With a super delay... my previous week in a post...
Vacation 🌴
Mood: 🗽
I did some stuff that I have postponed since a lot.
I completed my ebook/presentations about a few GIT commands: https://kasuken.github.io/presentations/git-up-and-go/
I also updated my links website: https://links.emanuelebartolesi.com
Mood: 🥗
In the morning I created the basic project for Report Whale 365 and collect some information about collecting data from Microsoft 365 and Azure AD with the Graph API SDK.
I hope to bring this product to the market in the next weeks (at least the MVP).
I updated (again) my website links.emanuelebartolesi.com with additional information.
Mood: 😱
I tested GitHub Copilot X and Visual Studio Code Insiders in a real project and it's amazing!!!
I also started to evaluate all the sessions for Codemotion Italy (October 2023)
In the morning I also had a meeting for an internal demo for Red Origin. Great feedbacks and I took some notes about them.
I published an article about async and await in vanilla JavaScript.

Async and Await in Vanilla JavaScript
Emanuele Bartolesi for This is Learning ・ May 4 '23
Mood: ⚠️
I worked on a side project that I forgot for too much time.
I added the Planetary Overview on my Horostory API on Rapid API (https://rapidapi.com/kasuken/api/horostory).
After that I fixed (I recreated from scratch) the GitHub Action for Horostory API. Now everything is automated when something is published on main branch. No more activities on this project. Moved to status Done.
Mood: 🦉
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