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Day 15 of 100 Days of Code & Scrum: Second Weekly Retrospective

Happy weekend, everyone!

Today marks the end of the second week, and so I will be doing a Sprint Review and Retrospective as I mentioned back then, at the beginning of this challenge.

My Previous Weekly Sprint Goals

For reference, here were the Sprint Goals for this week:

Weekly Sprint Goals

  • focus on learning Scrum principles
  • study for Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I) certification
  • write some guides about Scrum
  • continue learning GraphQL
  • continue networking
  • no interviews for this week

gulp How much of these have I accomplished?

Weekly Review

I think I finished around 80% of my Sprint Goals for this week, but I didn't really finish any guide that I planned to write...

In any case, here were the things I've done:

  • I have reread The 2020 Scrum Guide multiple times while trying to write guides for Scrum.
  • write an incomplete draft for Introduction to Scrum, which covers Scrum as a framework, the Scrum Team and its members, and Scrum Artifacts such as the Product Backlog, the Sprint Backlog, and the Increment.
  • worked on completely revamping my User Story Guide, because the first one really sucks and was just a short post.
  • used Anki flashcards to study for the PSM I certification exam.
  • studied server-side GraphQL and reviewed some of the things I've learned last week.
  • I definitely networked a lot on multiple platforms.
  • I made a new Twitter account.


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Weekly Retrospective

Moving on, let's tackle what I've managed to do well, what my shortcomings are, and what I could do better next time.

What Went Great

  • met my learning goals for Scrum.
  • managed to continue learning about GraphQL, and not forgetting the things I've learned from last week.
  • I was able to work towards writing the guide articles.
  • reached out to multiple people on different platforms.
  • not part of my weekly goals, but I learned a lot about SEO.

Some Mistakes I've Made

  • I'm just bad at managing my time, I check social media too much.
  • forgot to install a website blocker to stop myself from checking off-topic content.

Things I Could Improve On

  • most likely check emails, social media, and blog on a set schedule instead.
  • I should definitely install something that blocks me from checking certain sites at a specific time.
  • prioritize tasks that are more likely to help me meet my weekly goals.

Got Through the Second Week

The second week was definitely a lot more stressful than the first one, mostly because of personal life issues happening.

However, I managed to commit to my goals and make progress because of the rules of the challenge. I may not have achieved everything that I intended to on this week, but I'm at least partially done with them. I do recommend everyone to try doing the 100 Days of Code challenge, it's really fulfilling and helpful.

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Thank you to everyone who supported me and interacted with me during the past weeks!

Good luck on your developer journeys, and I wish you the best. Have a great weekend, everyone!

Resources/Recommended Readings


This is not a guide, it is just me sharing my experiences and learnings. This post only expresses my thoughts and opinions (based on my limited knowledge) and is in no way a substitute for actual references. If I ever make a mistake or if you disagree, I would appreciate corrections in the comments!

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Feel free to reach out to me in other media!

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