...You won't make a lot of money right away with this new feature, but you can now enable web monetization by adding a "payment pointer" to your account.
👉 settings/misc to add a payment pointer
It's also in beta so there may be some kinks to work out.
Full details of how payment pointers in this other post...

DEV is now Web Monetized
Peter Kim Frank for The DEV Team ・ Jun 10 '20
I just wanted to mention how happy I am personally that we were able to ship functionality. It allows individual authors on DEV to get on board — right through their settings! As more Forems pop up, platform creators and individual members may be able to share in the pie. A lot of adoption has to happen for this to work out, but it's a future we're happy to be pushing.
Web monetization is not baked into browsers yet, but it may be sometime soon. Mozilla's support for Grant for the Web is cool to see. This could be an important part of content-driven web in the future.
I'm so excited about this collab! Immediately thought of you all when I met Coil in Amsterdam! I think adding web monetization to DEV is the perfect fit and incentive for authors!
Coil is the company principally behind web monetization. You can support web-monetized content creators by spending $5/month through their service.
Disclaimer: that's a Coil referral link.
Happy monetizing 🤑
Top comments (48)
By the way, this post is monetized with my pointer.... Show me the money 🤑
I realise this was a comment from an older post, but I just wanted to congratulate you for an excellent use of a Buffy GIF :-)
Hey, I just added my pointer to the setting. But I see a different pointer in view page source. Can you explain to me why is that so?
Encryption type something?
I confirmed with Ben that it's being taken care of on server side. It would be changed shortly.
Yeah, I noticed the same. I added mine and can't see it - instead some other pointer is displayed.
Just a small tip: You can use your domain name as a payment pointer by setting up a 302 redirect from
to your real payment pointer, replacing$
.For people who use Netlify, here’s an example
file that does this:…and now my payment pointer is just
.This has been spec’d in the Payment Pointers Spec, under the “Resolution” section and supported by Coil extension.
...and now my payment pointer is just
Freaking awesome! Great tip, thanks!
Is the contributor payment pointer working? All the post on DEV have the same payment pointer, I tried adding my own and nothing changed?
Whoa!, Really excited to try this out!
This is amazing! I've been putting aside adding this to my personal website for the longest time this just gave me that push.
This is super exciting! Keen to see the cents start rolling in 😎
Let's gooo 🙌 Just added it to my personal site as well!
🎉 🎉 🎉
DEV.to to ad companies
Wow, I absolutely love this show. Good call.
Yessss! Just added my payment pointer, time to get those fractional pennies!
Now I'm much more excited to get my latest post out! Thanks DEV team!
Fractional pennies? I’m way past that phase, check out these whole pennies streaming in 😎
It would be interesting in the next few weeks to see some rough analytics for avg. $/view that a popular post gets. Then in the longer term, actually plotting that across months to see if there is a measure increase or trend.
Hi Ben!
Hey wouldn't this be even more Neato if we could see the source that sent to the ledger network? Coil isn't the only stream of assets into my Uphold, but when it is, I would especially like to know which of my own properties that a Coil subscriber was visiting, so as to improve the focus of content creation on those platforms.
Hey Ben, a small doubt about web monetization. Where does this money come from? If you could point to a doc which explains how the whole thing works.
The money comes from other users/readers who use web monetization. As far as I know, Coil is the only payment service available right now, and costs $5/month.
DEV is actually hosting a hackathon right now centered around web monetization and the announcement post explains it all pretty well. Here's a link to it.
😎 Cool to see DEV making steps forward to give back to the content creators on the site!
Definitely. In the long run we really really want to position ourselves as an important, but small part of a much bigger ecosystem where value is broadly distributed.
Of course Forem does that on a community-by-community basis, but we want each community to have that relationship with their end users.
Hopefully this is just a little part of an ongoing journey to make this all happen.
@ben May there be a chance to also see brave rewards added?