Today I spent the entire day in the office with my colleagues.
Every month we spend one day together in the office.
In the morning I had a meeting with one of my colleague about Red Origin. We planned the next sprint and we found some new features for the product.
I will implement the first version of the new features in the next sprint, so at the end of June we will present the first version to our colleagues.
In the afternoon I had a meeting for Brandplane with a new big potential customer.
After dinner I created a recurring event for Brandplane to talk with the early adopters of the platform.
I discovered that you can hide the attendees list from an event in a Microsoft 365 outlook event: click on “Response Options” → “Hide attendee list”. Very useful.
Mood: 😩
My first activity in the morning was a call with Paolo about a new changes for the sign documents application for Microsoft 365. We discussed about the solution we would like to implement according with the customer’s requests.
We were not happy about the final solution, but the customer needs this solution.
After that I had my weekly demo for Brandplane. Another no-show from a customer but I used that time to talk with our developer and I showed how Brandplane works in deep.
Just few minutes to rest a little bit and I had a meeting with Dereck about my new adventure called “I-Riide”. I joined the startup as co-founder and CTO.
After this important meeting I had another meeting with our Brandplane strategist to talk about the new features for Branplane and some reviews of the old ones.
After lunch, I called a friend of mine who works at Microsoft and I asked some questions about Semantic Kernel, a new open source project from Microsoft for managing better the prompts for OpenAI. I think I will use it in Brandplane in the next couple of weeks.
By the end of the afternoon I had the Auth0 montly meeting with the .NET team.
A lot of interesting topics in the future on this stuff as well.
Mood: ☠️
In the morning I had my weekly call with my therapist and then I did my first call with the I-Riide team. Really cool.
After that I worked a little bit on Brandplane.
I worked on the keywords extractor features.
This is the result:
Yesterday evening after dinner I also changed all the training models in Brandplane from DaVinci003 to ChatGPT3.5 turbo.
The results are really really better right now.
In the afternoon I published a new article about performance tags in HTML5.
Mood: 😱
In the morning I didn’t work too much because I had to take care of my son. The kindergarten is closed today and tomorrow.
After lunch I created a new feature for Brandplane called “Proofreader”. The name of the feature is what it does 🙂
I did some tests and it’s impressive!
After that I reorganized some activities on Azure DevOps for Red Origin.
Mood: 🙄
I worked on a new task cross for all my project in this moment: documentation.
It’s one of the worst nightmare for every developer, but I try to use a cool tool to deliver this service to users: Docusaurus.
I know the name it’s weird, but it’s the official tool used by Facebook.
I created a new instance of Docusaurus in all my products, on GitHub and I created a GitHub Action to update the documentation on changes.
I also prepared a blog post about it and I will publish it the next week.
Mood: ✍🏻
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