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Cover image for 28. A Day of Website Development (Day 26)
Manoj Kumar
Manoj Kumar

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28. A Day of Website Development (Day 26)

11/11/2023 work

Today marked a ten-hour study session dedicated to my assignment, and I'm quite content with the progress made. The primary focus was refining the site's overall typography, opting for a combination of Roboto, Poppins, Averia Serif Libre, and Sans Serif as fallback options. Additionally, I crafted a Blog homepage and designed separate pages for five blog posts. Admittedly, the blog posts page doesn't meet my expectations, but given time constraints, it suffices for now without extensive styling.

The day didn't commence smoothly, encountering issues with Git's Fetch & Pull on my primary desktop (computer 1). This setback prompted a shift to my secondary device (laptop, computer 2) to continue with the assignment. Fortunately, two tutors intervened around lunchtime, guiding me through the correct execution of commands. Surprisingly, the fault lay with my approach. I acknowledge the need to practice the Fetch/Pull method between computers and intend to create a personal cheatsheet for this purpose, possibly as a Readme file on GitHub.

Tomorrow's agenda brims with tasks:

  • Site cleanup encompassing fonts, typos, paragraphs, and highlights: 1 hour
  • Development of the resume page and a downloadable resume file: 1.5 hours
  • Website deployment: 30 minutes
  • Revisiting and refining the wireframe diagram: 4 hours

This schedule sets the stage for next week, allowing dedicated focus on the PowerPoint and video presentation.

As the clock strikes 11:58 PM, it's time to bid good night.

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