Use professional and meaningful names
TL;DR: Don't be informal or offensive
Unprofessional work
- Choose good and professional names.
Our profession has a creative side.
Sometimes we get bored and try to be funny.
Sample Code
function erradicateAndMurderAllCustomers();
//unprofessional and offensive
function deleteAllCustomers();
//more declarative and professional
[X] SemiAutomatic
We can have a list of forbidden words.
We can also check them in code reviews.
Names are contextual, so it would be a difficult task for an automatic linter.
Naming conventions should be generic and should not include cultural jargon.
- Naming
Be professional in the way you name things in your code.
Don't be try to be a comedian by giving a variable a silly name.
You should write production code so future software developers (even you) should easily understand.
More Info
Photo by Stewart Munro on Unsplash
This ‘users are idiots, and are confused by functionality’ mentality of Gnome is a disease. If you think your users are idiots, only idiots will use it.
Linus Torvalds

Software Engineering Great Quotes
Maxi Contieri ・ Dec 28 '20
This article is part of the CodeSmell Series.
Top comments (4)
What about
?Now, purge could mean either eradicate and murder or delete all.
Since it has a meaning on computer records, it would be fine as well
Naming looks like just a simple thing we do every time we want to create an method or function.. but the right naming is a key for improving our code. Thanks for you articles.
Glad you like them ! :)