Advent of Code 2019 Day 18
Try the simulator using my puzzle input!

Task: Solve for X where...
X = the number of steps in the shortest path that collects all of the keys
Example input
It represents:
- A map of tunnels
is the entrance -
s are open spaces -
s are walls -
are doors -
are keys that unlock the corresponding uppercase door
Part 1
- I can't solve it manually or algorithmically
- But I can make it a game!
I can't solve it manually or algorithmically
- Perhaps if my puzzle input were the same scope as the examples: less than 10 keys and doors within a 20x20 area
- But my puzzle input is a 40x40 area with the full alphabet of keys and doors
I'm not motivated enough to attempt to identify even a single possible way to solve the puzzle...
...let alone the shortest path!
And I'm still not educated on pathfinding algorithms to write one capable of solving this puzzle.
But I can make it a game!
- And that's exactly what I did!
- To make it even harder, but fit on a screen without requiring scrolling, I limited the field of vision to roughy 6 spaces in all directions from the player
The result is a masochistic game that I challenge you to play!
Try the simulator using my puzzle input!

Short and sweet
- I couldn't solve Part 1, so I didn't even see Part 2
- But I repurposed my code from an earlier Intcode computer simulator to make today's puzzle into a game
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