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Leetcode Problem #709 (Easy): To Lower Case
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Given a string
, return the string after replacing every uppercase letter with the same lowercase letter.
Example 1: Input: s = "Hello" Output: "hello"
Example 2: Input: s = "here" Output: "here"
Example 3: Input: s = "LOVELY" Output: "lovely"
1 <= s.length <= 100
consists of printable ASCII characters.
(Jump to: Problem Description || Code: JavaScript | Python | Java | C++)
The uppercase letters from 'A' to 'Z' have ASCCII codes between 65 and 90. We can iterate through our input string (s) and as we build up our answer string (ans), if the value (n) of any character lies in that range, we can replace it with the character of value n + 32, which corresponds to the lowercase version of the uppercase letter.
- Time Complexity: O(N) where N is the length of s
- Space Complexity: O(1) excluding the space of the output
Javascript Code:
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var toLowerCase = function(s) {
let ans = ""
for (let c of s) {
let n = c.charCodeAt()
ans += n > 64 && n < 91 ? String.fromCharCode(n + 32) : c
return ans
Python Code:
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class Solution:
def toLowerCase(self, s: str) -> str:
ans = ""
for c in s:
n = ord(c)
ans += chr(n+32) if n > 64 and n < 91 else c
return ans
Java Code:
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class Solution {
public String toLowerCase(String s) {
StringBuilder ans = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
ans.append(c > 64 && c < 91 ? (char)(c + 32) : c);
return new String(ans);
C++ Code:
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class Solution {
string toLowerCase(string s) {
string ans = "";
for (auto& c : s)
ans += c > 64 && c < 91 ? c + 32 : c;
return ans;
Top comments (3)
In Modern C++, you can actually do that more efficiently and in a more readable code:
If you want to know more about them, here are some links to std::transform documentation and std::tolower π
That misses the point of the exercise, though. Almost all languages have some kind of toLower method built-in. The exercise is to see if we can write our own code to do the same thing that the built-in methods do, to help us understand the process behind-the-scenes.
I mean, Javascript and Java have s.toLowerCase() and Python has s.lower(), all of which directly provide the solution.
Also, for C++, you can omit the explicit lambda from your example and just directly apply the standard function:
And there's also the simple iteration:
Indeed, now that you've pointed it out, with the purpose of understanding how
functions of programming languages works, your solutions are clearly more appropriate ! πNice point on the C++ example ! I always forget that we can pass functions like that, without the explicit lambda! π π
Maybe, it would have been interesting to mention the
of the language you used, directly in your article, for people to learn about them if they didn't.In my little experience as a software engineer, people tends to re-write that kind of function each time they need it, even if they already exists and are available in their language, only because they don't know about them. I would be very interested to know if you had some similar experiences about that ? π