Today I saw the following post from Waylon Walker and I was inspired.

🤓 What's on your GitHub Profile README
Waylon Walker ・ Jul 9 '20 ・ 1 min read
Within the comment section I saw the profile of Mpho Mphego:
Mpho Mphego was influenced by CyrisXD profile:
& I wanted to create something just like it, except I had no idea how to. So I google searched how to create a css/js typewriter functionality on and created the following:
The next step was to figure out how on EARTH do I make that into a gif? Well google helped me out once again and I was able to create one using giphy capture.
What I love about coding is that it allows you to be inspired by others to create something else. However, you should always give credit when credit is due and I would like to thank the people above for their creativity and knowledge.
Check out my updated Github profile below:
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- Helpful Online Tools
- How did I get my first job as a software engineer?
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