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Welcome Thread - v34

Hello there


  1. Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.

  2. Reply to someone's comment, either with a question or just a hello. ๐Ÿ‘‹

Great to have you in the community!

Top comments (794)

francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa โ€ข

Hi all. My name is Franco and I'm from Italy. I love coding, and not by chance I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. My biggest passion is web development. I love HTML, CSS, JavaScript and web performance. Every time I build something for the web I ask myself: ยซHow can I made it better and faster?ยป.

ryanzurrin profile image
Ryan Zurrin โ€ข

Hey Franco Nice to meet you, I am new here and was just noticing that you had a CS degree. I am in the process of getting my CS degree but I am just starting out so I am really new to things, unfortunately. If you don't mind me asking, do you think the degree has helped your success in the industry a lot or not so much?

francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa โ€ข

Hi Ryan, nice to meet you! Getting the degree has helped me a lot, since I was able to learn very difficult things that are fundamental for the field of CS. If you have any other question doesn't hesitate to ask!

jorshman profile image
Jesse Orshan โ€ข


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ryanzurrin profile image
Ryan Zurrin โ€ข

Thanks Jesse, looking forward to meeting people.

francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa โ€ข

Some days ago I published an article that try to answer the question if it does make sense to take a degree in a Computer Science major. I wrote down my experience and points of view. Ryan, I warmly invite you to read it!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern โ€ข

How can I made it better and faster?

Good mantra to have ๐Ÿ™‚

ceciljs profile image
Cecil Jones โ€ข

Yes. I love refactoring my code to ensure it's as DRY as it can be. Performance optimisation is key. :)

francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa โ€ข

I just want to let people have the possibility to enjoy the best experince possible.

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes โ€ข

Welcome Franco!

inkerinmaa profile image
Nikita Gladkiy โ€ข

Hello, Franco! ๐Ÿ‘‹

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes โ€ข

Welcome, Franco!

j3698 profile image
Anti โ€ข

Hey Franco, what resource would you recommend most for learning about web performance?

francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa โ€ข

Check out, Googleโ€™s Why Performance Matters and Jeremy Wagnerโ€™s Web Performance in Action.

francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa โ€ข

As soon as I come back home, Iโ€™ll show you my personal resources ;)

antoneb profile image
AntoneB โ€ข

The secret to making it faster?
Code it in assembly!

francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa โ€ข

No, code it in machine language: 0011011010111011... ๐Ÿ˜

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0zand1z profile image
Ganesh Prasad Kumble โ€ข

Benvenuto, Franco!

Given you are a web developer, might I take the privilege of introducing you to WebAssembly? :)

Given your mantra, here's a blog post that might be worth a read:

Happy hacking!

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francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa โ€ข

Thanks, Ganesh! Well, I read something about WebAssembly some months ago and I found it really interesting. However, Iโ€™ve never deepen my knowledge about it. Iโ€™ll surely read the article you linked! You can absolutely introduce me to WebAssembly. ๐Ÿ˜Š

rahulsavage12 profile image
rahulsavage12 โ€ข


jess profile image
Jess Lee โ€ข


smartym profile image
Sergey V. โ€ข

Hello, nice to meet you!

tarun1401 profile image
tarun1401 โ€ข

Hello Franco how are u. See your Post. U are a great web developer but keep tight for it, it will take some time to make perfect into web designing.
Join me I will help u :)

francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa โ€ข

I'm not absolutely perfect, I've so, so much to learn :) Coding is a never ending journey.

brightestdazes profile image
brightest-dazes โ€ข

Hi Franco nice to meet you. I'm super excited about new experiences.

renanlbl profile image
renanlbl โ€ข

welcome my big brother

jaimin1224 profile image
Jaimin Marfatia โ€ข

Welcome, Franco!

paras700 profile image
Paras700 โ€ข

Hi Franco

oramirezperera profile image
orlando ramirez โ€ข

Hi Franco! is awesome that you love coding too, hope you will get better and better in web development. one question, do you know backend too?. Greetings from Venezuela.

francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa โ€ข

Hi, Orlando! No, Iโ€™m sorry, I have knowledge only about front-end web development. Have a nice day!

antoneb profile image
AntoneB โ€ข

Djikstra did nothing wrong.

gonzalolanderos profile image
Gonzalo Landeros Valerdi โ€ข

Nice to meet you Franco!

kyngo profile image
Arnau Martin โ€ข

Hello! :D

nanythery profile image
Nadine M. Thรชry โ€ข

Hi all! At this point, I might have already bored everyone hehehe. As many of devs here, I am going through an intense learning process.
I am 31 years old and decided to give up my job to really focus on conversion and become a front-end developer asap.
I am not quite sure how I came across but I know I just fell in love of it. I felt like this was the right social network to be. Since it is not just for questions nor to show off projects or look for a job like Linkedin. It feels like a secure place to learn and share within the developer's community. A really nice and welcoming place. Thank you :D

ryanzurrin profile image
Ryan Zurrin โ€ข

Hi Nadine, I am new to the community and I just wanted to say I can fully relate to the struggle and how difficult it can be to learn new concepts and ideas. I am 37 myself and after 20 years of house, painting decided I wanted to go to school and pursue my original adolescent passion, computers. So just wanted to say I can relate and wanted to say thanks for sharing.

nanythery profile image
Nadine M. Thรชry โ€ข

It is so brave to take this decision after so many years focused in a profession! Congratulations for taking the step forward. I am here to cheer you up too hehe

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes โ€ข

Welcome, Nadine! Your commitment is inspiring, and I can't wait to see where it takes you!

Also, I've been meaning to ask you about the hashtag in your Twitter bio, #CodeGrils. ๐Ÿ˜„

nanythery profile image
Nadine M. Thรชry โ€ข

Grills have the right to code too! If they had hands... Hahahhaa

I will correct it right away thank you!

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wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes โ€ข

I didn't want to mention it here for everyone to see, but you can't have DMs open because so many people on the internet are nitwits. It's the second time I've had to face this conundrum in a week's time. I suppose there could be worse problems to have!

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nanythery profile image
Nadine M. Thรชry โ€ข

Sorry Jesse, I don't fully understand your message about the DMs. Lost in translation I am afraid.
I have corrected the #.

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wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes โ€ข

No worries!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington โ€ข

Welcome to DEV!

demarisb profile image
DemarisB โ€ข

Hi Nadine! I agree, after searching different articles on I felt comfortable to join too. A great place to learn and share ideas.

nanythery profile image
Nadine M. Thรชry โ€ข

Definitely, it feels good to have people to share :)

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes โ€ข

Welcome to DEV!

nanythery profile image
Nadine M. Thรชry โ€ข


jess profile image
Jess Lee โ€ข

Great to have you here, Nadine!

nanythery profile image
Nadine M. Thรชry โ€ข

My pleasure

cathyobrien09 profile image
Cathy Oโ€™Brien โ€ข

I'm a fellow career changer 2.5 years after making the switch! While scary and overwhelming at times it has been totally worth it and communities like this make it even better!

jakekring profile image
jake kring โ€ข

Congrats on deciding to focus on front-end dev! Coding is such a fulfilling livelihood, and now is a super exciting time to learn (especially in the world of JS). ๐Ÿ† ๐Ÿ†

bradwellsb profile image
Bradley Wells โ€ข

Hey all,
My academic background is electrical engineering and software development. My passions are empowering people through technology. I live in Senegal, West Africa, where I work to foster entrepreneurialism among underemployed youth.

I am also a C# enthusiast. As a side hustle, I am working on developing a curriculum to teach computer programming here in Senegal. My friends here have a lot of great ideas, and I am hoping this curriculum will empower them to bring their ideas to fruition.

If you are interested, I regularly write C# tutorials at You can also follow me on Twitter @bradwellsb

devencourt profile image
Brian Bethencourt โ€ข

Glad to have you here, Bradley. Feel free to get involved in C# articles on the site and share your knowledge with the community.

jess profile image
Jess Lee โ€ข

Great to have you!

ctg123 profile image
Chaance T. Graves โ€ข

Hi Bradley,

Great to see a fellow EE here! I am inspired to learn more about your venture. All the best.


raxath profile image
Raxath โ€ข

Total newbie here. Actually found this site thanks to the google app in the pixel launcher. Pointed me to an article and here I am. I'm looking to transition into a career in web design.

nanythery profile image
Nadine M. Thรชry โ€ข

Hi there! Nice to hear you are also in a career transition. I am going through the same :D

raxath profile image
Raxath โ€ข

It's refreshing to hear I'm not alone in that! From the looks of it you've made a lot of progress in a little time. Which gives me hope.

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nanythery profile image
Nadine M. Thรชry โ€ข

Sure! If you put time in it, you will improve super fast. However your perception won't be that hahaha

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington โ€ข

You came to the right place! Folks are generally super friendly and there's lots of beginner-friendly content as well!

devencourt profile image
Brian Bethencourt โ€ข

Welcome to DEV. We have a lot of resources and articles on web design available, so I hope you find everything you're looking for.

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes โ€ข

Welcome! You've come to the right place. :)

lalucilyn profile image
Lucilyn W. โ€ข

Hello there!
Welcome!! I've also been going through a career transition for the last 1 1/2 years. Wishing you all the best!

casualcloud profile image
Balรกzs Nagy โ€ข โ€ข Edited

Hey Raxath!

Just like many others it seems, I'm also here to transition into a different career path - good luck to both of us!

wildeng profile image
Alain Mauri โ€ข

Hiya all! Iโ€™m Alain from Italy. Iโ€™m a proud dad and guitar player that become a dev because of a C64. Currently Iโ€™m in Sheffield - UK working as a web team leader at TheFloow. Iโ€™m still eager to learn new stuff and to give back to dev community what I received during all these years.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington โ€ข

A fellow guitar player, nice! ๐ŸŽธ

What type of music you like playing?

wildeng profile image
Alain Mauri โ€ข

I'm so bad at replying to comments... anyway mostly blues and rock-blues

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michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington โ€ข โ€ข Edited

Same here music-wise! Blues is the way to go. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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wildeng profile image
Alain Mauri โ€ข

I brought here just a couple of my guitars, an 82 Made in Japan Fender Strat and a Yamaha APX 6.

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michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington โ€ข โ€ข Edited

OOooo nice guitar selection there! I mostly play my acoustic electric (a Washburn) right now and sing a lot.

In fact, my band just recently posted a video of us from our first show if ya are interested. I don't play my guitar that much in this one, haha, but our lead guitarist is awesome!

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wildeng profile image
Alain Mauri โ€ข

Cool video!

alexcooperdev profile image
Alex Cooper โ€ข

I have been trying to get back into playing the guitar, but I don't have a ton of time to devote to practicing. What style of music do you play?

And it's awesome that you became a dev because of C64! I grew up on fairly new technology, but I have a passion for old computers. I'd love to pick up a C64, Apple II, or anything like that!

wildeng profile image
Alain Mauri โ€ข

C64 was awesome at that time. I still have my original ( working ) one in Italy. Probably I will buy the replica they recently put out on the market, just to give my kids a glimpse on 80s IT

stuartclennett profile image
Stuart Clennett โ€ข

Hello Alain,

Welcome. I'm only a few miles up the road from you in East Yorkshire. I grew into my C64 from my ZX81. Although only a novice player, I do pick up my guitar for a few minutes whenever I need a mental break from coding.

wildeng profile image
Alain Mauri โ€ข

Hi Stuart! Nice to know! Any nice meetup to suggest? When this will be over I really hope to go back to the Dev-ops and Ruby ones in Sheffield

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stuartclennett profile image
Stuart Clennett โ€ข

Hi Alain, no sorry, I don't tend to go to meetups etc.

Hoping you remain safe & well.

jess profile image
Jess Lee โ€ข

Nice! We also have a guitar player on the team, @michaeltharrington ๐ŸŽถ

dezfowler profile image
Derek Fowler โ€ข

Similar story here. Loved writing "databases" on the C64. Two small children myself so not much time for the guitar any more.

emma profile image
Emma Goto ๐Ÿ™ โ€ข

Hi, I'm Emma!

I currently work full-time as a front-end dev. I'm here to learn new things and improve my blogging skills.

I also have created a habit tracking Trello Power-Up called Streak - if you have any feature suggestions/critiques please let me know!

real_ate profile image
Chris Manson โ€ข

Hi! I'm here to also improve my blogging skills so hopefully we'll both be experts by the end of the year ๐Ÿ’ช

I took a look at Streak and it looks awesome ๐ŸŽ‰ I've always been fascinated about using things like Trello instead of classic full-blown apps, and this is a really neat application of that idea!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern โ€ข


Feel free to make a #showdev post about Streak ๐Ÿ˜Š

emma profile image
Emma Goto ๐Ÿ™ โ€ข

Thanks Ben! Finally got around to it:

chetan_ profile image
chetan venkatesh โ€ข โ€ข Edited

Hi All, My name is Chetan and I'm from sunny California

I'm an engineer turned company operations guy and I started Macrometa 2 years back with my cofounder Durga Gokina to create a new geo-distributed cloud that runs your apps and data across a network of data centers closer to your end users. So instead of your App or API having a single lonely backend thousands of miles and hundreds of milliseconds away from your clients, browsers, and devices, our cloud puts the database and server-side code 10-20 milliseconds away by distributing, synchronizing and orchestrating your data worldwide.

Macrometa is a CRDT database - it uses some new database techniques like Conflict Free Replicated Data Types, logical time keeping and Convergence (instead of consensus) to help provide strong consistency gaurnatees across very large network distances and latencies. It allows you to have local read write latencies - yet synchronizes accurately and deterministically.

Learn more at

ben profile image
Ben Halpern โ€ข


peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank โ€ข

Macrometa is fascinating, I'll admit to not even realizing such a set-up is possible. Look forward to learning more, and welcome!

chetan_ profile image
chetan venkatesh โ€ข

Thanks Peter for the warm words - I appreciate it.

If you have interest in some code - here's a repl of doing some things like creating a DB that runs across LA, Virginia, Frankfurt and Mumbai India

the code does some inserting and querying. There is a geo loadbalancer in front of this makes sure you are routed to the closest database location based on where you are making the request from. here -->

Docs -

Let me know if you have any questions of feedback

skyebrownh profile image
Skye Brown โ€ข

Hey everyone! My name is Skye, and I'm an upcoming junior in college studying Computer Science. This summer I have a web development internship with a local tech company that is challenging and improving my skills every day! I'm here because I see a lot of articles on my twitter feed and decided to join the community!

thefern profile image
Fernando B ๐Ÿš€ โ€ข

Welcome to the community! Would love to hear from you how the internship went. Maybe an article idea for later ๐Ÿ™‚

skyebrownh profile image
Skye Brown โ€ข

It's going great right now! Maybe I will write about it at some point...

ben profile image
Ben Halpern โ€ข

Good luck with your internship! Don't be shy about using the #help tag to seek answers from the community if you're stuck on anything.

skyebrownh profile image
Skye Brown โ€ข

Thanks! This seems like a great community to be a part of so I definitely will use it to my advantage.

joshrod profile image
Joshua Rodriguez โ€ข

Hey everyone,

My name's Josh and I just landed a frontend developer job a couple months ago at an advertising agency.

I'm solid in HTML and CSS, but my JavaScript is lacking, knowing only enough to make simple web animations.

My skills are good enough for my job, but I want to keep learning more technologies (I think my next step is learning React?) so that I can become a better developer and contribute more to this company or another in the future.

Been a lurker for a while, but decided to finally join this great community.


peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank โ€ข

Been a lurker for a while, but decided to finally join this great community.

Very happy to have you here.

My skills are good enough for my job, but I want to keep learning more

This is an admirable goal and attitude. Look forward to seeing you around the site.

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes โ€ข

Same! I lurked for a month or two before posting. Welcome to DEV!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern โ€ข

Great to have you Josh!

meryemjow profile image
Meryem Jourhbiri โ€ข

Hey Everyone. My name is Meryem and i'm from Morocco. I was studying Chemistry in university but after 3 years of starting it i decided to change career and do what i actually like which is coding. I started on FreeCodeCamp and that was the point where i was 100% sure about coding. I never thought that i can make a project even if it's just a simple Tribute page , but i did it and after that i felt like i can literally do anything i want to. Now i'm focusing on CSS3 and want to master it.
I'm Happy to join you all here and excited to share and get ideas and thoughts with each others. ^

ben profile image
Ben Halpern โ€ข

Now i'm focusing on CSS3 and want to master it.

Iโ€™m sure youโ€™ll master it soon enough, welcome to the community Meryem!

meryemjow profile image
Meryem Jourhbiri โ€ข

Thank you Ben :)

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him) โ€ข

Welcome! CSS is fun! It's great seeing what people can make with just CSS.

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