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Ben Halpern Subscriber for CodeNewbie

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Which Programming Language Did You Choose to Start with, and Why Did You Choose It?

Starting your journey in programming can be an exciting but daunting experience. One of the first decisions you'll make is choosing which programming language to start with.

We want to hear from our newbies and from some of the more experienced community members, too: What was the first programming language you learned, and what programming language(s) are you currently studying?

Top comments (69)

etienneburdet profile image
Etienne Burdet

I didn't chose my first language, they were the one we had at school: Matlab, a tiny bit of C and some weird scientific stuff.

Then JS because… well, it did what I wanted. Chose a Rails bootcamp to start coding for real, because it seemed promising, and I liked it a lot. I think it was really cool for learning and wouldn't mind doing some Rails again.

In the end, I got a React/Svelte (and tiny of Python) job… and it's all great too!

So yeah, the one I truly chose was Ruby, but JS kept being the thing to do again and again 🤷

yw662 profile image

Matlab is indeed great. "Vectorization".

auroratide profile image
Timothy Foster

Technically TI-Basic, a language used to program their TI-83/4 calculators.

But I like to say my journey started with Powerpoint 2003 ( : Because I think elementary-aged me picked up on a ton of useful programming paradigms just by messing with animations and button triggers.

stephanie profile image
Stephanie Handsteiner

Ohh, TI-Basic, that brings back memories to my TI-84. :D

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank

Wow, TI-Basic. Now that is trip down memory lane to my middle/HS math classes 🤓

raibtoffoletto profile image
Raí B. Toffoletto

Well... my first contact with programming was a small HTML tutorial from a magazine in the late 90s when my handdown computer was still a x386 and we used Netscape on a win 3.1 to access the internet. But I'd say my first real programming language was ASP (O.G.). Then in the early 2000s a friend of my father's said that future of internet was Linux and PHP and then I moved on to the LAMP stack... then JS, but those languages I found in my path as a hobbyist web developer.

The first language I CHOSE ro learn by my own was Vala in 2018, an OOP superset that compiles to C. It helped me study OOP programing and kickstart my professional path as a developer.

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jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️ • Edited

ZX Spectrum BASIC - because it was just there - as soon as you turned the machine on


jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️ • Edited

This was 1983 - I was 7 years old

andrewharpin profile image
Andrew Harpin

Also me

frankfont profile image
Frank Font

Vic20 memories

frikishaan profile image
Ishaan Sheikh

C++, I didn't choose, it was the only language taught in my school.
And I still think it is the go to language for anyone who wants to start programming as it teaches the basics of programming and logic building.

isaacdlyman profile image
Isaac Lyman

C++ was my first language, because that's what I had access to a book about. There wasn't any Codecademy or CodeNewbie back then so I didn't know better. My next language was Python. That was lucky because if I'd had to deal with pointers and memory management again I might have given up for good. (I wasn't even a teenager yet!) I think it's better to start with a garbage-collected language and move on to manual memory management once you've got a rock-solid understanding of different data types and structures, if ever.

Most recently I learned some Rust to write an extremely performance-sensitive simulation. Rust is a delightful language for people who love to code: internally consistent, safe, and fast, with a compiler that holds your hand and nods encouragingly the whole time.

grahamthedev profile image

I didn't choose, VBA chose first experience with programming was writing Excel has been downhill from there! 🤣💗

matthewsaintbull profile image
Matteo Santoro • Edited

I Started "playing" with coding at 6/7 thanks to a relative who was a programmer, using Turbo Pascal.
Then I moved at 11 years old to python since I fell in love seeing my first programming book in a bookshop (python 2.5) and after that Lua .
14 years old C/C++ thanks to school and now I'm using mainly JS/TS .
As obvious, I also had to study (and use for working purposes) php and Java but I'm not so much into these two languages so I tend to forget about those experiences 😁

__masashi__ profile image
Masashi • Edited

Wow. My story is kind of similar. I started with Python when I was 10 after going down a rabbit hole of HTML tutorials (for school) and from the same site, I learnt JS and Java basics. Later I started general learning (not from a a fixed resource) and created some basic things using Django. I have been in love with programming ever since.

brentdalling profile image
Brent Dalling • Edited

My first language was JS. I had broken my back and was stuck in bed for a while. I got bored with my games and decided I wanted to mod Minecraft. At the time I didn't know that Java and JS were different. A year later and I was learning C++ and PHP. My first language used professionally was PHP During the PHP 5 years. I started using PHP 5 to build small websites for companies in my area that allowed them to modify content on their page. No framework. Just what was bad authentication, PHP rendered pages, and a database connection to grab content from the MYSQL server on the LAMP server I setup. I had about 1 site per month that I built for someone. I've now been in the industry for 8 years. 6 of which have been professional.

pinotattari profile image
Riccardo Bernardini • Edited

I am from the 80's. My first language was, I guess, BASIC, just because it was the only language available on the home computers at that time. After BASIC I learned also the Z80 assembler to go faster and because it was fun. At school I learned FORTRAN, more or less at the same time than BASIC (difficult to remember which one was the true first one).

After that I learned whatever language I got the occasion to work with, 90% for curiosity and fun, 10% because of its usefulness. I coded in C, C++, PostScript (which is a full language with loop, conditionals, and stuff...), Pascal (Turbo variant, mostly small personal projects), Matlab, Ruby Emacs LISP, Tcl/Tk, PERL (ugh!) and Ada, few assemblers and shell scripts, PHP and Javascript when forced by the circumstances (I do not love them, deep down I am an Adaist).

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