DEV Community

What are you "old enough to remember" in software development?

Ben Halpern on May 23, 2019

javierg profile image
Javier Guerra

10 print "Hello World"
20 goto 10

calder12 profile image
Rick Calder

My God thank you! I was reading these replies thinking "these people are all kids" lol

vgrovestine profile image
Vincent Grovestine

//nod// Save+load from cassette, hoping dearly that you started at the correct counter position and had the tape recorder volume loud enough (but not too loud), then wait...10 play Wumpus!

...And there was also the cursed temperamental 16K RAM pack plugged into my ZX81 which would cause the computer to crash if you jostled the thing even slightly--like typing!!

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calder12 profile image
Rick Calder

For me it was a Commodore 64 or a Vic 20 which was what our first computer classes in grade 11 used.

I still remember the joy of walking up to a demo computer in a store and doing the 20 goto 10 thing :D

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alohci profile image
Nicholas Stimpson

You young whippersnapper! I was at school at a time when the school didn't have any computers. Its entire computing facility consisted of a single teletype terminal that could be connected via acoustic coupler to a mainframe across town. Paper tape was the local storage medium.

It didn't matter. I was hooked.

forkbomb profile image
Joe Buckle

I only recently joined this community and I'm happy to see more of us 'oldies' here

unsungnovelty profile image
Nikhil • Edited

My school had BASIC when I was 10 years old! Every alternate IT period (Computer period) was a lab session where 30mins was programming and 10mins games. We had to draw a rectangle using BASIC and I used to wonder... HUH! Why can't we just draw it on a paper?! I am not sure whether this comes under "Old enough to remember"... but damn that was long time ago!

myterminal profile image
Mohammed Ismail Ansari

Completely agree. I've been through the same thing. They skipped a very important step: explain why we need to write tens of lines code for something that could be done in less than a couple of seconds on a sheet of paper.

javierg profile image
Javier Guerra

If you like to revisit BASIC from a culture and humanities perspective check out
It is a beautiful book

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unsungnovelty profile image

Hey, Thanks! I will check it out. It would be a cool to check how much I remember.

jminkler profile image
Jarret Minkler

BASIC or Logo?

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unsungnovelty profile image

It was BASIC.

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

And how brilliant GOSUB was.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I'm old enough to remember Java applets 😄

bhupesh profile image
Bhupesh Varshney 👾

Damn it
I have to write applet for exam today 😪

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

My first calculator was a Java applet!

foresthoffman profile image
Forest Hoffman

One of the first projects I ever completed was a Java applet with physics simulation, and a bouncing ball.

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson

My mother kicking me off AOL because she was expecting a phone call!

dinkydani21 profile image

My friend coming round my house to play Habbo Hotel because her Dad put child restrictions on their AOL

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson • Edited

OMG it was cat and mouse with us! I was finding workarounds to my parents' parental controls as fast as they could find new ones 😂

philnash profile image
Phil Nash

Professionally: the double margin float bug in Internet Explorer 6 and hoping for the demise of IE5.

Also, I was aware of IE5 for Mac (different bugs to regular IE5) but never had a Mac at the time to try it out. Now we have Edge for Mac, so what goes around comes around, I guess.

My first web experience: all elements in capital letters and no CSS. Yay for <FONT> and <CENTER> and of course <BLINK> and <MARQUEE>.

yaser profile image
Yaser Al-Najjar

The marquee days... I still remember those websites were full of GIF ads 😂

This gif was a thing at those times:


philnash profile image
Phil Nash

So much of the web was under construction!

Under construction

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern


andyhaskell profile image
Andy Haskell

FLAMINGTEXT! I miss hokey 00s web stuff!

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ahkohd profile image
Victor Aremu 😀

archaeos profile image

Entire site layout done in tables.

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

Nested tables

...with some CSS thown in that rendered completely differentely in IE than in Phoenix/Firebird/Firefox.

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philnash profile image
Phil Nash

Styling MySpace pages! Which were just nested tables with no class names or ids. So all the CSS had to look like

table table table table p { ... }
bloqhead profile image
Daryn St. Pierre

I had the (dis)pleasure of using IE on a Mac once. If you thought the bugs were bad on IE for Windows... holy crap. That browser was so half-baked.

I still remember DHTML menus and all that stuff.

drhyde profile image
David Cantrell

IE on Solaris was quite a lot better, mostly because they didn’t even try to implement half of it.

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ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

Yeah. It was great, alright. Especially when you worked for a company that was Windows based but the only thing on your desktop was a Solaris box because you were in Unix Operations. "You need to do a daily timecard ...but the timecard system only works under IE" (and the IE for Solaris didn't quiiiiiiiiiiite render the page correctly).

cecilelebleu profile image
Cécile Lebleu

That sounds horrible!

ryansmith profile image
Ryan Smith

FTPing into the server and making live edits. YOLO.

valeriecodes profile image
Valerie Woolard

Editing HTML in Notepad!

webdave profile image
David Müllerchen

Pro Version was Notepad++

valeriecodes profile image
Valerie Woolard

Notepad++ was the first time I had syntax highlighting and it blew my mind.

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philnash profile image
Phil Nash

I used Notepad2 and it changed my life.

Editing Java files for university coursework in Notepad was one of the reasons I still hold an irrational hatred for Java in my heart.

vuild profile image

I stil do this

darkain profile image
Vincent Milum Jr

When the "console", "terminal" or "command prompt" was really just this thing called "DOS"

And it had QBasic. And QBasic was a godsend for learning how the computer actually worked!

Speaking of learning how things worked... Drawing graphics in QBasic? You interacted directly with the video card. There were no drivers. You would have to manually setup which VGA mode you wanted, such as 320x240 pixel with 16 colors. And then very single dot had to be manually plotted on the screen! There were a few libraries for drawing primitives, but these literally did the same thing, CPU based drawing to a generic frame buffer.

dmfay profile image
Dian Fay

Having to choose between 640x480 with 16 colors or 320x200 with 256 was agonizing back in the day!

darkain profile image
Vincent Milum Jr

Color, or resolution... PICK ONE!

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erikpischel profile image
Erik Pischel

Color! Plus 320x200x256 was easy to address because every pixel was a byte in an array.

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darkain profile image
Vincent Milum Jr

MOSTLY YES! But there was also some odd-ball hardware that was 16-bit transfers instead of 8-bit. So to draw a single pixel, you had to read two bytes, replace one, then write two bytes back. HOWEVER though, this also meant that just raw performance of painting was twice as fast, as you could draw two pixels in a single operation, if you already knew what both were going to be! (like copying frame buffer for example)

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phlash profile image
Phil Ashby

For those who get a kick out of wrangling old hardware to do things it was never designed to.. this back in 2015 blew me away when I found it:

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

But damn the plaids were great. :p

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

But did you ever have to engage int he joy that was "shape tables"?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Table layout

dontcodethis profile image

Wait! We are not supposed to use that anymore??

gsto profile image
Glenn Stovall

We just call it “grid” now

databasesponge profile image
MetaDave 🇪🇺

Another couple of years and it'll be back.

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern

If high-waisted jeans could make a comeback, surely table layouts can!

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gsonderby profile image
Gert Sønderby • Edited

I mean, table elements are good for, well, laying out tables.

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databasesponge profile image
MetaDave 🇪🇺


antonfrattaroli profile image
Anton Frattaroli

The position: absolute revolution

misnina profile image

Professionally, nothing.

Unprofessionally: Geocities. My sailor moon character had her own website and I loved it.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Geocities ❤️

david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy

My first public web project was on Geocities. Spent countless hours figuring out how to z-index over the adverts...

val_baca profile image
Valentin Baca

Love it.

I had a Metallica Fan site on Geocities

Red text on a black background in "Viner Hand ITC" font everywhere

stereoplegic profile image
Mike Bybee

Ah, good ol' red on black, like every goth and industrial website.

samuelabreu profile image
Samuel Abreu

Had a Dragon Ball fan site on geocities, unfortunately, never found in any archive site :(

misnina profile image

Yeah I know what you mean. What I'd give for those to have been archived, but it seems like it's not the case.

adyngom profile image
Ady Ngom
  • Floppy disk to compile my C++ code
  • Tortoise SVN
  • Notepad (no syntax highlighting)
  • Netscape as a browser and IE6
  • Barnes & Nobles was Stack overflow
  • Circuit City was were the cool kids hung out and got their gears
  • Tables were the only way to control layout in HTML with some horrible CSS
  • Dreamweaver was the coolest shit since slice bread
  • ActionScript was how nerds did Flash
  • Flash
  • Napster (I don't want to get in trouble) let's say it was the premise for never ending playlists
  • The AOL DSL jingle and the famous "You've got mail"
  • Books
  • Java was the language of the web
  • CSS sprites when they first gained mainstream
  • YUI
  • Blogger
  • Google waves
  • Yahoo pipes
  • Hotmail - my first 'professional' email lol
  • Zend Framework for serious PHP dev
  • Phonegap as the first true HTML to mobile platform
  • jQuery mobile

Man plenty more I'm sure - it crazy going down the memory lane :)

darkain profile image
Vincent Milum Jr

Tortoise SVN is still a thing! And now we have Tortoise Git, which I use daily. I actually find it faster to do merge conflict resolution and file diffing with Tortoise compared to the command line. :)

adyngom profile image
Ady Ngom

Yes indeed but back then it was the only thing. I think it had one off the best diff tools associated with it. I just can’t remember the name.

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darkain profile image
Vincent Milum Jr

Tortoise Merge is their diff utility. And yeah, I absolutely love it. Still use it on pretty much every single commit just to verify file changes.

mihaylov profile image
Petar Petrov

TortoiseHG is my life saviour.

david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy

YUI - OMG, someone else remembers that!

adyngom profile image
Ady Ngom

Yup way before Bootstrap and the likes

tanyasinwi profile image

A shoebox of punch cards with my Fortran programs on them. The output was printed on paper with green and white bars. What do I win?

gsonderby profile image
Gert Sønderby

The epithets of "venerable" and "inscrutable", certainly.

dmh2000 profile image
david howard

don't drop the box (or at least configure the punch machine to print sequence numbers)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


prodigic profile image
Xavey Aguarez

Vivid memory of my boss putting a box of punched cards on top of his car to drive to a customer and forgetting to put them in the car. First turn cards flew off, still ribbed him about it for years

phlash profile image
Phil Ashby

Nice - I experienced the 3 week run/debug cycle for a year or so while still in school, then the Maths dept got a Pet - also welcome to :)

golangch profile image
Stefan Wuthrich

have a look on my first ever page i did:

Imagemaps, IE3 Enhanced, 3D Buttons, Fireworks Shadows, FrameSets....
CGI-Scripts, Nervous animated Gifs

Today looks a bit better:

alexmourer profile image
Alex Mourer

The entire layout for a website being a big ass table.

dinkydani21 profile image

Haha. Ass table

belzeme profile image
1marc profile image
Marc Grabanski 🏙💻 • Edited
  • First wrote code on a TI83 calculator
  • Table layouts and spacer gifs — no one coded CSS
  • "DHTML" was a term for JS + HTML
  • Wrote things like getElementsByClassName with walking DOM nodes because jQuery didn't exist yet
  • Firebug changed everything
  • Coding pixel perfect layouts IE6 was HARD
  • XMLHttpRequest — original Ajax blew my mind
  • Flash intros 😂
dansherman profile image
Dan Sherman • Edited

Oh, man. Spacer gifs are the one I thought of when I saw this topic. And I remember what a miracle Firebug was when it was released.

nbageek profile image
Patrick Minton

Wrote things like getElementsByClassName with walking DOM nodes because jQuery didn't exist yet

This is what we do now, though, because jQuery is bloated and uncool. Time is a flat circle :)

1marc profile image
Marc Grabanski 🏙💻

Well, now we can use querySelectorAll and it does everything for us.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor • Edited

Programming in Basic on a VIC 20 and playing video games on my friend's Commodore 64 that were on audio cassettes.

Also, programing in Logo in elementary school.

Mickey Mouse playing piano

Old school. 💪

Side note: Years later at a job, I discovered that one of my peers, much older than me, helped build the Logo programming language. 🤯

philnash profile image
Phil Nash

I did some Logo back in primary school. Those were the days, just pushing the turtle around the screen and making sweet graphics.

That's kind of amazing you got to work with one of the creators!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

It was such a fun way to program in elementary school. And of course, someone ported it to JS, because Atwood's Law.

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philnash profile image
Phil Nash

I was a fan of Logo support on Heroku.

shreyasminocha profile image
Shreyas Minocha

I'm technically a minor and I remember both Logo and BASIC from elementary school. And <font>.

annarankin profile image
Anna Rankin

Oh man, creating rounded edges on elements using a 9-slice grid and four separate rounded-corner-top-right.gif/left etc images was fun. Using DOS, I suppose. Jill of the Jungle!!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I knowwwww.

The weird thing is that we were obsessed with doing it in the first place. Did we really need rounded corners that badly? 😵

annarankin profile image
Anna Rankin

Looking back, I think it was the challenge of the idea - an element that broke out of the square ✨⬜✨

jarxg profile image

Jill of the Jungle is free on an works perfectly in modern computers :D

annarankin profile image
Anna Rankin


squidbe profile image

I got to know the Adobe suite much better than I wanted to.

cullylarson profile image
Cully Larson

In the early days of the language, the creators of PHP used to hang out in the #php channel on efnet. They would answer Stack Overflow-type questions (I mean the "why am I getting this parse error" kind). I remember being amazed when Rasmus Lerdorf once talked about a calendar app he'd written on a flight across the country. How could you write something like that in a few hours?! I learned web development hanging out in that channel.

flamangoes profile image

Rubber keys with programming key words like "goto" and "poke" in red and yellow accessed via different key combinations.

Typing in code from magazines and then having to debug it because of printing errors.

Only having 32k of memory.

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

32K?? Big spender. I remember when my dad brought home a tube of insect-looking memory-chips to install into our Apple ][ so it would finally have "enough" memory to run some of the more recent programs. Eventually maxed it out at like 48K?

dansherman profile image
Dan Sherman

Does anyone remember spacer gifs? Invisible gifs used to get your layout just right back when positioning was a total pain.

dansilcox profile image
Dan Silcox

Then of course invisible GIFs became ad tracker GIFs :(

yaser profile image
Yaser Al-Najjar • Edited

Writing keygens for software in Assembly language... found this code in my old folders (still wondering how I managed to write such lines 😂)

This was written on a Win XP machine 😆


sqlrob profile image
Robert Myers

I've done a bunch of assembly (x86, PPC and ARM professionally, 6502 and Z80 for the heck of it) and I'm not crazy enough to try raw Windows programming in it. My hat's off to you.

edelvalle profile image
Eddy Ernesto del Valle Pino • Edited

To insert lines in a basic program you create a line with an intermediate number.

20 CIRCLE (128, 100), 50

to insert a line there you do

15 REM Draw a circle

and use RENUM to re-enumerate in tens again... and create more "interlines", it would fix all the goto references automatically... that was amazing

cwreacejr profile image
Charles Reace

Yep, you always started out counting by tens, and hoped you never got to the point where you had to start renumbering due to needing to insert more than 9 lines. 😁

wintermute21 profile image
John Best

QBasic under DOS 5.

andregce profile image
Andre Goncalves

Learning QBasic, then opening gorilla.bas and being like "I'm not there yet" lol

dmfay profile image
Dian Fay

Learning QBasic by opening gorilla.bas and tripling the explosion radius....

wintermute21 profile image
John Best

I was 6-7 then and it was awesome. My mom was like :O.

khorovatin profile image

I feel absolutely ancient reading these replies.

My first software development memory is using toggle switches on the front of my friend's newly-assembled ALTAIR 8800 to enter individual machine opcodes into its 256 bytes of memory.

We had to hand-compile assembly code to get the opcodes.

It was exciting when we finally upgraded the memory and had Altair 4K BASIC (by "Micro-Soft") to write in a "high level language". Still had to hand-toggle the boot loader in before we could load the BASIC interpreter from cassette tape, though.

craz8 profile image
Tom Fakes

XML databases
386max etc memory managers (necessary for non-US keyboard drivers so we could run the real software)
DOS windowing systems
“Xxxxx 2000” as the Next Big Thing (eg WordPerfect 2000, Wordstar 2000)
Structured Programming
Novell Netware (and MHS) - So Many Floppy Disks
Token Ring

Thanks Ben, you’ve made me feel very old

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

Novell Netware (and MHS) - So Many Floppy Disks

No Banyan Vines? No Appletalk? None of the excruciating joy of making two or more of them work together?

Token Ring

Oh! And having to shut down an entire LAN to reset a stuck token!

Oh... And having to install Trumpet WinSock!

craz8 profile image
Tom Fakes


Dial up bulletin boards - eg FidoNet
Default passwords on Prime OS systems across the world
UKs JANET network

alohci profile image
Nicholas Stimpson

So much YES. That list brings back so many memories.

sqlrob profile image
Robert Myers

In no particular order:

  • Dozens of floppies to install a compiler (Hello Borland C)
  • VB (note lack of .Net)
  • Writing a DOS device driver so I could edit config.sys on bootup
  • Being at a dev conference where the presenter quickly wrote a C# program on the board "Oh, sorry, that's not C#, that's Java", changes the case of a few things "Now it's C#"
  • Turning on a computer with no storage and have it work (The Vic-20 and C-64 mentioned elsewhere here)
  • OS/2. Would've flunked college without this, I had neural nets running for weeks and could still write papers.
ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

Dozens of floppies to install a compiler (Hello Borland C)

Spending 20+ straight hours in the Sun lab to download Linux from MIT's TSX mirror ...then using rawrite to put it all on a stack of floppies. And, doing all that because the university's Sun lab was connected to NSFnet and its blazing 56Kbps "backbone".

dinkydani21 profile image

My fav game back then, Sim Ant was installed from floppy!

sqlrob profile image
Robert Myers

I think I still have my SimEarth floppies somewhere.

I want to see someone join all the games together. Zoom into SimEarth, get SimCity. Zoom into SimCity, get SimTower or SimAnt depending on how built up the area was.

sharinorman profile image
Shari Norman

"Sim Ant" was a classic simulation game released by Maxis in 1991, allowing players to take control of an ant colony and guide it through various challenges and tasks. Back in the day, installing the game meant inserting floppy disks into your computer one by one until the installation process was complete. Each floppy disk contained a portion of the game's data, and you had to patiently swap them out as prompted by the installation wizard.

phlash profile image
Phil Ashby

+1 for DOS device driver authoring, that was always fun:

turnerj profile image
James Turner • Edited

Development Specific:

  • PHP4
  • Table layouts (though they really haven't gone away for those that do email templates)
  • IE6

Other things:

  • The prompt when you run a program on older versions of Windows that says it needs to boot into MS-DOS mode
  • "It's now safe to turn off your computer"
david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy

PHP4 represent!

cwreacejr profile image
Charles Reace

I remember when the US DoD decreed that everything would now be written in Ada, and then every contractor started filing for exceptions. I remember printouts of project source code on fanfold paper hanging in binders on a rack in the terminal room. I remember disk drives the size of dishwashing machines and CPUs the size of refrigerators. Take that, all you youngsters talking about web-centric things -- Al Gore hadn't even invented the internet yet. 😉

phlash profile image
Phil Ashby

Ah Ada. My university (York, UK) was an Ada centre of excellence.. I never saw anyone ship anything in Ada in 4 years though :)

zenphp profile image
Jason Murray

The first Unix machine I worked on was a Gould Mini. It was two refrigerator sized cabinets. The 300MB HDD was in one of them and took three people to lift.

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

Hey: we called those project source printouts "backups" at one place I did time at.

matthewadams profile image
Matthew Adams

• Radio Shack TRS-80
• Apple II, IIe, III, etc
• My 386SX
• Graphics mode v. text mode
• The text editor called "Brief"
• FoxBase/FoxPro/dBase
• Booting the Mac 512e with a floppy disk
• IDL (Interactive Data Language, like Matlab)
• Emacs & Emacs Lisp, XEmacs
• Sun Sparcstation
• & others like it where you downloaded & compiled your open source stuff
• BBSs (bulletin board systems accessed via direct dial up)
• The first laser printer (at UCSD)
• Gould Modicon programmable controller

Ah, the good ol' days. Yep, I'm old, but not old enough to have ever had to use punch cards. :)

havarem profile image
André Jacques

My first computer was an Intel 80386SX @25MHz, 2MB RAM, 10MB of Hard Drive, Floppy 5¼" (B drive) and 3½" (A drive). Along with a Hercule display and a 9-dot dot matric printer (offering 4 different fonts! Yeah... The font where available ON THE printer, with a button to select which one). We had MS-DOS 5.0, Wordperfect 5.1, dBase 3.0, Lotus123, a Fighting Jet game (don't remember the name, was actually in 3D, couldn't make the damn plane land). I was 10 years old, and when I was like 13 my mother bought a Pentium 120MHz (without MMX), so she gave me the 386. I went to a computer store to ask what to do with it in order to play Diablo. They laugh at me so hard!!!

alohci profile image
Nicholas Stimpson

Ah Brief. I still miss Brief. Also the version control plug-in for it called Sourcerer's Apprentice

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

EMACS. Killit with fire. Nothing like the first time you open EMACS and are left wondering, "how the hell do I exit this beast"?

trevdev profile image

VIM: "Hold my beer"

selbekk profile image

I’m old enough to remember when mysql_query wasn’t deprecated.

I’m old enough to have put W3C validator badges on at least 10 web sites.

I’m old enough to have used table layouts

I’m old enough to have made a website in MS Publisher

alohci profile image
Nicholas Stimpson

Never mind table layouts. Remember using multiple nested blockquotes for indentation?

imthedeveloper profile image
ImTheDeveloper • Edited

In no order but random memories

  • Geocities
  • Angelfire
  • Homestead
  • Dreamweaver
  • MS Front Page
  • Fireworks
  • Submitting your site to massive lists / indexes
  • Ski Free
  • Hot Bot search engine
  • Dynamic HTML.. aka JavaScript
  • IRC Applets for embedded chats
  • AOL CDs as coffee coasters
  • for all my fire gif logos
  • Split window layouts defined by a lovely grey bar and removing horizontal axis scrollbars
  • Colouring the scrollbars
  • Asking for someone's name with a prompt to display "Hello Chris welcome to my site."
  • About me pages always contained a photo of a dog
  • Friends sending webpages with never ending alert boxes. Pro tip.. holding enter or space-bar to make the pain end quicker.
  • Background music in the form of midi files was a given.
  • Finding free hosting has never changed.
  • The feeling of installing a PHP / perl / cgi based forum with no other users was still an ohhh shit this is incredible moment.
  • The .tk domain
ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

Nothing quite like waiting two days for the kernel to re-compile only to discover that you left the sd driver out.

The move away from the monolithic kernel was such a vast improvement in maintainability.

dmerand profile image
Donald Merand

Staring at a blank DOS prompt in wonder on my dad's 286 in 2nd grade.

Programming randomly-shaped stars in logo in 4th grade.

Accidentally activating the BIOS password on my first computer and not being able to boot it again for six months until my uncle suggested "amibios" which worked!

Learning HTML so that my internet chats would look more awesome. Learning how to make it look like I was logged in as any other user in the chatroom.

Hacking my high school's login screen with COM files to say mean things about my school.

Setting IRQs for my sound card so I could play King's Quest with sound.

My first real program was a SkiFree clone written in Pascal. I invented the concept of sprites about 6 years before I learned that they had been a thing all along.

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

Accidentally activating the BIOS password on my first computer and not being able to boot it again for six months until my uncle suggested "amibios" which worked!

And back before there was anything like Google to tell you "pop the battery to reset it".

Of course, back before Google, we had Usenet.

dmerand profile image
Donald Merand

I didn't know about the battery trick! I really wish I had. And I didn't even have a modem at the time to connect to Usenet. Later I got access to the internet through the local college's T1 line, and basically felt like the coolest person ever.

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ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

Yeah. It was an annoying way to do things. You'd pop the CMOS battery, and then you'd have to wait for the CMOS to discharge (usually took a half hour or so).

ahmedmusallam profile image
Ahmed Musallam

Using dreamweaver to edit HTML files over FTP.. in 2013..

dinkydani21 profile image

I learned "web development" using Dreamweaver in University in 2010 🤷

dasmulli profile image
Martin A. Ullrich

Internet Explorer 5 Macintosh Edition..

jackharner profile image
Jack Harner 🚀

NeoPets Personal Pages.

A single html file. Way too many <marquee>s


Any idea why NeoPets is excluded from the Wayback Machine:

jpcorry profile image
John Corry

Flash intros
Tables for layout...with that single pixel gif column
Dynamic HTML
XML would save us
The “turbo” button on my pc
ISPs were local companies
Books were the only real way to learn new things
JavaScript had to be written to work in different browsers

alohci profile image
Nicholas Stimpson • Edited

"XML will save us". We're so much wiser now. Now we know that "Blockchain will save us"

spboyer profile image
Shayne Boyer • Edited

I’m sure there are many of the same memories here.

  • I learned HTML from view source on AOL web pages :-)
  • Netscape vs IE and the real struggle of writing web apps using JavaScript and CSS
  • Nested tables to get a single pixel border
  • actually using the blink tag and not joking about it.
  • Visual InterDev
  • Cold Fusion, the rise and fall
  • When Java was born
  • When nodejs was born
  • Silverlight the rise and fall
  • ASP+ aka .NET creation
  • Amazon was just a bookstore
  • 😡 that I didn’t create eBay, Netflix when they came out as I ran teams building these same apps!?!? 🤦‍♂️

There are more, but know I’m feeling old, 😂- thanks for the thread @ben

nickjj profile image
Nick Janetakis • Edited
  • Creating a personal site on Geocities with a background MIDI track and a guestbook
  • Aggressively using tables for layouts because CSS wasn't supported
  • People preferring Netscape Navigator over IE, well before IE6 even existed
  • Those Java applets of rippling water
stereoplegic profile image
Mike Bybee • Edited
  • When JavaScript was called a "toy language" (ironically, many who called it that are now JS devs).
  • When PHP was procedural
  • When VBScript was taken seriously as a backend language
    • To be fair, HTAs were really cool for quickly whipping up small desktop GUI apps with HTML and VBScript, pre-Electron
  • Shimming everything
  • When shared hosting ruled the world
  • When VPSes were outrageously expensive
  • When people thought their VPSes had to be "managed"
  • When Linux had to be installed from several CDs
  • When 256MB of RAM was a blazing fast desktop
  • <marquee> tags
  • Shockwave
  • .NET not existing
steveblue profile image
Stephen Belovarich • Edited

Embedding a webring on the bottom of my geocities page.

Here is a weird school project from a net art class in 2002. It's really broken (no images). I used the slice tool in Photoshop when that was a relatively new thing.

I wish I archived a website I made my freshman year at RPI (IN THE YEAR 2000). It had horizontal scrolling, an imagemap, hover effects. The user could hover over a fullscreen photograph of a scene in a diner in upstate NY and see a caption that offered an anecdotal story about the table and what the people were eating and price of the dishes. It was a school project to advertise a business. Would still probably hold up today as an excellent concept for a restaurant site. It will be lost forever.

kayis profile image

I used Basic on the C64. 😂

I remember my fellow students hyping the OpenMoko smartphones as THE place to be in terms of mobile development... Then Android and iOS came along.

I never made a Java applet, they were already hated quite much when I got onto the web, but I did some Flash cartoons. Saw many good people fall when Apple killed it, because they never learned code-based programming 😢

I learned C and Assembler on 8085 at school (went to an IT high-school) and Java on non-mobile devices 😂 at university, with enterprise beans, skelletons, stubs and what not 🤢

I remember Ruby on Rails being the hyped savior, like Elm a few years ago, and like Elm the well-know languages copied Rails' concepts and it simply became the new way of doing things.

I used components with ExtJS4 (called xtypes there) and VDOM like rendering with plain JS in 2011, so it felt totally naturally for me to switch to React later.

I didn't want to go into mobile development when I finished my degree in 2011, because I thought the hype was over, haha, started with it in 2017 and it's still a hot topic.

phlash profile image
Phil Ashby

Yay! OpenMoko definitely was the bleeding edge of open source mobile tech. I purchased a Neo1973 and spent hours keeping it alive (hardware fault caused the battery to drain in ~4 hours!)..

lkanthatham profile image
lkanthatham • Edited

1983 - Seeing my program load on the screen character by character from a cassette drive (VTech Creativision console)
1985 - pr#1 to print, pr#6 to access the diskette (Apple II)
1986 - writing BASIC programs to transfer data from CP/M-equipped Apple IIs to Tandy TRS-80s.
1990 - writing Occam II programs on a 4-node Transputer farm.
1991 - working with Watcom C++ and 386 DOS Extender
1992 - Microsoft C 7.0 and Windows SDK

Dang, I'm old.

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

All of my "old enough to remember" stuff is from childhood and early college:

  • When my dad brought home a series of TRS80s and, finally, an Apple ][
  • ...and then transcribing games from hobbyist magazines and then having to save to and load from cassette.
  • The godsend that our first 8" floppy drive was (and the the 5 1/4", and finally, the hard plastic, 1.44MiB "floppy" that now only endures as the "save" button icon)
  • Buying tubes of memory chips for that Apple ][ to upgrade it to 32KiB (and seeing adverts for expensive 128K RAM boards in computer magazines)
  • A 40MiB hard drive that took up as much space as the PC it was connected to did
  • When my dad brought home a compiler for BASIC that made stuff so much faster
  • How much easier it was to get my code to compile when I disabled the (default) pedantic mode ...and how much harder it was to move my code from one UNIX flavor to another for having done so.
  • Having to learn assembler to make programs that were usably-fast
  • After investing time in learning "assembler", that each CPU I'd want to write for, I'd have to learn a different "assembler" implementation
  • First time I accidentally implemented a fork-bomb ...and the only reason I figured it out was that each time I invoked my program, the remote telnet connection would drop and the system's uptime, when I was finally able to restart my session, would display a value that pretty blatantly corresponded to when I'd invoked my program
  • How bad it can be to name a function exit ...and how useful it can be if your intents are less than nice.
  • Page-long conditional #Include blocks in multi-platform source-code.
  • When Sun made the decision to stop including cc in their OS ...and having to ask our labs' SAs to install gcc when the there were too many users of the FlexLM-governed add-on compiler for Sun
  • Making the transition from aout to elf

From some of the things in my background, you'd almost think that I was a Real Developer™, but, when time came to transition from hobbyist to professional, all the jobs that were available were sysadmin type jobs. Now, coding is mostly in service to automating infrastructure. :(

alanhylands profile image
Alan Hylands • Edited

So many good memories in this thread. Few of mine:

  • Early days learning BASIC from my Commodore Plus 4 manual.
  • Typing in programs from Amstrad Action magazine on my 464 Plus.
  • VB6 without which I wouldn't have become a "professional" programmer.
  • Classic ASP and VBscript.
  • Hand coding HTML in Notepad.
  • My first website on Geocities (happily mirrored here).
  • The sheer hell of developing sites for IE5 and IE6.
rendlerdenis profile image
Denis Rendler
  • my first line of Basic code. :)
  • a 286 processor with a 45Mb drive
  • Turbo Pascal and Turbo C
  • Z80 machines
  • HTML 4.01
  • going to friend's house with my 40kg PC for a game night

oh, what beautiful times were those...

mikesusz profile image
Mike Susz

developing web pages to support both <div> and <layer>

juliannicholls profile image
Julian Nicholls

Using 8" floppy disks to boot a CP/M machine with a 12" wide 10 MB hard drive. The hard drive alone weighed 20+lb, 10+Kg.

Or, writing 6502 machine code by hand on a VIC-20.

Or, using Uniflex on a SWTPC 6800

ybogomolov profile image
Yuriy Bogomolov

I remember when the word "burnout" was used mostly in car racing. Now it's a thing I personally experienced more than once.

Also, WinAPI. It still gives me shivers.

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao • Edited

I remember learning to use Marquee for web development class while I was in trade school. Web 2.0 was all the rage before Sun Microsystems was brought by Oracle.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

My first websites were all about the marquee!

alanhylands profile image
Alan Hylands

Yeah right Ben, your "first" websites?

We've all seen your personal site now. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

andyhaskell profile image
Andy Haskell

Flash being "the cool thing" (it's where I started coding with my best friend and in my opinion never stopped being cool!)

jQuery dominating the web ecosystem

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I stayed away from flash because I never had a decent internet connection back then. I was always drawn towards plain HTML for the better 😂

danielkun profile image
Daniel Albuschat

I experienced the switch from X11 to Xorg... and writing the configs for both was the biiiiiigest pita in computer history

havarem profile image
André Jacques

Remember LILO?

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

But did you ever burn a mark into your monitor's phosphors when the config file your wrote was close to correct, but just not quite right?

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

The one that keeps coming up this week for some reason is that I was writing React back in the createClass days!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Oh, that’s a good one 😄

remotesynth profile image
Brian Rinaldi

Professionally, I am old enough to remember when IE6 felt like a godsend. We kept dealing with issues in the latest Netscape 4.5 release, that code often had to have specific workarounds for bugs in specific Netscape versions. IE6 was just the better browser...long before it became the ball and chain of the internet.

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

Unless you were someone that used multiple computers throughout the course of a day. I was so pissed when Roaming Profiles died.

niorad profile image
Antonio Radovcic

effing DOCTOR THADDEUS OZONE, photoshop-hero. First wave of skeumorphism when it still was cool. DHTML realness baby. Check all of his stuff out, please.

dr ozone

cjbrooks12 profile image
Casey Brooks • Edited

Not super long ago, but I started Android dev back when Eclipse was the only option. Fortunately, just a few months later Google released Android Studio and Gradle as the build tool, and life immediately got significantly better for Android devs everywhere.

dotnetcoreblog profile image
  • Writing silly apps in BASIC for the family Amstrad 464 CPC when I should have been playing outside with friends
  • Creating a GeoCities website with images created using CoolText and PaintShopPro, when I should have been writing documents in my IT classes at school
  • Discovering an early version of OpenSuse in the store room at school and wanting to try it out (the packaging promised that you couldn't get viruses because of the way that Linux worked, and I wanted to know what that was)
  • trying to convince friends that the millennium bug was nothing to be worried about
  • Writing apps for a Motorola 68k in a similar configuration that the Mega Drive/Genesis had, at collge (I'm from the UK, so that means from the age of 16 to 18)
  • Playing around with the, band new out, GameCube devkits at university
evilripper profile image

I did my first project in basic with the commodore 64 and it changed the colors of the background and the characters.

The first difficult project in basic was the air balloon. I failed. One year later I had to copy the code of another person(Stackoverflow did not exist a programmer nightmare). I was 11/12 :D

vetler profile image
Vetle Leinonen-Roeim

When no one wrote any tests. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada!
It's true, and the code we wrote even worked without them.

erikpischel profile image
Erik Pischel
  • load programs from cassette
  • running Windows 2 on 2 floppy drives and no hard drive - ridiculous slow
  • Writing code in basic
  • Buying a coprocessor
  • Buying Turbo Pascal 6
  • dial up connections to pre-internet btx and university computers starting with a 1000 baud modem
  • fiddling with config.sys etc in DOS 3.3 to DOS 6
  • Early html web pages
  • Beginnings of Java including "servletrunner"
smitopher profile image
Christopher Smith

I learned to write RPG II on paper coding forms for an IBM System/36 at an IBM Guided Learning.

In college, in my only Computer Science class, I wrote Basic and Fortran programs with punch cards and had to wait until the next day to find out that my program failed to compile

seawolf profile image
ben • Edited

Cycling through 16 colours.

Layout with tables.

Creating a web page in Microsoft Word, and uploading it by FTP.

Editing a configuration file in text-mode to set-up the graphical mode on my computer.

erhankilic profile image
Erhan Kılıç • Edited

I was reading in elementary school and one neighbor had a computer. I found a book "Basic" near to the monitor. I started to read and write some of the codes. I don't remember what I wrote but it was fun :)
I tried to draw somethings on black terminal screen with keyboard :p

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I learnt to program with these:
Usbourne programming books

tanjent profile image

Trying to convince my management that this new "web" thing was going to completely replace their client-server development model... then proving it by writing their newest 6-month development effort over a holiday weekend in ASP.

awinner1 profile image
Anthony Winner

Going on a job interview, back when high tech companies were coming and going in weeks. There were two things you always did, ask to use the employee restroom, and ask to see code on paper. If the TP was like printer paper,and the code was on paper better used as TP, do not accept any offers there :)

vgrovestine profile image
Vincent Grovestine

At university: Max 14.4 kbps dial-up access to the Computer Science server--bash, Jove, gcc. Could always tell the evenings when a first-year CS assignment was due because the modem bank would be full, and your only chance of getting in was to repeated redial in hopes of catching a free line.

Likewise, Friday and Saturday nights on the general computing server, but instead of assignments, it would be IRC that kept the modem bank busy.

mattredgum profile image

EMM386 and trying to reduce the source code enough so the Ada83 compiler could get the job done in less than 640k memory

Copying BASIC programs out from computer magazines, and then trying to find the typos

NCSA mosaic, finger, archie and gopher

The tag

helenanders26 profile image
Helen Anderson

I remember REALLY wanting one of these when computers were thousands of dollars:


  • MSN messenger

  • Bebo - the social media platform before Facebook reached New Zealand

  • Having to use multiple floppy disks to install a PC game

philhosoft profile image
Philippe Lhoste

Started coding with a TI-57, then TI-59 (Texas Instrument). Continued with 8-bit computers, in Basic, of course, and assembly language (converted to hexa code by hand).

I did lot of real-time software on 8-bit processors (6800, 6809, 6502, etc.)

I bought Visual Studio 1.0. It was a box of several kilograms, because it had a dozen of books / manuals with the floppy disks.

Also I coded JavaScript at a time where the only debug tool was alert()... (later, I added lines to a div)

teslanio profile image • Edited

I remember learning FORTRAN by filling in bubble cards (which our teacher would take to the board of education building, to be run overnight and picked up in the morning) then progressing to punch cards, followed by those big green IBM 3270 terminals - which worked similar to current internet but without the lipstick. Do I get "The Oldest" prize ;?)

philiphassialis profile image
Philip Alexander Hassialis

|cpm to load up cp/m for amstrad CPC 6128! As first development experience writing a program to calculate the utilities expenses for the condo we lived in. And as first pc dev experience, writing clipper and dBASE 3 scripts.

richardscarrott profile image
Richard Scarrott

IE6 hasLayout

lukewestby profile image
Luke Westby

Custom MySpace layouts made by jamming CSS into the bottom of the bio text input

dothtm profile image

In the Borland C Editor/compiler for DOS, there was a blurb in the help files for sound functions about how there was once a factory that produced a 7Hz noise near a chicken farm and apparently everyone found out that happened to be the resonant frequency of a chicken skull…

uby profile image
Ulf Byskov

Writing gotoand gosubstatements in Commodore (C64) basic

human_koala profile image
Human_Koala • Edited
  • trying to create an app for windows 3.1

  • Studying fortran at university and pascal at high school and logo with thomson MO5 at school

-Trying to programm three body app on Amstrad CPC in basic and finishing with a stack overflow (too much recursion to solve differential equation)

yashints profile image
Yaser Adel Mehraban • Edited

Apart from some stuff mentioned in comments like marquee I've had the pleasure of working with MS ActiveX to write a whole application which was used to print cards using a printer on client side.

Oh what a joy ¯_(ツ)_/¯

jdickey profile image
Jeff Dickey

Upgrading from IBM Model 026 keypunches (which didn't print characters at the top of the card) to Model 029 (which did). No more reading cards by guess and by golly if you dropped them and there wasn't a sorter available (you did punch sequence numbers in each card, didn't you? You certainly did after you dropped a few boxes...)

jillesvangurp profile image
Jilles van Gurp

Learning to program Basic from a photo copied thing that came with my second hand commodore 64 in 1987. My uncle's hand me down was the best thing ever and him including some manuals set me on a path to becoming a software engineer. I had a tapedrive, no disk drive, no modem, and did not know how to save my programs :-). My only sources of information were those manuals and library books. Everybody I knew at the time knew nothing relevant.

Using a browser for the first time after queue-ing to use the single terminal in the faculty with a gateway to the world wide web using mosaic in 1994. I had my own home page on the faculty's apache server a year later. HTML 3 seemed like an amazing upgrade.

Cycling home from university the next year with 27 slackware disks, which I downloaded from one by then 3 (!) internet capable HP UX terminals at the university. When I got home, I got busy installing and then had to cycle back because one of the disks was corrupted.

Teaching Java to first year students in 1996 and being amazed how well wordperfect ran in a beta of Java 1.02 for HP UX. By 1998 I was doing Swing applications (with the beta release) and implementing serializable application state that you could send over the network to another PC. Amazing progress in just a few years.


edydeyemi profile image
Edydeyemi • Edited

Reading some experiences here make me realise how lucky we are now.

I remember using Jumper switches (I think that's what it was called back then) to manually set the Master & slave hard drives on my 800MHz Pentium 3 PC.

Building my first website on free

Microsoft Publisher and the eureka moment of discovering 'br' tags after a week of trying.

The joys of 'Macromedia' Dreamweaver before Adobe bought it.

Wondering why I have to put line numbers in front if each statement in Basic.


lukewestby profile image
Luke Westby

scriptaculous babbyyyyyyy

scottishyorkshireman profile image
geoffhirst • Edited

Before we could write software, you had to format your hard drive. It was a three stage process. Pre-format using DEBUG (G=C800:5) then partition using FDISK finally a DOS format. Then you could install DOS/CPM and then crack on with BASICA/GWBASIC.

kriyeng profile image
David Ibáñez • Edited

Operating system related

  • Modifying autoexec.bat and config.sys to customize msdos boot.
  • Net use to connect to shared resources

In web development

  • Using <!-- //--> to protect javascript scripts for non javascript browsers!
juliang profile image
Julian Garamendy

This book: Write Your Own Adventure Programs for your Microcomputer
Write Your Own Adventure Programs for your Microcomputer

bugmagnet profile image
Bruce Axtens

canola is an emulator of the first thing I ever programmed: a Canon Canola calculator. I was in my second-last year of highschool. The year was 1977. I flowcharted with a stick in the sand of a nearby beach.

lennythedev profile image
Lenmor Ld

Visual Basic 6 was my favorite language 😄

leonsp profile image
leonsp • Edited

I'm old enough to remember Internet Explorer being a breath of fresh air after Netscape Navigator 4 stagnation.

Also, gorilla.bas in QBasic.

marcusjohnson profile image
Marcus Johnson

I remember copying some BASIC source code of a parachute game from some Mac magazine into a school lab computer just to play the game. I figured out how to changed some of speed variables to make the game even more fun

edm00se profile image
Eric McCormick

Writing a choose-your-own style adventure in TI-BASIC on my TI-82 in middle school. A Blade Runner tie-in story line with loads of menu selections and manual GOTO statements... written "by hand" on the TI-82.

chadsteele profile image
Chad Steele

I remember my dad's punch cards. I remember when every computer at the department stores already had basic installed as an OS. I remember when Bill Cosby and Texas Instruments finally came out with a cable so I could plug my TI99 into to my cassette player and store my inventions without having to write them all down in a notebook and type them back in whenever I wanted to show them off to my friends... and yes, that constant refactoring made me the programmer I am today. :)

suntong profile image

Every time Microsoft brings in some flashy "new" thing, they break the compatibility of the old, or throw the "old" out of the window. Every. Single. Time.

  • Remember the incompatibilities between DOS 2.0, DOS 3.1, DOS 3.3, DOS 4.0, 5.0, etc?
  • Remember the data access methods, OLE, ODBC, DAO, ADO, and whatever the newer approaches were called that I've lost track of.
  • Remember the time Microsoft introduced the flashy "Silverlight"? Microsoft finally throw that into the ditch, and consequently throw our company, who relied heavily on Silverlight, under the bus as well.
  • Again, Every. Single. Time., the examples are endless.
trevdev profile image
Trev • Edited
  • When my 386 was only really good for DOS and I used bash to write scripts/small interfaces to get around my system because Windows was hard to run
  • The Internet before GUIs. Lynx, IRC and a culture of safety and anonymity.
  • Modifying the school computers' autoexec.bat to prank/bork the boot up process.
  • When Google/Hotmail were brand new and Google wasn't evil.
  • Having my mind blown by Ubuntu 4.10 "Warty Warthog"
  • Using Dreamweaver 3.0 to create JavaScript enabled elements because JavaScript was optional and I didn't feel like learning it. To even use JS with a browser you had to get a 3rd party plugin to work.
  • When CSS was more work than it was worth.

Maybe not as cool as some of the real old guard, but I remember fondly.

cathodion profile image
Dustin King

I'm old enough to remember people complaining about people resisting Object Oriented Programming, but I never heard anybody actually resisting it at the time.

peledzohar profile image
Zohar Peled

I wrote some Basic as a kid (I think I was about 8-10 years old back than), but my first professional job was to write mobile websites using WAP and WML - protocols and languages that are long extinct...

cyclokitty profile image
Laura Veee

My first computer was a Vic20, and the manual was HUGE! I learned BASIC and followed the lessons to make a Mars game -- tiny ship avoiding enemy ships, well, little blips, to reach Mars relatively unscathed. The program was in colour but my monitor was a small, black and white TV set. Too much fun!

babakks profile image
Babak K. Shandiz

COMMODORE 64 startup screen

This nostalogic screen and memory address 1024 (0x400) at which you could peek/poke the top-left character on the screen.

vuild profile image
Vuild • Edited
pepkin88 profile image
Marek Pepke • Edited

You could have 3D animations in Internet Explorer 4 in 1997, programmed in JScript.

The feature was called DirectAnimation
It was later blocked and removed, due to security vulnerabilities.

maxon3 profile image

Old enough to say that my first program was in Pascal.

aarone4 profile image
Aaron Reese

Sinclair Basic PEEK and POKE.
I had a TRS-80 and a dancing devil programme that. Played a tune on a specific shortwave frequency which was actually the RF interference generated by the computer for whatever background calculations were being carried out. Still can't imagine how you would debug the tune 😵
The local computer shop had an Apple IIe with an adventure game; when you fired your gun it would crash the read heads of the external disk drive (5 1/2 ") to make the shot sound. Can't have done the drive any good

lynx_eyes profile image
Ivo Jesus

I remember writing Basic on my Sinclair Spectrum 128k (ram).
I remember how Turbo Pascal 7 was absolutely amazing when compared to Turbo Pascal 6.
I remember there being no Linux.
I remember windows 2.

lancecontreras profile image
Lance Contreras
  1. Turbo C is my first programming language/IDE
  2. Visual Basic 6.0
  3. I used HomeSite for an ASP Classic/Html website
  4. XMLHttpRequest
  5. is like my github + stackoverflow combined.
  6. COBOL and JCL in dumb terminal
belinde profile image
Franco Traversaro

Printing the CSS1 specification on paper and studying it, thinking "I don't know if it will ever be useful, but it's cool!"

Buying a HUGE book about SVG and thinking "I'm sure that coding an image by hand will be surely useful"

Mandrake Linux! And after that Slackware because I was feeling a pro.

paddy3118 profile image

Basic, teletype, paper tape.

Core memory on an early HP machine (I think).

mtimothywallace profile image
Tim Wallace

I am old enough to remember saving programs to audio cassettes.

fuzzycoder profile image
Paul Bergmann

Punched cards.

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown 🇨🇦

davidzoli profile image
Dávid Zoltán

Using a clearfix div after floated divs.

paolomascellani_45 profile image
Paolo Mascellani

punched cards

rebelclause profile image
Tim Pozza


pizatski profile image
Patrick Szczypinski

Hacking Myspace themes by putting CSS in the "About Me" field.

bokmann profile image
David Bock

call -151

gsonderby profile image
Gert Sønderby


It was my first drop of The Drugs, 8 years old, and I was addicted.

If we're talking in terms of jobs, the IE takeover, when Netscape got sidelined.

vetler profile image
Vetle Leinonen-Roeim • Edited

Anyone mention CVS yet?

tedhagos profile image
Ted Hagos • Edited


thehanna profile image
Brian Hanna

Zip and Jaz drives
Netscape Navigator

alanajoy profile image
Λlana Joy

LOGO in elementary school!

matsaleh profile image
Matthew Walker

Programming with Visual C++ on Windows 3.1(1) and having to reboot my computer after every crash in my code.

zenphp profile image
Jason Murray

Gopher servers, 300 baud BBS, Atari 400...

kylessg profile image
Kyle Johnson • Edited

Messing around with Java Applets to make some funny stretchy face plugin for my primary school Geocities website.

A bit further on, tracking down missed semicolons to fix IE6.

pierjoker profile image
Pierpaolo Tommasi

"4 Out of memory": the zx Spectrum had only 16k of RAM...

renegadecoder94 profile image
Jeremy Grifski

Dreamweaver. Thanks to that experience, I never became a web developer. Haha

syntaxseed profile image
SyntaxSeed (Sherri W) • Edited

Turbo Pascal
<blink> tag.

ndewitt profile image
Nathan DeWitt

forward 20
right 90
forward 20
right 90
forward 20
right 90
forward 20
right 90

mandarvaze profile image
Mandar Vaze

It seems not enough people even know floppy disk - I have used 5.25 inch floppy disks ("High Density") of whopping 1.2 MB capacity.

edh_developer profile image

Old enough to remember using peek and poke in Applesoft Basic. And be excited about getting an 80 column card, so I could display 80 characters across the screen (rather than the default of 40).

osde8info profile image
Clive Da


julichala profile image
El Chala

Of course Logo, and then, MySql when had no Referencial Integrity,

kchrismucheke profile image

When you had to test your Web application through IE6 to prevent further problems later on.
Also there used to be a time when Notepad++ was considered an IDE

danielkun profile image
Daniel Albuschat

And I wrote inline x86 assembler to optimize image rendering in C++ and turbo pascal programs 🤔

mwangi_kabiru profile image
Mwangi Kabiru

Using Notepad as an IDE

sanidz profile image
sanidz • Edited

TURBO button and Boot diskete for w95.
Terminator console and space invaders.

klawrow profile image
Claro A Briones

VB6 and 3.5 floppy disks... nuff said 😂

andreasbergqvist profile image
Andreas Bergqvist


_sburnicki profile image
Stefan Burnicki

Calling myself a "webmaster".

Since writing non-compiled HTML and PHP4 was considered to be something very different than "real development" for some reason.

saschadev profile image
Der Sascha

I am old enought to remeber programming Assembler. And a time without Internet.

gsto profile image
Glenn Stovall • Edited

There was no version control.
There were no deployment systems.
There were no DevOps.

There was FTP, and there was uploading updated files, there was a crossing of fingers 🤞

jreina profile image
Johnny Reina

DHTML, <marquee>, <blink>, <body bgcolor="#FF0000">, and this brand new thing called CSS.

jordonr profile image
Jordon Replogle

DOS 3.3 and GW-Basic, first introduction to programing.

jmervine profile image
Joshua Mervine

Build “web sites” before CSS existed in browsers.

samthor profile image
Sam Thorogood • Edited

I remember when every service just took plaintext usernames and passwords, over unencrypted connections, and everyone was just fine with that ¯\(ツ)

jaguililla profile image
Juanjo Aguililla
#include <conio.h>
lukewestby profile image
Luke Westby

Making AIM buddy icons by manually constructing GIFs frame by frame

lepinekong profile image
nograviti profile image
Jonathan Schaffer

Punch cards(my dad had them)
My TRS-80 (debugging sucked)
Java’s initial release

jarxg profile image


squidbe profile image

The first conference I ever went to -- before I understood anything about programming -- was a FoxPro conference!

frothandjava profile image
Scot McSweeney-Roberts

Professionally? VB6.

doppelmutzi profile image
Sebastian Weber

turbo pascal from high school 🙈

andychiare profile image
Andrea Chiarelli

I'm old enough to remember Clipper Summer '87 😱

budyk profile image

Redundancy vs Dependency

dischoen profile image
Dieter Schön

Run a job on the mainframe. Get the printout on the net morning.

gabrielfallen profile image
Alexander Chichigin

QuickBasic, Visual Basic 4.0, Delphi 1.0, Java 1.0...

No 64-bit PCs.

No Internet access, no Stack Overflow.

ahkohd profile image
Victor Aremu

Css micro clearfix hack

paultomkinson profile image
Paul Tomkinson


prodigic profile image
Xavey Aguarez

DASD device mounting commands in REXX the OG devops

hallvard profile image
Hallvard Trætteberg

Z80 machine code on ZX81 and Spectrum, Lisp machines, Livescript for Netscape.

dansilcox profile image
Dan Silcox

When Flash websites were new and cool and everyone wanted one

davidianlandis_51 profile image
David Landis

VBScript for my feedback forms.

mjworsley profile image

RCS being replaced by CVS as the go-to SCM.

cjwest profile image

ARPANET email address.

stanislauskas profile image
Sergio Stanislauskas

Life could not go on without //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=A

mihaylov profile image
Petar Petrov

with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;

From Ada95 But I am not that old :P

larsklopstra profile image
Lars Klopstra ⚡


boruro profile image
Bogdan Rusu

Haha I remember "programming" in FoxPro...

chdevelop profile image
CH Development

When PHP file extensions were php2 and php3

drhyde profile image
David Cantrell

Linking code by literally cutting and pasting paper tapes.

gchr profile image

Sinclair ZX Spectrum.

Dialing up with 1200bps modem to FidoNet BBSes.

DBase & Clipper.
Later, the Turbo C IDE !!!

hjess profile image
Howard Jess

Learning JCL, then graduating from Hollerith cards to TSO.

arandilopez profile image
Arandi López

I'm not too old, but in school while learning about programming, my first program was written in visual basic 6. Also remember using Windows 98.

artiya4u profile image

vi original as a text editor.

aggibb profile image
Andy Gibb

My undergrad class wasn't allowed to use vi as it was too resource intensive! I think we had to fall back on ed or em....

buzuli profile image
Joel Edwards

Solaris computer labs.

codingmindfully profile image
Daragh Byrne

The feel of the rubber keys on the ZX Spectrum and the sound the tapes made when you loaded games...

ashrafalam profile image
Ashraf Alam

I'm old enough to remember vb 6.0.

elmuerte profile image
Michiel Hendriks • Edited
  • Buying a compiler that came with printed documentation.
  • Line numbers!
girlcheese profile image
Sam Carrington

The release of JavaScript

drubb profile image

Playing a Fortran version of Adventure on a DEC PDP 11

karataev profile image
Eugene Karataev

I remember building games in Borland Delphi. Creating interfaces was made by drag-n-drop components from a library to a canvas. Magic 🌟

qcgm1978 profile image

I remember web layout by table element. It's about 2000 year. There's no float css rules then.

eterps profile image
Erik Terpstra

Old enough to realize that the Amiga got so many things right.

jscooksey profile image
Justin Cooksey

BASIC, CP/M, Pascal, Z80 assembley
C64, Amstrad and MicroBee

martinhaeusler profile image
Martin Häusler • Edited

In Delphi 6, "file" was a keyword XD
(The IDE was amazing at the time though)

juliannicholls profile image
Julian Nicholls

Using 8" disks to boot a CP/M machine with a 12" 10MB (yes, MB) hard drive that weighed about 10Kg (just the hard drive).

mgabriel81 profile image
G. M.

Games listings printed on magazines for my Commodore 16.

dhandspikerwade profile image
Devin Handspiker-Wade

When you couldn't assume that a browser had "console.log"

donhill profile image
Don Hill

No web, 8 char limit on vars, no pixels just 22 * 80 char screen size, database is a dbf file .... No mouse,

odoenet profile image
Rene Rubalcava

Using BASIC to make a diy screensaver

dthodgkin profile image
Damien Hodgkin

Dowloading ie4 which took over 36 hours on a 14.4k modem. Installing redhat 5 for the first time and calling a Linux support line for help getting my video card working in x11.

mlainez profile image

That back when I started, you were receiving a programming book with your computer.

madelene profile image
Madelene Campos

BASIC, IRC in 1993 (chatting with people all over the real time!), my dad's Apple Macintosh classic, dial-up :)

pierjoker profile image
Pierpaolo Tommasi

"4 Out of memory" the zx Spectrum had only 16kb of RAM...

robmills profile image
Rob Mills

Holding up two versions of code, printed on a dot matrix printer on green bar paper, one on top of the other, up to the light to see where the differences were.

tiffengineer profile image

First ever program I wrote in BASIC in 6th grade:

10 PRINT "This class is cool!"
20 PRINT "But I don't understand it"
30 GOTO 10
Or something...

charlyjazz profile image
Carlos Azuaje

class component in react

peterwitham profile image
Peter Witham • Edited

I'm old enough to remember how stunned I was when I wrote my first code on my ZX Spectrum telling it to print something and it did.

wow....I'm old :)

mallenjenz profile image

96 column punched card sorters, removeable disk packs

alexr007 profile image
Alexey Rykhalskiy

6502 and Z80 assembly.
Floating point bug in intel processors
And of course, punched cards and punched tapes.
Memory expansion cards with drivers to switch them. Because of addressing limitation.

danielkun profile image
Daniel Albuschat

I dissembled Windows games and debugged and edited the x86 assembly to circumvent the CD check on load because I was too lazy to switch CDs all the time.

yashints profile image
Yaser Adel Mehraban

GW basic/ Q Basic

_bigblind profile image
Frederik 👨‍💻➡️🌐 Creemers

The YayQuery Podcast 🌈🦄🎙 (Linking to the wayback machine, because images on their website are now broken.

jabranr profile image
Jabran Rafique

<marquee>Using Netscape Navigator | First interaction to web development with IE5</marquee>

pareshjoshi profile image
Paresh • Edited

Launching C console using this floppy disk and also saving program on to the same disk.

floppy image goes here

paulfdietz profile image
Paul F. Dietz

I remember toggling a bootloader into core on a PDP-11.

I remember when you had to type \A to a teletype to enter a lower case 'a' in Unix.

raslanove profile image

repeat 72 [repeat 360 [fd 1 rt 1] rt 5]

devatrest profile image
Glenn Miller

IBM Macro Assembler - on 80 column cards.

nickgrim profile image
Nick Grimshaw

Windows 2.0

bobnadler profile image
Bob Nadler

Debugging with the front panel switches on a PDP-11/70.

abhishekcghosh profile image
Abhishek Ghosh

REPEAT 4 [FD 40 RT 90]

lysofdev profile image
Esteban Hernández

Clearfix used to be the biggest hack in positioning.

jrioscloud profile image
Jaime Rios

At some point, I was proud of using jQuery and WordPress 😅😅

skryking profile image
Jason Ormes

Editing Cobol in edlin on an AIX system.

html5ninja profile image
Zied Hosni

Vbscript , ie6

funhatch profile image

Having to program games in assembly. Oh, and HTTP 1.0 was ratified the year I graduated 😀

julianduque profile image
Julián Duque

I'm old enough to remember Borland Turbo Pascal

nixknight profile image
Saad Ali
  • Struggling to get a VIA Ethernet port working on Linux and failing to do so.
  • Struggling to get a CDMA modem to work on Linux and success after 6 months.
shenshawvfs profile image
Scott Henshaw

Punch cards, Apple II VRAM segmented but not contiguous (WTF?) 8088 Assembly and Ahhh Turbo Pascal...

adeel41 profile image

Visual foxpro

david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy

Frontpage anda time when the tag was cool.

andrewharpin profile image
Andrew Harpin

BASIC on the ZX Spectrum and BBC micro

lwansbrough profile image

Ajax (XMLHttpRequest) was really mind blowing stuff... then came Comet (HTTP long polling), which sounded like science fiction.

kehers profile image
Opeyemi Obembe


svella profile image
Shon Vella

Writing a tic-tac-toe game on an IBM 5100 series in APL.

oysteino profile image
Øystein Øvrebø

Typing in whole games from magazines on my Amstrad CPC 6128. Trying to grasp Basic from the printed manual.

drm317 profile image
Daniel Marlow

Programming with 1Kb of RAM.

alohci profile image
Nicholas Stimpson
  • Paper tape
  • PDP-11 assembler
  • The J103 trick on RM380Z machines
  • CP/M
ashleyjsheridan profile image
Ashley Sheridan

When numbering lines, always go up in 10's because you need to leave space later for inserting further lines.

Variables can only be 2 characters long (C64 Basic)

osde8info profile image
Clive Da


ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

Where the "wow" was how freaking huge and noisy they were. :p

demetrakopetros profile image
Petros Demetrakopoulos

Visual Basic 6.
It was actually the first programming language my father taught me in late elementary school years.

drewstaylor profile image
Drew Taylor

Turing (the programming language not the legendary mathematician), Turbo Pascal, Visual Basic.

meeroslav profile image
Miroslav Jonas

SOUND 1000, 20

osde8info profile image
Clive Da


osde8info profile image
Clive Da


simondodson profile image


vladimir_dev profile image

Macromedia Dreamweaver :D

johnludlow profile image
  • floppy disks
  • the birth of the .NET Framework
  • Internet Explorer being popular
  • everyone hating Javascript
johndemian profile image
John Demian

program PascalIsWeird;
uses crt;

cosminpopescu14 profile image
Cosmin Popescu

Windows 98
a little bit of action script (I wrote a simple game)

chadsteele profile image
Chad Steele

"leisure suit larry" was all the rage while I was in college.

blair2004 profile image
Blair Jersyer

JQuery mobile... i was in love with that

squidbe profile image

I go waaaaaaay back

gabrieltoma profile image
Gabriel Toma

Macromedia Flash
Microsoft Office FrontPage

kenakamu profile image
Kenichiro Nakamura

I am old enough to remember .NET Framework 1.1

crimsonmed profile image
Médéric Burlet
  • Creating entire websites in Flash
  • Creating MSN Nudge Spammers
maenad profile image
Abigail Colina

Not in software development, but I remember getting into Neopets pages to change the HTML and CSS from it.
That's oddly what got me into web dev.

faraazahmad profile image
Syed Faraaz Ahmad

Microsoft front-page

freddyhm profile image
Freddy Hidalgo-Monchez

The internet arriving by mail in a CD with a yellow man running towards something on the cover.

Oh and NetZero for when the yellow man stops running for free :)

databasesponge profile image
MetaDave 🇪🇺

Oracle Power Objects

I could never make it work.

osde8info profile image
Clive Da

snap ! (on 6502) also Z80

sjaffer profile image

li $v0, 4

frontdevguy profile image

How I built web pages using and in my early days of web development.

dragongears profile image
Art Dahm

Typing C0 F0 00 on my Elf II's hex keypad to do a long jump to address F000 to enter the monitor.

robotshateme profile image
scott ream

Sprites on the C64.

quoll profile image
Paula Gearon

FD 6
RT 90
FD 3
RT 90
FD 6
RT 90
FD 3
RT 90
FD 3
RT 90
FD 3
FD 1
LT 90
BK 3
FD 4

marcosdiasdev profile image
Marcos Dias

When HTML5 was a thing.