Objects are there for the picking. Even the smallest ones.
TL;DR: Use small objects instead of primitive ones.
Code Duplication
Small Objects Missing
Fail Fast principle violation.
Subset violations: Emails are a subset of strings, Valid Ages are a subset of Real, Ports are a subset of Integers, etc.
We spread Logic and Behavior in many places.
Premature Optimization.
Create Small Objects
Build missing abstractions using MAPPER
Use Value-Objects.
We are very lazy to create small objects.
We are also lazy to separate What and How
We like very much to understand the internals of how things work.
We need to start thinking in a whitebox way and looking at the protocol and behavior of small components.
Sample Code
//Samples borrowed with permission from
var port = 8080;
var in = open("example.org", port);
var uri = urifromPort("example.org", port);
var address = addressFromPort("example.org", port);
var path = pathFromPort("example.org", port);
//Samples borrowed with permission from
const server = Port.parse(this, "www.kivakit.org:8080");
//Port is a smallobject with responsibilities and protocol
let in = port.open(this);
const uri = port.asUri(this);
const address = port.asInetSocketAddress();
const path = port.path(this, "/index.html");
[X] Manual
We can automate checks on constructors for small objects missing opportunities.
- Primitive Obsession
We need to transform our strings, numbers, and arrays into small objects

Code Smell 04 - String Abusers
Maxi Contieri ・ Oct 23 '20
More Info
Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash
Iteration allows us to progressively approach some goal. We can discard the steps that take us further away and prefer the steps that move us nearer. This is in essence how evolution works. It is also at the heart of how modern machine learning (ML) works.
Dave Farley

Software Engineering Great Quotes
Maxi Contieri ・ Dec 28 '20
This article is part of the CodeSmell Series.
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