DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v32 staff on April 08, 2019

Hey there! Welcome to! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself to the community! ✌️ Here are some ideas to get you started: You can...
seemcat profile image
Maricris Bonzo

Whoah. Hi guys. Just gotta say that I've been waiting for the next coolest social networking site, and I gotta say that this might just be it 🤓. How have I never heard of this place before?! 😲

My name's Maricris and I have over 2 years of prof. full-stack coding experience (mostly w/ JS, React, Node.js). Currently making the most of my unemployment days by working on a side project called Woga (using JS & React again for frontend but GoLang for the back).

I'm already learning a lot from awesome devs here and I can't wait for more/to share some of my blogz w/ y'all!

jamiekaren profile image
Jamie Ferrugiaro

Hey! Welcome! I just joined as well. I'm also on Medium and saw that on your profile so I've added you :)

seemcat profile image
Maricris Bonzo

Hello Jamie! Thank you . :-) It's amazing how welcoming devs are here, haha. How's the learning journey going?

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jamiekaren profile image
Jamie Ferrugiaro

Not bad! Hit some snags because both my power cords for the 2 computers I own broke in one week, so currently waiting to replace them. But honestly I shouldn’t complain, because I’m lucky to have two computers to begin with. 🙈

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codeandlonely profile image

Hey there, I joined a couple of weeks ago but never introduced myself. I'm Jerami. Sorry about the cords.

I think I've just finished writing my first article which touches on what to do when computer problems get in the way of code. I'll be publishing it in the next couple of hours.

Just wanted to say hello to some other newcomers. So, "Hello!"

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andyh profile image


Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
seemcat profile image
Maricris Bonzo

haha, yes I do. It was my first language. Now I am learning Go. How about you?

martin2844 profile image

What is your project about?

bngcebetsha profile image
Buntu Ngcebetsha

we develop and maintain various python packages to control the MeerKAT radio telescope. I have been on the team for 6 months now and its my very first dev job.

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seemcat profile image
Maricris Bonzo

Whoah! That sounds awesome. Are you happy?!

seemcat profile image
Maricris Bonzo

Digitizing what I've been doing for the past 2 years to help me feel good/sane/balanced in life; Woga. I wrote a blog about it:

But it's kind of outdated. Ended up not using a few of the tech I listed on there. I'll be updating it soon though!

How about you? Whatcha workin' on/interested in nowadays?

reactnativeguy profile image
Sudeepto Dutta

Hi Maricris, I am also new to . I am a React Native developer. I want to learn backend development now as I have no experience with it.

I read that you have experience with both Node and Golang which got me excited as I am confused as to which one should I start my backend development with .

Can you share your experience using Node.js in production ? Also how easy/difficult it was for you to learn and use Golang ?

Can you share the resources you used to learn both Node and Golang ?

Thank You

mandric profile image
Milan Andric

Sudeepto, there is a good O'rielly book called Introducing Go, and NodeJS has many. Having a hard copy is nice but also ebooks do the job. I personally like using books when I'm learning new programming languages but other formats can be good too, it all depends. Also if I had to start a new backend web project today, I would probably choose Golang.

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reactnativeguy profile image
Sudeepto Dutta

Thank You Milan for the reply.

gajesh profile image

This is Vim girl from youtube! Happy to see you here.

seemcat profile image
Maricris Bonzo

Hahaha, omg hi! So awesome you know about Vim girl 😂. You made my day. What have you been up to?

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gajesh profile image

Well not much. Preparing for the Technical interview 👨‍💻 to land a good Internship. Fresh out of college. Great to hear from you too.😀

martinbean profile image
Martin Bean

Welcome to, Maricris! Fellow newbie here, too! 👋

seemcat profile image
Maricris Bonzo

Hello! Happy to be here :-) 👋

rto07 profile image
Raul Torres


seemcat profile image
Maricris Bonzo


cornel070 profile image

Pretty cool right?

cornel070 profile image


vyncemontgomery profile image
Vynce Montgomery

Hi, I'm Vynce. I haven't figured out how to use this site yet, but maybe that's normal. I was a web developer for over 20 years, starting when Perl was normal, javascript was optional, and there was no CSS. Things have changed a bit since then. Now I'm pursuing other things that I enjoy more: talking and writing about tech, and making board games.

katieadamsdev profile image
Katie Adams

Hey! Fellow newbie over here :) Sounds like you've got some great experience. Do you publish your writing anywhere? And what sort of board games do you make? :D

vyncemontgomery profile image
Vynce Montgomery

I've got a few little articles; nothing major yet. I intend to get more serious about posting to Medium, at least.

As for board games - many kinds. I haven't gotten into the world of 3-hour euros, but I'm working actively on about a half dozen different games, including offbeat capitalism, co-op combat, and a deck builder for kids about being Fire Chiefs.

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katieadamsdev profile image
Katie Adams

It's definitely a good way to practice!

There aren't enough co-op combat board games in my humble opinion and that deck building for kids idea is brilliant. Best of luck with it!

thepandalion profile image

Making board games sounds awesome!!

vyncemontgomery profile image
Vynce Montgomery

It can be a lot of fun.

logicmason profile image

I love boardgames... especially novel ones different from others I've seen before.

willmanidis profile image
Will Manidis • Edited

Hey y'all!

I'm Will-- a software developer working at Grew up writing a whole lot of python and early TF for Kaggle competitions, ended up studying formal math + biology before going to work in pharma for a while. Dig a little competitive programming along the way, so broad language exposure there.

Fun fact: I'm an alum of Olin College, one of the smallest colleges in the country.

Excited to learn more!

wilfrantz profile image

Happy to have you here Will.

rto07 profile image
Raul Torres


logicmason profile image

What's your favorite place for competitive programming and what language did you use?

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank


oh_kait profile image
Kait Beaudette • Edited

Hi, I'm Kait. The rabbit-hole brought me here: YouTube->Confreaks-> Molly Struve's 'Cache is King' RubyHack 2019 Talk -> @molly_struve on Twitter -> tweet about @msarit switching careers to software with a three month old. Right in the feels. I had to share too.

I joined a software bootcamp back in early 2017 when my son was 6 months old. It was in London so I could get up at 3am and be done by noon but still feed him and take care of him with only minimal babysitting from family.

I was really nervous about being a junior developer so I leveraged my past experience doing Customer Support for Uber to get a job in Support at a local startup with the plan that I would slowly transition onto the Engineering team. It was a really great experience and I've been coding in my day job for two years now.

I could really benefit from a community like this. Podcasts and articles and YouTube conferences can only take you so far.

aritdeveloper profile image
Arit Developer

That's an amazing story Kait, and congratulations to you! We mothers are REALLY kicking butt and taking names! Kudos to you for rising to the challenge and chasing your dreams!

joaomarcusc profile image

I'm João, a Java/JS/TS developer that has also worked with Python, PHP, ASP, Delphi, C#. I've done some Go, Ruby, Haskell, Clojure, even a tiny little bit of Rust, Ocaml.
Also worked with RDBMS such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite, Firebird.
I'm 38 and still eager to learn!

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

Welcome! That's whole lot of stuff you've worked on!

cubiclebuddha profile image
Cubicle Buddha

Nice! The best part of being a dev is that we get to learn every day. :)

bradzo profile image

Hi everyone!

I'm Brad, I'm almost 58 and have been reading a lot of your welcome posts - a lot of you are young and itching to succeed.

Please allow me to submit a bit of my life story. I hope it inspires you.

I've been mucking about with programming since the old Tandy TRS-80 days. Most of you will probably not know what that means... LOL. 4k of ram. cassette for loading of programs, 80x24 green screen - ah those were the days. The source code, or should I say, individual byte codes, of a program that a mate and I developed in Z80 assembler, got published in a magazine! (And we got paid $50 - this was April 1985!)

Went along for a few years and then bought a 2nd hand IBM-XT - wow, and Windows!

A few more years saw me get to Visual Basic 6 Enterprise - what you couldn't do with that at the time! So many libraries, so many DLL's !!! Access, SQL Server, Oracle as databases. Wow.

Wrote a program (we call them apps nowadays don't we? :)) that a mate and I sold across Australia and the world (all right, just one other country) and it was selected by our Federal Parliamentary Library over an entrenched software company in the same space. Those were heady days! Oh, and it presented its interface in a web browser! (We also earned over $110,000 from that)

Also developed a Windows app for our Australian Ladies Professional Golf - a VB6 app that lets them enter players, tournaments, scores etc, and ultimately, prints cheques (checks) for the players of their winnings, and uploads the results to the ALPG website. Have been supporting them for over 30 years - the app is still going. :)

For a brief period, VB6 + Firebird DB, a fork of Interbase, for a project that worked really, really well, (and as I think of it now, was an EAV store essentially, and everyone at the time said that EAV was bad, bad, bad. And now we have noSQL. Pfftt :)) but never got anywhere because of marketing, or, not enough of it. Blergh.

Then I found PHP, mySQL - and the web (again) for a paid gig.

After a few more years, and now I'm fully using Meteor and have just launched a new service - a mobile app development thing targeted to real estate agents - almost a "digital business card"

I will never stop coding - I love it.

Sorry for the long introduction, but for all you lovely people just starting out, I applaud you! You have something good to share with the world - never stop believing that!

Get out there, and make some noise!

You can do it!

gregsithole profile image
Greg Sithole

Hey Guys

I'm Greg Sithole and I'm a Full Stack Software Developer. I am from Johannesburg, South Africa and my ultimate goal is to be a Game Developer & Designer.

I work at a Company called Entrostat where we work with technologies such as NodeJS, Angular, npm, Javascript, Typescript, HTML, CSS, SCSS, LESS, Nest.JS, Docker, Docker-Compose and a whole lot more.

My goal for the year is to at least have a couple of Open Source projects that I can say I've worked on and developed as I currently have none.

yoehoehne profile image
Joe Hoehne • Edited

Hi Greg! I hope your dream of becoming a Game Developer & Designer comes true! Thanks for sharing!

gregsithole profile image
Greg Sithole

Thanks, Joe that really means a lot.

katieadamsdev profile image
Katie Adams

I'm very excited to be here! I'm in my third year of university (out of four) and have been looking for a site like this since I started. It's all very well following tech news and tips articles on Twitter but I've been looking for something specific to programming. At last! My name is Katie, I'm self-taught in a lot of my favourite languages like C# and C++ but have university tutelage in a lot of web development languages and also Java. Thank you for having me! 😁

scrptkd3spag3ti profile image
Quintius Walker

Katie, I think you're very lucky to have a community like this while going through college. I studied computer programming as an Associates before going into university and that Associates was the longest 2 years of my path thus far. I was all over the internet looking for people, communities, and answers. I'll make a prediction that DEV will come to be a gem for you in your last year. Congrats on 3 years and Good Luck on four. Cheers!

katieadamsdev profile image
Katie Adams

I've only been here for a short time and I already think your prediction is correct! I can't wait to get back to studying in September, purely thanks to this site and it's amazing content creators!

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Thanks for joining us!

maxmdos profile image
Maximiliano Martinez

Hey its Max! I am a Software Developer who has worked with Python and JavaScript stacks for little over a year now. I started out with C++ and then moved onto Python to learn data structures and JavaScript for Full Stack Development. I love working with databases, especially with PostgreSQL and MongoDB. I am stoked to read and be inspired by other developers in this community!

_bbsy profile image
+ sy +

Hi! Are u familiar with JavaScript? Wonder if you can help me. Hehe

erikest profile image

Allow me to introduce - drum roll - me! crickets ahem.. tap tap this thing on?

Third time (at starting blogging) is the charm! Looking forward to churning out the high value bits on this platform - someday, I hope to pass all those posts down to my kids, so they can know what it was like when people typed on 'keyboards', before neural interfaces were all the rage.

As a dotnet acolyte, I've been rewarded in recent years as my platform of choice has made a stunning and powerful turn towards open source. Now, I don't look like such a closed-source, windows-only curmudgeon, yay!

I've just started contributing to open source in my own little ways and in an attempt to bring exposure to my new line of side-projects, I figured I'd start to blog about my progress, which also serves, as many a dev-blogger has noted, to maintain a record of things I've done and then can't remember the specifics of. This includes anything that happened before yesterday, so I've got to act quick!

To the ~6 people who have read my few posts so far, good on ya, get in on the ground floor. You'll get to say you were reading my drivel before my audience blew up to tens or even dozens of people! :)

Thanks for having me!

scrptkd3spag3ti profile image
Quintius Walker

As a blogger myself....I so love your attitude. (Wink!)

uwikaiddi profile image
Uwana Ikaiddi

Hi all!

My name is Uwana. I've been a technical writer ~5 years and have started transitioning to towards software development. I'm 2 weeks away from completing a coding boot camp and have been reading a lot of articles lately. I've been teaching myself Python for ~ 1 year, and have experience with Ruby, JavaScript, Vue.js, and Django through my boot camp.

I'm looking forward to learning and sharing as I can. Can't wait to chat with y'all!

aritdeveloper profile image
Arit Developer

Congratulations for being at the tail-end of bootcamp! Where are you located? Will you be applying for jobs after camp or using your skills for business/startup?

uwikaiddi profile image
Uwana Ikaiddi

Hi Arit!

Thank you! I'm in Austin, TX. I originally joined the program to enhance my own understanding of the developer experience to enhance my technical writing skills. However, learning about software engineering has piqued my interest in the field. I want to see if there's a way to combine the two skill sets. I've started applying for developer positions per my boot camp. Haven't gotten anything yet, but I'm weirdly thankful for that. I still feel like quite the novice.

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aritdeveloper profile image
Arit Developer • Edited

I know exactly what you mean about the "novice" feeling. I struggle with that as well. That is so good to hear about your tech writing skills; as a developer, that will come in very handy in writing documentation (among other things). In fact, I would recommend getting into a few open-source projects and trying your hand at updating their documentation :D
What tech stack are you learning? Do you have an online portfolio? I've been through your GitHub - are your projects there deployed somewhere?
I have several friends in Austin, though I haven't had the chance to visit yet :)

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uwikaiddi profile image
Uwana Ikaiddi

I've been wanting to contribute to open source. I guess I'm still a bit unsure on how to get started and identify beginner-friendly projects. Right now, we're learning Rails and Vue. I'll have a portfolio and deployed project soon. We're starting that process right now.

I highly recommend a visit to Austin for the food alone. Might want to wait for fall though. The summers are brutal!

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aritdeveloper profile image
Arit Developer

That's amazing sis. If you're learning Rails then the Dev.To OpenSource Project is PERFECT for you! Setting the environment up locally is the easiest and they have lots of great "first-timer" issues 😄

sbodi10 profile image
Sapan Bodiwala


My name is Sapan Bodiwala. I'm from New Jersey currently working as a Senior App Developer at the Innovations Labs at ADP. I'm a big sports fan (Tennessee Titans, Los Angeles Lakers, & New York Yankees).

I'm excited to join this community and learn from all you brilliant devs out there!

seafoxrun1 profile image • Edited

Data is beautiful... so are foxes! Hoping to contribute as I learn...I found this lovely community via Twitter. Statistics are my strong suit ... currently refining syntax/catching up on coding languages..(bestPractices).. basis of jS&&py.

spicyyeti profile image

one might even is foxy B)

thepandalion profile image
Panda • Edited

Hi, I'm Panda aka Paula. It's great to find a really inclusive dev community with such a welcoming and helpful vibe. :) I am here to connect, find and share ideas and cool stuff, and hopefully write some posts of my own at some point as that is something I sometimes get anxious about (or just procrastinate and make excuses until I never write anything...)

I have been doing front-end dev for around 15 years now, and I still love pure HTML and CSS, but lately I am trying to get up to date on some of the new shiny stuff, such as Vue, and I am also loving the Greensock animation library.

I also love helping people whenever I can and especially chatting CSS.

Other than dev I'm a big fan of videogames, coffee, hanging out with cats and going on trains.

Nice to meet you all and look forward to reading, and maybe one day also writing :)

premsanth3 profile image

Hey guys!!!

This is Prem from India,

  1. I bumped into this just to googling out for brain.js, found a lot threaded message, felt i'm going to learn a lot from here.

  2. This is first time into a community like this, looking forward to learn and contribute.

  3. One of my hackathon projects - using user's browsing history to recognise, their industry , type of business, predicting how close they are into a product purchase journey..
    and lot of exciting stuffs :)

collinsgichuki profile image

Hey everyone 👋

I am a University student studying IT.I have experience in android(java) and web dev(ruby and JS), mostly self taught. Currently learning python.
I aspire to be a full stack developer!

I love tech communities and so this was a perfect place for me to come learn with and from the community.
Exicted to be here!

ddaniel_ibanga profile image
Daniel • Edited

Hi guys, am new on this platform. Hope to share more ideas, learn and #argue with codes. lol! I love breaking new grounds and take new challenges.
We can discuss if you need a helping hand.

I have 3 years hands on coding, design and video/photo Editing experience, and worked on some projects, have decided to have a team to work with soon.

wilchovnz profile image
Wilhelm Siso

Hi people, I'm currently learning React, CSS Grids and animations. I've knowledge of HTML, PHP, Javascript and Wordpress.
I registered in DEV.TO to integrate more with the development community and contribute in some way to the community
Sorry if I wrote something wrong, English is not my native language

johnhalsey profile image
John Halsey

Hello. How have I not found before?

I'm a PHP / Laravel & VueJS developer working in the UK. Hoping to keep up to date with latest trends and always interested to hear other peoples ideas and opinions.

muhaimins profile image
Muhaimin Sheik

Hi all,
I'm Muhaimin a Software developer for'm passionate in web development also willing learn new stuff in this world web.Now i'm learning react js. I need improve my coding skills in all aspect.I think people will help me.

vyncemontgomery profile image
Vynce Montgomery • Edited

I think you'll find that automagic URL detection will work better for you if you always put a space after the period that ends a sentence or an abbreviation. Of course, you don't want one inside a URL, like Just the one that comes after that.

It will also make your text easier to read.

muhaimins profile image
Muhaimin Sheik

Ya sure i'll try change @Vynce.

russormes profile image
Russell Ormes

Russell here. I am a year in to my journey as a principle engineer. This is a role I believe to be one of leadership. What do I mean by this? First that it affords me the time to fully investigate the best solutions for a given set of business requirements, within the constraints of the current Engineering proposition. Then it becomes a job of collaboration with the team to bring them on the journey you have made. If you cannot provide compelling arguments for the decisions you have made, and get the team on board, you haven't got the right answer! It is not the role of the principle engineer to dictate the solution but to light the way. The hardest skill to learn is when to disagree and commit (in the Amazon parlance). It is only possible if you do not take your position as one of manager. Only a teacher and collaborator will succeed.

Blah blah. I love to learn from other professionals and so look forward to reading content and interacting with the community here.

cubiclebuddha profile image
Cubicle Buddha

I feel ya. I’m at a similar place in my career, and I personally struggle a lot with knowing when to choose my battles. I do find that the amazon principle you referenced (Disagree and Commit) helps a lot these days. Anywho, just wanted to say welcome to a similar soul. I’ll be writing a lot very soon about collaboration and learning to be a more mindful coworker in some of my future articles. Feel free to follow and read along. Either way, welcomes and best of luck with leading your team. Oh and thank you for considering Principle Engineer to be a position of “servant leadership.” Sadly not every Priniciple Engineer sees their role that way. Kudos! :)

russormes profile image
Russell Ormes

Thanks for the welcome!

Just reading your post on not bringing work home.

Yep, you cover it well. Add to that I have two young boys, and you get the guilt of waiting for them to go to bed so you can have another crack at that outstanding problem and you probably see why I ended up on anxiety medication :)

I like the ideas you list. Will give it a go and let you know how I get on.

Thanks again for your note.

therealparmesh profile image
Parmesh • Edited

Hello everyone!

My name's Parmesh. I have ~7 years of experience across the stack, but I find myself on the frontend exclusively these days.

I'm really excited about how frontend development as a whole has matured, such that it's becoming more like traditional software engineering and that it's embracing more computer science. I'm also passionate about the open source world and its continued growth.

I'm here to practice my writing, to find developer communities with diversity of thought, and to keep up with the latest community standards. I look forward to learning and contributing here.

mujeebishaque profile image
Mujeeb Ishaque

Hey! Someone posted the link of this networking website on facebook, now, I am here. I do python/django and C++. Thinking of getting into flutter development but I am not sure and I don't know anything about mobile development. God help me, confused. Will be graduating in like 3 months.

oleksandr profile image

Hi everyone!

I am Oleksandr Poshtaruk, senior front-end dev in (Ukrainian office, Kiev). Moved 3+ years ago from support L3 position to be front-end developer.

For now mostly worked with Angular (ngRx, Rx.JS) on work projects. Also write articles about RxJS and Angular on medium(
Had a speech in Ukrainian JS conference( in May, 2018 about using RxJS solution to renew tokens in iframed angular app.

Angular-in-Depth blog writer ( .

Angular and RxJS mentor on

Recently released my video course for Rx.JS beginner (and advanced level devs as well):
Want to write a few beginners RxJS articles here as well (when having time, haha:). And you can ask me about some RxJS and Angular questions.

And I definitely want to learn more here about Angular and RxJS.

mrajanikanth profile image

Thanks for course Hands-On RxJS for Web Development. I started learning RxJS through this course. Could you share your slides presentation material please.
Many thanks,Raj

oleksandr profile image

Hi! Thanks for the feedback! May I ask you to leave written feedback on udemy? About takeaway materials for the course - it is github repo with Angular and codepen(master branch) examples. PacktPub is rights owner and they dont allow share video lessond slides.
But if you have some specific concern (like link on some slide or code) - tell me, I will try to help.

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mrajanikanth profile image

Left a feedback on safari books online. Cheers, Raj

syedhassaan103 profile image
Syed Hassaan Ahmed

I have worked on a project called "Mp3 Music library".I made this project in early days of my software development.I love this project because it was my first GUI based software which fetch songs from api (that was also made by me) and I made it with my heart it is very nearest to my heart.But my professor didn't loved it he said you got to be more productive in thinking ideas and implementing them at first it broke my heart but lately I realized that yeah he was somewhat right and I moved on with previous learning. Now I am a Web App Developer

My Tech Stack is: C# , asp.NET core and JavaScript

zsubzwary profile image

Did the professor demotivate you?

I know exactly who you are talking about!

syedhassaan103 profile image
Syed Hassaan Ahmed


apstone profile image
Aaron Stone

Hi everyone, I have been on for some time but never saw this thread. I've been working as a full stack developer for around 5 years now. Currently my focus is with react native and flutter. I am interested in cross platform mobile apps. Feel free to reach out for react, flutter, or react native questions. Or just to say hi and chat!

acoh3n profile image

Great to have you here!

pclundaahl profile image
Patrick Charles-Lundaahl

Hi folks!

My name's Patrick. I'm working as a full-stack developer based out of Vancouver, BC (Canada). I'm currently employed building sales demos using primarily Drupal, React, AWS. I've been at this job about 6 months, with a 2-year applied CS diploma, and I spent a bunch of time teaching myself various languages before that.

While I don't have any currently active side projects (taking a breather after school), I'm working on teaching myself more about data oriented design. I'm also itching to get more experience with React + Redux and TypeScript, and I really want to get my feet wet with functional programming (I figure more paradigms = more ways of tackling problems).


jesseskinner profile image
Jesse Skinner

Hello everyone! I'm Jesse and I'm new here. That's not really true, because I've read lots of articles on, but this is my first time actually signing in.

I've been around for quite a while. I started blogging about JavaScript back in 2005. But that blog has been collecting dust the past decade because I was hanging out on Twitter. But lately I decided to change that and go back to blogging.

Earlier today, I just published a blog post for the first time in forever. Right after, I was listening to the recent Changelog podcast interview with @emmawedekind and she was talking about writing on here, and I thought, Hey, I should post my article here too! So I did. :D

Looking forward to lots more blog posts here. Can't remember the last time I was this excited about blogging :)

emmabostian profile image
Emma Bostian ✨

Yes welcome!

ahmedbutt7121991 profile image
Ahmed Butt

Hi everyone, I am a passionate Technology learner. My basic goal is to learn different techniques and design a model to integrate them. I haven't done any major contribution. it's my first post in an open source community so, I want to share a bit of my thoughts. I am learning elk stack, Jenkins and Openstack. Want to integrate them to create a modle for dev and QA testing.

sambitsahoojs profile image
sambit sahoo • Edited

Hi, there everybody. I'm a newcomer in the dev industry. I'm also an entrepreneur and running a startup ( and I'm also a e-commerce developer. I'm passionate about vue.js dev and I'm developing a e-commerce site using vue.js in the frontend and fire base as the backend.
Thank you.

manish007raut profile image
manish007raut • Edited

Hello Guyz,

I was looking for a platform where we can share ideas and knowledge about dev and related things. I am a Senior Software Engineer, mostly working as a devops engineer. I have good hands on chef, git and I am trying hands on Ansible, Docker and Kubernetes. I have used Softlayer and now trying to switch for AWS or GCP.
Would like to explore more in the related areas.

I feel a bit low when programming is concerned would like to improve on that too. My goal is to be confident in the areas I am working(also keeping a good health at the same time as I ignore it most of the time due to work) and can contribute to the society for well being.

Any suggestions or comments are most welcome. If someone need any help feel free to reach out with queries. :)

xyzarivera profile image
Xyza Rivera

Hi! I'm Xyza. So far am a beginner on most fields. I am ultimately curious of a lot of idea. I was ann IoT Engineer, now a Frontend Developer. I've been reading a lot of articlese in that I decided tonight to officially make an account now :D

canman33 profile image
<coder2coder/> • Edited

hello! I'm both new here and to the dev learning community in general. Utilizing Codecademy, Treehouse, Sitepoint, and anything i can get my hands on really. so' i'll be jumping in here to pick some brains from time to time, if thats ok with everybody?! Thank You!

rhosts profile image
Robert Hostlowsky

Hi, I am Robert.
Thanks to all your great articles on this site! ❤️
After reading many I would love to contribute stuff, too.
I will start sharing some of my experiences and knowledge ...

P.S. Please ask me anything about #graphql + #react if you like 😄

cmdr_sqaa profile image
Andrea Cachia

Hi all!

I'm Andrea, and I'm a fresh-faced Electronic engineer with 5 years of experience in embedded C programming and assembly, although just a single year of that is industry experience. I love embedded programming, but it's become too much of a comfort zone; there's a world of opportunity out there, if only I'd learn some more complex languages! I've dabbled in C++, python and Java, but have never seriously taken the plunge and made a commitment to something. Most recently, I have been learning Java again through Android Studio, attempting to make my own app (just for fun) and now I've discovered this amazing site I never knew existed I hope to use what I can learn from you all and be inspired into making some actual progress finally!

haruanm profile image
Haruan Justino

Hello there, my name is Haruan (R1),
I am here for a while (1 or 2 months I think), but I never introduced myself.

I'm senior Full Stack(Python/PHP/JS) developer that also worked with Obj-C and Swift, and some Java Android dev.

mandric profile image
Milan Andric

Hi Devs! This site seems fun! I've been missing out on the action! I was trying to catch up with the world today and was listening to the Changelog episode with @emmawedekind that was pretty inspiring and pointed to some articles here. I have a knack for things dev and design, but spend most my time in backend NodeJS and devops, starting the learn Golang. Pretty much spend every day trying to avoid rabbit holes because I want to understand everything. Recently started a web extension boilerplate project in case anyone is curious, still rough around the edges.

emmabostian profile image
Emma Bostian ✨

Thanks for listening! Welcome :)

lizcampe profile image

Hello! I´m learning in a bootcamp javascript. I've studied philosophy and social sciences, then a master in communication but now I want Switching Careers. My mentor @pekosog sent me one article from here and I like the community, there are so many things to learn in accessible language :P thanks!

katieadamsdev profile image
Katie Adams

Hey there! Fellow newcomer here. Sounds like we have a very similar mindset for working. I'm trying to teach myself how to use Unity before my dissertation project at university. How do you think is the best way to work? Do you set yourself hard deadlines at the end of each month or do you give yourself leniency on the projects to enjoy? :)

kievandres profile image
Kiev Andres

Hello World!, I recently discovered this social network, my desire is to learn a lot, to later have a lot to teach and share.
I'm fan of JavaScript, I mean client-side, server-side (Node.JS), AR-VR, etc. So I like React a lot too
My skills are:
(Proficient): JavaScript, React/Redux, 3D - Modeling with "Blender"
(Familiar): Django/Python, Docker, R, PHP

mshossain110 profile image
Shahadat Hossain

Hi guys!

I'm Shahadat Hossain. Last few months I access this site to get help. Here I get some awesome resource. I will try to share what I know.

I'm a full stack developer working on a different marketplace like Upwork, freelancer. I'm working on Laravel, WordPress, Vue, React, Nodejs applications. I love to take challenges and long term project. recently I publish some articles in medium.

Recently I'm learning AWS, docker, devops thinks. and I am enjoying it. Excited to learn more!

I like to read books and novels. also, I like gardening. there are about 45 different flowers in my garden.

oihamza profile image

Hi everyone! I was brought here by the amazing Jess Garson. I work with her on the developer relations team at Twitter.

I'll be browsing around here looking for cool projects and cool folks to connect with. Hopefully, I'll even see some of you at #TapIntoTwitter events. Let's be friends!

✌🏽😁 - @oiHamza

manish007raut profile image

Hello Guyz,

I was looking for a platform where we can share ideas and knowledge about dev and related things. I am a Senior Software Engineer, mostly working as a devops engineer. I have good hands on chef, git and I am trying hands on Ansible, Docker and Kubernetes. I have used Softlayer and now trying to switch for AWS or GCP.
Would like to explore more in the related areas.

I feel a bit low when programming is concerned would like to improve on that too. My goal is to be confident in the areas I am working(also keeping a good health at the same time as I ignore it most of the time due to work) and can contribute to the society for well being.

Any suggestions or comments are most welcome. If someone need any help feel free to reach out with queries. :)

astrosubbu profile image

I came across today, when I was learning on MySQL query optimisation, and found this new site and wanted to go through and learn and share ideas.
Am running a startup company Aakro in India and looking to learn Database Management to deliver my clients with a seamless experience.

iamvinodshabadi profile image
Vinod Shabadi • Edited

Hi Guys, Bored with routine stuff at office. Was looking for some interesting reads. My friend directed me to the best place -> ""
I am Vinod, I have experience in iOS development, used C#, ObjC and Swift. Got my hands dirty in backend development few months ago. NodeJS, MicroServices, Docker etc.
Moving towards being a Fullstack dev.
Its a great beginning starting here with this one!

loukilaymen profile image
Aymen Loukil

Hello community !
I accidentally discovered this community via Twitter and i said : I should be there.

I'm Aymen Loukil, an international SEO consultant from France. I'm CS engineer and ex-developer (i'm only developing in my free hours for personal projects now). I help my customers to be more "findable and visible" online especially on search engines.

In the past i co-founded a web agency, then i worked for different companies (startups, large and international retailers) before going independent.

Some topics i work on / worked on : semantic web, web architecture, web performance optimization,, SSR for JS websites, Mobile and e-commerce.

I'm also speaker in many SEO related conferences and i write some SEO/Dev things on my blog.
Ready to learn exciting things from you here !

marcosouza profile image
Marco Antônio

Hello guys

My name is Marco Antônio, I'm a fullstack developers since 2012. I work as fullstack developer at SmarttBot in Brazil. My core languages are JavaScript and Python, and now I'm studying golang to apply in my projects.

I consider myself a Devops evangelist and docker lover.

And also, I like cats :)

dandyvica profile image
Dandy Vica

Hi all,

I was first reluctant to join such a developer blog. Am I too old among those young and fresh coders ? Am I rusted (pun intended ;-)) ?

I started long time ago on OS/2 writing Presentation Manager C code (gosh, back in the late eighties). I'm using Linux since 1995 and never stopped using it since. I'm a software architect in the IT department of some big company dealing with enterprise issues. So I guess I'm not the most common background dev here, but who knows.

I'm not going to enumerate my IT skills, it's not my resume ;-) But I love coding for fun, and I'll soon post my first article on Python lists. Hope it'll be read !

Beyond posting articles, I'm also looking for a welcoming community, talk to other people and improve my English.

narshe1412 profile image

Hello world!

I've been coding for fun over the past 20 years but never reached anything serious in terms of moving to professional. I always got stuck there at the tutorials. 3 years ago I started college part-time and I'm still one year before graduating but I already got my first professional position!

I'm currently working as fullstack web with Angular 6 and .Net although I've been doing bits and pieces in React a year ago. I'm interested in learning as much as I can.
My dream is to build educational games for my children as they grow up, so they can use those for learning.

colinjohnston profile image
Colin Johnston

Hello Devs!

I’m a veteran designer who has always been fascinated by the code and systems that make websites and apps do what they do. I was around in the early days of the web so I’ve perpetrated my share of really bad JavaScript (and some really bad HTML and CSS too if I’m being honest). I really got my start in front-end work when I had them pleasure of working with Hampton Catlin, the inventor of Sass and Haml, back at Moovweb in 2013. I found Sass to be a very potent introduction to development because it was both an extension of my CSS skills but also introduced me to Rails and that paradigm of project structure and approach. Now I know my way around modern PHP, Rails, a little React, and hopefully much more Vue in the future. I’m also interested in SVG, Animation, Static Site Generators, and Pattern Library tooling.

I’m in the process of rebuilding my DIY php-based personal site with Kirby 3 and a custom CSS framework based on Harry Roberts’ InuitCSS. (Of course that means I need to create a Vagrant box that perfectly matches my MediaTemple server, which requires me to figure out how to update PHP to 7.2 on an old version of Debian, which requires that I ... so much to think about!)

I’m looking forward to learning more from folks here, sharing some ideas and challenges, and growing as a developer-designer hybrid.

If anyone ever needs help with CSS (any approach or flavor), hit me up. I love CSS and sharing ways to make it work wonders for both designers and developers.

Thanks for having me!


vedagayathrihyd profile image
Veda Gayathri-India's Largest Pooja Booking Portal

Understanding SAP SuccessFactors Security
SAP SuccessFactors is a cloud-based human capital management (HCM) system that integrates various HR functions, including talent management, payroll, and workforce analytics. As organizations entrust their HR data to this platform, ensuring its security becomes paramount. SuccessFactors security encompasses multiple layers, including data protection, user authentication, and access controls.

Key Components of SuccessFactors Security:
Role-Based Permissions: SuccessFactors employs a role-based permission model, granting users access based on their specific roles within the organization. This granular approach ensures that employees only have access to the data and functionalities relevant to their job responsibilities, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

Data Encryption: To prevent unauthorized interception of sensitive data, SuccessFactors encrypts data both in transit and at rest. This encryption ensures that even if data is intercepted, it remains unreadable to unauthorized parties, maintaining data confidentiality.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Implementing MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide multiple forms of verification before accessing the system. This could include a combination of passwords, biometric scans, or one-time codes, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized access due to stolen credentials.

Audit Trails: SuccessFactors logs all user activities within the system, creating detailed audit trails that track who accessed what data and when. These audit logs are invaluable for identifying security breaches or compliance violations and can aid in forensic investigations.

Challenges in SuccessFactors Security
While SAP SuccessFactors offers robust security features, organizations still face several challenges in ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of their HR data.

Integration Complexity: Integrating SuccessFactors with existing IT infrastructure can be complex, potentially creating security vulnerabilities if not properly configured. Organizations must carefully plan and execute integration projects to minimize security risks.

User Awareness: Despite stringent security measures, employees remain a weak link in the security chain. Lack of awareness about security best practices, such as password hygiene or phishing awareness, can expose organizations to cyber threats.

Compliance Requirements: Industries such as healthcare or finance are subject to strict regulatory requirements regarding data privacy and security. Ensuring SuccessFactors compliance with these regulations requires ongoing monitoring and adherence to industry standards.
SAP Success Factors onilne training in Hyderabad

vedagayathrihyd profile image
Veda Gayathri-India's Largest Pooja Booking Portal

Best Practices for MuleSoft Security:

Conduct Regular Security Assessments:

Periodic security assessments and penetration testing help identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses within the MuleSoft environment, enabling timely remediation.
Adopt Security by Design:

Integrating security considerations at every stage of the development lifecycle fosters a proactive approach to security, minimizing the likelihood of vulnerabilities creeping into production environments.
Implement Least Privilege Access:

Adhering to the principle of least privilege ensures that users and applications have only the necessary permissions to perform their designated tasks, reducing the attack surface and limiting the impact of potential breaches.
Stay Vigilant Against Threats:

Monitoring and analyzing system logs, event data, and user activity can uncover suspicious behavior and potential security incidents in real-time, enabling swift response and mitigation.
SAP Mulesoft Training in Hyderabad

adyngom profile image
Ady Ngom

Hello Everyone,

Maybe I'll start showing my age to the younger generation here, but I'm a proud alum of the combined Murach (Book series), neighborhood libraries, Barnes & Nobles, etc... These were the pre Stack Overflow era and MySpace was not even a thing yet.

I gathered just enough knowledge to call myself as a webmaster and completed a few decent web projects with a PHP/MySQL in the backend and good old HTML and CSS in the frontend - man we thought tables for layout was a great hack.

I was pretty comfortable with my PHP stack and even started taking a deep dive into Zend ( the coolest thing in PHP until Laravel), but then an event of an apocalypse magnitude happened and shook me to the core as a developer: a client-side library named jQuery by John Resig entered the scene and changed everything.

Web development as we knew was never going to be the same. Just like a hopeless moth on a hot summer night, flying towards this mesmerizing glowing light in the dark night, I and Javascript have finally met and we were never to be parted again.

She has burned many a times, humbled me more than I can count, surely has shown me a range of colors but has always stayed true to our favorite flavor - vanilla.

Alright, the above is a perfect illustration of a failed novelist that has fully embraced his reconversion as JS developer. I love everything about it and I'm looking forward to keeping learning and sharing my passion for it.

I'm excited at the prospect that this community has to offer and I'm looking forward to being an active part in that vision.


strzibny profile image
Josef Strzibny

Hello all,

just signed up after reading for quite some time! What I like about is that's a traditional Rails site, fast to load and intuitive which cannot be said about the new Reddit... the design is also very pleasant.

I am originally a self-taught software developer programming since basic school. I made and deployed first commercial web applications during high school in 2008. Then I went to study Applied Informatics at Masaryk University.

I have worked 3 and half years for Red Hat on the platform and developer experience teams and I have spent 2 years leading the development team in a small startup as their CTO.

Here is my technical blog where I share a lot of things:

I will also try to share some things for as well. In fact I already started:

andmoredev profile image
Andres Moreno

Hello there!
New to the site and I love it!!
I was brought here by a good friend of mine who I’m fortunate enough to be starting to work on a project next week.
For most of my development career I have been working on the backend with C#. For the past year or so I have been doing more frontend development using Angular.
A lot of what I’ve been learning recently is about cloud technologies and how those could be applied for my projects.

I can’t wait to read all about peoples experiences here!

quoll profile image
Paula Gearon

I never introduced myself when I first joined, so here goes.

I'm Paula. I started with C, writing Windows and Unix applications. Then my Windows programming moved to C++ and the MFC framework. I made my way through Delphi, and then Visual Basic and C, for various databases, but mostly MS-SQL. Then I shifted direction, going back to C++ for a while before settling into Java for 10 years, with some forays back into C++ and x86 Assembler. I started using Scala a bit for work, but then in 2010 I moved into full time Clojure, and have focused mostly on that ever since. I do a some of my work in Javascript, and also bring in a little Python and Ruby from time to time.

I got involved with the Semantic Web around 2001, and have been building infrastructure and apps in that space for a long time. I've contributed to RDF and SPARQL, and have a special interest in OWL reasoning, logic programming, and rule systems.

strikingloo profile image
Luciano Strika

Hi everyone! My name's Luciano, and I'm a Computer Science student from Buenos Aires.

I work as a Data Scientist in MercadoLibre's Machine Learning team, for the Fraud Prevention area.

I love Machine Learning and Statistics, especially Deep Learning, and my favorite programming language is Python (I know, big surprise).

I also like clever algorithms and learning about very low level stuff in C or Assembly language.

In my free time, I have a bazillion hobbies like playing German boardgames or reading books and graphic novels.

I'll be using to share my blog's articles, and meet fun developers.

luturol profile image
Rafael Ahrons

Hi guys, just want to say that I'm looking forward to learn more about programming and CS.

My name is Rafael and I have 3 years of experience in .Net with WinForms, and I'm always searching to learn more about web development and SQL. Currently working in some projects on my own to learn and study more about patterns and architecture. Feel free to look at my Github and comment into my projects to help me develop my skills.

Thank you and sorry about my grammar mistakes, I'm from Brazil and trying to learn English on my own.

edenwheeler profile image
Eden Wheeler

Hey there, everyone! My name is Eden Wheeler, and I'm thrilled to join this incredible online community as a developer and tech writer. With five years of hands-on experience in the tech industry, I'm passionate about all things coding, creating innovative solutions, and crafting engaging content that demystifies complex concepts.

As a developer, I've had the opportunity to dive deep into various programming languages, frameworks, and tools, honing my skills to build robust and efficient applications. From web development to mobile apps, I've worked on diverse projects that have allowed me to tackle challenges head-on and learn from each unique experience.

f2c2 profile image

Hi everyone,

I graduated in Computer Science in 1998 and was an awful coder. It traumatized me to this day :)

I am now trying to relearn to code specifically web/front end development to see if I can overcome the trauma and shame of being a CS graduate that cannot code. :) I'm currently doing the #100DaysOfCode challenge following the #freeCodeCamp curriculum, you can follow me on Twitter @franciscaeiro.

I love technology but mostly what it can do for people. I have started introducing my kids to coding at the age of 8 and always incentivize them to learn as I honestly believe that coding is going to be the next literacy frontier.

If you love giving newbie tips and laugh at silly questions I'm probably your guy. :)

I'm a huge Star Wars fan so I'm more than happy to "trade" Star Wars fandom knowledge for coding tips.

Looking forward to checking the community!


shishioxiii profile image

Hello to everybody. My name is Christian and I'm a Colombian Java and Angular developer. I just strive for being a better developer each day of my career and to improve my skills. I hope to learn a lot in this community. Peace.

rohitfarmer profile image
Rohit Farmer

Hi there, I am Rohit, I work as a senior research analyst/staff scientist at NIH, USA. I am a computational biologist by training and do computation at the intersection of chemistry, biology and medicine. I am fond of ANN and enjoy working with Python. I am learning R for the genomics and CyToF pipelines for my upcoming projects.

klashe profile image
Tolase Kelvin Adegbite

I'm so glad I found this amazing community of developers. I'm a passionate Ruby on Rails beginner. I love to ask and give opinions to questions :)… Please, forgive me in advance if my question gets too much.

ichris profile image
Chris Enns 👨🏻‍💻

Hello world! I found this place because lots of much smarter nerds that I listen to / follow kept mentioning it.

One of my favourite things these days is how easy it is for a non-programmer like me to spin up a website using the latest cool toys with a service like Netlify.


elnigerian profile image
elnigerian • Edited

Hey y'all,
Literally just joined. So, about me - by day, I work as a consultant - biz/tech strategy, and by night, I try to keep up with software engineering roots, which is mostly focused on building enterprise applications typically using Java as middleware, sql dbs, getting into nosql dbs, front end development and some devops, which btw is way over my head.

Happy to be here and hoping to learn + engage with many of y'all.

lenam80 profile image

First time mom of a very hyper and beautiful little girl. Was a Gaming Editor for 9 years, worked with four different esports gaming companies. (Huge Gamer Here 😊) Trying to juggle school, work, and a household. Also, coffee is everything to me.☕️

pufftmd profile image

Hey all, I'm enthusiastic to be better version of myself with interest in technology. I cam across this website looking for some informaiton "A guide to giving & receiving effective feedback" very impressed so I joined :)

stevanpopo profile image

Hey y'all - I learned how to code last year at a bootcamp and have been working as a developer for 7 months now. I'm starting to learn Python, having originally learned with JavaScript only. Excited to join this learning community!

gopalfullstack profile image
Gopal Meena

Hello to all, I am working as a full-stack (Angular, Nodejs, MongoDB, Reactjs) developer, I passionate to learn new technology like Aws. I started in a home Aws lambda function, API gateway, and Dynamodb, Please help to get better knowledge about Aws ServerLess API.

Thank you so much for here :)

praveenkumarv profile image
Praveen Kumar

I'm happy to be part this dev social plotform. is a unique plotform and we can learn more from it. I'm a experienced person from LAMP, PHP, node.js, MySQL background. Looking for job as a freelancer or full-time job in any country. Currently making the most of my unemployment days by working on a side project in Vue.js, Laravel, PHP7 and Bootstrap.

podborski profile image
Dimitri Podborski • Edited

Hi guys. I must say I am really impressed by this looks really nice. I had exactly the same thoughts as Maricris as I first visited this site today: "How have I never heard of this place before?" 😄

I'm Dimitri and I work as a researcher at the Fraunhofer HHI in Germany. My work is mostly focused on high quality 360 video streaming. I am also involved in several standardization activities such as 3GPP and MPEG.
From coding perspective I am more a C++ & Python guy but I was also involved in some projects for Android and Unity so that Java and C# is not really a big deal for me now 😄
Last project of mine was a pure JavaScript implementation of a 360-degree video player based on the latest MPEG spec. At the same time, it was a great opportunity to learn some JS and I have to say that although I've read a lot of negative stuff about JS (mostly jokes how silly it is etc.) on the Internet, JS really impressed me. I'm a big fan now 😄

Have a nice day to all!

elpak profile image
Panos Kontogiannis • Edited

Hi all,
I'm Pano a Greek front end developer who share my 10+ years knowledge in I'm passionate in web development also willing learn new stuffs. Now i'm learning react js.

vsapronova profile image
Victoria Sapronova

Hello everybody:)

I'm a Russian girl with medical background who decided to change the career to IT.
I'm a self-taught Junior Developer. My first language is Python and right now I'm learning Kotlin for Android dev.
I'm excited to be a part of this community:)

kristianpaul profile image
Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas

Hey everyone, dint knew about this website so here i’m ! Waiting to see , meet and discuss !

I’m currently works on a Dev*Ops position for a fin-tech. Been involved with FLOSS world for around 10 years now. Currently learning rust and looking how to change the web and the world a bit ;-)

cliffgor profile image
Cliff Gor

Hi guys 😊. I am happy 😃 to be on this platform and get to interact with other developers.

My name is Cliff and I have the 2 years of programming experience using languages such as Java Android and JavaScript with frameworks like React, Angular js, Node js and express js.

I am learning a lot from blogs posted on this platform and I hope to also start posting blogs and share with other developers.😃

its_me_adv profile image

What's up!

I'm Advaith. I can't wait to start creating, sharing, and learning from the content on this site! I'm really interested in telling compelling visuals. My core languages are Javascript (love using D3) and Python. And this is my latest project: (North American Industry Visualization)[].

iqbalaqaba profile image
iqbal • Edited

Hi, I'm Iqbal, indonesian front end developer and UI UX Designer since 2015. Just joined the site about a month ago and always open this site every morning before work and at lunch since then. Come here looking for friends ( maybe someone who come from the same country or overseas ) and great reference to refresh my brain :-)

dnzdlklc profile image
Deniz Dalkilic

Hello all! Just came across this while lurking around. I'm Deniz from London. I'm serving as the Co-Founder and CTO of Bounty0x, which is a semi-decentralised bounty hunting/management platform for both blockchain and traditional companies.

mekalamanishna1 profile image
manish naidu

Whoah. Hi guys. Just gotta say that I've been waiting for the next coolest social networking site, and I gotta say that this might just be it 🤓. How have I never heard of this place before?!
like it

hadrien profile image
Hadrien • Edited

I am Hadrien.
I've started working on conversational bots to automate medical intake & triage process using RASA framework. Super interesting & challenging project so far. If anyone has good reads on the subject, please share!

justsharkie profile image

Well now this community sounds amazing! I look forward to learning along with everyone else here!

Me? I'm a Front End Developer, currently on that fun thing called the job hunt. And on that note, my current project is basically just fiddling around with my portfolio site and making it the best it can be!

I'm a strong believer in web accessibility, because the web is for everyone.

vishal1023 profile image
Vishal Akkalkote

Hello Friends, My name is Vishal. I was surfing and some how I landed on one of the blog on DEV, It got my attention and after that I dig little deeper and what I got is, this really a cool networking. Love to be a part of this community to learn, to share and have some fun.
Little more about me. I have 7+ years of experience. Worked on different things e.g. Web application, creating Libs, Big Data, Kafka etc. Now working on Gemfire which is IMDG (In Memory Data Grid) and Apache Spark.
Primarily working on Java but have used Scala, C#, C++, Cuda and JavaScript

arinze19 profile image
Arinze Obi

Hi, my name is arinze I'm a new to software development...started my journey last year September on codecademy and I enjoy working with the MEAN stack, although I haven't quite gotten a hang of it..I'd really like to start building my own projects soon and quit jumping from tutorial to tutorial goal is to build software that can help accelerate development of underdeveloped countries

_bbsy profile image
+ sy + • Edited

Hi, I just discovered this site (newbie). I'm a Python Developer. I'm currently having a difficult time in JavaScript as I'm not familiar with it. I hope people here might help me. Hehe. Nice to meet you all!!!

carolsmith_sf profile image
Carol Smith

I am Carol and I work with Scalefusion MDM Solution. I have worked for the Android environment with Ruby on Rails, Python, Java

aleks025 profile image
Alexandar Mladenovic

Hello World! :D

I'm new here so let me introduce myself. English is not my native language, so if you have some critiques feel free to tell me.
I was made my firs programming steps in High School with Pascal and Python. Since then, I haven't moved any further. Now, 15 years after that i decide to make some serious steps in software development with C#, PHP, HTML CSS JS. Some friends and my wife told me that i'm to old with my 30 years for that, but i don't mind, I like changes and learning new stuffs.
Any advice or critiques are welcome

queenscript profile image

Hey, everyone- Queen here! I am a budding front-end developer and I design for the web and print by day.

Maricris Bonzo shared my feelings exactly; I've only spent 15 minutes on this site, and I'm already hooked. is my young developer's dreams come true (:tear:). I'm learning to be a javascript ninja, and I'll probably focus on React after that- what are your thoughts on the different frameworks?

hackergem profile image

Hello world! I've finally made it down to the DEV community and I have so much excitement.

My name is Shanice, I'm a current college student studying Game Design. I've been programming for a couple of years, but haven't done anything spectacular yet. Currently learning Python, Javascript, Blender and Unreal and it's honestly scaring me, lmao.

I look forward to learning from everyone here, sharing my meetup adventures and the tricks and tips that I've picked along the way.

rpalo profile image
Ryan Palo

Hi Shanice! Good to have you here! Game design is a topic that I don't know a whole lot about, but the little I've seen is really interesting, especially tying in Python and Javascript (which I know a little about) into Blender and Unreal (which I don't). Anyways, I look forward to seeing your posts! Let me know if you have any questions about anything :)

vedagayathrihyd profile image
Veda Gayathri-India's Largest Pooja Booking Portal

MuleSoft: The Comprehensive Integration Platform for Modern Enterprises

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, businesses require seamless integration of various applications, data, and devices to stay competitive. This is where MuleSoft, a leading integration platform, steps in to bridge the gap. MuleSoft's Anypoint Platform™ enables enterprises to connect applications, data, and devices, both on-premises and in the cloud, thereby unlocking the full potential of their digital ecosystem. In this article, we'll delve into what MuleSoft is, its key features, benefits, and how it can transform your business.

What is MuleSoft?
MuleSoft is an integration platform that provides tools to connect and integrate different systems, applications, and data sources. Founded in 2006 and later acquired by Salesforce in 2018, MuleSoft has become a cornerstone for companies looking to accelerate their digital transformation initiatives. The core of MuleSoft's offering is the Anypoint Platform™, which combines API management, data integration, and connectivity tools in a single, unified solution.Mulesoft institutes in Hyderabad

chrisblakely01 profile image
Chris Blakely

Hi all!

I'm Chris, currently working at a startup as a web dev across the full tech stack - Mostly React, Java, Node, Postgres, running on AWS.

I started writing on Medium in January, with the aim of helping those new to web development improve their skills and get job ready. Recently started my own blog and aim to start on YouTube in the coming months!

I've learned quite a bit from and hoping to give back to the community. Reach me over at Twitter if you want a chat!

neofit2 profile image

Hello everybody

My name is Vlad, I have been a professional for 4 years in which I did Haskell Development and QA, in my free time I learn languages, the "real" ones. Like Mandarin, Nederlasse, Deutsch, etc. right now I am learning Hebrew, some management tips for work and I am looking forward to learning selenium perfectly.

I hope I will learn a lot from you guys!

sgmallon profile image
Scott Mallon • Edited

I've never introduced myself on this platform but it seems like a great place to learn and grow from one another.

I'm Scott.

I have around two years of professional experience.

My first position was a full-stack position at a .NET shop working on Police/Emergency software systems.

More recently, I write custom web-applications for a law firm using React JS. I have also made small, work-flow applications for them using ASP.NET MVC/Webforms, depending on the scope of the project.

I have dabbled with .NET Core Web API, Node.js and React-Native. These are the current technologies I study in my spare time.

My main passion right now is React JS. I'm planning on going to a React conference at some point this year (who wants to come with me?!) and, more generally, getting into more turn-key web application development is a goal of mine. Hopefully, I can build a solid foundation for what I hope will turn into the start of a small business in about 5-7 years. For any that are curious, I hope to provide cloud-based solutions for either the Pawn or Law industries (considering these are two areas where I have experience and small-business models are often applied in those sectors).

Love this community so far!

bhagyashri_ghode profile image
bhagyashri ghode

Hi all,
I'm Shree a Software developer.I'm passionate in coding also willing learn new stuff in this world Coding.Now i'm learning Python.I need improve my coding skills in all aspect.I want help from all of you.

leonblade profile image
James Stine • Edited

Actually saw this site on the Google Chrome mobile "new tab" page. Oddly enough, it seems to curate a decent amount of news relevant to me which is pretty cool.

I've been programming for about 10+ years of my life, but I've always been unemployed apart from some minor jobs online. I've always wanted to work in an office, but my social anxiety has prevented me from seeking employment.

I'm here to learn from all of you who are far more smarter than me.

esiatta1 profile image
Esi • Edited

Greetings to all, I'm new to Web dev! I am taking online courses at FlatIron while working part-time as a school counselor! I also have family obligations so I'm pretty busy! I'm studying Ruby now and it's been fun and challenging! Any study tips r highly appreciated!


efeagare profile image
Agare Efe Knowledge • Edited

Hi guys
My name is Efe, I'm looking forward to get the chance to learn and contribute to projects.
Currently, I levelling up on Ruby and Ruby on rails

Fun-Fact: I love singing and playing the lead guitar

I'm really excited to be in this platform

orcpac7 profile image
Jay Dee

Saw a brilliant presentation by "Ali", linked to here. Was amazed at her work and at the crap being tweeted at her. Wanted to see more good work and observe if that was an isolated case of chauvinist crap?

jbelmont80 profile image
Jean-Marcel Belmont

Hello Everybody,

I just joined, I have been writing blog posts on my own blog for a couple of years but I have been hearing a lot about the community through podcasts and through some other developers and wanted to join.



rohil_cris profile image

Hey I'm rohil.. currently learning front-end web-development from @freecodecamp and other online sources
i suffer from social anxiety so i love to interact with people online :) see ya people around <3

shannon_gdesign profile image
Shannon Gahagan • Edited

Nice to meet you all!

I got a B.S. in G.D. ...that's funny to say out loud, from Philadelphia University (now known as Jefferson University). I have 3 years of experience working in-house. I currently live near Indianapolis, with my Sheltie/Chihuahua puppy and S.O.

Just trying to learn more code, would like to shift into UX. If anyone has any tips about how to make the transition, from graphic design to UX, I'm all ears!

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Sometimes I feel like a big part of UX is just making sure the user doesn't think you're a jerk for making them click seven times to perform one action. UX is one of my favorite subjects, and since coming back to tech, I see it everywhere. E.g., this morning I have to call bank in my local community to see if they've shredded my debit card. The machine takes it from you and dispenses cash before giving it back. That's just poor UX!

This is my third offense, so maybe it's just me.

I've taken some of Joe Natoli's courses, but I think most of the UX experience I've learned on my own came out of doing research on something that bothered me (modals) or jumping down a rabbit hole of science articles about human/computer interaction. Good luck!

impeccable_coder profile image
Mark Harris • Edited

Hey folks,
I'm Mark. I am passionate about programming. I am working in Java, JQuery and learner in Python.
My hobby is programming. programming is my passion and love to code.

Very Excited to join the dev.

wilfrantz profile image

Hello there,

My name is Wilfrantz I am a CS student at UML curiously looking into the programming world to build a solid developer career, I am currently learning data Structures with C. I am very happy to be here, I really love the community specifically the website itself, for a young programmer, it is very inspiring and motivating.

I am working a few projects, mainly an event website right in HTML, CSS and of course Javascript. I am interested in many topics, I am here for networking (obviously).


andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

I really enjoyed rebuilding's notifications. Originally, we built that section of the app by relying on a third party service to handle the data. Working around the service's logic though was a bit annoying, and it made good sense to handle notifications ourselves. Now we can easily write up code to send notifications with GIFs in them 🙃

justdevzero profile image
Daniel Ripoll

Hi fellas,or should I introduce me with the eternal "Hello world!"?

I think that as a lot of us come here because the major social networks are well... More social more major but less geeky content. Today ended up on my twitter stream and got registered in less time that you fuck up your system with a kill -9 -1.

I always wanted to create a site like this, and now instead I can just enjoy the already existent community and help to improve it.

I only have a word to describe this discover: Beautiful.

Apart from my amaze, let me introduce my self.

My name is Daniel, but my fellow programmer tend to call me JustDevZero, Zer0 in the nowadays.

I have been working on my last company over 2 years, starting from plain simple junior with street bare knowledge to actual "DevOps Manager" (I only see my self as a developer with passion on systems, but you know how companies love to tag everything)

I'm currently playing with Django, and in the seek of new framework to replace the old code done pylons/pyramid that we got into some newesh (better if HTTP2 compatible).

Also, I'm doing a new project related on DNS, security and python.

ashleemboyer profile image
Ashlee (she/her)

Hi! I'm Ashlee from Indianapolis, IN. I currently work as a front-end web developer at a small software company on the northeast side of the city. First of all, this site seems amazing, and I'm so glad I found it on Twitter. This past week I've been lurking around for more information on UX jobs to level-up my career, and Twitter has 100% delivered. I'm seeing a lot of the same people here, and I'm excited to get to reading.

Some fun facts about me (I hate how much this feels like the first day of a new class in college, lol): I was the first (currently, only?) woman from my high school to go to my once all-male engineering school, and I also have a three-legged rescue pitbull.

jack profile image
Jack Williams

Hello, I'm Jack, a 37 year old developer from the southern US.

I've been doing professional development for a little over 7 years. As of late, I've fallen in love with .NET Core and JavaScript / React. But have worked in Java, Java / Android, and Ruby on Rails.

I've found myself on this site lately more and more, and decided to sign up. I'm still not sure if I understand what it is (is it a blogging platform, a social platform, or both?!). One thing I do know is has been very helpful!

jeyoung profile image
Eddy Young

Bonzour. I'm here to see if the rumours about being much better than SO are true. Please don't disappoint me :-)

I am a Head of Development but still love to code whenever an opportunity presents itself. You'll see me dabbling with C# most of the time, but I also write C as a hobby. However, my passion is object-oriented technologies, especially object-oriented design.

caiwl profile image
William Cai

Hi guys,

My name is William Cai. I'm based in Beijing China. I have been working in identity management field for 15 years. My favorite project is Speedle open source project. It was published on GitHub recently. My colleagues and I spent quite some effort on it. And we believe it is the best product in access management area in the world. I hope we can contribute a bit to the world with this product.

thank you and look forward to discussing with you on interesting software development questions.


i_maka profile image
Diego Perez

Hi everyone!

I'm a web dev with a keen eye for UX, I've been working on Salesforce Commerce Cloud projects for a while but what I'm really into is Javascript/Node/Angular stuff, so I try to keep myself busy with side projects where I can learn and stay up to date.

I joined this awesome community to try and give back a bit of what I learned from all the community out there, and hoping that would also make me a bit better at what I do.

volhan profile image
Volhan Salai

Hi <3,

I am Volhan an iOS Developer from Paris, France. I study at Ecole 42 the best school in the world and work from StationF the biggest startup campus in the world. What's up! :P

I am leading a team of developers and we are always looking for more projects so if you have something you don't have time to do or you need a partner tell me :D <3

mmjanagale profile image
Mukhtar Mohamed • Edited

Hi Guys, am here to advance my Javascript knowledge, I have seen some recommendations for this site DEV.TO, i can see it has cool and clearly written stuff. i hope can benefit lot from the community in this platform. happy to join.

melihaksoy profile image
Melih Aksoy

Hey everyone,

I'm Melih, but you can call me Mel which is shorter and easier to remember - tho it's a female name in Netherlands, some colleagues gets excited to meet me only to get disappointed. Anyway, stumbled upon this site on Twitter. Nice to be here with fellow devs !

I'm an Android Developer for 6 years now, working mainly with Kotlin & Java, know my way around gradle & Groovy, developing games in Unity with C# in some of my free time.

Other than that I'm wrestling with my dog and show up covered in fur.

jidefela profile image
Jide Arowofela

Hello house. I've been an avid reader of, The sense of community here is so strong, also the emojis are really cool 🤓. Thanks to the teams @thepracticaldev that made this possible.
I'm a self taught developer with a background in Java. Currently, i'm working with PHP/Laravel and learning ReactJS. In my spare time, i build apps for Android whilst learning Kotlin.
Glad to be here!

anyaritanake profile image
Anyari Tanake

print ("Hello Community!")
greet = ("I'm happy to meet you all! ")
print (greet * 1337)
my_heart = input ("Do you like my greet? y/n ")

if my_heart == ("y"):
print ("Thank You! :D")
elif my_heart == ("n"):
print ("-,-")

earthtone profile image
Tonio Hubilla

Long time lurker...

My name's Tonio. I've been working as a front-end developer for about five years now, and previously studied making music with computers a few years before all that. I wouldn't consider what I did "programming", but it is what made me fall in love with creative computing.

I first learned HTML and Javascript, and eventually CSS, from just being a fan and a participant of the internet. It was only a few years ago that someone saw what I was doing with music and said if I already knew HTML and CSS, and was willing to learn, I could potentially make enough money to pay my rent from code rather than working in warehouses. I'm only here now because someone gave me a chance and took the time to mentor me.

I recently relocated from the greater NYC area to Sydney. I do a lot of commercial work with Vue these days, but I'd describe myself as more of a general Javascript nerd. I'm not very good at talking about myself, but I really enjoy nerding out over some code.

abdulbasithabdulbasith profile image
abdulbasith-abdulbasith • Edited

Wow it's amazing. I'm medium. creator Lightny Wizard who strives to learn everything from this Multiverse Currently I'm learning Angular along with HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT. I'm just nooooob who was just started getting fun using Android App,ROM,WebApp, Embedded ((Automation)).

imdesigntank profile image
Chris A. Raymond

Hi everyone! I'm a UX and graphic designer planning to lurk here to try to learn some more about development and coding, and maybe ask questions. Fun fact: I play pick-up basketball with a bunch of other middle-aged women.

_baruchadi profile image
Baruch Hen

Hi everyone 👋

I got here because I wanted to start getting more involved in the community!

I am currently in between jobs. I will be starting my new position at Facebook in late May. Until then, I will be dedicating my time to writing articles 📝 (going to start publishing on here now too!), work on my personal site 🌐 (, and work on an game 🎮!

Looking forward to meeting new people on here and sharing my experiences! 🙌

mebble profile image
Neil Syiemlieh

Welcome to Baruch! And good luck with your new job!

georgecronje1 profile image

Hey everyone!
Can't believe I've never heard of this site until now. Really cool stuff on here.
I'm George (hai 👋) and I've been a dev for about 3 years now. Working mainly on the MS stack (C# & ASP.Net). I've got a lot of love for React. Trying to learn Angular (but keeping thinking to myself this is so easy in React :P ). Also learning bits about .Net Core and loving it.

About me, I'm currently living in New Zealand (HUGE Lord of the Rings fan) but moving to South Africa soon. Also big fan of Star Wars, MCU & LOVE Smallville.

Look forward to learning heaps with all of ya :D
Have fun!!

netelcid1 profile image

Hi Guys, Just joined & glad to be here.
Cycons is a Cyberrisk Consulting Services Startup and my fourth children. :)
As a consultant I am open for exchange knowledge & experience.
May the Force be with us.. Great community.

arkaprovob profile image

Hello fellow knowledge seekers! you guys are doing great! Glad to be a part of Let us have some fun by doing something meaningful and spreading our knowledge to the rest of the members. Looking forward to learn and contribute.

clara profile image

Hey there!
I am Clara and I feel in love with programming while doing a coding bootcamp in Berlin. Previous I was working in law.
Now I am a teacher for the same Coding Bootcamp but in Tel Aviv and a web developer :)

Mainly working with Ruby on Rails but also curious what other languages and frameworks hold. What's your favourite language/framework?

rafaelcastrocouto profile image

Hey all,

It was about time for me to find a new social place, and now with the integration with, you got me for good!

My name is Rafael and I've been developing this web card game for 5 years... wow it's been a while. So the game is open source and written in JS with jQuery, the backend is Node with mongoDB, no frameworks nor engines.

I also love maths, shaders and optical illusions. I try to help at stackoverflow and I've made some neat stuff at codepen. Do send me meems 😆

leevie profile image
Leevie Martin

Hello All!

I'm currently enrolled in a full stack web development course and am looking to break into the industry once completed.

I'm about halfway through and have learned HTML, CSS, JavaScript, NodeJS, and am now getting into MySQl and Express. This course is centered around the MERN stack, so I'll eventually get into MongoDB and ReactJS, as well.

I've been in IT (Infrastructure) for over 20 years and am excited to break into this part of the industry. Web Development -- coding, in general -- is something that I've been passionate about for years. I'm looking forward to making this my career! 😄

elciodalosto profile image
Elcio Augusto Dalosto

Hello dear Aliens!
I just signed in because I like the cleaning face of this site.
I came to stop here through an e-mail received from Dan Bader talking about "dev burnout" and this topic brought me to an article on this website, written by Daragh Byrne.

I really wish all success for the devs of this space and that we may grow up as human beings, learning with each other.

scrptkd3spag3ti profile image
Quintius Walker

Where to start? So how'd I get here? Let's see. I tend to be long winded so I'll try my best to slim this. Sorry. Oh, you can just call me "Q". Yep, like the letter Q. :)

Shortest route is that I'm a rapper turned hacker who fell in love with coding along the way. Hacking sparked my interest in WAIT. Back up. It went like this actually; The group Anonymous sparked my interest in hacking, which sparked my interest in computers and Information Technology. Learned that there was such a thing as an ethical hacker which blew my mind BTW. Met cool mentors who said if you want to be an ethical hacker you'll have to learn the basics first...

Since "basics first" was all over the internet I decided I needed formal guidance thus checked into a community college and took a computer programming degree plan. From knowing nothing about coding I was promptly introduced to Visual Basic, C#, JavaScript, Java, PHP, SQL, MySQL, all somehow stuffed into 2 years. Given that I chose the online path, the formal guidance that I spoke about ended up being 2 years self-taught with the internet as my instructor anyway. This is precisely how I fell in love with coding! Fast-forward...

Look mentors I did it. I'm a nice amateur coder. Mentors say yeah that's awesome but if you want to be a hacker you by all means need to know the network. What the heck is that suppose to mean, right? (Rolls up sleeves.) This time check into a university with an IT Security degree plan. Learn all about the network but interestingly hit a coding hiatus as a result that lasted ahhhh' about...4 or so years. (shrinks down in chair). So how'd I get here??? (I'm almost done, sorry. But I did warn you beforehand about the long winded-ness).

Right when I'm drawing near the end of my IT-Sec degree, I end up taking a job as a full-time Frontend Developer. And almost overnight it seems I was reunited with my first love...Coding. If that isn't enough, I'm blessed (or cursed /shrug) to be in a position where the company doesn't care what language I use to get my duties on the front end fulfilled as long as the over all requirement works as expected and needed. Thus far I've relied on Visual Basic (because my senior backend SQL dev is an older accountant turned DBA who's skill set lies in VBA mainly) and JavaScript because that's the frontend language that I had the most experience with when I was separated from coding.

All things being considered, I think DEV is the flyest thing since the airplane and the best invention since sliced bread, ya dig? Nice to meet you guys. :)

gtteezy profile image
High Standards. Low Maintenance.

What's popping folx? I'm here to find community to lean on as I trek on my journey to be an Enterprise Architect.

I currently work in talent acquisition and business development. IT is my passion though, and I plan to leverage my Psychology and Industrial Organization background to help create successful solutions.

My current project is a web redesign for a 30 year old company with a 10 year old website.

I'm picking up alotta useful info and I just wanna say HEY!🙋🏾‍♀️

rfern_____ profile image

Hi! 👋I'm late to joining, but happy to be here! I'm an Analytics Manager with Amazon's Prime Video and based in Seattle. I'm really passionate about developing others, especially people who are excited to learn and love data. I've been working in analytics for about 10 years, mostly in startups prior to joining Amazon a couple years ago.

My favorite project right now is a co-teaching pilot with North Carolina Central University in Durham, NC. I'm currently on the plane back from spending two weeks on campus teaching their students on "Data-Driven Leadership" and how to bridge the skills gap between college and industry. My goal is to get them excited about the tech industry and de-mystify the way we run our organizations so they can figure out the right place for them to succeed.

I've been a longtime lurker on, but my students really inspired me to dive into my own learning journey even further, so here I am. 😊🏁

kathasis profile image

Hi Guys! I'm Kath! A Bachelor of Science in Information Technology graduate, but I am currently working as a Graphic Artist. I.T. is really a large field, I thought I am into software developing but didnt learn a lot of language. We are focused on VB.Net and I am afraid to say I am not qualified. But now, I found what I really love. I love designing and I love to solve problems.

I wanted to be a Wed Designer or a Front End Developer. I hope I will be one, soon. And I know I will learn a lot here. Thank You!

srini85 profile image
Srini Vasudevan

Hi guys, I'm an experienced dotnet + full stack dev/architect (11 years+ experience in professional software dev).

I love all things software, and take every opportunity to learn something new and share that to others to make them better software engineers.

Would love to contribute to a new open source project/pet project if anyone is seeking help so that I can learn new things and hopefully also share my knowledge.

sivacse profile image
Sivanthi K

Hi All,

This is Sivanthi. Working as a Senior full stack developer in one of the company. i'm from Chennai , India. I have 9 years of working Experience with Javascript. recently working with Angular, React, Redux , Node.js etc. Joined here to learn and teach more.

syriandeveloper profile image
Malek Tarboush

Hello , I'm happy to join such a great social network site.
My name is Malek from Syria, I'm Java developer since very long time (since Java 1.3)
Now I'm full-stack developer working with native tools and frameworks
like react, react native for web and mobile apps
and for sure Java as back-end and express-js sometimes
I brought here by someone I follow on twitter, I read about the site and liked the idea of social network for developers so I joined the party

reinamarron profile image

Hello I'm Reina, I found the DEV community on twitter and got curious. I'm a math teacher and my goal is to become a web developer/web designer. I found coding to be so interesting. I survive on Dove chocolate and my fav Cuban coffee. I'm just getting started with Basic JavaScript and finishing up CSS grid on FCC. I'm glad I found this community. It's cool.

rikkhill profile image
Rikk Hill

Hello, lovely people.

I've been working in tech for about 16 years, covering a lot of ground, including full(ish) stack web dev, infrastructure and a lot of database work. A while ago I took a year out to complete a Masters in Machine Learning, and I've been enjoying the surprisingly unhelpful job title of "data scientist" as a result. For coding-fun I work on miscellaneous data projects and experiment with game development, which I am very bad at but enjoy all the same.

I'd like a quieter, gentler place on the internet to talk about callbacks or mixins or whatever without people yelling at each other or sweating blood. That'd be great.

enriquerene profile image
Enrique René Beauxis Reyes

My name is Enrique René, I'm brazilian and bachelor on physics. I love math and science. On code, I like PHP on server side, serving as Rest API while React and React Native consume that to render beautiful screens which I love building. My favourite job is on frontend development.

gauravnavgire profile image
Gaurav Navgire

Phew!!! Vue brought me here. I'm toying with Vue to create my next single page Web App.

I have tried working with React and Angular, but frankly speaking I'm able to get on with Vue much faster.

Most of my experience has been into Mobile app development and Backend development using Java. I wanted to start with web app development anyhow this year. So here I am, after 10 years of software development, back to square one :D , and I'm loving it.

cole_ruche profile image
Emeruche Ikenna

Hey all! My name's Emeruche Cole. Self-taught full stack developer. But lately back end has proved to be a real headache, plus it's kinda ugly. So I'm going frontend now. I know HTML, CSS,vanilla JS, React (with Redux), and Python's Django and Django REST frameworks.
Most beautiful things I've learnt and I'm fascinated about is React and APIs - wonderful lovelies!
I'm working on a side project with a friend online I haven't met, and do not hope of meeting! We mean to get serious with it and monetize it. So my first question, is it safe working on a project with someone you've never met before, but is more advanced than you, and you feel will cheat you out of it?

bip3r profile image
Or Orsatti

Hello, fellow programmer! I was looking for a place to enjoy the company of other programmers.. Looks like I have came to the right place!

My name is Or, and I'm about to join the army soon. I'm a student and I'm in love with coding, and especially with full stack development. For the past 3 years I have been studying it at my school and outside of my school.

This site helped my a lot with React and I though it would be nice to hop on the train and start hanging here, learning and helping as much as a can!

Hope to learn a lot from you, and thanks for the help you already gave me!

darkokolev profile image

Hi fellow devs.

I am a full stack developer at BitcoinAverage, we provide realtime and historical crypto price data for all sorts of startups and projects.

I'm also building my own personal organization/productivity/self-improvement software on the side called LifeHQ, I'm about to launch it in a few days so that's exciting.

Overall my native language is Python but I dabble in NodeJS and Javascript (can't escape it even if you want to). I also like experimenting with more obscure languages like Elixir, Elm etc.

vanaf1979 profile image
Stephan Nijman

Hi guys, My name is Stephan from the Netherlands. I've been a WordPress/php/javascript developer for the past 18 years or so. I started out as a php and actionscript developer and grew into a development manager role. I then moved on to become a freelancer, building mostly WordPress stuff.

After two years of downtime due to medical reasons, im now working as a parttime WordPress developer at a local marketing company, and spend my free time writting and tweeting about anything WordPress dev related.

And I just joined this site because it looks like a great community :)

rvictorino profile image
Robin Victorino

Hi !

I'm @rvictorino ! I've been a professional dev for approximately 2.5 years now, and I'm loving it!

I currently code in Groovy (Grails Framework) at Kazaden, a french start-up. I'm mostly a Java guy, but I enjoy JS and often find myself trying to learn new programming languages with a lot side projects that I never finish ¯_(ツ)_/¯.

I spend some time on these days too; getting great mentoring and learning a lot (if you don't know exercism, go check this awesome project asap).

I've been stumbling upon a few articles on the past few weeks, so I thought I might join this community too!

kimmydoray profile image

Hi guys, I am excited to bring my development experience to a whole new level by signing up to this site. It is weird that I have never heard of this site before lols XD. Looking forward to learn new things.

I am a Web Developer for 2 years but I am not really confident with my skill and I know this site will be a big help for me to learn new stuff.

I know this devs here are already senpai .

mridullpandey profile image

hey buddies i'm a newbie to this community and whole programming world as well,right now i'm persuing my graduation in computer science and engineering.

so guys your little help will be much appreciated 🙏.

linetechelectr profile image
Ed Romero

Hola and buenas!!! First comment and hopefully not my last. I know I'll have plenty of questions as I embark on my journey. Learning to code at 46 and looking to change my career. I look forward to learning from all. Thanks.

bmroby01 profile image

In July 2018 I decided that my job at the time had kind of taken it's course and there wasn't really anywhere else to go with it. I was working as a remote tech support agent for a company based out of New Zealand. I loved the people I worked with, and working from home, but I had learned pretty much all I could for that position, and as a very small, established company, there wasn't much room for growth or other opportunities. So, I started teaching myself to code using online tutorials, videos, books, etc.

By November, I was applying for an internship with a local company who had an amazing paid internship program, were really into self-taught developers and those who had taken a different track, and had a great success rate for their interns. I got a call back and they let me know they actually wanted to hire me full-time. I was floored. I was still very much a newbie and had a lot of learning to do, but they were willing to take the risk on me, take me on and teach me the ropes.

I started as an Entry-Level Developer with the company in January and have learned a ton since then. I absolutely love my job, they seem to be happy with me and my progress, and I'm ready to keep learning and leveling-up. When I saw someone I follow on Twitter mention, I figured it would be a good place to connect with other Devs and help me keep growing and learning. So here I am! I'm super excited to be a part of this community, to become a better developer, and to grow.

Currently I work with mostly Python, MongoDB, PostGres, and AWS on the back end, but I also work with Go a little as well. I'm really interested in leveling-up my Python skills more than anything.

bgschiller profile image
Brian Schiller

Hello! I've been seeing some great posts on this site and decided to join and see what it's about :)

I've been blogging for a while on my own site, so I'm borrowing a post from there to kick things off:

Right now, I'm excited about TypeScript and how to make node express servers more ergonomic and type-safe. Hoping to have a post on that finished in a couple weeks.

wittionary profile image
Witt Allen

Hello everyone! My name is Witt and I'm in the SysOps world with a focus and fascination for monitoring, scripting, and automation. My GOTO (😉) languages are Python and Powershell. I'd like to learn Golang at some point in the future too, but I'm focusing on getting more experience and deeper knowledge with Python right now.
My current, long-term goal is to land a job on the DevOps side of things using my years of systems and monitoring experience and insight to the dev world.

chriswbates profile image
Chris Bates

I just happened upon this site while reading on reddit. I’ve been teaching JS for 4 years and use Java and previously Robot-C for our FTC robotics team. I just became a dev this year so my Comp. Sci. & Engr. students could publish their apps in the Google Play Store, MrB1543.
I have a steep learning curve, but I’m hopeful that insights from others will help me and thus help my students.

I’m stuck right now trying to simplify my code on a Genius Hour Projects app that keeps crashing. I use MIT App Inventor, and it gave me some tips that I’m trying to figure out what they mean.

sohjsolwin profile image
Josh • Edited

Hey everyone. Just getting signed up and everything filled out. I've been mainly a C# developer for the better part of the last 12-13 years or so, and now I also run the developer blog at our company.

We just got it going late last year (after years of "we should totally do that"), and chose Medium initially due to the ease of having a single "publication" that individual team members could contribute to and own their own work. It's important to me that each author get credit for what they write. With Medium, I could add each of them as writers to the publication and we could review and give feedback on the submissions prior to the publication date.

I'm not a fan of the direction Medium is going with the strong arming every reader into being a paid user, so I'm considering alternatives. Dev.To seems like a great place for developer focused articles, content, and discussions, but being new to it, I'm not sure how, or if it's even possible, to simulate the workflow that we currently have.

Any feedback or insight from users that have made a similar journey would be much appreciated.

I just found the "Organization" section. Reading up on that now. It sounds like exactly what I was looking for. Awesome!

leadersheir profile image

Hello. I'm Waris. Coding is sort of a hobby and I'm not so good at it. I know python quite much. Have worked on a personal project of a homework manager application for students. It was going well, almost completed it, the databases, the back end, everything was fine until the GUI wasn't working for some reason. So I left the project and have been studying kotlin ever since. Still learning.

Hope to make friends here who could help me on my journey of becoming an actual developer.

abdulbasithabdulbasith profile image

Whooooh it's amazing. Hi guys I'm a medium here begin learning WebApp Development using Angular/Fire along with HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT. Just nooooob, Just Started Fun with Android App,ROM, WebApp Development wow it's awesome 🤩🥰😜

jijii03 profile image

Heelo guys, I've just discovered this social network!

My name is lincey I'm a software developer student for 2 years in college, I'm trying to learn some new things (even if it's difficult but I'm trying my best) and I'm looking for some advices. Currently learning in c#in back-end and front-end only html css for now. I cant wait to learn some more 😊

bootcode profile image
Robin Palotai

Hi guys, I'm Robin. A long (?) time software developer, here to help you be more effective in coding and at the workplace.

I started coding on a ZX Spectrum (1), but got semi-serious only later using Turbo Pascal. Got to administer the school's Linux servers (we wanted to download movies using wget with an unimaginable 20K/sec speed). Got in good company, learned C, went to uni.

Got some research experience, also worked as a programmer at Ericsson, Epam and finally Google. I stayed there for 5 years, tech lead a small team for the second half.

Recently I went entreprenurial with family & friends. I'm actively working on (tool for legal translators) and my book [Programming Without Anxiety][].

I also belive we programmers don't read enough code. So I want to make good code reading material accessible - to that end I open-sourced Underhood, my code browsing frontend (2).

Feel free to ask me about situations related to programming as a day job (stuck? unmotivated? insecure? bored?). I'll do my best to answer.

(1): I try to recreate the atmosphere in a modern environment, see and

(2): This is pretty early stage yet, can have a peek at
Code at

juhsep profile image
Juha Seppänen

Got into when referred here by a colleague. It's interesting to see forums like this to pop up. I was a coder turned into a systems tester turned into interaction designer turned into project manager who turned into engineering manager who took a side step to become product manager. I nitpick about stupid interaction/UX mistakes (favorite: UI's with multiple languages at a time - did they run out of strings to translate in the contract?). Really interested in business problems of organisations who make money with software, directly or by using software systems. Dad, husband, retro computing nut (Apple 2 & Macs).

dwaynedevelops profile image
Dwayne P.

Hello all. I'm Dwayne, an online student learning full stack web development at Lambda School. I don't have much experience with programming other than being a code monkey with html, and my course-work over the past 2 months.

I'm ready to learn and exercise my brain a bit.

jeremy_dxb profile image

Hello everyone, I'm new here and I'm not a programmer. I've written a few macros in Excel and that's just about it. Besides that, I've tried my hand at C, Python and JS. I am planning to learn the basics of JS in the next couple of months.

cubiclebuddha profile image
Cubicle Buddha

Welcome and congrats. JS is a great language to become proficient in. It’s the language I cut my teeth on. Consider trying out Typescript occasionally because it can be a very effective way of learning the rules of JS if you turn strict: true on in the tsconfig.json. But anywho, welcome! :)

jemmimaknight profile image
Jemmima Knight

Hello! I’m an engineering manager with a physics and computer science background, here to learn! I recently moved jobs from a machine learning, big data system written in Scala, to a front-end focussed one, where everything is React and node with a Go backend. So I’m here to educate myself and get some support hopefully along the way! 😊

enriquerene profile image
Enrique René Beauxis Reyes

Hi! I'm brazilian and bachelor on physics. I love math and sciences. On code, I like PHP as backend serving Rest API while I consume that on frontend JS. I like Slimframework, React, React Native and SASS. I'm Linux user and enthusiast. I like bash to automate my jobs as much as possible.

juanstoppa profile image
Juan Stoppa

hi everyone,
I've just joined but I've been reading for a long time. I'm a software engineer based in London, I work primarily on building software and web apps for the enterprise.
I'm currently working in an open source project for building dynamic forms in Angular, it's called FormQL (
I'm here to connect with others and learn, I really enjoyed reading the great articles and I like how everyone is so welcoming!

evansibok profile image
Evans Ibok

Hello, My name is Evans and I reside in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. I have been a UX Designer for over a year now, all self-taught and building personal projects to learn, until I started freelancing.

Currently, I'm learning front-end web development, I previously ran away from coding front-end because I felt I couldn't design, after being able to design both user experiences and user interfaces, I decided to return to coding, and so far I'm loving it. I'm currently in the JavaScript stage.

I'm here to learn from the community, get help when I'm stuck, meet amazing people and give back when required of me.

At the end of my learning period I plan to build a do-good project where people can send thank you cards to people they are grateful for. After I have learned ReactJS of course, and I am very much open to working with a back-end developer on it.

I hope to share love & positivity here. Thank you!

spicyyeti profile image

hiii, im carmi. im in a perpetual state of learning javascript, mostly. i really like making websites. my favorite project could arguably be considered my ONLY project,
i hope to be able to integrate here and learn a lot without getting savagely owned like on stackoverflow lololol (its cool, feel free to own me anyways)

pushkalsingh profile image

Hi guys, I am Pushkal Singh. I came across this community through an article on CSS Sigrid. I found the article useful and interesting and to follow the author I joined. On joining, I found that this is a rich community full of enthusiast and knowledgeable people. Currently I am a beginner in web development. I am learning it to change careers. I have 5 months of experience in the field with knowledge of HTML CSS3 jQuery Bootstrap PHP MySQL. I am a beginner in the field though I have 9 years of experience in other fields (mainly management).

zahedrassool profile image
Zahed Rassool • Edited

Hello World, Zahed here, Managing Director of a Small Tech Company in South Africa, vast experience in a bunch of dev languages, procedures and architecture. I don’t dev much anymore (the whole leading a company thing takes precedence) but I do love it and I’ve got a knack for Software Engineering and Architecture. I’m amazing with data and I’m an end-user whisperer, it takes a special kind to understand them end-users.

I really enjoy sharing knowledge and imparting what I’ve learned / experienced to whomever is willing.

Happy to be here!

I’ve clicked the “I’ve read the code of conduct” checkbox without actually reading it, I’m hardcore like that.

jamiekaren profile image
Jamie Ferrugiaro

Hi all! So excited to join this community!! :)

I'm 35 years old from New Jersey. So I've been working in accounting for 11 years now, and I'm finally taking that step to make a change to web development. I've just enrolled in Rutger University's Full Stack Coding Bootcamp.

Back in high school, I taught myself how to do HTML/CSS but stopped doing much a few years after that. For around 5 years now I've been volunteering with the charity Amman Imman, an amazing small team of passionate, great people, with their digital marketing.

This has often included working with some amateur design, UX/UI, and more on their various webpages over that time frame (we moved to a Wordpress site recently with the help of a web dev company). I've just redesigned a bunch of pages for a major project, building a Borehole-well in Africa with a total budget of this project around $385K.

Although my day job in accounting is for a great company, and with the charity it's exciting to volunteer for something I know is doing good in the world, I'm ready to take that official leap and one day work with a great team that can help me learn and grow even further.

Some fun random facts about me:

  • I'm an avid hiker, camper, climber and general outdoorswoman. If I'm doing something on the weekend it's usually trekking up a mountain somewhere. Utah and Colorado are two of my favorite places to travel/visit.

  • I play ukulele for fun

  • I'm also an artist

flrnd profile image
Florian Rand

Hello there! My Name is Florian, and I'm amazed by this awesome community :D! I discovered a few months ago and couldn't resist joining.

At this moment, I'm a graphic designer making the transition to front end development. I wrote an "introduction like" post. If you want to know a bit more, here it is:

In terms of languages, I'm learning and love javascript, typescript, python, and golang. I'm looking for excuses to play with Rust. I use ansible to automate a few things, and I love playing with docker too.

I am a Linux enthusiast since 1998 (yes I'm a bit old hehe) but in reality, I am Operative System agnostic. I use Mac and Windows as well, every tool has its use :).

Thanks everyone for your cool posts! You guys rock!

borisandcrispin profile image
Thiago Monteiro

👋 Hello everyone,

I'm Thiago, product designer and learning Js and React. I'm actually building GitDuck, a platform to help people to learn to code by watching other developers work.

Excited to learn more here!

uci_tech profile image
University of California, Irvine Tech Programs ☀️

Hi guys, love this website and the people! I take care of all the online coding classes at UCI and we’re always on the look out for amazing instructors 👩‍🏫 😎🤓👏🙏🏼 If you have a passion to teach online and share your tech power 🤞please DM us!

mohitkreates profile image

Hello Everyone. Hope you all are enjoying being in this community.

A nice informative article on PWA brought me here and I must say that this is one of the best community for developers.

Level of knowledge sharing in this community is so awesome that I joined this community immediately.

I'm just a student with an IT background and I also like to see myself as a Tech Freak who writes the code to make life easy for his environment.

Can't wait to share my knowledge and gain some knowledge from you guys also.

himan10 profile image
Himanshu Bhatnagar

Hello Everyone,
I'm Himanshu - a student or learner right now, currently working on data structures and Algorithms with python but also worked with c, c++ and bash.

Solving challenges/problems of Hackerrank, CodeWars (mostly regex and algorithms)

I think this is the best platform to learn some amazingly cool things with you guys.
God Bless you guys
Thank you.

cpo440 profile image
Rick Hoskins

Hi everyone. Found this site and thought I would give it a chance. My situation is little different from the post I've read so far. I will be retiring at the beginning of 2020 and I want to code. I was able to get my degree for software engineering while working. There's one draw back. I haven't been able to develop a portfolio and I have no experience. I would like to be in a position, once I retire, to take on some freelance work in front-end web development.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks for reading.

djdakta profile image
DJ Dakta

Hey There, I'm a newbie in coding and I'm learning Javascript.
I work as a Senior Support Engineer for a company that develops automation software for the retail sector.
I'm a freelance translator for a few projects like Grav, MS MakeCode,...

n3rd_rizzy profile image
Nyasha Chiroro

Hi guys. How are you? My name is Dennis. Im a CS student at the University of Zimbabwe. I started Web Development a couple of weeks ago but like a lot of people Im facing a lot of challenges. I hope you guys will help me get were I want and I also hope I'll make great friends along the way.

rto07 profile image
Raul Torres

Hello, I’m an aspiring front end dev currently pursuing certification. My background is in graphic design, and a little bit of marketing as well. At the moment I’m learning react. I have limited projects that I have worked on but to date my favorite has even building a chat room app. Working out the kinks and researching solutions is just fun. 🤷🏽‍♂️

kmorgan26 profile image
Kevin Morgan

Hello, Everyone!

I'm Kevin, and I work at a facility that does flight simulation for the US Army. It's a really cool place to work for me because I was in the Army for 20 years, so I get to be around a familiar culture...Army Aviation!

I have been working here since I retired from the Army in 2003, and part of my job has included creating some web applications. There have been a few that have fallen out of favor, but there are some that we still use as part of day-to-day operations. The problem is, they are ASP.NET Web Forms applications, and to be honest, they are a bit clunky. Nothing terrible, but there is a lot of spaghetti code, particularly the JavaScript. I know the code-base is awful, hard to manage, and impossible to test.

I have been hacking around with .NET Core, as I'm looking to replace the old applications. The problem is, I am a one-man team, so I have to code everything myself. I spend a lot of time working off the clock watching videos, reading articles...anything I can to become better at programming. It was a YouTube video on Coding Militia that brought me here, I am! I'm just looking to learn.

gerardoboss profile image
Gerardo Jaramillo Boss Leads

Hey guys!
Just wanted to say hi, I have been around the web since the 90s, I am a self thought developer, I spend most of my career working with PHP and some C#, in the last 5 years I expand my skills to Python and Javascript (Angular 2+) and I love the new paradigms of programming and specially clean code and SOLID principles.

I have tried some management jobs over the years but I have discovered that programing is my thing and don't want to do anything else!

Im here to learn and share! and heave FUN!

gureisu profile image

Hello! I'm Grace and I'm currently a university student studying my last year of software development. I'm here to learn from you pros! I love reading about the stories from when all of you first entered the industry.

I'm on holiday now which means I finally have room to enhance my skills. Im experienced in C#, Js, Sql, html, css and a bit of java and C. Would any of you guys recommend other languages that are essential to know before applying for jobs? Or any tips in enhancing my said skills I'd really like to learn while i'm on holiday.

pixelmod profile image
Guillaume Danguin


I'm Guillaume, working frontend for Digitevent.
I went... a bit everywhere? Started quite young on Basic, then C and C++ came along, Java inbetween, C# in more recent years, lots of python and Bash a few jobs ago... Also dabbled in a lot of places from gamedev, to close-to-the-metal dev, to fullstack shenanigans, did some competitions inbetween...
C++ will always have a nice spot in my heart, though I'm mostly using it for small pet projects that go nowhere.

Nice to meet you all, I haven't seen what this site is like yet but it looks nice

logicmason profile image
Mark • Edited

Hi there! I'm Mark. I really like reading, foreign languages and games.

I used to be a children's English teacher and made the transition into tech in my 30s. I went to Hack Reactor in 2013 and then worked at Groupon.

Just heard about from the Indie Hackers podcast recently...

andresdandrea profile image

Hi, my name is Andrés and this year I decided to learn to code.

I've chosen Python3 as my starting point, and I'm looking for some additional resources other than online courses which I can build habits upon, like coding games, coding challenges, etc.

There's an app called that has the option to exchange challenges with other users, however, sometimes I receive challenges that are seriously out of my league (as an apprentice).

I already found and which are the kind of thing I'm looking for, however I'm pretty sure there is good stuff out there that I'm missing, and this seems to be the proper community to ask for help.

So, what tools/resources can I use to build a habit of solving problems using python on a systematic & progressive way?

Cheers. Nice to meet you all :)

juanbosnic profile image

Hola there,

Finally grew some bawls to sign up to this awesome community.

I'm a former multimedia designer, currently Graphic Design student from Buenos Aires, Argentina, who just got out of a 2018 ridden with doubts and questioning, into a reassured and certain 2019.

You see, I've been a "jack of all trades, master of none" dwelling on design-related practices for almost 10 years. Starting from video edition, all the way into motion graphics, illustration, branding and finally web design. Got reeeally close to calling myself a "web developer", but never fully embraced it.

Never considered myself smart enough, skilled enough, nerdy enough.

Until today.

hangouh profile image
Hugo Hernández Valdez

Hi I'm Hugo, i work in a gps tracking software in México. Is my favorite proyect 'cause the information begins to grow and also to give me problems to store and process it, until now it has been a good challenge every day before sleep, if I can do it 😰 haha.

mistryvatsal profile image
Vatsal Mistry • Edited

Hello World, नमस्ते(Namaste).

Just had my eyes on the repo on GitHub and found out such an amazing social network!

Excited to be here and interact with people and exchange information and ideas.

Thanks to the founders of for making this place. This thing looks amazing.

My name is Vatsal. I'm from India, just completed my undergrad B.Tech in Computer Science. Have been doing some fun projects testing out my creativity and skills what I've learnt.

An all time Python lover.

But currently learning Javascript indepth with some UI frameworks like React and Redux.

Will share my stories through posts soon.

iza_biro profile image
Julia Biro

Oh hey! 😊

I'm Julia, proud mom of @DevRelAvocados and all sorts of 🥑shenanigans @nexmodev .
In the past couple of weeks I've been dipping my feet into the world of Node-RED, and here I am, tinkering my nights away one flow at a time.

I tend to learn by sharing, so I'd like to lurk around less and write more - all things Node-RED, programmable communications, DevRel, developer communities, JS and some sprinkles of design on the side.

My favourite project is one I'm currently working on - I've started a series of weekly tutorials about building communications into your Node-RED applications. - The first one just went live this week 🎉:

I love it for a number of reasons, but working with an open-source project, the great community behind it, the constant challenge of learning, building and breaking things comes to mind :)

jai513 profile image

Hi there , recently graduated from college and took course on java.searching for job opportunity.learing data structures and algorithms.
Started with JavaScript.
found the Dev community really excited to share my thoughts and work with community.

arminas profile image

Hey guys!
Just joined Have been reading different articles almost everyday, so today was the day, that I decided to join this community fully.

My name is Arminas and I am front-end developer for almost a year now. Working with AngularJS, SASS, hoping to migrate to Angular soon. On free time (not so free, I must say), I am working on my bachelor degree project, a PWA of rental property managment system, using MERN stack.

I am really greatful for all those articles from all of you guy, it gives me motivation and adds so much to my learning, from now on hoping to participate in discussions and maybe someday write a post for all of you guys!


matthewvielkind profile image
Matthew Vielkind

Hi y'all! Where has this place been my whole life?! This place is amazing and I'm excited to see all the cool things everyone has going on! A little about me, I've been a data scientist for 7 years and has started getting more interested in how Python can be used outside of data science. Specifically I've been exploring how I can make hyper-personalized applications to myself that can help me make decisions throughout the day. I'm excited to share and learn with you all!

sunilnayak profile image
Sunil-Nayak • Edited

Whats up devs.
To be honest I dunno how I bumped in here but its the coolest site ever.

My name is Sunil and I am from India. I am freelancer web dev, just an year old. Open to learn and contribute.

I have a website of my own. Feel free to visit my website

Hope to make good friends here, learn and share the knowledge.

ginoferrand profile image
Gino Ferrand

Hi everyone 👋👋👋

Glad to be a part of this community. I'm founder of TECLA. We are a hiring marketplace that connects companies connect with remote developers throughout the Americas.

I used to build iOS apps so I'm proficient with Obj-C and JavaScript, but I can't say that I'm at a professional level with my coding.

In my "off" time, I'm building a clicker RPG game with 3 other colleagues.

During the day, I'm focused on helping companies and engineers improve remote culture and distributed team collaboration.

Looking forward to sharing and learning with this community.

See ya around!

dnk8n profile image
Dean Kayton • Edited

Hi everyone, my name is Dean Kayton. I am from Cape Town, South Africa. Currently living in a remote area of South Africa called Kosi Bay.

First and foremost, I am an approachable person who responds quickly, please feel free to get in touch.

I am primarily a Python developer with some recent experience in Julia. I moved into programming from software quality assurance (before that I was a transport engineer, having completed a master's in civil engineering in my previous life!), automated testing, then Devops and cloud deployments. Big fan of infrastructure as code and using tools such as Docker, Packer and Terraform.

I am focusing more and more on statistics and datascience at the moment, having most recently worked in supporting a bioinformatics team.

I like to be able to interface with a broad set of industries and disciplines but for me, machine learning is where I want my future to head.

I use gitlab - (more recent) and github -

raol_jaydipsinh profile image

Hello Guys,

Awesome platform for us, Good to be here and surrounded by amazing developers :)

mY Self Jaydipsinh, Having 6+ years of experience in Information Technology Industry, Working as full stack developer.

Just Before a month, I quit my job after realising that spending good time with family and work in my own style is much better than tedious job culture. I started working on some product ideas, meanwhile i got involved in freelance projects and living healthy life.

Right now i am working on Image Processing app with MEAN stack technology and tesseract.js

yoehoehne profile image
Joe Hoehne

I'm Joe! I've been a software developer at Microsoft for almost 4 years now working mostly in backend c#/sql server.

What brought me here was a desire to learn more and improve myself beyond just what I learn at work everyday. I want to get into some personal projects, but not sure where to start. I really like the idea of data science since I'm a big Power BI fan. I'd also love to get into python/frontend/anything cool 😎 I'm open to suggestions.

mohanadhazem profile image

Hi guys, my name is Mohanad and I'm a mechanical engineering graduate from Egypt. I specialized in mechatronics and got really interested in embedded systems. Then my friend who went through an experience in making his own business, talked to me about being an app developer (mainly Android at this point). I'm still in the very beginning of the learning phase, but I'm really excited about this network and feel like I'll be learning a lot from everyone here and that people are very welcoming 😀

matthewpersico profile image
Matthew O. Persico

Wow. I did not realize this was a social/blogging site. Ok.

Hi. My name is Matt. I am a programmer. Yeah that sounds like an addiction. It is. I like to program. It's why I've never been a team leader or a manager or anything like that.

I'm a Perl programmer. Oh I can do Python, but, ugh, shudder; sue me. I have done lots of SQL, C, Java (more ugh) and going WAY back some C++, Fortan, Basic and RPG II.

For some strange reason I am really hooked on source code control. I have written some sort of wrappers around every source control system I have ever worked with:
CMS (extra credit if you can tell me what OS that ran on), RCS, SCCS, CVS, ClearCase, Perforce, SVN and git. In fact, my git wrappers total 58 shell scripts and functions whose 'wc' stats are

8328 25985 212823

not to mention a Perl scripts whose purpose is to take the comments in a Changelog formatted file and turn them into the commit message of a commit. On the fly. During the commit. Hmm, perhaps my git setup should be my first post.

Anyway, that's all for now. Time for bed. Cheers.

kayac profile image
Kayac Hello


I'm Kayac lived in Taiwan.

Begin when I start looking the documents on MDN and found this cool place.

I'm currently work on Web Casino Game Development using Javascript.

And nice to meet you 👋.

pankajsanam profile image

Hi everyone. I have been reading stuff on this website for some time. Finally decided to sign up and become a part of this.

I am a software engineer working primarily on Laravel and PHP for more than 6 years.

I hope to learn a lot of things here from awesome people and willing to share my knowledge as well.

Thank you for building and keeping this community alive!


alliejcaldwell profile image
Allie Caldwell

Hi everyone!
My name is Allie, I am a self taught developer, going on about 5 years in the field. I currently live in Manhattan and work as a mobile developer (Android and iOS) for Marco Polo. I love everything I have seen about this site so far, and am excited to connect with some cool people!

dev641 profile image
Dev ashish

Hey guys... Myself dev(same as this community name😂). I am computer science student and very fond of tech community. I love to know about tech stuff and recent developments in tech world..i joined many other tech community.. somehow i know about this community. So am here .currently i m not working on any project..also i have no thought about any project bt i love to do one interesting in any suggestions you want to give please do so .. i love to hear your thoughts...

juanda3111 profile image

Hi everyone , I'm Juan and I am interested in becoming a full stack developer in the MERN stack (I still need to learn mongo and express, but hopefully I'll master those soon :) ), my education is a undergrad studies in computer sciences (unfortunately I feel like I didn't learn much in college) and Free Code Camp (the best resource by far I had found , at least in my opinion), so far I'm finishing the projects of the Front end libraries certification in FFC and my goal is finishing the entire curriculum.

ryanguitar profile image
Ryan Els

Good day to all members and Dev staff. My name is Ryan Els. I started programming about 10 months ago. I am very passionate about the core frontend web technologies (HTML, CSS and JavaScript).
I also have an interest in memory training techniques, like the Major Memory System, and I hope to be able to make a useful Web app to help other people to learn and practice the memory techniques effectively.

johnbloomstine profile image
John Bloomstine

I am learning to code and program by using free resources.

spaceagebonobo profile image

Happy to be here and learn from everyone.

katrinabrwn profile image
Katrina Brown

HI, I am not a developer. I just graduated and would like to learn more about programming. I am already learning to write HTML,CSS & Java.

ufchydg profile image
Ygchhv • Edited

Hi there, I am natural language processing fun and love to implement high performance data processing/machine learning pipelines. Currently I study Rust for brining speed and reliability into my code. Recently I was using this repo with little modification

ahmedabdo97 profile image
ahmedabdo97 • Edited

Hellllooooo all well iam excited and happy that I can participate in a community that's for self taught developer it's important to be part of
I beginner in June 2016 stopped and get back at Jan 2019 with learning a lot so far and hopefully starting a career as a freelancer

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Hi Everyone, I'm Antonio. Im new to but i want to share with you my experience building a Saas, open-source and i will love to engage in beautiful conversation with you all. As Far as i seen around this place is amazing with a lot of people that love programming. As dev myself i love this.

vysnkt profile image
Ankit Vyas

Helo all
Myself a beginner in coding. Joined here to make a career in programming.
Little confused about choosing direction whether it will be software engineering or Ux-Ui design or other.

sbadhwar profile image

Hey there,
I am Saurabh and completely new to the Dev community here.
I work on engineering softwares to run at large scale while also maintaining the user experience related to their performance.
I love to talk about technologies and try to write blogs when I am doing something interesting.Also, I am really interested in Opensource where I try my best to contribute back to the community either through help or patches to the open source projects.

iamcstevenson profile image
Christian Stevenson

Looking for a mentor to help me with the best approach to self learning python. If you’re up to coaching a 40 something newb, would love your encouragement.

othmanekais profile image
Othmane Kais

Hello ,

I'm happy to find a place like this to share idea with people and share my experience with other's
, well my name is Othmane Kais i'm from Morocco and i have a master's degree in computer science i'm passionate by Angular and Spring boot and actually i'm a Developer Java/Angular in a Moroccan startup . I hope that i will make a lot of friends here .

Thank u

embairik profile image
Emba Moussa

Hi everyone,

I'm Emba

Been doing web development for a while now, and I'd say my main programming language has been Ruby and related (Rails - JS - etc) tools.

Glad to be here :)

hemanthjabalpuri profile image


tuhin profile image
Tuhin Chakraborty

Hi all, I am Tuhin. I have around 4 years of professional programming experience, mostly on Java, Spring Boot, Neo4J and Docker.

I am currently employed as an Application Developer at ThoughtWorks and am trying to venture into front end Technologies with Javascript and React.

I hope I can continue to learn here and have insightful conversations.✌️

n00bdevel profile image
Ullman ☕+🎶+💻=💡

Hello World !

beatheat profile image
Abd-Allah Eid

Hello there, i'm a newbie react developer who wanna contribute to an open source application, any suggestions?

afilmycode profile image
aniket pandey

Hey all, just came to know about this from my colleague. I am a backend developer and have been working on few cool things ( well at least I found it so :p) , which I would like to share here, and of course will be following/learning what's being shared across this platform too.


masac225_ profile image

Hi ;)
I’m learning Python!

josemoreira profile image
José Moreira

Hi! :D

just to say hello, being here only reading articles and hope to one day do one of my own.

_tink3r profile image
Girish Koundinya

Hello 👋
I am Girish, a software engineer from India! Excited to be a part of the community!!

pmcotter profile image

Working on entertaining media & making an app from end to end.

shsoliman profile image

Hi all, My name is Shaden, I am from Egypt. I have just started learning front end, javascript. Glad to be part of a community of knowledgeable and helpful people.

legionnetwork profile image
Legion Network

Hello everyone, Anyone out there that is interested in getting involved in a startup or has a startup that needs some posistions filled get in touch with me.

filipcuzy profile image

Hi everybody!

I recently started (in December 2018) a new job, working as a technical copywriter (mostly writing about SDN, NFV or cloud-services). I always enjoyed reading about technology so it's a welcome change of pace to write about it.

I will be sharing articles I helped co-write a read more about programming in general. This looks like a great site and I am looking forward to contribute to it!

rachelgroff176 profile image
Rachel Groff

Hey all!

I'm new to the field and am looking at a career change. Coding on the side has been difficult, especially when I hit road blocks and am not sure where to go.

I'm looking for a mentor and any advice about juggling work, life (as one of my dogs is pushing his burger toy into my computer!), and coding. Any help or advice is appreciated! :)

blakemorgan profile image
Blake Morgan

Hi there! I'm an IT student who just picked up a new job making custom apps. I spend a lot of time working with Vue, Kotlin, and Web Components. I'm here because I wanted a place to post solutions to problems I've had to figure out on my own (mainly because they weren't on Google).

edenwheeler profile image
Eden Wheeler

Hello, everyone! I am new to Dev community and excited to be part of it.

I am here to learn more about AWS and cloud computing. I recently completed an AWS Admin course and looking forward to applying my knowledge in real-world projects.

One of my favorite projects was building a website for a local business using AWS. It was a great learning experience as I was able to utilize AWS services like EC2, S3, and Route 53 to create a scalable and reliable website.

I am looking forward to connecting with other developers in the community and sharing knowledge and ideas. Please feel free to say hello or ask me any questions.

dilloncooper profile image
Dillon Cooper

Hey guys, I just happened to stumble upon a Twitter post made by Ben Halpern and next thing I knew, I was here. Anyways, my name is Dillon, and I have been a Software Engineer for about six months. Before, I was a QA Analyst for approximately two-and-a-half years. Currently, I have been helping my company transition over to a microservice architecture utilizing Kubernetes, something I genuinely enjoy. With that being said, if anyone would like to chat, I would love to connect and share some stories. I am obviously green as all-get-out and would love to learn more from someone who has been around the block, or at least more than I have :). Cheers!

zackharley profile image
Zack Harley

Hey there! 👋

My name is Zack and I work at a Toronto-based startup called Ten Thousand Coffees. There, I work as a full-stack software engineer. We work with the MEAN stack, but my day primarily consists of working with our transactional email service (Node.js + MJML + Handlebars + SendGrid), of which I was the main architect.

Some fun facts about me 😀

  • 💻 I ran a ~500 person hackathon at my university
  • 🏠 I grew up in a small Canadian town and am the first person in my family to leave the town
  • 🤘 I love attending heavy metal festivals with my dad (we've also shared the stage together playing in bands)

This is my first full-time job after graduating university, so I'm hoping to continue to learn and grow here! 🎉

P.S. I like to keep a fresh coding music playlist going. You can check it out here 🎵

harshrathod50 profile image
Harsh Rathod

Hello there, I am a rookie programmer on a journey to become a gamedev. I am so excited to meet awesome people here who, I hope, will help me along the way.

I most of the time enjoy getting my hands dirty with different programming languages, correlate them, find their ups and downs, etc.

phanimahesh profile image
Phani Mahesh

Hey Folks!!!

I'm Phani - an IT Consultant. I spend my time designing and building Enterprise Applications. I speak Java, Python, JavaScript, etc B-)

Excited !!! :-D

xfantasia profile image

Hello Guys, just want to get hooked up with some great minds here.

katieadamsdev profile image
Katie Adams

Sounds like a very sensible approach to me!

Thanks for the advice :)

sivadeep143 profile image
sivadeep nallana • Edited

Hey guys.... Looking for a social networking website for developers and finally found a website worth following

victorkanu profile image
victor Kanu

My name is Victor and I am here to get assistance in programming and would really love if I can get help from this community and I am currently learning HTML and css

devdiaries profile image
Dev Diaries

Hi! Saying hello from Dev Diaries which aims to be a community for web developers.

We have a website and provide daily tips and tricks via our website, Instagram feed, Twitter feed, and Facebook page. We also write long form blog posts which we'll post here.

Feel free to reach out and look forward to meeting others!

mgwedd profile image
Michael Wedd

Hey there!

I'm about a third of the way through Thinkful's full-stack developer course. They said this was a great community to join.

I'm working on getting better at CSS, JS, React, and Node.

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

👋 Hi Michael.

Welcome to community~
Not sure who "they" are but sounds like awesome folks 😉.

There are many posts and you might want to follow following tags.

cornel070 profile image

My name is cornel, i'm a backend developer mostly with Php. I do like to play around a bit with JS and im currently learning Node.js. Really excited.

ctobiasz profile image
Christopher Tobiasz

Hello everyone, I'm Chris. Just looking for a great community for networking and to be inspired by your work! I'm currently learning Node and I'm going to start learning React soon. I'm a coding bootcamp graduate and currently on the market for a job.

Nice to meet all of you.

israelistic profile image


My Friend Andrew from 'Exam Pro' introduced me to the site. I am a Ruby on Rails Dev with 9 years experience in systems (sysadmin Linux && windows ). Currently working on my AWS certification SA.

ashutosh profile image
Ashutosh Kumar

Hello to all learners,

This is Ashutosh from India. Working as frond end developer and learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

rakhy profile image

Hi mates, I am RAKESHKUMAR, a Java developer.

ramiyengar profile image
Ram Iyengar

Hey! My name is Ram. I'm currently working at Plumbr in DevRel. We make a real user monitoring tool. My primary goal is to undertake some community-driven initiatives centered around web performance.

parasharrajat profile image
Rajat Parashar

Biggest bug is here.... Let's solve it.

bl4ckbo7 profile image

Hi, so happy to join in this community!

I'm a security researcher with deep interest in Web Application Security.

I code in js,php,python,cpp and bash scripts.

emersoncode profile image
Emerson Code

Hi everyone!! I'm Emerson from Colombia, I joined because I want to start sharing my knowledge and I found this amazing community and I chose them to start writing some articles.

manohar719 profile image

Hello Guys, I have been looking for a Angular 4+ learning courses and I am very eager to learn this tech. Can anyone suggest me.

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes


I loved Max's courses. He's on twitter.

stewarf profile image

Hello dev world

cornel070 profile image

This place looks really cool tho. I think its what i've been looking for..or hope

physicalit profile image


I'm here because of Unicorns, and also seems there's a very nice community.

I dig the dark theme, very nice.

alexgnatrow profile image
Alex Row

Coolest website ever! I'll add my star on github right away!:)

diegocordoba profile image
Diego Cordoba

This is waaaaaaay better than facebook.

bangkokian profile image

I love the lo-fi feel of this site. Super cool.

At first the markdown thing bugged me... now I think it's the way all sites should be. Keep the bells and whistles to a minimum. Just great content.

matoruru profile image


I joined in this community today.
I'm into Haskell, PureScript, and desktop customization on Arch Linux! Then, I'm goimg to learn Rust at next.

I want to learn more with you all, thank you 🐱

msamgan profile image
Mohammed Samgan Khan


I don't have much to say much but feels nice to be a part of the community.

joelgriffith profile image
Joel Griffith

Hey everyone! Happy to be here, always got a lot of value out of, hoping to contribute back!

alexanderjdupree profile image
Alexander DuPree

Hey everyone!

I've been reading Dev articles for some time now but have never reached out to the community. So here's to changing things up.

cyberpunk2099 profile image

Hello, world
I'm relearning software development from scratch...

kobbyknight profile image
  1. Google search

  2. Nice comment @Maricris Bonzo. Hello.

  3. Clock-In and server room log in laravel. Did it because I was asked to and I wanted to learn laravel.

saleem07 profile image
Saleem shah

Heyy! Hope u are all fine and having a great time.

ijx4 profile image

Hello Devs. I am Ijlal Haider. I have 2 years of experience of development mostly in C# and python. I am here to learn from the awesome community of developer. Thank you Devs.

mridulkrishna841 profile image

Hey guys, was just searching about golang and the search brouht me here. I am mridul krishna mishra, born in india. I am a student of class 8th. The UI of this website is awesome

tylergebhard profile image
Tyler Gebhard

Hey! I found this gem of a website via a link my brother's shared. I love Wordpress and making websites for people. Let's collab or possibly hang out in Discord and play some games man!

morgan4080 profile image
Morgan M.

Hi there. Really pleased to finally find a social network for developers, can't believe it was here all along.

celulartown profile image

Entusiasta en código y sobre todo python , javascript, node js, react js, ruby on rails

darrell24015 profile image

Learning Gatsby atm. Node.js and JSON and how they are implemented in FHIR

abdulbasithabdulbasith profile image
abdulbasith-abdulbasith • Edited

Wow it's awesome. I'm medium begin learning with Angular/Firebase along with HTML,CSS,JAVASCRIPT. I'm just nooooob who just started FUN with Android App,ROM , WebApp & ((Automation)) Development.

josemanuelfuentes profile image
Jose Manuel Fuentes

Networking Engineer trying to pivot career into entrepreneur, data scientist, with immediate need to develop a front end for a dashboard display feeding from hundreds of sensors.

iamcode47 profile image

Hello guys

infamoustrey profile image
Trey Foster

This place is pretty legit. Like the good community vibe here, definitely a stark contrast to places like stack overflow.

thatsoftwareguy profile image

Hi folks! I'm Scott, working on ecommerce implementations (mostly Zen Cart).

ajoseerazo profile image
Amilcar Erazo

Hi guys! I'm full stack developer from Venezuela :)

adichad profile image
Aditya Varun Chadha

Hi, am interested in all things Search, Lucene, Text, Relevance, ML, Distributed Low Latency Systems, Graph Databases, Knowledge Graphs, NLP, query intent, query execution, event streams, ...

guccigaygod profile image

Hey, I’m new here! I love art

baoquoc1890 profile image
Quốc Bảo

Hi everyone,

therealgemjosh profile image

Curious about develooment (web and mobile)

yves0409 profile image

hey there, I'm Yves from Belgium. I'm a first year student front end developer so fairly new to coding.
bare with me please

chika_jones profile image
I am new Fela too

Hello guys. I just joined in. I have never written a line of code, but I really have an eye for great products. How do I begin?

johndcarmichael profile image

Hi there, my name is John.. I love to solve problems, don't like to write too much code when i can abstract it away.. love to surf and snowboard.

trpldev profile image

Hi to you all!

pballal1 profile image
Prashnt Ballal

Hi all,

I am a full stack developer located in Pune, India.
Good to be here.

_adrian_e_ profile image
Adrian E.

Hello hello

kidsmile88 profile image

Hello world 😊

sakilahmmad71 profile image
Sakil Mahmud

I just log into to become a dev. Help me with your knowledge talk each others. Learnt to learn. Be a great learner.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome Sakil! Good luck on your journey to become a dev :)

matthewrevell profile image
Matthew Revell

Hey, I'm Matthew and I'm based in the UK. I work with companies who want help building developer communities.

prince7195 profile image
Vijay Deepak • Edited

HI all, My self Vijayasekhar Deepak. I like to join in technical and social type communities. I like to learn javascript along with the latest javascript frameworks and libraries.

ashutosh profile image
Ashutosh Kumar

Hello to everyone,
I am a front end developer.
Learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

anyaritanake profile image
Anyari Tanake


dontune profile image

Hello everyone, im a new programmer working at access bank plc, currently learning c# on udemy, and thoughts would be appreciated

renatomattos2912 profile image
Renato Mattos

Hi guys, im a full stack developer with a 10 year experience in coding, i love new techs and i hope to learn more and more here and help someone too.

devarajlav profile image

Hey guys!!!!

Iam new to this community

hacksultan profile image
Name cannot be blank

I'm Sultan. A front end developer and a Developer avocado.

shinkei1 profile image

Hi everyone, just came here to learn and say hello :)

shelsoloa profile image
shel soloa

This is awesome! Glad that we've got people working on our own social network before Twitter implodes

guilloutran profile image

Hi all! This is the best dev forum/community I ever seen!

paulgureghian profile image
Paul Gureghian


brokenseal profile image
Davide Callegari

Hi all,
happy to be here, not sure I'll post anything since I'm not a good writer, but let's see.

Davide, happy coder, italian.

durai profile image

hello, i am a front end developer.

yopeeconcept profile image

Hi,I'm peter olu an aspiring frontend developer. I'm happy to be part og this platform

dawogfather profile image
Tom Romano

great idea for a site
always looking for ways to be a better dev

macorifice profile image
Stefano • Edited

Hi all, #welcome
i'm Stefano, enthusiast dev , I love to run code!
My last projects : WAB (Whatsapp Business API) and AngularDevCorner (


skaramudi profile image

Hi all,

I am fresher so guide me if i make mistakes I want to be a frontend developer guide me

briangtria profile image

I was looking for a good wiki page design. Then end up on a thread discussing about GitBook.