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Cover image for Day 24 of 100 Days of Code & Scrum: React Framework for Production!

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Day 24 of 100 Days of Code & Scrum: React Framework for Production!

Hello there, everyone!

I'd be lying to all of you if I said that this Monday was a great start to my week! It was definitely on the rough side with personal/family issues getting in the way.

However, I managed to commit to the requirements of the challenge! I finished the official Next.js tutorial and I am 3/4ths of the way through Scrum and XP from the Trenches.

Anyway, let's move on to my daily report!


I planned for what I'll be doing this week. I decided I'll be focusing on Next.js and Scrum.


Here are the things I learned and worked on today:


  • I learned about the two forms of rendering in Next.js:
    • Static Generation - the page HTML is generated during build time.
    • Server-side Rendering - the page HTML is generated during each request.
  • I read about getStaticProps, getStaticPaths, and getServerSideProps.
    • getStaticProps - fetch data at build time (static generation).
    • getStaticPaths - specify dynamic routes to prerender pages based on data (static generation).
    • getServerSideProps - fetch data on each request (server-side rendering).
  • I learned how to do dynamic routing in Next.js.
  • I read about how Next.js handles API support.


  • I continued to read Scrum and XP from the Trenches.
  • It is best to estimate using man-days instead of hours.
  • no team member has complete focus, the best realistic expectation is a focus factor of 70%.
  • in most cases, it might be best to shorten the time to do manual testing, over taking a long time to establish automated tests.
  • I learned a lot about Extreme Programming.

At least, I managed to get through today and still commit to my goals. I hope that I manage to make up for it on the rest of the days in this week.

Have a great Monday, everyone!

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Resources/Recommended Readings


This is not a guide, it is just me sharing my experiences and learnings. This post only expresses my thoughts and opinions (based on my limited knowledge) and is in no way a substitute for actual references. If I ever make a mistake or if you disagree, I would appreciate corrections in the comments!

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Top comments (12)

darito profile image
David Alonso

Just look at this and now I'm inspired, thank you so much.

rammina profile image

Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad I can inspire someone.

I also like Zelda! Which one was your favorite game in that series?

celebixmay profile image

I love Edward Elric from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask!

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rammina profile image

thanks! I didn't notice got the characters wrong

darito profile image
David Alonso

My favorite is breath of the wild and yours?
Did you think about it because of my profile picture?
Sorry for my bad english i am using google translator haha

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rammina profile image

It's because of your profile picture, yes!
I think a lot of people like BotW a lot, and I'm the same way.

No worries about English.

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darito profile image
David Alonso

My profile picture is from an anime called Full metal alchemist but you got the zelda thing right :o
Do you like anime?

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rammina profile image

Whoops! did not realize that was Edward and Winry.

And yes I do like anime :)

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darito profile image
David Alonso

Hahahaha don't worry .
That they are very similar.
What is your favorite anime?

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rammina profile image

I'm not sure what my favorite anime is.
Fate/Zero, S;G, ReZero, HxH, Bloom into You

I guess I like dark stories huh?

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darito profile image
David Alonso

Yes, but they are very good
From the list I have not seen any: c

which one do you recommend first?

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rammina profile image

What genre do you like?

F/Z - Battle Royale
S;G - time travel
HxH - shounen
Re Zero - I keep dying again and again