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Cover image for 7. Building my first HTML webpage (Day 5)
Manoj Kumar
Manoj Kumar

Posted on • Originally published at

7. Building my first HTML webpage (Day 5)

A beautiful Saturday in Sydney. The sun was out in all its glory and was a very warm day. Today was also my first 4.5 hours of LIVE bootcamp class.

The class agenda:

9:30: Lesson starts
11:00: 10-mins break
12:30: 10-mins break
13:30: Class ends

To check our understanding of the last set of classes, an online quiz was conducted on Kahoot!

Kahoot quiz

My standing
Total Students: 58
My score: 9282 points
My leaderboard position: 37
Questions wrong: 3

Silly mistakes! But I learned from it.

The rest of the 3 hours were spent on setting up a basic HTML site and playing around with CSS. I loved this session, although I was lost for most part of it. But practicing for another 2-3 hours in the evening helped me understand more.

This is what I came up with. MY FIRST!

HTML page

Today's takeaway:

My learning plan is to sit back, listen, and take notes while the lecturer demonstrates the technical stuff. Then, later in the day, I will listen to the recorded lecture and actually do the coding. Otherwise, trying to catch up on the coding with the lecturer seems distracting to me. Most of my classmates also seem to be online (Discord) practicing, so I've been getting my doubts clarified that way too.

It's 11:30 p.m. and good night.

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