Using boolean variables as flags, exposes accidental implementation and pollutes the code with Ifs.
TL;DR: Don't use boolean variables, they force you to write Ifs. Create polymorphic states instead.
Comparison in some languages
- If Boolean maps to a real world entity is safe. Otherwise, model as a State to favor Extensibility. This also follows Open/Closed Principle.
- Flags
- Real world true/false rules
Sample Code
function processBatch(
bool $useLogin,
bool $deleteEntries,
bool $beforeToday) {
function processBatch(
LoginStrategy $login,
DeletionPolicy $deletionPolicy,
Date $cutoffDate) {
Automatic detection can warn for boolean usage, but this can yield false positives.
Some languages have issues with boolean comparators.
In these coupled with accidental complexity languages, booleans are a common error source.
Also Known as
- Flag Abuser
More info
Take extra care when declaring something boolean. Flags are difficult to maintain and extend.
Learn more about the domain. Try migrating to state design pattern. Use polymorphism instead of ifs/switch/cases.
Photo by Phil Hearing on Unsplash
These tweets inspired this code smell:
This article is part of the CodeSmell Series.

How to Find the Stinky parts of your Code
Maxi Contieri ・ May 21 '21
Last update: 2021/06/08
Top comments (2)
Using booleans as params is something common and definitely not a code smell, it's more about the context and how it's handled.
None of those is better than the other, it's a matter of how the app is modelled 🤷🏻♀️
The alternative is to set which breakfast a user should get as user property which can become quite inefficient and bloated quickly as soon as you get more breakfast menus for different users, have optionals, start serving lunchs, dinners and so on.
Of course this is better than adding multiple params to the
function:is premium has an accidental IF . So it is a code smell
a better solution following open/closed principle would be to delegate on the breakfast using double dispatch. In this way you can have even more than two breakfasts
Ternarys are IFs, so they are also code smell
Code is not better this way, IMHO