
  • The Dark Knight.
olegthelilfix profile image
Oleg Aleksandrov

"V for Vendetta" and "Fight club")

buphmin profile image

For me it is Starship Troopers. "Would you like to know more?"

angelarae63 profile image
Angela Whisnant

😂😂😂 Kung Fu Hustle is one of my favorites!

stefandorresteijn profile image
Stefan Dorresteijn

I'm not an emotional guy but "The Martian" gets me every time

lizziekardon profile image

Mystic Pizza!