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Cover image for 63. Working on my Python app assignment (Day 61)
Manoj Kumar
Manoj Kumar

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63. Working on my Python app assignment (Day 61)

Another H.O.T Sydney Saturday was spent on my assignment and drinking lots of water!

This is what I achieved today:

  1. Completed the full basic functionalities of my checklist terminal app. It can now accept new entries, delete new entries, mark past entries as complete, view all entries, and exit the menu.

  2. Installed an external package for applying colors to my menu items (

  3. Created an executable Batch Script file, so that anyone can download my repository and execute the program.

  4. Consistent commits and push to GitHub.

  5. Keeping track of my work on a Kanban board.

I thought I was mostly done as far as my program is concerned, but I have run into some errors now with the color package. When I run it outside of the executable file and the virtual environment, I get a "Module Not Found" error. Looks like I may have to install the color package again because it seems to have been deleted when I deleted the virtual environment before.

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Anyway, I will work on this tomorrow I think because it's 11:30 PM now, and I am so sleepy!

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