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What was your win this week?

Jess Lee on May 10, 2019

⏪⏪⏪⏪⏪⏪ Looking back on your week -- what was something you're proud of? All wins count -- big or small 🎉 Examples of 'wins' include: Getting a...
jenlooper profile image
Jen Looper

This week, I joined Microsoft!!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

That's huge! Congrats!

aaww yeah gif

jenlooper profile image
Jen Looper

thank you!!!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


arteryxx_wdd profile image
patrick cook

Congratulations Jen! You definitely win!

noelkoutlis profile image
Noel Koutlis


jamiekaren profile image
Jamie Ferrugiaro

Woooo congrats!!

jrskerrett profile image
Jon S

Welcome aboard! Modern Apps?

jenlooper profile image
Jen Looper

Cloud Advocacy as Lead for Canada/US/LATAM :)

chintukarthi profile image
Karthikeyan Dhanapal

congrats :)

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank

What a first day at work! Great meeting in person this week!

speedmaster profile image


aaronpowell profile image
Aaron Powell

Welcome to the team 😁

bureado profile image
José Miguel Parrella


d1p profile image
Debashis Dip

Congratulations _^ keep us posted about your journey

ben profile image
Ben Halpern • Edited

We've been making a lot of progress on lately and I noticed that we recently passed Product Hunt in traffic according to SimilarWeb

We don't need to define our success as a competition with anyone, but Product Hunt is a tech community we looked to along the way while getting started. So to see that graph is interesting!

Next up, Hacker News:

SimilarWeb is just an estimation, but in an apples to apples way I think it's somewhat accurate as a gauge on these kinds of things.

vuild profile image

Straight past.

Mark this comment.

jackharner profile image
Jack Harner 🚀

Wow. What A Milstone! Good luck passing HN!

jess profile image
Jess Lee

This week, I...helped launch DEV Listings! It's felt like a much needed feature for the community and it's been awesome seeing people list all sorts of opportunities :)

stephencweiss profile image
Stephen Charles Weiss

Super excited about these! Already shared with our recruiting team!

arteryxx_wdd profile image
patrick cook

Thx Jess, DEV_Listings is a great feature addition to

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

This week, I got a new phone to replace my old broken one.

Annnnnnnd... I took a picture of my garden to share since I couldn't show y'all one in last week's wins session!

aschmelyun profile image
Andrew Schmelyun

I spot some peppers, nice!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Indeed! Love the peppers. 🌶🌶🌶

jamiekaren profile image
Jamie Ferrugiaro

Love it!!

jackharner profile image
Jack Harner 🚀

Nice! What do you have growing there?

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Let's see here...

3 tomatoes (2 Roma, 1 Cherry)
2 poblanos
2 jalapenos
2 bell peppers (1 yellow, 1 red)
2 eggplant
1 blackberry bush
1 blueberry bush

and from seed:

several butternut squash
several watermelon

... honestly, I might need to kick some of it outta the box before it's over with haha!

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jackharner profile image
Jack Harner 🚀

That's a crowded box for sure! Good luck!

healeycodes profile image
Andrew Healey

Awesome garden 🌾🌱🌿.

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank

This week, I... went to my first big tech conference — Microsoft Build! It was great to hang with a bunch of DEV members, honestly too many to list out and @-mention here. But a special thank you to @bnb for helping make it possible for me and @aspittel to attend! 💛

arteryxx_wdd profile image
patrick cook

How was it? I've never been to a conference... Inspiring, empowering, you tell us!

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank

I was really surprised by the sheer scale of the conference. So many developers in one place. So much fanfare. And I gather that this isn't even at the high-end of spectacle (that would be something more like AWS re:Invent or Google I/O).

It was amazing to meet so many internet friends (Twitter and DEV contacts), and new friends while at the conference. Twitter is really a connective platform that adds a touch more permanence to fleeting in-person interactions.

It was inspiring to see how positive and excited people are, even about relatively niche products being offered by Microsoft or the Azure crowd. It reminds you that there are a ton of people out there quietly building and pushing projects and businesses forward using this wide array of technology.

And I really liked the AI demos, especially around visual recognition.

jpychan profile image
Jenny Chan

This week, my Facebook group Women in Web Development reached 2000 members!

jamiekaren profile image
Jamie Ferrugiaro

So rad! What’s the group?

jpychan profile image
Jenny Chan

It's called Women in Web Development. Here's the link:

Please answer all pending questions to be approved.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


jackharner profile image
Jack Harner 🚀

This week, I made some serious headway on my first full React app I'm building. Plan is to be a no-nonsense color repo, a place for palettes, gradients, and other cool color things. Uses React on the frontend, Node/Express on the back, and MongoDB for storage.

Super Stoked!

chandrasd profile image
Chandra Dasari

Hahahah love the straightforwardness. Is it open sourced?

jackharner profile image
Jack Harner 🚀

Thanks! That's definitely what I'm shooting for.

re: opensource: Not yet. I haven't quite figured out the authentication side of the app yet, but it's definitely something that's going to get added to the GitHub portfolio once it's ready.

stacy_cash profile image
Stacy Cashmore

This week, I gave first presentation in Dutch (I'm originally British) for my colleagues.

Mutilated the language (het spijt mij!), but was apparently understandable!

jamiekaren profile image
Jamie Ferrugiaro

You are so brave! I’d be really nervous speaking in another language. Kudos to you!

stacy_cash profile image
Stacy Cashmore

Thanks! It felt great to finally do, if a little scary! The upside is that it was for non technical people and my technical Dutch is awful, so I had to keep it simple!

namstel profile image

Goed bezig! :)

I'm having a hard time presenting, let alone doing it in a language that's not native to me. Well done!

brettimus profile image

blijf zo doorgaan!

leob profile image
leob • Edited

Goed gedaan! Goed bezig hoor :-)

arteryxx_wdd profile image
patrick cook

My mother is native Dutch. I asked her to translate my LinkedIn, because, I'd love to work in Europe... I was unceremoniously rebuffed. De pijn is echt!

veslav3 profile image
Roy Honders

Dankjewel voor de moeite.

alexantra profile image
Alex Antra

This week, I...called someone out on some bad workplace behaviours and wasn’t murdered for it.

They wanted some work done but we weren’t in a position to help. And so they used a combination of name drops, company strategy, and contractual deadlines to bully me into trying to do it. So I pointed out that their behaviours were unacceptable in the workplace and that if someone made a bad decision at the top people shouldn’t just keep pushing shit down hill hoping everyone would fall into line.

They quickly apologised for their actions and we were able to work together on a solution

We talk a lot about mental health and healthy work life balance in my company so I felt confident that I could nip this one in the bud.

nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her)

amazing job! thank you ❤❤

jnschrag profile image
Jacque Schrag

This week, I spoke at my first meet up! I talked about code refactoring and my 3 guiding principles for how to approach it.

drewtownchi profile image
Drew Town

This week, I started a blog and wrote 6 articles. I doubt I'll be able to keep up the pace but I'm loving it so far!

alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro

Link or it didn’t happen 😋

drewtownchi profile image
Drew Town

Https:// I'm still building out the functionality as I go along but it is getting there 😁

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alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro

Are you using any platform or developing it from scratch?

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drewtownchi profile image
Drew Town

I'm using Gridsome for the static site generation and Netlify CMS. All of the frontend features I will develop. I have plans to create the archive, a more advanced search and a personal achievements/timeline dashboard so far.

dylanesque profile image
Michael Caveney

This week I...

Went back to Andrew Mead's GraphQL course, which I previously crashed and burned HARD on during the intricate setup of Heroku/Pgadmin/Docker/Prisma. I got the setup working correctly this time, and got a solid grounding in Prisma and how much work it saves!

peoray profile image
Emmanuel Raymond

How do you like Mead's course?

dylanesque profile image
Michael Caveney

I had great initial difficulty with the Prisma installation, but I think he's one of the best, if not the the best teacher on Udemy. This was the first time I started one of his courses with no real experience in the technology, and it definitely gave me a solid grounding in GrapqhQL and it's related technologies. Highly recommended!

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peoray profile image
Emmanuel Raymond

Thanks. Can't wait to get started. GraphQL has been on my todo list for a while now

kmintis profile image

Hey, can you write steps for setup of Heroku/Pgadmin/Docker/Prisma. Thanks in advance.

goodidea profile image
Joseph Thomas

This week, I... launched my first open-source NPM module!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


desi profile image

This week, I built a silly webapp, and people have really seemed to like it!!

wwe wrestlers the new day dancing

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson

This week, I Finally got one of our dev environment that we were struggling with for a few weeks up and running.

We scripted the necessary steps to do it again so that next time we can just run a script instead of figuring it all out again.

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown 🇨🇦

This week, I had to move my home office and relocate to the closet.
There is a reason and I'll explain why next week.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


dotnetcoreblog profile image
Jamie • Edited

That would be my guess, too.

Source: am a podcaster.

sarahscode profile image
Sarah Katz

This week, I got a job offer! (Haven't decided yet if I'm going to take it, but that's a completely not relevant long story).

healeycodes profile image
Andrew Healey • Edited

This week, I coded every day, which is no different than any other week but the simple joy I find in the act of software engineering is something to celebrate.

a still house, with a small smoke plume from a fire

maxwell_dev profile image
Max Antonucci

This week (this very moment in fact), I am at UXPA Boston!

orubel profile image
Owen Rubel • Edited

This week, I...

realized that everyone is using CORS wrong in that they have a single 'allowedOrigins' group that allows access to all endpoints.

This does not take into consideration public endpoints vs private endpoints and is just allowing all those origins through to EVERYTHING.

I solved this with networkGroups. This allows me to create 'public','private','admin',etc and associate 'allowedOrigins' for each.

I can then also associate endpoints to said to make sure allowedOrigins aren't just getting a blank check for access.

theayjaweems profile image
Ayja Weems

This week, I started on a new application with my Sr. Software Dev @wolfhoundjesse using Nx and Angular CLI to scaffold the app for us! It's pretty exciting getting to start our own project for our company and create coding standards that make the code easy to read for any new developers brought onto the team (like myself)!

alephc profile image
Alessandro C Silva

This week, I improved my Bootstrap skills. As I'm not a designer, many more new synapses to come...

thedaruma profile image
Ryan Giordano

This was my first week at Quora!

haamida profile image

This weeks win is both personal and work related:
At work I was challenged to add the queuing logic to our system to solve some serious business related problem, I successfully understood its logic and incorporated it on our stack, my deadline is next week but so far am in the correct tracks (maybe I'll even deliver before the deadline).
The personal win is: first am no more convinced that am stupid, there's some hope there since I could do so much stuff in a week with no prior knowledge, second I finally got to play around with RabbitMQ 🎉

dotnetcoreblog profile image

This week, I built a paging control for the project I'm working on. That in itself doesn't sound too impressive, but it's as close to vanilla code as possible. It's also abstract enough that I can be added to any page in the app and it'll just work.

The front end uses raw HTML, CSS (I didn't use a UI framework, but did use Flex) and vanilla JavaScript. I've wrapped called to XHR GET methods, such that you simply pass in a url, query string data, and callbacks for success, failure, and always.

The back end uses C# and low level ADO NET calls (no Entity Framework here) to call a hand written stored procedure which takes in the table name, columns to return and filter on, page number, page size, and a search string.

It needs a little more refactoring to get it just right. But it runs so fast (in dev, using a remote database instance) that the loading spinner I added doesn't even have time to display correctly.

If folks are looking to upgrade their we dev knowledge, I'd highly recommend doing something similar. Although, you don't have to eschew frameworks in order to get started - I did, but that's only because I wanted to learn everything involved with writing paging stuff.

It's closed source project, so I can't share the code. But I might re-implement it as an open source lump, and write about how I went about it.

lukewduncan profile image
Luke Duncan

This week, I deployed my side project ( to the world wide web 😁

adyngom profile image
Ady Ngom

This week, I gave my first talk in a while at the ATL Angular meetup
@adyngom - 28 relevant javascript interview questions

It was my first time with the community since moving to Georgia and I was nervous as hell.

eljayadobe profile image

This week, I finally got my development box set up so I could compile my app targeting iOS.

(In my defense... I've had my boxes set up to target Macintosh and Windows for quite some time, but I hadn't any pressing need until this week to get all the ducks in a row for iOS.)

camilo86 profile image
Camilo Gonzalez

This week, I finished my 3rd year at college 😅

Falling down from finals

chimung profile image

Hahaa. Having fun bro

speedmaster profile image

This week, I...

Had a few big wins related to performance testing of some internal web services.

bradleycollins profile image
Bradley Collins

This week, I...

Started working more with CSSGrid again and I think it's finally clicking. Redoing my portfolio site with it and it seems to be much easier for me to wield this time around!

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

This week, I gave myself a random day off! Well, it was planned two weeks in advance, but I figure I could use it. Thanks, past self!

jmplourde profile image
Jean-Michel Plourde

This week, I...

Installed a virtual environment for Jupyter-Notebook 'cause I needed to in order to learn Python at my new intership!

wtaylor45 profile image
Will Taylor

This week, I started my new job as a front end developer! A lot of stuff to learn but it's been fun so far 😋

justsharkie profile image

This week, I finally came up with a Resume design I actually like! I can stop sending boring resumes for job applications and send ones that really show off my design skills (and, hopefully, my personality!).

I've also started working on My Ultimate To Do List, which is exciting and very daunting. Currently just getting some wireframes drawn out so I have a basic idea of functionality and design of the thing!

wizkid_alex profile image
Alex Oladele • Edited

This week, I gave my Senior speech at our annual Resident Assistant banquet. I was honestly pretty nervous about it right before but it turned out great!

Link to my speech

Also I'm graduating on Saturday

vinibrsl profile image
Vinicius Brasil

This week, I joined Runtastic, an Austrian company from the adidas group.

jckuhl profile image
Jonathan Kuhl

This week, I learned to make parallel tests in Selenium WebDriver and TestNG. Pro-tip, don't write your WebDriver objects as singletons! I did everything else right, puzzled over why my tests wouldn't run parallel only to realize I had different pages running off the same Driver instance because it was a singleton! Doh.

Fixed that and it worked.

aroup profile image
Aroup Goldar Dhruba • Edited

This week, I started mentoring three web devs from my "Offering Mentorship" listing on the I feel great. Also, three other people have communicated with me for mentorship on DM. They will also start soon, I am hoping.

akhil_001 profile image
Akhil sai

This week I wrote my first post on and then continued posting 2 more posts!

alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro

This week, I (re)launched my personal site. It is still a work in progress, but publishing it will force me keep up with the tasks left... any feedback is welcome :)

ekafyi profile image
desiitchef profile image

This week, I manage to write a functioning selenium headless code to pull metrics from clients dashboard whose api doesn't provide the same metric.

carolinakinetic profile image

This week, for the first time in my 24-year career as a technical writer, someone tweeted about documentation I wrote!

Granted, it was to say it had an error, but still!

soulfiremage profile image
Richard Griffiths

This week, I figured out how to use a graph database (SQL Graph), then use stored procs and C# to interface to it from the outside world.

It was a small win, a morning's win and one that I intend to use to build a configurator out of existing parts data :)

Oh and discovered, separately, what Sparql is - I honestly didn't know. Now I've got some notion of Linked Property Graphs vs RDFs. Some idea at least.

At the end of all this, managed to get at least a brief glance at Cypher, Gremlin and Sparql.

Good week.

kevinguebert profile image
Kevin Guebert

This week, I...submitted my side project to the Apple App Store for approval. I think this is the final version before I launch it - coming soon!

markokolombo profile image
Marko Kolombo

I got the job I was loooong searching for: Google Apps/Script Developer @ExcelRescue!

bgadrian profile image
Adrian B.G.

This week, I start writing at my first white paper, found a new mentee and learned some inner stuff about kafka and ElasticSearch.

I was a busy 🐝

unreaalism profile image
gabriel spalato

This week, I...

was accepted into GitHub's Student Developer Pack!

nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her)

This week, I graduated and got my Computer Science degree!

daviducolo profile image
Davide Santangelo

This week, I...

i got 189 points in HN

grodier profile image
George Rodier

This week, I posted my first article on (as well as my own website). Looking forward to sharing what I know with the community even more!

thamaraiselvam profile image

Got Offer from ThoughtWorks :D

leslieongit profile image

This week, I reapplied for a job post after resigning from the company and they took me back

ranawebd profile image

This week, I passed a government job exam. I know it's not related to tech but I want to share with you guys.

chimung profile image

I'm trying implement Webpack in my old project Rails. Hope it works :)

uddeshjain profile image

This week, I have learned lots of SQL queries and played with Django.

aaronpowell profile image
Aaron Powell

I did a talk on an IoT project I've been doing for a while to monitor my solar panels. It's my first IoT project and everyone thought it sounds really cool and wanted to know more. 😊

faraazahmad profile image
Syed Faraaz Ahmad

This week, I figured out how to price my side project using tiers, it's not a big deal but I'm really proud of it.

ehamamrah profile image
Elayan Hamamrah

This week, I launched Swyya as MVP

stephencweiss profile image
Stephen Charles Weiss • Edited

This week, I got a shout out in our company newsletter. I wrote my first Hello World last August. I'm still blushing.

mandarbadve profile image
Mandar Badve

This week, I was able to to execute YouTube API successfully to stream love videos on my web application.
But I faced another problem of quota of API execution.

sonofhammer profile image

This week, I finished a POC spike that converts "Low Code" automated test set into a single data-driven test, requiring zero code knowledge to add additional tests.

alchermd profile image
John Alcher

Finished my thesis / capstone project for my CS degree. No more sleepless nights! <3

calidasage profile image
Calvin Mitchell

This week, I got an 85 on my midterm.

aschmelyun profile image
Andrew Schmelyun

This week, I debugged some legacy code for about 3 days only to find out the fix was a 3 character change, haha. This is why I love development though, that felt like a huge victory.

flrnd profile image
Florian Rand • Edited

This week, I issued my first bug!


Unicorn dancing

diek profile image

This week, not only me but my boss, decide to agile my current project and started meetings with the stakeholders! I am very excited and motivated with this project again 💪