What happens if you combine 4 code smells?
TL;DR: Avoid Getters, Avoid Setters, Avoid Metaprogramming. Think about Behavior.
Information Hiding Violation
Fail Fast Principle violation
Duplicate code when setting properties
Setters and getters are a bad industry practice.
Many IDEs favor this code smell.
Some languages provide explicit support to build anemic models and DTOs.
Sample Code
class Person
public string name
{ get; set; }
class Person
private string name
public Person(string personName)
name = personName;
//no getters, no setters
//... more protocol, probably accessing private variable name
[X] Automatic
This is a language feature.
We should avoid immature languages or forbid their worst practices.
- Encapsulation
We need to think carefully before exposing our properties.
The first step is to stop thinking about properties and focus solely on behavior.

Code Smell 70 - Anemic Model Generators
Maxi Contieri ・ May 18 '21

Code Smell 01 - Anemic Models
Maxi Contieri ・ Oct 20 '20
More Info
Nothing is harder than working under a tight deadline and still taking the time to clean up as you go.
Kent Beck

Software Engineering Great Quotes
Maxi Contieri ・ Dec 28 '20
This article is part of the CodeSmell Series.
Top comments (6)
What use is that Person class when you can't even get the name from an instance?
Use = Behavior (Essential)
Name = Data (Accidental)
we are talking about objects and responsabilities, not anemic structs
You took usable but smelly code and turned it into code that does nothing and is useful for nothing.
The correct way to fix the smell of the original example would be the following. Immutability is enforced, but the name string isn't lost inside a worthless black box of a class.
Even better, with the latest version of .NET, the class should be declared as a record and the Name property should be declared
. Maybe you should stick to javascript or php or whatever for your smells, because your knowledge of proper C# seems distinctly lacking.Hi
Thank you for advice
Your "correct" solutions has a getter which is another code smell, IMHO
Code Smell 68 - Getters
Maxi Contieri ・ Apr 29 ・ 2 min read
So. I will stick to mine until I find a better one (without getters)
And records are yet another code smell
Code Smell 40 - DTOs
Maxi Contieri ・ Dec 2 '20 ・ 2 min read
I think the problem is you care too much on the (accidental) data. I chose to care on (essential) behavior
But it is just my opinion
No, I care about behavior. The point is that a class with only private variables doesn't support any behavior.
You're welcome to your opinion, but I categorically disagree with it. The smell would be having an object that doesn't allow you to retrieve data you put into it.
I'm not sure how to respond to that. Using a language feature that standardizes a way to enforce immutability and the handling of immutable objects is not a smell.
I think the problem is that Person protocol is incomplete. I will change that to clarify.
More behavior, no getters
I don't think they should be different kind of objects. Those with behavior and those for data transportation.
I honor the bijection. One Person in real world one person class