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Cover image for 8. Sunday HTML day could've been better (Day 6)
Manoj Kumar
Manoj Kumar

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8. Sunday HTML day could've been better (Day 6)

I had wanted to study at least 8 hours today. Been mentally preparing for it all week. This is how it turned out:

8:30 - 9:00 am Breakfast
9:00 - 9:30 am a bit of relaxation, catching up on stuff
9:30 - 10 am Practicing GitHub commits (30 mins)
10:30-13:45 Study HTML/CSS (3.5 hrs)
14:00-14:30 Lunch
14:30-16:30 Attempting challenges and practice exercises (2 hrs)
16:00-18:30 Personal matters
18:30-19:00 Dinner
19:00 - 21:00 Attempting challenges and practice exercises (2 hrs)


But I still feel I didn't accomplish much. Felt I was really slow and could've grasped things faster & better.

I did build 3 single-page HTML websites with basic CSS styling. It involved watching course videos, referring to W3Schools, asking questions to fellow students, and just trial & error.

I am confident with:

  • Git commits
  • Starting HTML files
  • Basic sections, articles, ordered lists, unordered lists, upload images, connecting pages

Not very confident with:

  • Div
  • Classes
  • Formatting classes in a separate CSS file
  • Block formatting

Another reason I am not satisfied with the day is that I was unable to complete all the Week 1 background reading, practice exercises, and challenges :( Next is Week 2 and study is piling up! Tuesday is my next class and tomorrow (Monday) evening is all I have for the pre-class reading.

I must stay focused, do my best, utilize time well, and take 1 day at a time.

Good night.

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