It's week 47 of 2024. What are you doing this week?
My son has a school event today so half day for job search and coding. Then see what I can do afterwards. I miss when school meeting were online.
If I added all my posts right, this is part 100 of this series. Wow! I made the series to give people a place to state their goals and have some public accountability,
What are your goals for the week?
- What are you building?
- What are you working on this week?
- Are you attending any meet ups this week?
This Week's Goals
- Continue Job Search.
- Project work. Need to get back to coding React.
- Blog.
- Events.
- Creativity event. I think most of it is prerecorded but there are some live panels.
- Thursday Virtual Coffee
- Run a goal setting thread on Virtual Coffee(VC) Slack.
- November is Virtual Coffee's blogging challenge. As a group we are aiming to write 50,000 words.
- My personal goal is to beat my word count from last year. Count to beat is 5,517. I need to blog more often. Looking for inspiration.
How I did last week
- [✅] Continue Job Search.
- [✅] Project work. Need to get back to coding React. Worked on it but didn't make much progress.
- Blog.
- Events.
- No local events
- [❌] Thursday Virtual Coffee
- [✅] Run a goal setting thread on Virtual Coffee(VC) Slack.
- [✅] November is Virtual Coffee's blogging challenge. As a group we are aiming to write 50,000 words.
- My personal goal is to beat my word count from last year. Count to beat is 5,517.
- Progress 2,156 / 5,517
Tell us your Goals for the week
Your turn what do you plan to do this week?
- What are you building?
- What are you working on?
- Are you attending any meet ups this week?
Cover image is my LEGO photography of an Aarakocra Ranger from D&D aiming at a target.
-$JarvisScript git commit -m "Almost turkey time"
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