You count collections or collections.count?
TL;DR: Chose narrow names
- Bad Naming
- Accurately describe your collections
Names are significant and should not deceive the reader.
You name things and lose the scope of the name.
It is important to be accurate of the expected reference on the names.
Sample Code
const standardModelParticles = {
quarks: [
name: "Up",
charge: "2/3",
type: "Quark",
name: "Down",
charge: "-1/3",
type: "Quark",
// ...
leptons: [
name: "Electron",
charge: "-1",
type: "Lepton",
name: "Muon",
charge: "-1",
type: "Lepton",
// ...
gaugeBosons: [
name: "Photon",
charge: "0",
type: "Boson",
name: "W Boson",
charge: "±1",
type: "Boson",
// ...
higgsBoson: [
name: "Higgs Boson",
charge: "0",
type: "Scalar Boson",
const quarks = standardModelParticles.quarks.length;
// Bad name. It does not represent a count
// But a Collection of things
const standardModelParticles = {
}; // Same as the "Wrong" example
const quarksCount = standardModelParticles.quarks.length;
[X] SemiAutomatic
Some linters can check the types and names and infer a mistake
- Namings
Take care of your names.
Use automatic refactor tools whenever you come across a bad name.

Code Smell 163 - Collection in Name
Maxi Contieri ・ Sep 16 '22

Code Smell 134 - Specialized Business Collections
Maxi Contieri ・ May 22 '22
Code Smells are my opinion.
Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash
Some people are good programmers because they can handle many more details than most people. But there are a lot of disadvantages in selecting programmers for that reason — it can result in programs that no one else can maintain.
Butler Lampson

Software Engineering Great Quotes
Maxi Contieri ・ Dec 28 '20
This article is part of the CodeSmell Series.
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