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Cover image for 24. Continuing with my first assignment (Day 22)
Manoj Kumar
Manoj Kumar

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24. Continuing with my first assignment (Day 22)

Today, and once again I spent a bit of time building my portfolio/profile website for my assignment. I do find code interesting, and I look forward to tinkering with my html and CSS, every day, even if it's for an hour or so.

In the evening, I had a 1:1 virtual class with my tutor to help me understand why the responsiveness of my page broke (especially the navigation bar) when I used Partial files. In reality, it wasn't those files but just that I didn't wrap my <div class=nav-items" </div> within another

tag, and then use that one to center it, a margin around.

We went through a bit of Media Queries as well. I inquired as to the best screen sizes we should be using while setting up Media Queries, and he referred me to this page on Bulma where you can find the 5 main screen sizes to use:

mobile: up to 768px

tablet: from 769px

desktop: from 1024px

widescreen: from 1216px

fullhd: from 1408px

So, that's what I will do. But, I think just the mobile, tablet, and desktop will do.

Overall, I have mostly finished the full website:

  • Homepage: DONE
  • About: DONE
  • Skills, Portfolio, Experience: DONE
  • Blog home page: PENDING
  • 5 Blog articles: PENDING
  • Contact: PENDING

Besides the above, I have to create the following as well:

  • Figma wireframe for all the pages (3 versions - mobile, tablet & desktop!)
  • a PowerPoint presentation
  • a video presentation

Plenty remaining!

How do you eat an elephant?

Bite by bite.

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