📱 If your phone could only have three apps (excluding essentials like calls and messages), which apps would you keep, and how do they keep you entertained or organized?
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Top comments (17)
There are only two categories of apps I really love
What I avoid
(*) 0-based indexing
Not the most used, but very important:
Honourable mentions:
I've never tried mastodon. How is it?
I'm getting more value out of it than I did twitter (though I never used the twitter app.) I find there is better community content for the things I'm interested in. I like how moderation works and the local (the instance you're on), and the wider inter-instance moderation.
I've seen pretty much no bad actors unlike on FB or Twitter. (I think they get filtered out very quickly)
GitHub, LinkedIn, 2FA app (just not indicating which specific one I use)
Google Maps, Spotify and X.
By most frequently used, Discord, YouTube, and Spotify.
3 is very small number so only the basics excluding Google Apps like Chrome, YT and Maps,
Sorting my installed apps by most frequently used, the answer would appear to be:
The Difference between nightly and normal firefox?
Facts We Cant Disagree
For Browsing & Downloading Chrome (i prefer brave)
For Sharing And Chatting Telegram
Twitter For Knowing Trends