We love looking at the internal gears of the clock, but we need to start focusing on the hands.
TL;DR: Don't mess with implementation details. Be declarative. Not imperative.
Accidental Coupling
Lack of design for change
Comments distinguish the 'how' and the 'what'.
- Separate 'What' and 'How' concerns.
Separating concerns is very difficult in the software industry.
Functional software survives ages.
Implementative software brings coupling and is harder to change.
Choosing wise declarative names is a daily challenge.
Sample Code
class Workflow {
moveToNextTransition() {
// We couple the business rule with the accidental implementation
if (this.stepWork.hasPendingTasks) {
throw new Exception('Preconditions are not met yet..');
} else {
class Workflow {
moveToNextTransition() {
if (!this.canWeMoveOn()) {
throw new Exception('Preconditions are not met yet..');
} else {
canWeMoveOn() {
// We hide accidental implementation 'the how'
// under the 'what'
return !this.stepWork.hasPendingTasks();
[X] Manual
This is a semantic and naming smell.
- Readability
We need to choose good names and add indirection layers when necessary.
Of course, premature optimizators will fight us, telling us we are wasting computational resources and they need to know the insights we are hiding from them.

Code Smell 92 - Isolated Subclasses Names
Maxi Contieri ・ Oct 11 '21
More Info
Photo by Josh Redd on Unsplash
The idea of this smell is here:
Code Smell 118 - Return False's comment
and here
We are constantly interfacing with other people's code that might not live up to our high standards and dealing with inputs that may or may not be valid. So we are taught to code defensively. We use assertions to detect bad data and check for consistency.
Andrew Hunt

Software Engineering Great Quotes
Maxi Contieri ・ Dec 28 '20
This article is part of the CodeSmell Series.
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