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Software Developer

Location Amsterdam Joined Joined on  Personal website twitter website


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Unit Testing: Mocks

Unit Testing: Mocks

Comments 1
9 min read

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Unit Testing: Mocks

Unit Testing: Mocks

Comments 1
9 min read
Writing Good Unit Tests: A Step By Step Tutorial

Writing Good Unit Tests: A Step By Step Tutorial

Comments 5
7 min read
How To Switch To Software Industry

How To Switch To Software Industry

Comments 7
8 min read
Nevertheless, Elena Coded

Nevertheless, Elena Coded

Comments 1
1 min read
Geo Crash Course

Geo Crash Course

Comments 12
1 min read
How I Deal With Bad User Feedback

How I Deal With Bad User Feedback

Comments 13
3 min read
Writing Good Unit Tests: A Step By Step Tutorial

Writing Good Unit Tests: A Step By Step Tutorial

Comments 14
7 min read
When Not To A/B Test

When Not To A/B Test

Comments 4
4 min read
The Hunch: 4 Times I Felt It And 1 When I Didn't, And What Were The Consequences

The Hunch: 4 Times I Felt It And 1 When I Didn't, And What Were The Consequences

Comments 8
9 min read
C++ From The Past - I found C++ and OOP lectures I wrote back in 2008!

C++ From The Past - I found C++ and OOP lectures I wrote back in 2008!

Comments 14
4 min read
Code Reviews Are Awesome, Here Are 7 Reasons Why

Code Reviews Are Awesome, Here Are 7 Reasons Why

Comments 19
4 min read
11 Mistakes To Avoid On A Technical Interview

11 Mistakes To Avoid On A Technical Interview

Comments 43
8 min read
Problem Solving: A Hunch

Problem Solving: A Hunch

Comments 3
1 min read
Unit testing: best practices

Unit testing: best practices

Comments 20
6 min read
Nevertheless, Elena Coded

Nevertheless, Elena Coded

Comments 2
3 min read
Crowdsourcing a portrait of an ideal manager

Crowdsourcing a portrait of an ideal manager

Comments 21
1 min read
15 Random Pieces Of Wisdom About People Management

15 Random Pieces Of Wisdom About People Management

Comments 34
2 min read
Problem Solving: Thinking About Corner Cases

Problem Solving: Thinking About Corner Cases

Comments 1
6 min read
Seeing The Big Picture: One Important Aspect Of Being A Senior Developer

Seeing The Big Picture: One Important Aspect Of Being A Senior Developer

Comments 9
5 min read
Little Geo Stories: Square Miles

Little Geo Stories: Square Miles

Comments 15
3 min read
[Question] Have you had an interview where you just talked about previous work, no assignments? Please share your experience!

[Question] Have you had an interview where you just talked about previous work, no assignments? Please share your experience!

Comments 38
1 min read
A/B testing: introduction

A/B testing: introduction

Comments 7
9 min read
One Useful Advice To Fight The Impostor Syndrome

One Useful Advice To Fight The Impostor Syndrome

Comments 43
6 min read
Do I Want To Work In This Company, or What Questions To Ask On An Interview

Do I Want To Work In This Company, or What Questions To Ask On An Interview

Comments 91
9 min read
Prioritization for Perfectionists, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Non-Perfection

Prioritization for Perfectionists, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Non-Perfection

Comments 7
6 min read
Modularization and dependency management: three steps to better code

Modularization and dependency management: three steps to better code

Comments 1
9 min read
What's Common Between Opera Houses And Software Projects, or 10 Reasons Software Developers Go Overtime

What's Common Between Opera Houses And Software Projects, or 10 Reasons Software Developers Go Overtime

Comments 12
20 min read
How I Hired Freelancers Who Went Way Over The Deadline

How I Hired Freelancers Who Went Way Over The Deadline

Comments 12
4 min read
Design your code for readability

Design your code for readability

Comments 12
6 min read
Hi, I'm Elena

Hi, I'm Elena

Comments 2
1 min read