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Cover image for Code Smell 32 - Singletons
Maxi Contieri
Maxi Contieri

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Code Smell 32 - Singletons

The most used and (in)famous design pattern in the world is causing us great harm.


  • Coupling

  • Testability

  • Accidental implementation problems.

  • Multi threading issues.

  • Static methods polluting.

  • Object creation contract violation.

  • Bijection mismatch.

  • Memory issues.

  • Premature Optimization.


  1. Avoid it.

  2. Use contextual unique objects.

  3. Benchmark object creation.


  • Database Access

  • Globals

  • Loggers

  • Helpers

Sample Code


class God {
private static $instance = null;
private function __construct() { }
public static function getInstance() {
if (null === self::$instance) {
self::$instance = new self();
return self::$instance;
view raw Singleton.php hosted with ❤ by GitHub

God is the archetypical singleton example.

final class God extends Singleton {
$christianGod = new God();
$christianGod = God::getInstance();
// Why should us be aware of getInstance when creating an object ?


interface Religion {
// Define common behavior for religions
final class God {
// Different religions have different beliefs
final class PolythiesticReligion implements Religion {
private $gods;
public function __construct(Collection $gods) {
$this->gods = $gods;
final class MonotheisticReligion implements Religion {
private $godInstance;
public function __construct(God $onlyGod) {
$this->godInstance = $onlyGod;
// According to Christianity and some other religions,
// there’s only one God.
// This does not hold for other religions.
$christianGod = new God();
$christianReligion = new MonotheisticReligion($christianGod);
// Under this context God is unique.
// You cannot create or change a new one.
// This is a scoped global.
$jupiter = new God();
$saturn = new God();
$mythogicalReligion = new PolythiesticReligion([$jupiter, $saturn]);
// Gods are unique (or not) according to context
// You can create test religions with or without unicity
// This is less coupled
// since you break the direct reference to God class
// God class Single Responsibility is to create gods.
// Not to manage them


This is a design pattern. We should avoid it by policy.

We can add linter rules for patterns like 'getInstance()' so new developers cannot infect code with this anti-pattern.


  • Globals


This is an historical mistake already acknowledged by the community. Nevertheless, lazy developers bring it again and again. We need to reach a consensus on its drawbacks.


More info


Photo by Maria Teneva on Unsplash

The Diagram is Not the Model. The model is not the diagram. It is an abstraction, a set of concepts and relationships between them.

Eric Evans

Retry later

Top comments (2)

yoursunny profile image
Junxiao Shi

How is GodFactory supposed to be used if it always throws?

mcsee profile image
Maxi Contieri

Hi. I changed the example and removed factory usage since I think it was a bit confusing

Retry later
Retry later