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Cover image for 10. Tuesday study highlights (Day 8)
Manoj Kumar
Manoj Kumar

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10. Tuesday study highlights (Day 8)

Hey there!

Welcome back to my little corner of the internet.

Today is my LIVE lecture day.

Preparation Pays Off

First off, I managed to get the pre-class reading done. I squeezed in some study time during my lunch break at work – a true multitasking champ, right? This set me up for a productive session.

What We Covered

The class was packed with valuable content. We delved into a few interesting topics:

GitHub Practice: Learning the ins and outs of GitHub once again was on the menu. It's an essential tool for any budding developer.

Designing a Responsive Site: We began crafting a website with a mobile-first mentality. The site was divided into 3 sections - the header with a navigation bar, the body, and finally, the footer.

Two Hours of Challenges

The class wasn't a walk in the park. Those two hours were challenging for a couple of reasons. Not only was the content new and demanding, but I was also grappling with my own tiredness. However, I had a mantra to keep me on track:

Focus: I reminded myself why I embarked on this course in the first place – to learn and grow.

Enjoy: Despite the challenges, I tried to appreciate the thrill of acquiring new knowledge and skills.

Participate: I actively engaged in the class, asking questions, providing answers, and coding along with the tutor.

Around the 1.5-hour mark, I had to hit the brakes on coding alongside the tutor. I couldn't quite keep up. So, I leaned back and watched. This means I'll have to catch up by watching the recorded lecture tomorrow evening.

*Next Steps

There are a few key concepts I need to master in the coming days:

div class: Understanding how to use "div" classes effectively is crucial in web development.

Nav Bar: Navigational bars are a fundamental component of web design, and I'm eager to get the hang of them.

Flex: Flexbox is a powerful layout system that I need to dive deeper into.

Using a Separate CSS File: Separating the styling from the structure is essential, and I'm determined to master this.

These are my primary goals for the immediate future. I want to soak up these fundamentals and make them second nature.

That's it for today's update. I'll catch you again tomorrow. Until then, stay curious and keep learning!

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