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Cover image for 26. Just the little struggles and triumphs (Day 24)
Manoj Kumar
Manoj Kumar

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26. Just the little struggles and triumphs (Day 24)

Every day in the world of coding brings its own set of challenges and victories. Today was no exception. While it may not have been a groundbreaking learning day, I managed to accomplish a series of tasks that added both value and complexity to my coding journey.

Setting Up for Success: My day kicked off by setting up Homebrew and VS Code on my second computer, a trusty laptop. The process, though mundane to some, marked a crucial step in ensuring a seamless coding experience across multiple devices.

Syncing Effortlessly: Next on the agenda was syncing my VS Code on both my laptop and desktop. The ability to seamlessly transition between devices is a small win that promises increased efficiency and flexibility in my coding endeavors.

Diving into Accessibility: A small amount of time was spent delving into the theoretical aspects of "Accessibility" in web design. Understanding the principles behind creating inclusive digital experiences is a vital component of becoming a well-rounded coder.

Visualizing Deployment: To enhance my practical skills, I watched a video detailing the exact steps for a Netlify deployment and redeployment. Visualizing the deployment process not only demystifies it but also paves the way for a smoother implementation in future projects.

Tinkering and Troubles: A bit of tinkering on the assignment website added an element of hands-on experimentation to my day. Coding isn't always smooth sailing, and troubleshooting issues is an integral part of the learning process.

Facing the Assignment Anxiety: As I revisited the assignment requirements, a familiar wave of anxiety washed over me. The constant self-evaluation and scrutiny are inherent to the learning process, pushing me to strive for excellence (hopefully!).

Dreams of Full-Time Study: In moments like today, I find myself daydreaming about a full-time commitment to this coding journey, free from distractions. However, a realization struck - it's not about the quantity of hours invested but the quality of work produced.

Reflecting on my coding journey of the past three weeks, persistent guilt lingers - the wish for more study and practice time. However, I've come to understand that it's not about dwelling on what could have been but focusing on creating a strategic plan for the future. Quality over quantity is the mantra, and with a disciplined study plan and measurable goals, the path ahead seems promising. Each day, with its challenges and triumphs, is a stepping stone toward mastering the art of coding.

Top comments (2)

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Bravo! It sounds to me that you are well on your way to achieve your goals! Best wishes on your journey, you can do it! ✨

emanoj profile image
Manoj Kumar

Thanks, Anita! Your best wishes help! I am definitely on the journey and I can't wait to see how I look at the end of it all. I find it hard to believe I will be a coder in 10 months time, having started at 0 skillset last month!