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Daniel Azevedo

C# developer passionate about clean code and design patterns. Sharing insights on software architecture, coding best practices, and tech tips. Join me on this journey to better code!

Location Portugal Joined Joined on 
Choosing Between `StringBuilder` and `string`: A Real-World Scenario in C#

Choosing Between `StringBuilder` and `string`: A Real-World Scenario in C#

2 min read

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The Builder Pattern in C#: A Flexible Approach to Payroll Processing

The Builder Pattern in C#: A Flexible Approach to Payroll Processing

3 min read
Lesson 10 – Using Public APIs to Simulate Employee Data

Lesson 10 – Using Public APIs to Simulate Employee Data

4 min read
Lesson 9 – Working with REST APIs for HR Systems

Lesson 9 – Working with REST APIs for HR Systems

5 min read
Lesson 8 – Working with SQL Server Databases for HR Systems

Lesson 8 – Working with SQL Server Databases for HR Systems

5 min read
Clean Architecture: Keeping Code Clean and Maintainable

Clean Architecture: Keeping Code Clean and Maintainable

4 min read
Layered Architecture in C# – MVC in a Payroll System

Layered Architecture in C# – MVC in a Payroll System

3 min read
Contract Substitution Principle (Design by Interface)

Contract Substitution Principle (Design by Interface)

4 min read
How Object Calisthenics Helped Me Write Better C# Code

How Object Calisthenics Helped Me Write Better C# Code

3 min read
The Law of Demeter: Why Less is More in Object-Oriented Design

The Law of Demeter: Why Less is More in Object-Oriented Design

2 min read
Jupyter vs. VS Code vs. PyCharm: Which One Should You Choose?

Jupyter vs. VS Code vs. PyCharm: Which One Should You Choose?

2 min read
Getting Started with Web Scraping in Python (For Beginners)

Getting Started with Web Scraping in Python (For Beginners)

Comments 2
2 min read
Lesson 7 – Working with APIs and Web Scraping for HR Automation

Lesson 7 – Working with APIs and Web Scraping for HR Automation

5 min read
Lesson 6 – External Libraries for Payroll and HR Automation

Lesson 6 – External Libraries for Payroll and HR Automation

5 min read
Lesson 5 – Handling Errors and Exceptions in Payroll Systems

Lesson 5 – Handling Errors and Exceptions in Payroll Systems

5 min read
Lesson 4 – File Handling for Storing Employee Data

Lesson 4 – File Handling for Storing Employee Data

5 min read
Lesson 3 – Data Structures for Employee Management

Lesson 3 – Data Structures for Employee Management

4 min read
Lesson 2 – Control Flow for HR & Payroll Automation

Lesson 2 – Control Flow for HR & Payroll Automation

4 min read
Lesson 1 – Getting Started with Python for HR & Payroll

Lesson 1 – Getting Started with Python for HR & Payroll

4 min read
Understanding the Strategy Pattern: A Flexible Approach to Salary Processing (Python)

Understanding the Strategy Pattern: A Flexible Approach to Salary Processing (Python)

3 min read
Abstract Factory Pattern in C#: Streamlining Salary Processing in HR

Abstract Factory Pattern in C#: Streamlining Salary Processing in HR

4 min read
Understanding the Factory Method Pattern in C#

Understanding the Factory Method Pattern in C#

4 min read
Understanding the Strategy Pattern in C# with a VAT Calculation Example

Understanding the Strategy Pattern in C# with a VAT Calculation Example

3 min read
The Factory Pattern in C#: Creating Objects the Smart Way

The Factory Pattern in C#: Creating Objects the Smart Way

3 min read
Should I Use `var` in C#? Here's What I've Learned

Should I Use `var` in C#? Here's What I've Learned

2 min read
Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS): Why Simplicity is Key in C# Development

Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS): Why Simplicity is Key in C# Development

2 min read
Writing Clean Code: The Importance of DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)

Writing Clean Code: The Importance of DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)

2 min read
The Singleton Pattern in C#: Why It’s a Classic Choice

The Singleton Pattern in C#: Why It’s a Classic Choice

2 min read
Why Design Patterns Matter in C# Development

Why Design Patterns Matter in C# Development

2 min read