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Mateo Hrastnik

Tells computers what to do, and sometimes they even do it.

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Six Year Club
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One Year Club
How to add a splash screen to a React Native app - The easy way

How to add a splash screen to a React Native app - The easy way

Comments 20
6 min read

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Normalize your React Query data with MobX State Tree

Normalize your React Query data with MobX State Tree

Comments 14
5 min read
Let's create a carousel in React Native

Let's create a carousel in React Native

Comments 4
7 min read
Comparing reactivity models - React vs Vue vs Svelte vs MobX vs Solid vs Redux

Comparing reactivity models - React vs Vue vs Svelte vs MobX vs Solid vs Redux

Comments 19
13 min read
Why you should use MobX State Tree in your next React project

Why you should use MobX State Tree in your next React project

Comments 5
8 min read
Implementing Gravity And Collision Detection In React Native

Implementing Gravity And Collision Detection In React Native

Comments 1
10 min read
React Native - The aspectRatio Style Property

React Native - The aspectRatio Style Property

Comments 2
2 min read
Keybind Your Way To React Native Dev Menu

Keybind Your Way To React Native Dev Menu

2 min read
Styling Your React Native App

Styling Your React Native App

7 min read
Let's Create A Custom Animated Tab Bar With React Native

Let's Create A Custom Animated Tab Bar With React Native

Comments 24
7 min read