Advent of Code 2022 Day 25
Part 1
- And finally, another math problem
- Creating an array of powers of five
- Walking through the small sample
- Validating with both sample lists
- Turning the SNAFU knobs to find my answer
And finally, another math problem
- Decipher each powers-of-five code into a power-of-10 decimal
- Find the sum of all decimals
- Cipher that decimal back into a powers-of-five code
My gut tells me:
- I think I can write an algorithm to do #1
- I know I can write an algorithm to do #2
- I doubt I can write an algorithm to do #3
If I can't solve #3 algorithmically, maybe it will be doable using my trusty calculator and some process of elimination.
Creating an array of powers of five
The first 10 powers of five are:
1, 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, 15625, 78125, 390625, 1953125
I know that because I wrote this algorithm:
new Array(10).fill(null).map((_,i) => 5 ** i)
Walking through the small sample
The SNAFU is:
There are five digit places.
I'll need an array with the first five powers of five, in reverse order from above:
let SNAFU = '2=-01'
let powers = new Array(SNAFU.length).fill(null).map((_,i) => 5 ** i).reverse()
Before I can perform the necessary math, I need to convert the =
and -
into their corresponding amounts:
2 1 0 - =
2 1 0 -1 -2
My algorithm in JavaScript:
SNAFU = SNAFU.split('').map(char => !isNaN(char)
? +char
: ['=','-'].indexOf(char) - ['=','-'].length
That last part is clever, I think:
- I make use of the index of the character and the length of the two-item array to return the number I seek:
1 - 2 = -1
and0 - 2 = -2
Lastly, I need to calculate each digit place - by multiplying the digit by the corresponding power - and sum each product:
(sum, digit, index) => sum += digit * powers[index]
, 0
I successfully generated 976
for the SNAFU 2=-01
Validating with both sample lists
Will my SNAFU-deciphering algorithm hold up to these lists?
I had to adjust my algorithm to work with an input.
My algorithm in JavaScript:
.map(SNAFU => {
SNAFU = SNAFU.split('').map(char => !isNaN(char)
? +char
: ['=','-'].indexOf(char) - ['=','-'].length
let powers = new Array(SNAFU.length).fill(null).map((_,i) => 5 ** i).reverse()
return SNAFU.reduce(
(sum, digit, index) => sum += digit * powers[index]
, 0
It worked! I saw the expected decimals for each SNAFU in both lists!
Turning the SNAFU knobs to find my answer
The deciphered SNAFUs in my puzzle input summed to this final decimal:
Five to the nineteenth power is:
Thus, the SNAFU I need to find has 20 digit places:
And so began the tedious guessing game that was manually finding the winning combination of 2, 1, 0, -, =
to generate my large decimal number.
How it went:
- Under
- Over
- Still over
- Under
- Still under
- A little over
You get the picture.
Eventually, I found my winning SNAFU:
It was the correct answer!
I did it!!
- I solved Part 1!
- Using an algorithm and process of elimination!
I got my 34th gold star!
I tied my record for lowest star count!
Year in review
- 34 stars earned (tie for lowest)
- 14 two-star days
- 6 one-star days
- 5 zero-star days
- 5 simulators built
- Tons of GIFs created
Yearly star counts
- 312/400: 78% - C (Passing grade!)
200 'days' later
Countless hours of:
- Practice
- Struggle
- Critical thinking
- Trial and error
- Debugging
- Frustration
- Confusion
- Acceptance
- Grit
- Persistence
- Patience
- Adrenaline
- Delight
- Sheer glee
It's been a wonderful way to spend my free time throughout 2022.
I encourage you to do the same!
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