Malik and I got together to chat about the top 7 articles on for the week of 10/08/18.
If you want to read and hear more posts like this, follow us here on, or on Twitter at @dangolant and @milkstarz.
The top 7 discussed this week were:

Why you should do Competitive Programming, even if a little
Avi Aryan ・ Oct 6 '18 ・ 2 min read

I created a bot that talks to recruiters for me (and it's sooo good!)
kevin_kevin ・ Oct 1 '18 ・ 4 min read

How I used Google Cloud Platform to start investing in stocks
Muhammad Syuqri ・ Oct 6 '18 ・ 7 min read

Top comments (11)
This show is awesome.
I'd love to hear more 😀
Where can I find #1 & #2?
Check out his profile!
woooooo! I’m so glad you like it, we enjoy making it! Check out dans comment, he linked them.
Top 7 Of The Week, Discussed
Daniel Golant
Top 7 Of The Week, Discussed
Daniel Golant
We decided to give it a name this time :)
Glad you enjoyed!
Ah, ha. my brain 🧠 was scanning for
... totally missing out the rest of the title 😅.Thank you Malik & Daniel.
Keep it up guys!
I'm loving this series.
Woo that's awesome to hear! glad you're enjoying it!
I want to be in Top 7, jaja I love !
We cut a bit of one of the recordings where we talked about this, but there are certain technologies that tend to generate more interest, you should try checking some out! React and Serverless seem like they do outsizedly well, for example.
Awesome work guys! Enjoyed #3, will be listening to the rest as well! 😊
Glad you liked it! I think Malik was curious to read more about your investing system.