There are some JavaScript types that we’ll discuss right now. We’ll work on that later. They are – Undefined, Null, Symbol, Object
Today we are going to learn comparisons in JavaScript.
Lets start with checking equal. In JavaScript we need to use ===
for checking if they are same or not.
To find out if they are not same we use !== This gives us the boolean result
To find some value is getter than some value we use >
To find some value is getter than and equal to some value we use >=
To find some value is smaller than some value we use <
To find some value is smaller than and equal to some value we use >=
Do you understand the comparisons signs now in JavaScript ?
You can see the graphical version here
Source Codes - { Check commits }
A tutorial for JavaScript Beginners
A tutorial for Absolute Beginners of JavaScript.
You can find the total pdf in - Here
You can check the commits to find the part by part codes.
Day 1
- Day 1 - What is JavaScript?
Day 2
- Day 2 - JavaScript Types?
Day 3
- Day 3 - Javascript Types Cont.
Day 4
- Day 4 - Javascript Types Cont.
Day 5
- Day 5 - Javascript Comparisons
Day 6
- Day 6 - Javascript Variables
Day 7
- Day 7 - More About Variables
Day 8
- Day 8 - Conditional Statement
Day 9
- Day 9 - More Conditional Statement
Day 10
- Day 10 - Switch
Day 11
- Day 11 - Setup Code Editor
Day 12
- Day 12 - Loops
Day 13
- Day 13 - While Loop
Day 14
- Day 14 - For Loop
Day 15
- Day 15 - For Vs While
Day 16
- Day 16 - Functions
Day 17
Originally it published on nerdjfpbblog. You can connect with me in twitter or linkedin !
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