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Daily Challenge #117 - MinMinMax

Given an unsorted array of integers, find the smallest number in the array, the largest number in the array, and the smallest number between the two array bounds that are not in the array.

For instance, given the array [-1, 4, 5, -23, 24], the smallest number is -23, the largest number is 24, and the smallest number between the array bounds is -22. You may assume the input is well-formed.

Your solution should return an array [smallest, minimumAbsent, largest]

The smallest integer should be the integer from the array with the lowest value.

The largest integer should be the integer from the array with the highest value.

The minimumAbsent is the smallest number between the largest and the smallest number that is not in the array.

minMinMax([-1, 4, 5, -23, 24]); //[-23, -22, 24]
minMinMax([1, 3, -3, -2, 8, -1]); //[-3, 0, 8]
minMinMax([2, -4, 8, -5, 9, 7]); //[-5, -3,9]

This challenge comes from kodejuice on CodeWars. Thank you to CodeWars, who has licensed redistribution of this challenge under the 2-Clause BSD License!

Want to propose a challenge idea for a future post? Email with your suggestions!

Oldest comments (14)

wheatup profile image

I'm sure there's less time complexity one but this boi will get its job done

const minMinMax = arr => {
    const [min, max] = [...arr].sort().splice(1, arr.length - 3);
    for (let i = min + 1; i < max; i++) {
        if (!arr.includes(i)) {
            return [min, i, max];
    return [min, undefined, max];

minMinMax([-1, 4, 5, -23, 24]); // [ -23, -22, 24 ]
craigmc08 profile image
Craig McIlwrath

Haskell solution:

import Data.List ((\\))

minminmax :: (Ord a, Enum a) => [a] -> (a, a, a)
minminmax xs = let min = minimum xs
                   max = maximum xs
                   range = [min..max] \\ xs
               in  (min, head range, max)

The \\ operator is the list difference, and the .. can be used on any enum type to build a list. This means this works for a large number of types, like:

minminmax "sonicthehedgehog" = ('c', 'f', 't')
mercatante profile image
Steven Mercatante
function minMinMax(arr) {
  // Sorting `arr` lets us easily select the min and max values
  arr.sort((a, b) => a - b)
  const min = arr[0]
  const max = arr[arr.length - 1]

  // Starting at the `min` number, search between 
  // `min` and `max` until you find a value that's not in `arr`
  let minimumAbsent = null
  for (let i = min; i < max; i++) {
    if (!arr.includes(i)) {
      minimumAbsent = i

  return [min, minimumAbsent, max]

minMinMax([-1, 4, 5, -23, 24]); //[-23, -22, 24]
// minMinMax([1, 3, -3, -2, 8, -1]); //[-3, 0, 8]
// minMinMax([2, -4, 8, -5, 9, 7]); //[-5, -3, 9]

Runnable example:

j_medland profile image
John Medland

Here is a solution with LabVIEW. Not tried LabVIEW? The community edition beta is now open!🎉🎉

Coding Challange 117 - LabVIEW Snippet

kesprit profile image

My solution in Swift, I check if the array is not empty and bigger than two elements :

func minMinMax(array: [Int]) -> [Int] {
    guard !array.isEmpty, array.count > 2,
        let min = array.min(),
        let max = array.max(),
        let minimumAbsent = ((min...max).first{!array.contains($0)})
        else {
            return []
    return [min, minimumAbsent, max]
aminnairi profile image


import List exposing (minimum, maximum, member)
import Maybe exposing (withDefault)

nextUnknownInteger : Int -> List Int -> Int
nextUnknownInteger integer integers =
        nextInteger = integer + 1
        if member nextInteger integers then
            nextUnknownInteger nextInteger integers

minMinMax : List Int -> List Int
minMinMax integers =
        minimumInteger     = withDefault 0 <| minimum integers
        maximumInteger     = withDefault 0 <| maximum integers
        nextMinimumInteger = nextUnknownInteger minimumInteger integers

        [minimumInteger, nextMinimumInteger, maximumInteger]



dak425 profile image
Donald Feury
min, *middle, max = arr.sort

Can you explain this part? I haven't seen sort used like this before.

dak425 profile image
Donald Feury

Holy crap I had no idea you could do that in Ruby. Thank ya for the old post that explained it very clearly.

dak425 profile image
Donald Feury

That is fascinating, I had no idea. I will keep that in mind.

kiliman profile image
Kiliman • Edited

TypeScript with tests

export const minMinMax = (
  set: number[],
): [number, number | undefined, number] => {
  if (set.length < 1) {
    throw new Error('set must include at least one number')
  const sorted = [...set].sort((a, b) => a - b)
  const smallest = sorted[0]
  const largest = sorted[set.length - 1]
  let minimumAbsent = smallest + 1
  for (let i = 1; i < sorted.length; i++) {
    if (minimumAbsent !== sorted[i]) break

  return [
    minimumAbsent > largest ? undefined : minimumAbsent,


import { minMinMax } from '.'

it('should throw an error if less than one element', () => {
  expect(() => minMinMax([])).toThrow()

it('should return smallest, minimumAbsent, largest from array of numbers', () => {
  expect(minMinMax([-1, 4, 5, -23, 24])).toStrictEqual([-23, -22, 24])
  expect(minMinMax([1, 3, -3, -2, 8, -1])).toStrictEqual([-3, 0, 8])
  expect(minMinMax([2, -4, 8, -5, 9, 7])).toStrictEqual([-5, -3, 9])

it('should return undefined for minimumAbsent if not present between smallest and largest', () => {
  expect(minMinMax([-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3])).toStrictEqual([-3, undefined, 3])

it('should support a single number', () => {
  expect(minMinMax([1])).toStrictEqual([1, undefined, 1])

it('should support two numbers', () => {
  expect(minMinMax([1, 2])).toStrictEqual([1, undefined, 2])
  expect(minMinMax([1, 3])).toStrictEqual([1, 2, 3])
peter279k profile image

Here is the PHP code snippets:

function minMinMax($array) {
  $ans = [];
  $ans[0] = min($array);

  $number = $ans[0];
  while (true) {
    $number += 1;

    $ans[1] = $number;
    if (in_array($ans[1], $array) === false) {

  $ans[2] = max($array);

  return $ans;
colorman4 profile image

Lucky to read this article, this is amazing, thanks for sharing!

shinelee profile image

Explanatory post. Thanks for sharing with US. I am lucky to read this content. Sure. But Array#sort is secondary here, it works with any array on the right hand side of an assignment thank you from walgreenslistens blog for walgreens survey

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