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Cover image for 50. Assignment questions by the hour (Day 48)
Manoj Kumar
Manoj Kumar

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50. Assignment questions by the hour (Day 48)

Today was all about diving into my Python assignment due next Sunday. I had a plan in place and stuck to it, and I'm feeling pretty accomplished. Here's how the day unfolded:

The Assignment Breakdown

We've got a hefty 16 questions to tackle. Around 12 of these lean heavily on theory, demanding a lot of research and writing, while the rest are focused on Python coding.

The Strategy

I knew time was of the essence, so I meticulously planned to dedicate an hour to each question. Last weekend, I'd already taken a crack at Questions 1-3, leaving today's focus on Questions 4 through 12.

The Schedule

  • 8 am - 9 am: Got my day started with breakfast, some laundry, and settling in.
  • 9 am - 10 am: Dived into Question 4.
  • 10 am - 11 am: Juggled through Questions 5 and 6.
  • 11 am - 11:35 am: Took a short break, snacked, and indulged in a bit of daydreaming.
  • 11:35 am - 12:35 pm: Continued with Questions 6 and 7.
  • 12:35 pm - 1:35 pm: Focused solely on Question 8.
  • 1:35 pm - 2 pm: Wrapped up loose ends on Question 8.
  • 2 pm - 3 pm: Took a well-deserved lunch break.
  • 3 pm - 4 pm: Plowed through Questions 9 and 10.
  • 4 pm - 5 pm: Devoted time to Question 12.
  • 5 pm - 6 pm: Tackled Question 14.
  • 6 pm - 10 pm: Took care of dinner, had an evening meditation, completed household chores, journaled, and prepped for tomorrow.

The Outlook

While I didn't manage to finish the entire assignment this weekend, I'm optimistic about hitting the finish line by next Sunday's lunchtime. The secret sauce seems to be strict deadlines, keeping a close eye on the clock for each task, and giving each task my best shot. Slowly but surely, progress is happening.

With a solid plan and a focused approach, this assignment is within reach. Here's to staying disciplined and chipping away at each challenge, bit by bit.

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