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Cover image for 33. A Readme day (Day 31)
Manoj Kumar
Manoj Kumar

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33. A Readme day (Day 31)

It's Thursday, and inching closer to the weekend! That's my time for a marathon study!

My achievements today:

  • Working on the file for my assignment due Sunday
  • Fixing my git

Geeks4Geeks has a good definition of what it is:

A README file is an essential guide that gives other developers a detailed description of your GitHub project.

I love creating files with Markdown. It gives the impression of blog writing, which is far easier than coding! I used this cheatsheet for making my markdown file - Markdown Cheat Sheet by Markdown Guide.

The Git Repo issue
While writing down the content in the Readme file, from the corner of my eye, I spotted this on the Branch icon in the menu bar:

Image description

When I clicked it, it said, "10,000 Commits" pending!

I knew straight away I stuffed up something :(

Who do you call when something is wrong? My tutor! I explained the situation to her and she immediately knew what I had done.

So, this is what happened: Looks like at some point I had run a git init (the initializing command for a git repository) while in the Home directory of my computer. This created a local repository and it included my home directory, and all the files, subfolders, and every other item in it - basically everything from my computer!

Anyway, we had to remove this git folder from the Home directory, and that would remove the repo. Once we accomplished the removal, the issue was resolved.

Thank GOD, I looked at the alert. Had I not, I would've committed 10,000 files to my repo! Imagine, if I made it public on GitHub! Embarrassing to say the least.


Always ask if you don't understand anything. It's OK to be handheld by others as long as you learn from the situation.

11:55 PM: Good night :)

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