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Cover image for 29. First-time Netlify Deployment (Day 27)
Manoj Kumar
Manoj Kumar

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29. First-time Netlify Deployment (Day 27)

Building my first website from scratch has been a whirlwind of learning and excitement. Just a month ago, coding was a foreign language to me. Today, I am proudly looking at a site that's 90% complete, thanks to my newfound HTML and CSS/SASS skills.

The Milestones
In today's work session, I focused on refining the website, attending to various elements:

Typography Tweaks
I spent time revamping the typography across the site, aiming for a consistent and pleasing look.

Patching Missing Links
Identifying and adding missing hyperlinks was a necessary step in ensuring seamless navigation.

Uploading a Favicon
Even the smallest details matter. Uploading a favicon might seem trivial, but it adds a professional touch to the site.

Netlify Deployment
The highlight of the day was deploying the site on Netlify. It was an incredible feeling to see my work live on the internet. The process was surprisingly straightforward: connect GitHub, select the repository, and there it was—a live site!

Triumphs and Challenges
However, no journey is without its hiccups. As thrilled as I was with the deployment, I encountered a few unexpected issues post-launch:

  • Missing text highlights and button features on both desktop and mobile versions.
  • The blog page's lack of mobile responsiveness.
  • Misaligned input boxes and labels on the contact page.

The Road Ahead
I acknowledge these issues, but I’m also brimming with determination. With only 8 days left and a to-do list that seems to stretch for miles, I know there's work cut out for me. I've got 24 wireframes, a PowerPoint presentation, a video demo, and a file yet to complete.

The journey from clueless to code-capable has been thrilling, but it’s not without its challenges. As I face these roadblocks in the final stretch, I'm reminded that every obstacle is an opportunity to learn. I’m excited to tackle these issues and complete my first website project. Stay tuned for updates on how it all pans out!

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