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Cover image for 19. Assignment 1 Introduction (Day 17)
Manoj Kumar
Manoj Kumar

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19. Assignment 1 Introduction (Day 17)

Firstly, I practiced on these:

  • Effects and animations
  • Typography
  • SASS

The same ones I practiced a few days ago but today I was following the main tutor's work from last Thursday, and ensuring I understood these things well.

Really satisfied to have worked on this typing effect:

Image description

That's also my first GIF!

The evening class

In the evening 2-hour bootcamp tutorial, the tutor opened our 1st assignment!

And it's scary.

We have to create a website showcasing the following:

  1. an online bio & resume (show-off time!)
  2. a blog page (oh oh)
  3. must have a navigation bar and footer
  4. responsive (ouch!)
  5. a GitHub repository
  6. a PDF download of a resume
  7. a PowerPoint site showcasing how the work was done (WHY!)
  8. a video presentation explaining the thought process behind the design (WHAT!)
  9. a file
  10. Full design in HTML, CSS/SASS

Deadline: in 15 days!!!

Where in the world am I going to find the time to do all of the above?

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