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Cover image for 52. Lost in class and constructs (Day 50)
Manoj Kumar
Manoj Kumar

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52. Lost in class and constructs (Day 50)

Today in coding class, we delved into two new concepts: Class and Construct. To be honest, I didn't grasp much from this session. Shocking, right?

It felt like everything flew right over my head. This was my first encounter with these topics, and I couldn't wrap my head around their purpose, functionality, or when they should be applied.

So, my two-hour session ended on a rather disheartening note.

I'm just two weeks into learning Python, and even though it's not the most complex language, I keep slipping on the basics. It's frustrating.

Nevertheless, it is what it is. After I finish assignment 2 by this weekend, I've resolved to buckle down and revisit Python from square one. Hard work has to count for something in the end, right?

Time: 9:30 PM. Time to bed. Been a long day at work. Tomorrow is another day.

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